The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 22, 1916, Image 3

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It came upon a midnight clear,
That glortmi- -ong of the' old,
TToiu !►»• - p»!|p the earth,
To touch th.Nl 1 (; , ,
“Peace on the earth good \\, , ui .... n
From heaven - all gracious king.”
'lhe world in ~ o am stillness lay.
To hear the angels sing.
Still through the cloven skies they came,
With peaceful wings unfurled;
And still their henv’nly music 1 loats
O’er all the weary world;
Above its sad, lowly plains
They bend on hovering wing,
And even o'er its Babel sounds
The blessed angels sing.
l or lo! the days are hastening on.
By prophets seen of old,
W hen with the ever circling years
Shall come the ti a i< . old.
When the new hcav'n and earth shall own
The Prjn s- .Peace their king.
And the whole world send back the song
Which now the angels sing.
Photographer at Hampton.
Those who desire photos, post
cards or enlaroeine: is [, ,
should 1.0 to H .
their woik *k. at. k.-j*
brother to Atlanta pi: ,
and formerly connected tor . . n s
with that studio in Atlanta, is at
Hampton and you are assured of
the very best work. But go now
before bad weather sets in
Photo calendars and other nov
Money to Loan.
A few thousand dollars of local
money to loan on improved Hen
ry county firm lands at 8 per
cent interest; reasonable expense
and no delay if property of un
doubted value. Paul Turner, at
torney at law, office in the court
house, McDonough, Ga,
For Quick Sale.
Pear orchard as a whole or
in building lots.
Also pasture to rent.
Renewal season—Send me your
renewals to all magazines; will
appreciate them, and save you
money on clubs. L. M. Cave
Down Goes
the List
Here are “the finest tires
made” —tires with con
sistent records of 7000,
9000, 11,000 miles.
During a nation-wide introduc
tory and sales campaign the
list has been greatly reduced.
Now you can buy these tires
with a 5000-mile adjustment
guarantee at about the price of
3500-mile tires.
Your size is here for instant
delivery, and with the tires
goes our well-known service.
Let us have your order today.
Sold in McDonough by
Henry Co. Supply Co.
Hunters Notice.
Parties desiring hu .* -rs license find uK‘ : . . ’
pc&tOi. dv . -
lip ;.. , r .. !*!y, and sportsmen
and hunters of an m. as are urgt-u
to strictly observe ihe law.
Counts Game Warden.
Seed Colton Wanted.
When time comes to sell seed
cotton carry your remnants to R.
C. Brown, Locust Grove. He is
in the market and pays highest
Put your Weekly a year aiiead
while it is only a $.
For Croup Jtfothers—
ii'Js Handy
I’iiS 3a y c.' "ta Crony* scare ia over
. ;• those . o Wiasly Jteep
leys Honey ..a rar Compound la
the home ready tor iastaat use.
W. C. A’ka, i! ’.. v, Mo., writes: “I
have raised a 1 \ of four children,
raid have used i • ic;.' h ’rtuey and Tar
Compound wi.n ail oi iu. i and it
the best croup and medicine I
have ever used and I h. ve used it for
c;cht or ten years, and can recommend
it lor croup.”
If toward nightfall the little ones
prow hoarse or croupy, if their breath
ing becomes wheezy and stuffy, give
them Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound
promptly and it v.'iil ward off an attack
of croup.
If you are awakened by the hoarse
brassy cou-h that mean: croup, give
Foley’s llor.ey and Tar •’• \ pound at
once! It w.U ea - ■ :h< ii’tk : .aierers
quickly, cut the •.•hokdig i .degm,
ar.d roon they wi'u :.. v< ... t breathing
and peaceful quiet sleep.
lit v* Svcty utes is a
The McDonough Drug Co.
Application to Make Title.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
Court of Ordinary Xov'r Term. litl6.
November 4. 1916.
To the Heirs at Law ui A A. Lemon.
J Jeceased;
You are hereby notified that Paul Tur
ner has made application to me for an or
der requiring Paul Turner, Executor of
the estate of A, A, Lemon, to execute ti
tles toacertain tract of land in said coun
ty, containing Twelve and one bait acres,
more or less, same being in the Seventh
land district of said State and county and
in the northeast corner of land lot Xo. 1157,
in accordance with the terms of a bond
for title ext cuted by the said A. A. Lem
on in his lifetime, conditioned to make ti
tles to said land to the said Paul Turner
upon his compliance with tlit* term- of
said bond. The original bond for title be
ing attached to the application nowon
file in the office of the Ordinary.
The said Paul Turner alleges in said pe
tition that he has fully con.plied with the
terms of said bond and is entitled to have
a deed made to him to said land by said
executor. I will pass upon said applica
tion at my office on the first Monday in
January. 1917. Thi- December 4 191 ti.
A G. HARRIS. Ordinary.
For Year s Support.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
Mrs. Lela Stroud having made applica
tion for twelve months’ support out of :hu
estate of O P. Stroud, deceased, and the
appraisers l aving filed their returns, all
persons concerned are h- tc by nqui;. d to
show cause Itefor- th- Coiv 'f Ordinary
of said county, „n the liist Monday in
January 1917 why said application should
nut be granted! .This 4th day of
December, 1916
A. G. HARRIS. Ordinary.
Now Well
“Thedford’s Black-Draught
is the best all-round medicine
lever used,” writes J. A.
Steelman, of Pattonviiie, Texas.
”1 suffered terribly with liver
troubles, and could get no relief.
The doctors said I had con
sumption. I couid not
all. Finally I tried
and to my surprise, I got better,
and am to-day as well as any
man.” Thedford’s Black-
Draught is a general, cathartic,
vegetable liver medicine, that
has been regulating irregulari
ties of the liver, stomach and
bowels, for over 70 years. Get
a package today. Insist on the
genuine—Thedford’s. E-70
Sheriffs Sale.
GK< iRGI \ Henry County.
Wifi be sold at public outcry lief ore the
"i degh. said county,
tv- mLia m Ja unary, ltdbe
; - oUlUer, foj cash, the following real es
< t.: to wit:
'•*>»’ ami two aoo »> land in
IF > bsvii! ■ 7th laud district of !: nrv
| county, li.i , iiounoed east bv street, north
1" lot of Vrneta J kson, w< st by l) J.
. G teen and t\m Tomlinson, and south by
i public road.
! 1 vied Oil as the property of bury
, II >iis to satisfy a mortgage t’i fa issued
'from Uenry Superior Court in favor of
, Milt V\ alker against said Henry Bolls.
Tenant in posessina notified
This December 7, 1916.
W. A. WARD. Sheriff.
Advertisement of Sheriffs Sale.
h ! A J K OF <JKOKGI A— Henry county.
Will tie sold, on the first 1 nesday in
January next, at the court houso In ‘said
i ounty, within the legal hours of sale, to
the highest bidder for cash, certain real
estate, of which tin following is a full and
e mplete description:
One acre of land in Mi Donough district
lying on the east side of Locust Grove
road and bounded as follows: On the
Xonh i v land of Lucy Cook. South and
East n land of myself, and West by the
Locu«• Ui f ivc road. This being a part of
a s-A eu lot ! Knight bv me from Paul
v _ i . roperty levied on as the property
i !■’ ’ nie I’.i: 1 i i< to si: isfy an (‘Xeention
. - ' d 'rum >h Superior U urt- <>f said
1 in favor et 'l’hc McDonough T rad
- '■■{•• ’■ agaiu.-t said Fannie Pat.
rick, 'ibis 3uth day of November, 1916
W A. WARD, Sheriff.
Administratrix* Sale.
G EOROIA —llcury County.
’ v it., of ait order granted by the
C ’•’ft "f Ortf ! nary .tt and for said county,
at the. regular November teem, 1916,
thereof, will he sold before the court
house in the City of Mellon nigh, said
state and county, on the first Tuesday in
January, lid/, between the legal hours
of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, at
public outcry, the following lands of the
» state of J. .1. Turpin, late of said countv.
dece’d, to-wit:
F..rty acres of land more or less in the
•-■a: v.-e-t .o, Tier of l.nd lot Xo. £23 in
the I 'h land district of Henry county.
G -ia, bounded north by lands of T. G.
Swann and S. K. Austin, east by lands of
James Mitchell, south, by lands of estate
of J. J. Turpin, west by' lands of 8. K.
Sold as rhe property of the estate of J.
J. Turpin, late of said county, deceased,
for the purpose of payment ‘of debts of
said estate and distribution among the
heirs. This December 6th, 1916.
Atfm’x estate of J. J. Turpin, dec’d.
For Administration.
G EC) RGIA Heii i y County.
l’o whom it may concern: T. C. Kelley
having made application to me in due
form to be appointed administrator upon
the estate of O. P. Stroud, late of said
county, notice is hereby given that, said
application will be hoard at the regular
term of th> Court of Ordinary for said
county, to 1-e held on the first Mondav in
January, 1917.
Witness my hand and official signature,
this November 30, 1016.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Administration.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
To whom it may concern: J. .T. Mode]
land, having made application to me in
due form to be appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate of Luther Bo
wen. late of said county, notice is hereby
given that said application will be heard
at the regular term of the Court ot Ordin
ary for said county to be held on the first
Monday in January, 1917.
\\ it lies- nn hand and official signature
This At h day of December, 1916.
A G. HARRIS. Ordinary.
For Years Support.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
Mrs. E E. Bowen having made applica
tion for twelve months’ support out of the
estate ot Luther Bowen, and the apprais
ers having filtd their returns, all persons
concerned are hereby required to show
cause before the Court of Ordinary of said
county on the first Monday in January.
1917, why said application should not he
granted. This 4th day of Xov. 1916.
A. G, HARRIS, Ordinary.
oi 11 ii i ■■—mmb wmmmmwmammmmmn ~ irnMiHMMßwnMTai
Spend the Holidays with Homefolks
R. L. TAYLOR, D.P.A., Atlanta, Ga.
AScact oi' a Fall Tablespoon
A scant tablespoon of Luzinnne goes ex
actly as far as a big heaping table
spoon of a cheaper colfee, lor you use
only half as much of Luzianne. That’s
so positively guaranteed that if, after
using an entire can of Luzianne as
directed, you are not entirely satisfied
with its economy and goodness, your
grocer, on your suy-so, will gladly
return your money. Write for our pre
mium catalogue.
'The Reily-Taylor Co. New Or? . is
“Telephone as
You’d Be Telephoned To”
Telephone courtesy is
just a bit of ordinary
politeness and everyday
kindness that we put into
our conversation when wa
talk by telephone.
Its the face to face brand
of politeness and kindness
used when we’re voice to
It’s the same politeness
and kindness that we like to
receive from the other end
of the wire.
Giving a little thought to tele
phone courtesy and practicing
its simple rules will make th*
telephone an even more effi
cient aid for you. “ T elephone
as Youd he Telephoned To7*