Newspaper Page Text
Oil Mops, large, well
made, for all kinds oi
waxed and painted
floors, lo close out 39c.
In every department we have practical gifts for all. Give Useful Gifts. We have
never been so well prepared for the Yule Tide Season. People seem to be embued
with the spirit of giving useful gifts. Such gifts carry the sentiment of Christmas,
and at the same time are a real pleasure and comfort to the recipient.
Xmas Gifts for All the Family
» Trunks,
Bags, and
Suit Cases
Make an ideal gift.
We have a good assort
ment at most reasoable
Umbrellas and Parasols
The good, useful kind; all style handle for
ladies and gentlemen.
SI.OO to $5.00
A Gift Suggestion
We believe SHOES would appeal to your friends and family and show in
a practical way your esteem. There are many styles to select from in our
store, indeed so many that a visit is made a pleasure.
Bedroom Shoes, colors, SI.OO Silk Hose, all colors, 50c to SI.OO
Crockery, Crockery
New line of decorated and plain.
One decorated floral Dinner <£ H /T A
Set, 112 pieces - - *4) / ♦DU
One gold decorated Dinner <T f A
Set, 1 12 pieces - - 4) > U
One white and gold decorated Dinner
Set, new "Republic” shape, decorated
with 1-8 inch gold band and fancy de
sign on all edges, <P f D CO
100 pieces - -
Make lovely Christmas presents.
We have just put in our regular BARGAIN COUN
TER, on which will be offered from day to day real bar
gains Many, many articles in these lots that will make
useful Xmas presents.
Copeland-Turner Mercantile Co.
We are truly proud of our Handkerchiefs. You
will certainly have no trouble in selecting handkerchiefs
for gift purposes if you get a peep at the lovely show
ing we are making. We have the very newest things
in Linen, Crepe and Jap Silks.
3 Embroidered Handkerchiefs in Xmas box 25c
3 Embroidered Handkerchiefs in Ymas box 50c
Children's Handkerchiefs, 3 in box, 15 and 25c
Why not give Dad a new
Hat for his Xmas present.
He will be pleased.
$ 2 2.50 M SB.OO
$25.00 $ SIO.OO
$37.50 $20.00
Car load before the advance, buy now and save the 1917 ad
vances. Special Xmas prices on a few three-burner New Perfec
tion Oil Cook Stoves.
Christmas Neckwear
Always an acceptable and useful gift. Some rare and pretty col
orings in stripes, figures, and plaids. We commend them to every gift
50c and SI.OO in holiday boxes
Wholesale Department
Use this department otten, use it soon and late, you will be repaid daily.
Received a letter this week from a customer in a distant State ordering two boxes of
choice Yates Apples. Buy them by the box. Supply limited.
All kinds Nuts, Raisins, Candies, Indian River Oranges, Grapefruit, Grapes,
and Cocoanuts.
'■JpHE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT is galore with us, every article purchased at this
sale means not only money saved, but a true Xmas reminder carried into your
home as the real Yule season co nes on.
GIFTS, Useful and Practical
Now is the time to flu l inSP
buy. Nothing will
be appreciated
more as a gift. ■BIzANKETS
Special Priced Rugs
An extra good quality Velvet Rug, a nice
size, at a price that will surprise you
Glassware and
Many new pieces shown in these lines
—it goes without saying that we succeed
ed in picking up quite a large lot of these
articles before the advance.
Real large Roaster $1.25.
Cutlery and
Visit us and see our new line of real
silver goods; also those in regular trim
and aluminum.
Dinner Knives and Forks, 75c to SIO.OO
per set.
Fruit Cake
“Holsom” Fruit Cake,
the new addition. Try
Olive Zest for Sand
wiches. •