Newspaper Page Text
John Steadham Says He’s
Gained 15 Pounds on 3 Bot
tles—J. E. Cu 1 pepper Says,
“i Feel a Hundred Percent
Statement afttrstatemviit trein nil
sections of Georgia are being made
from day to day by people who
have tried Taniae and are willing
to come forward an 1 tell other
- tforers ins* what it has done for
uidii; and im-se graft fill testimo
nials have accumulate d until there
is hardly a county, village or
cross-roads in this great state
that has not furnished a living
witness to the remarkable powers
of this medicine.
Only a few days ago at Pelham,
Mitchell county, (5a , two well
known farmers and leading citzens,
John Steaham and .J E. Culpep
per, made statements that have
caused a great deal of talk in that
section and induced hundreds of
people to buy Taniae.
After stating candildy that he
had gained fifteen pounds on
three bottles of Taniae, Mr. Stead
ham went on to say: ‘“When I
begun taking this medicine I had
suffered a good deal for the last
month or so, and 1 was awfully
pulled down and weakened by my
condition. 1 had pans in my
muscles and jionts something like
neuialgia, and 1 was terribly
nervous and feeling just like I
was suffering a regular break
“Well, gentleman, three bottles
of Taniae have simply relieved me
completely and built me up tine.
It’s a fine medicine and I want
suffering people to know about
Mr. Culpper was also warm in
his praise of this medicine. “Tan
iac has mad ine feel l(X)per cent
better,” he said, “and since taking
a thorough course of it my gene
ral health has improved wondful
iy. I've taken eight bottles of
the medicine, for 1 felt all bad and
run down and my constitution
seemed to b * undermined. I had
suffered 18 months and I was
lucky to find out about Taniae.”
Taniae, compounded from the!
most beneficial roots and herbs |
known to science, is a powerful
reconstructive tonic. It creates a
li -idthy appetite, builds up the
system, purifies the blood, promo
tes digestion, and invigorates and
re-vitalizes tne system in a way
that brings back the color to the
cheeks and the sparkle of health
to the eyes.
Taniae is sold exclusively in Mc-
Donough by the McDonough Drug
Co; in Hampton, Ga.. by H. A.
Moore; Pinson’s Pharmacy Stock
bridge, Ga.; The Norman, Turner
Co., Ola, Ga.,B. Simmons Son,
Knob, Ga. (Stockbridge, R.F.D.)
Brown, Pitts & Wilson, Luella, Ga.,
and J. A. Sims, Stockbridge, Ga.,
<R.FD.) Locust Grove Drug Co,
Locust Grove, Ga., W. L. Pair,
Fiippen, Ga.
No Higher Price for This
While food and clothing have
advanced in cost, it is well for the
sick that the prices of such relia
ble family remedies as Foley Kid
ney Pills are not increased. Per
sons in moderate circumstaces
find doctors’ bills hard to pay in
the easiest of times. Don’t neg
lect weak, tired or disordered kid
neys. ' Foley Kidney Pills cost lit
tle and relieve 1 a‘.cache, Dains in
sides and loins, sore musel s, stiff
joints, rheumatic pains and annoy
ing bladder trouble. McDonoug!
Druu Co.
Cross Roads.
(Lust Wwk s Letter.)
Several from around here
attended the singing at Liberty
Hill Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hill visited
relatives near Bumblehook Satur
day night and Sunday.
Rev. V Oglesby . f McDonough
preached at Oakland Sunday
Mr. and Mr;. Charlit Hooten of
CJ -I •J• J L .*i ir , , »• ii*/ i*H Df *Yi
cniuuj i\iut4> u.ivc .cc'.niiV mov
ed to our community.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Moss and
daughter made a bu iimss trip
to Atlanta one da> last week.
Rev. E. Oglesby and wife and
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Barnett dined
With Mr. and Mr>. E. W. Barnett
Miss Pearl Turner let! last week
for an extended visit to relatives
near Atlata.
Misses Leone and Florence
Moss spent one day last week
with Mrs. H. L. Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Barnett and
Messers. J. T. and Willis Fields
motored to Atlanta one day last
week. Tansy,
Bank Official Recommends Them
J. T. Norreli, V. P. Bank of
Cottonwood, Tex., writes: “Be
yond doubt I have received great
relief and take great pleasure in
recommending Foley Kidney Pills.
Kidney trouble makes one worried
and hopeless, by aches, pains,
soreness, stiffness, backache,
rheumatism. These symptoms, as
| well as sleep disturbing bladder
disorders, yield quickly to Foley
Kidney Pills. They cast out
poisons and purify the blood.
McDonough Drug Co.
Georgia’s Claims.
Judge T. F. Patterson, member
of the Georgia prison commission
and chairman of the State High
way department, left for Washing
ton, D. C., Monday night to confer
with the secretary of agriculture
for the purpose ofsecuring Federal
aid for highway improvements at
an early date. Judge Patterson
has visited many sections of the
State in an < ndeavor to stimulate
interest in good roads and secure
for the different projects Federal
aid and is prepared to present a
d luge of convinc ag testimony to
the government that Georgia has
comp.ied with the requirements
necessary to insure the specified
appropriat on.
Ju Ige Palters >n is thoroughly
familiar with the situation in
Georgia and will go into the mat
ter fully with the department at
Washington, discussing every de
tail and securing every dollar to
which this State is entitled. —Grif-
fin News.
All parties indebted to the es
tate of Henry Woodward are
hereby notified to make imme
diate settlement, as it is necessary
to enter suit udoii all unsettled
claims Januatv 1
Gin Days.
Beginning MONDAY. NOV. 6.
ginning days in McDonough w !l
be Tuesdays and Fridays of
each week.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears -
Signature of
Subscription Notice.
On the first of January it will
be necessary to raise thesubsenp
tion price of The Weekly to $1.50
We have done our best to pre
vent the increase, and sincerely
regret to do so, but ihe high cost
of paper and all mater: ils at last
compel the ciiange. L»ank paper
now costs more than double what
The Weekly paid in the early
spring, and numbers of the week
ly papers made the raise in Sep
i r »v* h<i»'
tvinuVi •
Mr. A. C. Oglesby has agreed to
see as many of our subscribers
personally between now and Jan
uary first as ; ossible, and all who
desire to do so can pay a year in
advance at the old price of $1 00.
We hope us many as possible
will take advantage of the
opportunity, and ns- ure you that
as soon as conditions return to
normal The Weekly will be only
too glad to resume formal dollar
schedule. We trust and believe
our re t iers w ill appreciate the
necessity which impels the
situation. Mr. Oglesby is author
ized to receipt for any amounts,
and all favors shown him will
have the full appreciation of The
Stopped Children’s Croup Cou~h
“Three weeks ago two of my
children began, choking and cough
ing, and I saw they were having
an attack of Crouo,” writes Billie
Mayberry, Eckert, Ga. “I got a
bottle of Foley’s Honey & Tar and
gave them a dose before bedtime
and they fell asleep. Next morn
ing their cough, and all signs of
ctoup was gone.” Foley's Honey
and Tar is a t -,nda’ d low-priced
remedy for colds, bronchitis, la
grippe coughs. McDonough Drug
WANTED —Re! Wole agents to sell
Monuments, Iron Fencing,
Tombstones on commission. At
tractive prop ; -.ition.
Address: Bfll Bros. Marble
Co., Athens, On.
Prince Albert gives
\\ smokers such
f jp' Si?**' \ dehght, because
? S \ —its flavor is so different and so
l £ —it can't bite your tongue;
K /r .% W I —it can’t parch your throat;
* I —you can smoke it as long and
S M yW.' ,W 4 % 9 as hard as you like without any
I / i comeback but real tobacco hap
-1 On l^*e reverse s ’de every Prince
It j Albert package you will read:
X mmm. w*!, w _ J “PROCESS PATENTED
'tjjk "* Si \/ P # That means to you a lot of tobacco en-
T&*, j lfj joyment. Prince Albert has always been
jfeN sold without coupons or premiums. We
% %&&&%£&!' prefer to give quality !
Prince Albert ®
i national joy smoke ; 'vl|
'*s{§». ' XTOU'LL find a cheery howdy-do on tap no ZSZZmM
X matter how much of a stranger you are tn the gj fS\Tf^TT’[XTfr^ T P i ATT Ti)lTi?TriVfP H
• t * neck of the woods you drop into. For, Prince g \vj j-y k jin p JLX jn' 3 1 S
in goodness and 1 I
in pipe satisfaction X 1
is all we or its enthusi- *SKBA£S-«S 1
astic friends ever claimed "WISZXE 1
f or bac b»nl n up s tnm LIGHTFUL AND WHOLEf I
It answers every smoke desire you I
or any other man ever had! It is so j july F
cool and fragrant and appealing to your
smokeappetite that you will get chummy with I 0 0^5^1111(181
it in a mighty short time! ! .
Will you invest 5c or 10c to prove out our say- ™ u h th * reT r* e ? d *
J 1 Prince Albert tidy red tin. F*«
so on the national joy smoke? tM.“p.t.nt.dProc.*”»er«»
J J to-you and realize what it »="»■
Id making Prince Albert » lUC^
R. J. REYMOLDS TOBACCO CO.. Winston-Salem, N. C to your Uking -
Fits G!hs? for nit Errors of Re-
I motion.
k Makes a Specialty *>f Fits-U Nose
Will he at Locust Grave first
Fliursflays. Stockbridge first Fri
days ot each month.
(> lice Eist Sale Macon ST. Mc-
Donough, G«.
17 1*0 Uuroll House. Locust Grove.
B bl th H >n-se. Sto-’kbricltre.
s Jo J*Y
Kpl Contents n F luid Drachm
r 1
/ f “ b»rn n u-«n or-<- rr niiunis Nno coni. t> ,> - .
/ lie nil n.r SAt> E .HAKcoriCA K r.CT: o vclti o •> S <ui> ■ i
ri .'(icclio nf/K)r;arrt /or/sati lie vci \trv t- diarr/ioa.fcbrt- : jnt, rniilc it .
,ii< m Lsto - nil infant-fa.
£ t M I gPi 1
AYcgetabic PreparationforAs j
I ]
! line th e S tomachs and Bov.'Js of 1
Thereby Promoting Digestion
Cheerfulness and Rest.ContaiflS
; neither Oteum. Morphine nor
! Mineral. Not Narcotic
I Jtscipe of OidJJrSAMLII PilfM
Pumpkin Seed \
Atx Sen: *i |
Pmheiie Salt* j yj
Mite Seed !
ffor.-n Seed 1
Clarified Sugar 1
Wntergrren Flavor •
A helpful Remedy for
j Constipation and Diarrboe .
| and Feverishness ana
resulting therefromanjiH^a.
Tim Centaur C oniwsy. !
Exact Copy of Wrapper-
Pav v our mbscription now and
save the laise . K.-st cite more
v r abend. All pa\ments before
January Ist - will give ihe sub
scriber the old dollar rate for as
many years as paid ahead.
D. A. BR() \V N.
OrecK Hours :
7. 10 to 12 A. M. 1 fcd O F. y.
McDonough, Ga,
I pi*
IHI H fca.fl aa
Fcr Infants °ii"‘ T'MUvod,
Mothers Know That
Genuine s’D-rtwia
yliuiiiv s J
Always / ,
Bears the / h J'**
Signature / Jr
f\ iP* I n
n/ Use
l Y For Over
Thirty Yoors