The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 15, 1916, Image 5
-• Local Happenings Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M. Regular communications of Fraternal Lodge Xo. 37 F & .V M in,et Ist and ad Flrday nights in each month. AH duly qualified brethren fraternally and cor aially invited to meet with us. J. E. Hootkn, VV. m. W. A. HARPEU, Sec, Hey! Christimas. Visit the Variety Store for your Xmas goods. Mrs. Joel Bankston spent Mon day in Atlanta. Highest market price for hides at Thompson’s Shop. Mrs. E. M. Smith was a visitor to Atlanta Thursday. A fresh supply of stick and fancy Candies at the Variety Store. Highest market price paid for scrap cotton. John Rodgers. Mrs. Hugh Turner visited in Atlanta several days last week. One lot nice lace curtains 75c pair. McDonough Trading Co. Wanted —100 Imad co'lards — need them. G. W. Cavenaugh. Miss Annie Lemon has been visiting friends in Atlanta this week. Mr. Parham Smith of Atlanta was the guest of relatives here Friday. Mrs. E. D. Tolleson and Miss Lucile Tolleson spent Saturday in Atlanta. Speer examines your eyes free, and furnishes you with the best glasses. Farm lands for sale, rent or lease. C. D. McDonald, McDon ough, Ga. Have just received a new supply Dynamite, Fuse and Caps. W. B. J. Ingram. 500 yards 12 1-2 and 15c. Qual ity Suitings 10c yd. McDonough Trading Co. Misses Bertha Bunn and Edith Ellington were shopping in At lanta Saturday. Mrs. Cora Hill of Bullochville visited her daughter, Mrs. Alex Brown, last week. Mrs. Charles T. Zachry is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Clifford Mayson, in Atlanta. Mesdaines R. A. Sloan, A. K. Brown and Cora Hill spent last Thursday in Atlanta. Our people have learned that Speer’s glasses are the best, and he saves them money. Miss Annie G. Thompson has returned home, after a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Clifford Mayson, in Atlanta. Mrs. Charles Welch has return ed to her home in Atlanta, after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bankston. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Hancock ar rived Monday from their wedding trip, and are at home to their friends at Mr. and Mrs. E. D. 10l leson’s. Miss Kathleen Walker has re turned to Tier home in Griffin, after a vis t to her sisters, Mes dames Asa Lemon and Talmadge Carmichael. Mrs. Fred Walker entertained at a delightful party Tuesday af ternoon. After an enjoyable game of rook, a salad course with tea was served. Mr. and Mrs. R. 1.. Turner re turned home Friday from Atlanta, where Mr. Turner had been at St. Joseph’s Infirmary with a broken limb. His many friends are glad to see him at his desk in the First National Bank again. All hands m ound for Christmas! Mrs. S. W. Farrar spent Mon day in Atlanta. 3 Bananas for 5 cents sold at the Variety Store. Highest market price paid for scrap cotton. John Rodgers. Lme hire vVoiks of ail kinds for Xmas. Copelana-Turner Mrc. Co. Will pay highest market pr'ee for scrap cotton and peas. Olin K mbell. Will be absent from my office after December 22d to January 1. O. L. Adams. Get nice pair lace curtains for 75 cents while they last. McDon ough Trading Co. The first quarterly conference of the Methodist church will be held here Dec. 24. Only 10 cents yard for nice 12 1-2 and 15c Quality Suitings at McDonough Trading Co. Mrs. Jim Fields of McDonough was the guest of Mrs. Olin King Sunday.—Jackson Progress. Hon. John T. Oglesby has re turned from Borden Wheeler, where he spent a month or two. Miss Carrie Lucy Dailey of At lanta spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Annie Whitehaad. See us for Xmas Testaments and Bibles —nothing more appro priate. Copeland - Turner Mrc. Co. Tax Collector Wallace is the busiest man in the county just now —everybody rushing to get in before the books close. It delights our delivery boys to make trips to yout house. They are on the alert to be prompt. Call us often and let us till your orders. Copeland - Turner Mrc. Co. Already the mails are heavy, and although the “rush” is ; t yet on, Postmaster Scott predicts the largest Christmas busines this year in the history of the Me Do no ugh postoffice. Mr. Eugene Henley of Broken Bowl Oklahoma, spent the past week with hi> cousin, Mr. C. V. Henley, of Locust Grove. Mr. Henley is a prosperous farmer, and reports cotton and other crops good in his section tiiis year. Mr. T. J. Stewart, one of Beer sheba’s excellent citizens, dropped in to subrcriDe for The Weekly a few days ago, and incinentaliy in forms us that he has never slept a single night away from home where he has lived continuously thirty-five years. Next. Stolen —one bale of cotton from Sworance Watson on my place in Sandy Ridge Wednesday night, Dec. 6. $25 reward or any information to convince B. F. Grant. Still another instance that advertising pays corrms to the Copeland Turner Mer. Co. A small loci! in a recent issue of The Weekly brought them an order from Dothan, Alabama, for two boxes of Yates apples. First come first served. Henry county’s gin report shows 1d,468 bales up to Dec. 1, aeaics 21,592 to same date last year, and it now seems that the general esti a be <*! about 18,000 bales will be very nearly crrect tor 1916, though some have guess ed 20,000 or more, while others placed it as icw as 15,000. Highest marked price paid for scrap cotton. John Rodgers. Mr. A. J. Holloway of Flippen killed the largest hog of the season last Tuesday, so far as reported, weighing 580 pounds gross and 450 net, and exactly filling a one horse wagon body in length. Rev. F. Oglesgy officiated at the burial of mo: her Swann last week, her ivmains being laid to rest in the old Swann burial ground on Sonin liver in Rockdale, original ly H. :; y c unty, beside those of her husband, who preceded hr a number of years ago. A very interesting description of the quaint old burial ground is given by Brother Oglesby. The many friends of Mr. Jack Brannan will be pleased to learn t lat he has been made sargeant i his company, after about three months’ duty on the border. This promotion from a private speaks well for Mr. Brannan, and his ability as a marksman has already been shown while stationed at Wa.-hLglon, D. C., and upon one occasion acted as body guard to President Wilson. For Sale—Model 33 Hudson 4 passenger automobile in good slnoe. well worth the money. 5 good tires. Jno. R. Smith, Mc- Donough. Ga. Thanks. We desire to thank our friends for the gifts contributed in the donation party last Monday even ing. We will not forget the kind ness. Mr. & Mrs. H. S. Smith. Consent Sale. Will be sold before the court house door in McDonough within the legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in January next, one house and lot in rear of the coo ed Baptist church, known as the Ike Owen place. Sold by agreement for settle ment of debt. J. A. Fouche. PUBLIC) SALE. Will be sold to the highest bd der for cash, on the premises at 10 o’clock Monday, Dec. 18, one horse, one mule, 12 or 15 head of hogs, household and kitchen fur niture, including 3 feather beds etc. Sale for purpose of change in business. Dec. 7, 1916. T. J. Williams, Locust Grove, Ga. L. Lee Sheppy, Bth tloor, 243, W. Will street, New York City, general sales manager of the larg est concern of its kind in the world, wants three or four men m Henry com and several men .11 adjoining countie , to work for him Mjkti t 1 time or ail tiio time, tie ottu ns son: tti >se who have h tag or ;t uio, v7,,rit is very plens mt ami no previona aeliiig; expe rience is liccessar.t Work con sists o' leaving a wonderful new household necessity in the homes on free trial. Tests at more ti an 30 of the loading universities and the Government Bureau of Stand ards show this no., article to be times as efficient as any arti le now in general use in this sec tion. Aitvolejs needed in every rural home and benefits every member of the household, bring ing cheer, comfort. and happiness into th home. Not nec ssarv to be awa ’ from home nifbts. Pav from $1! to #ls P ar day accotding to ability and number of homes visited In writing Mr Shoppv. mention whal townshins "ill be most convenient for von to work in ; what vonr regnbir ocennatior. is; vonr age; married or single how long von have lived in the ; community, what kind of a rig or auto yon have, whether yon wish to work spare time or steadv. how much time von will have to devote to the work, when von can start, and about how nmnv horn“S are within six mibs of von in each di rection "phis is a splendid r npor trinity for several men in Henrv county and counties adjoining to make good money, working steady or spare time. Some of the field men earn S3OO per month ; one farmer earned SI,OOO working spare time only. No investment or bond neo ‘ssary. Austin's 10c Store Headquarters for Santa Claus Something for Every One We will have something for mother, father, sister, broth er, and the little ones. Be sure you see our line bet ore you buy. We have in stock nice Clocks, Knives, Vases, Dishes, China, Bowls, Military Sets, Water Sets, Dinner Sets, Books, Stat: mry, Knives and Forks, Silverware, Express Wagors, .1 a elry, Wheel Barrows, Chafing Dis’ es, Vel . inodes, Hobby Horses, Teddy Bears, Dolls, Swin 's, Mi" rs, Engines. Steam Engines, Electrical Toys, DMI !> ds, Doll Trunks, Telephones, Magic Lanterns, Bath Tubs, Go Carts, Doll Furniture, Banks, Registers, Dancing Bears, Salad Bowls, and hundreds of other different articles. Be Sure to See Our Line of v CROCKERY Just received a new line of crockery well worth your time and money to look it over. Bought before the ad vance—we can save you money on your crockery. We have nice Dinner Sets from 18 pieces up to 30 piece®. Be sure to pay us a visit. Austin’s 1 Oe Store In the Copeland Block The Red Front Store Your Interests Are Ours The business of this store is based upon service to its customers. What ever will best promote the interest c/f our customers will best promote our interest. Our line of Furniture, Stoves, and Ranges is still complete. We have had the best furniture trade for the past four years than we have ever had, and we at tribute this to the fact that we SPEC IALIZE on this and the Unde taking business; therefore it stands to reason that we can serve you to the very best advantage. We extend you a cordial in vitation to visit our store when in need of anything in our line. HOWARD CARMICHAEL Fliß'N CO. The Store of Service-