The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 15, 1916, Image 4
| ast Call special cH R! STM AS |p ecial FREE! FREE! I J With Every sls With Every $5 Purchase % ' gj f Purchase WC give we win m f t | & %?* >'#& , r . a -f i f 1 # Lss away a nice sz*dU Give Away S % fc.l | | A p REE Nice Dolls and Toys MkM % % !% R ’' ' "" AT TH E FA I R STORE The Entire Stock of Cloaks, Tailor Made Suits, Dresses, Shoes, Clothing and Hats CUT TO HALF PRICE ONLY EIGHT SHOPPING HAYS TO CHRISTMAS And every moment of this time will have its pleasurable anticipations of the most unselfish day ot the year. You can almost see the time flying past, so quickly is the great holiday coming. Many who have waited until Christmas to buy their Pall and Winter apparel and accessories and other needfuls will profit mightily by the splendid savinqs these timely offerings bring. In our endeavors to keep prices down we have given and will contin je to give the public an opportunity to obtain the very best in the new and smartest wearing apparel at the lowe-t cost of production. Through ihis method we have succeeded in building up a “Volvume” Business, and dispose of large quantities of merchandise. This enables us to be in constant touch with the big markets and places us in a position to purchase libera! and often, and that is why you will find OUR STOCK ALWAYS NEW, FRESH and COMPLETE Come early and get the benefit of our Special Christmas Sale We have too many goods to name prices on all of them, but we assure you that you’ll find prices here that you never dreamed were possible. SI.OO dose the work of $2.00 here. Come, and tell your friends to come. REMEMBER! This stock is new and Clean in Every Way Are You Coming ? Dixie Highway. Cotton going dcwn. Wheat and nits looking fine. Mr. Hadley Stanfield visited home folks Sunday. Mr. Kmment Wallace is flag gin, on the Central of Ga. for awhile. Mr. John Darsey suffered a severe spell of acute indigestion last Sunday morning. Mrs. H. W. Compton and daugh ter Miss Hettie spent the week end with Mrs. Roy Harris in At lanta. Robt Carmichael, one of Love joy’s hustling merchants, was seen on the Highway Sunday afternoon. Mrs George Lumpkin of Grif fin visited her mother, Mrs. Mc- Lendon in Hampton last week. Several extra gangs on the Central R tilr ad between Hamp ton and Lovejoy laying new rails and preparing for the block system. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harris and little daughter, Vivian of Hamp ton went to Atlanta one day last week. Mr. Lon Barnett of Blackjack visited his daughter, Mis. Vera Darsey in East Point last Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Banks and Air. and Mrs. Watson Stanfield visited relatives at Senoia Sunday. Mr. Oxi'o \1 Barn He, Mr. and Mrs. R H. Chinn, Mr. Oscar Tarpley, Mr. Mr. and Mrs H. M. Barnett'- and littla duu r’der Mriam went to At lanta last Thurs lav and wib’esed the Birth of a Nation. Mr. Bos Wallace has returned to The Fair Store M. GELFIWAN, Manager : : McDONOUGH. GA. Come around and let us SHOW you Gordon Well, Mr. Editor, no news much this week, as everybody is attend ing the revival which is going on at Bethel church, hut it is worth much more to go to it than visit ing. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Whit and little daughter spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Swann. Miss Dovie Wilson of near Stockbridge was the guest of Miss Annie Mitchell Thursday night. Mrs. H. W. Minor and children of Atlanta, spent last week with her people, Mrs. John Turpin and children. We are glad to note Mrs. M. F. Martin is still improving. Miss Bunnie Miller spent Thurs day night with her sister, Mrs. Roy Sims of near Union. On account of the Revival at Bethel we will postpone our box supper at Gordon, until Friday night Dec. 22, everybody is in vited. One, Two, Three. his work in South A'abnma after visiting home folks a few days. Mrs. Henry Chinn shipped a fine lot of turkeys to Armour & Co. recently YOUNG FELLOW. There is rrore Catarrh in this sc 'tion of the country than ail oilier diseases put together, and for years it was sup posed to be incurable. Doctors pre scribed local remedies, and by constant ly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly influenced by con stitutional conditions and therefore re quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is a consti tutional remedy, is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars reward is offered for any case that Hall s»Catarrh Cure fails to cure. Send for circulars andttestimonials. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. u— 1 THE UNIVERSAL CAR FORD SERVICE Always complete with full line of accessories, tires, tubes for Ford owners. Just received full outfit for shop similar to that of original Ford plant. Always ready for everything you want at AMIS’ GARAGE, McDONOUGH, GA, CALL IN TO SEE US j Wan ted —Your Christmas Advertisement i REMEMBER! The Place Look For The Fair Store