The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 15, 1916, Image 2

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    Pistol Tot ini:, Dots
Most of The Killing
’‘Pistol lol'n in io! -r i ii
criminate carrying of iiiv inns re
sults in more deaths than all rail
road accidents; more than five,
times as many as street car ncci
dents; nearly as many as street
car and raiiroad accidents com
bined, and more than 'wice as
many as automobile accidents.
Figures of the United States
census bureau just compiled on
causes of death for 1915 show
Deaths due to use of firearms in
the registration area of the United
State m 1915 was 7, 94. The area
covers o< per cent of the popula
lion. This is equal to about 12,900
deaths in the entire country or the
equivalent of 11.9 per cent for
each 100,000 of population.
Of these deaths ,*,603 were sui
cide, 2,886 murders and 1,501 acci
The figures show that nearly
onethird of all deaths iu the United
States were due- to three causes —
heart disease, tuberculosis ind
Nearly two-thirds were charged
to twelve causes —the three nam
ed, and in addition Bright’s disease
and nephritis, causer, apoplexy,
diarrhea and enteritis, arterial
diseases, diabetes, influenza, dip
theria uid typhoid fever.
Deaths f;om heart diseases
showed a masked increase as
compared with 1900. when the
rate was 120 1 per 100,000 popula
tion. In 1915 the rate was 156.2
in each 100,000.
Tuberculosis* is steadily declin
ing. From 1914 to 1915 the death
rate fell from 200 to 141 8
100,000 population, the decline
being cnnlinuou? from year to
year. This is a drop of more than
25 per cent.
The death rate from pneumonia
has shown a marked decline since
1900, when it was 150.5 per 100,-
000 The 1915 rate was 102 7 per
Cancer is on the increase, and so
is the rate of death from apoplexy,
but diarrhoea and enteritis have
shown a marked decline.
Olh r dis■•as--s have been for the
most part u.ea lily reduc 'd in their
mortaiitv rates. In 1915 the d nth
rate per 1,0.40 population wasl.9 5
—tiie lowest on record. Th • most
favorable ;> tr prior to 1915 was
1914, for winch the rate was 13.6
per thousand of population.
No Higher Price for This
While food and clothing have
advanced in co-t, it is well for the
sick that the prices of such relia
ble family remedies as Foley Kid
ney Pills are not increased. Per
sons in moderate circumstaces
find doctors’ bills hard to pay in
the easiest of times. Don’t neg
lect w- ak, tired or disordered kid
neys. Foley Kidney Pills cost lit
tle and relieve backache, wains in
sides and loins, sore muscles, stiff
joints, rheumatic pains and annoy
ing bladder trouble. McDonough
Drug Co.
H unters Notice.
Parties desiring hunters license
will find me at tne McDonough
postoffice always ready to issue
them promptly, and sportsmen
and hunters of all kinds are urged
to strictly observe the law.
County Game Warden.
Last Round.
Locust Grove, Wednesday Dec.
Stockbridge, Thursday 14.
Hampton, Frida.’, 15.
McDonough every Saturday un
til nooks close Dec. 20.
Veterans to Use Line
Built by (' of'deracy
Co f -der.tte veteia s who trav
el to Washington o»-er the South
rn K.iii . yt > attend lh< i annual
; n an, Miy 28-Jjue 2, 191 1, will
ride over one stretch. -IS miles in
length, which was built oy Con
federate soldiers and has remain
id as perhaps th* 1 most perma
neat monument of any work dune
by the Confederacy. This is the
line h» tween Greensboro, N. C,
and Danville, Va., now a part of
tne Smithi rii’s Atlanta-Washing
ton line.
Wht n the war began there wrs
no railroad connecting the Rich
mond and Danville with the North
C irolina system of railroads. The
Confederate authorities saw the
strategic value of such a line and
were able to bring to bear suffi
cient pressure to overcome the
obstacles, wlrch had previously
stood in the way of the construc
tion owing t i tin; rivalry of North
Carolina and Virginia, each State
seeking to protect its own railway
when at the close of the war the
line was confiscated by the United
States as one of the assets of the
Confederacy, there was prolonged
litigation before the Richmond
and Danville secured undisputed
The origin of this line is retner -
bered in many local traditions and
names, among them “Tennessee
Curve” said to have been so call
ed because the grading at tiiis
point was done by men of a Ten
nessee regiment.
Since the Southern Railway un
dertook its extensive improve
ment program this entire line has
been double tracked, but despite
the many improvements that have
been made, the location as deter
mined by the war-time engineers,
has never been changed. So
well did they do their work when
the double tracking was under
taken very few changes were
found necessary and, in the main,
the work was simply the con
struction of a paiallel track.
3 Oranges, 3 Tangerines, 2, 3 and
6 Apples ft r 5 cents, sold at the
Variety Store.
Will pay 15 cents for cow
hides at Thompson’s Shop.
For Rent.
A brick store 25x80. A four
room and a six-room dwelling.
2t Locust Grove, Ga.
All kinds of cleaning and press
ing for ladies and gents. First
class wor k —called for and deliver
ed promptly. Right prices. John
All parties indebted to the es
tate of Henry Woodward are
hereby notified to make imme
diate settlement, as it is necessary
to enter ;uit noon all unsettled
claims Januar y 1
Gin Days.
Beginning MONDAY, NOV. 8.
ginning days in McDonough w II
be Tuesdays and Fridays of
each week.
Opposite Union Depot on Pryor
St. Renovated and refurnished
throughout. Reservations made
on application. Hot and cold
water, private baihs, electric
lights and elevator. First class
accommodations at moderate
Rooms 50c p aTuV
Fli sto Washington.
(>. D Rleukley of*Franklin, Pa.,
r< presentative«eiect, made an
aeroplane flight from Philadel
phia to Washington hi his own
biplane, piloted by Sergeant Wil
liam C. Ocker of the United States
Army. Mr. Bleakley declared iie
was “the first man to come to
Congress by aeroplane.” About
two hours were consumed in act
ual flying, and one stop was made
in the suburbs of Baltimore. The
machine circled Washington Mon
ument several times before alight
“Here’s a millionai e says you
soon get tired of riding in private
yachts and nutombiles.”
“Not half as tired as vou get of
walking a couple of miles to work
every day just to save carfare.”
Peter (lovingly) —My wife
made me what I am. Philip
(cuttingly)—Have you forgiven
h* r yet?
I have opened a shoe and har
ness shop in the Green & Tarpley
building, and with 22 years’ expe
rience guarantee satisfaction. All
patronage appreciated.
T. J. Ingram.
For sale at a bargain, Borders
place, if traded before January 1,
as house will be torn away after
that date. Apply at once. W. T.
Atkinson, at store.
For Rent —Good two-horse farm
near McDonough, to reliable party
who can furnish own stock and
supplies. Mrs. W. E. Ham.
Put your Weekly a year ahead
while it is only a $.
They Let Him
Sleep Soundly
"Since taking: Foley Kidney Pill;
I believe 1 am entirely cured and 1
sleep soundly ail night.” H. T.
Take two of Foley Kidney Pills
■with a glass of pure wat, r after each,
meal and at bedtime. A quick and
easy way to put a stop to your get
ting up time after time during the
Foley Kidney Pills also stop pain
in back and sides, headaches, stom
ach troubles, disturbed heart action,
stiff and aching joints, arid rheumatic
pains due to kidney and bladder ail
int.-: fa.
’ Vijvesvtlle, Ga., It. It. No. 3. Mr.
li. . Straynge says: ‘"For ten years
I've been usable to sleep all ni; ht
without getting- up. Sometimes o iv a
few minutes after going to bet i’(j
have to get up, and I tried every l:ng
I heard of for the trouble. Last . ar
I tried Foley Kidney l'ilis and after
taking one bottle I believe I am en
tirely cured, and I sleep soundly all
The McDonough Drug Co.
Pm m
m W ' Izfy tam ni iii i min imi■llllll
W i&b&tiLS W W
TIRE REPAIR PLANT installed in Joel Bankston's Shop is now
ready for business. The plant is complete in every detail—-even the
larger cities having no better facilities for caring patrons' needs.
I can take a tire that is badly v/orn. cut, or snagged and by removing
the defective parts and vulcanizing into them new rubber, make the
tire almost as durable and serviceable as when new.
The first thing I want to do is to gain the confidence of automobile
owners. I realize that trade is won, held, and built on good work
and the confidence of my patrons must be justified by the quality of my
service. Guaranteeing absolute satisfaction in all work, I am,
Yours to serve,
Phone 20-J McDONOUGH, GA.
Don't forget to pay your account and get a chance at the free wagon.
Fils Class for nil Errors of He
f ruction.
Makes a Specialty of Fifs-U Nose
Will i»e at l.ocnst Gnve first
Thursdays, Stockbridge first Fri
days of each month.
Office East Side Macon St., Mc-
Donough, Ga.
I’pe lurch 16 use, L oust Grove.
Bella h House, StoMcbridu'c.
Children Cry for Fietciier’s
The Sind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
In use lor over over 39 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
Ali Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good. ” are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children —Exoerience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR (A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea —The Mother’s Friend.
In Use Per Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
We ars in position to handle quickly, with a
I minimum of red tape, applications for loans on
I good improved farms, at current rates*
Creen, Titson <& McKinney, Attorneys.
tl 1701-2-3-4-S-6-7-8-S Hurt Bsc3g. Atlanta, Ga,
Pay your subscription now and
save the i aise at least one more
year ahead. Ail payments before
January Ist wiii give the sub
scribe r the old dollar rate tor as
many years as paid ahead.
Office Hol es :
7.30 to 12 A. M. 1 oo 5 P. M.
McDonough, Ga,