The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 22, 1916, Image 4
Dixie Highway. Cold Weather on the Dixie. Are you getting ready to say 1917? Can-you hardly wait for Santa Claus? Grady Babb and Robt Carmi chael of Lovtjoy motored down the Highway Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Nix of Hamp ton visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chinn Sunday. Turn over a new leaf for the new year and do better. Christamns is here the jolliest, merriest and the saddest time of tne year. Mr. Byron Westmoreland is the proud father of a bouncing boy. The many friends of Mrs. Elizabeth Abercrombie regret to hear of her death, which occurred at her home Friday evening at 8 o’clock. Dr. Wallace of Lovejoy is the champion hog raiser. He killed a small pig last week weighing 500 pounds. In Observing we observee that Observing has beea observing near the Dixie Highway recently. Mrs. Tom Trailer of Atlanta at tenedea the funeral of her grand mother, Mrs. Abercrumbie, at Liberty Hill Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Barnett of Lovejov visited relatives down the Way Sunday afternoon. Mr. arid Mrs. L\ C. Bright visit ed Dr. Billie Bright at Palmetto recently. Christmas is coming. The geese are getting fat Please put a penny In the old man’s hat. If you haven’t got- a penny A half penny will do; If you haven’t got a half penny— \\ Ki t , God Mess YO( Young Fellow. Union Grove Mrs. Sarah Harper returned home Saturday, after a week’s visit to relatives near Stone Mountain, where she attended the funeral of her sister-in-law, Mrs. "Wllkerson. There were nine tine porkers killed on this street last Tuesday, Mr. Henry Elliott being in the lead, killing one fourteen months old weighing 425 lbs. Several are be ing kept to kill later on. So Mr. Meat Man need not come this way next year. The box supper last Friday night was a decided success. The nice sum of forty dollars was raised. Sheriff Ward auctioned the boxes, also two nice cakes which brought the handsome sum of eighteen dollars. Our people as a whole appreciated the Sheriff’s presence and feel that much of the success was due to ills .being there. The Misses Bran nan were guests of Miss Fannie Lee Burch Satur day night. Mrs. J. A. Forsyth left Friday for Austell. From there she will go to Russellville, Alabama, wheie they will reside in the future. Mr. Home. Eiliott is at home for the holidays. Mr. S. S. Buckalew was in this section last Thursday night. One Two. Bulk Acid. One hundred tons bulk acid for sale, $11.60 per ton f. o. b. Atlanta, delivered to any R. R. point. 16 per cent dry. Those who have not made thtirarr . gt tnenls •'ill do well to ste us at once. GREEN & ROAN Greenwood, Ga. T H A N_K S For your loyal support and hearty co-operation during the now rapidly declining year. May there never be reason for our mutually advantageous re lations to be severed. We wish you a BOOMING CHRISTMAS and a 1917 oi PROSPERITY and PLENTY Copeland-T urner Merc. Co., The People’s Furnishers McDonough, Georgia Statement of the condition of The Citizens Bank - Located at Locust Grove, Ga., at the close of business Dec. 12, 1916 RESOURCES: Demand Loans - - - $4,5 1 6 Li Time Loans - - - 2(1,520.54 Overdrafts, unsecured, - 38(5.23 Bonds and Stacks owned by It ink 2 925 00 Banking House - - 2,702.01 Furniture and Fixtures - 1,087.28 Due from Banks and Bankers in this State - 10,093.19 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States . _ - 16 466.12 Currency - - ! 1,357 00 Gold 12.50 Silver, Nickels, etc. 2 5 6.63 Cush items 301 07 __1.087.20 Advances on cotton 30.833 59 Total - - - *03,280.59 State of Georgia —Henry County. Before me came .1. C. M< Knight, cashier of the Citizens Bank, Locust Grove (ia who being dulv -worn, sacs that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of file in said bank ,1. C McKNIGHT, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this IS'h day of Dec., 1916. C. B. PLEXICO. C. N P.. Henry County. Statement of the condition of The Bank of Stockbridge Located at Stockbmige, Ga., at the close of business Dec. 12, 1916 RESOURCES Demand Loans - - $ *>os 96 Time Loans - 77.01 1 1! Overdrafts, unsecured - 208.80 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank - 9,200 00 Banking House ... 2,109 00 Furnitun and Fixtures - - 1,55180 Due from Banks and Bankers in this State - - - 16 112 87 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States - 11,514.36 Currency - - 6,362.90 Gold - - - 55 90 Silver, Nickels, etc. - i 'ash Items - 2,965.05 Vdvanceson Cotton 51,657.51 , 01,313.53 Total $180, 49b. 59 STATE OF GEORGIA. —County of Henry. Before me came C. M. Power. Cashier of Bank >f Sk/ .’ ridge. Ga , who being duly sworn, says that the tbove and foregoing statement, is a rue condition of said Bank as shown hv the bo >ks of file in said Bank C M. POWER. worn to and subscrib 'd before me, this lsth dav of Decemb • \ 1916. C L MURPHY. N P. Statement of the condition of The Farmers & Merchant Bank Located at McDonou r'u Ga., at tile close of business, Dec. 12, 1916. RESOURCES Demand Loans, ... $ 7,753.37 I’ime Loans 74,vi ; .(4 18 Overdrafts, unsecured . . 2,162 47 Banking House, . . 3,800.0 n Furniture and Fixtures . 2,005 00 Due from Banks ami Bankers in this State, . . . 9,137.14 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States . 19 134 37 Currency . . $ 3.615 m Silver, Nickels, etc. 65 47 Cash Items . 1.934 39 — 5 612 79 Advances on Carton and Seed :>9.2;4 21 Total . $159,848.53 STATE OF GEORGIA.—County of Henry. Before in** came ,3 ' '1 :'<?■, cashier of The V.:: . 71-reliant- Bank, who, U ■ n'.i duly s'v >;■» s.i.vs •i: th the■ -ind f orvgoin* stat,-’uer- : s a true condi-1 ;:c.n of - .id is*:.k a- • -va by to ks of file in said ’’a ’• .1 R '! -:»ner. Cashier. Sworn iJiintl subscribed before me, this 16th day •>: •! J R. Turner. C. N. P. ot Henry Co., Uu. j LIABILITIES: Capital Stock paid in $17,889.00 Undivided profits, lc-s current, expenses, interest and tuxes paid - - - 8,170 77 Due unpaid dividends - - 24 00 Individual deposits subject to c’k 63,941 57 Time Certificates - 8,220 25 Bills payable, including Time Certificates representing borrowed money - - None Total - - ' - - $98.231'.59 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in - - $24,000.60 Undivided Profits, less Current Exoen-es. interest and Taxes Paid 15.822 48 individual Deposits Subject to Check - - 120 088.21 Time Certificates - - - 2c, 119.83 Cashier’s Checks - - - 462 07 Bills Payable, including Time Cer tificates representing Borrowed Money, - - - - Not e j Total - - - $180,192.59 LIABILITIES. Capital St . • aid in SSO 000 00 Undivided m-afits. Current Ex pen.- -, inter'.d and Taxes raid . . 10,272 50 Individual Deposit* subject to ch.eck, . 84.205 03 I’ime Certi i .e- . 35.t0e.64 Cashier's Checks 270 36 Bills para’ inelmung Time Certifieat s representing borrow money None Total . $159,848.53 TO THE PUBLIC: I take this means to announce my engage ment in your vicinity. Had I visited your town before, as I have been visiting other towns for the past five years, I would know what to tell you. But this being my first visit, Ido not want to blow up my program of pictures. However, the pictuies that I will show dur ing my engagement in your city are the same as those being run in New York and other large cities at prices ranging from 50 cents to SI.OO. The program will consist of seven reels and will last two hours. T rusting to have your co-operation, I am, Yours for good pictures, JOHN W. LLEWELLYN. School Auditorium One Week Beginning Monday, Dec. 25, 1916. Doors open at 7:30 P. M., Show Starts at S P. M. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year* That you and yours may taste all the joys of a glorious Christmas— And that the coming year will shower bound less prosperity upon you, is the sincere wish of H. L. CARMICHAEL. # Statement of the condition of I he Bank of Locust Grove Located at Locust Grove, Ga., at the close of business Dec. 12, 1916 RESOURCES: Demand Loans S 2,570 84 Time L -ans - - . 55.735 88 Overdrafts, secured. - - 16.376.66 Overdrafts, unsecured, - - 400 41 Banking House - - - 4,840 23 Furniture, and fixture - 1.864 46 Other real esta e 1,059 61 Due from Banks and B inkers in this State - 10,869.74 Due from Banks and i inkers in other States . - 1,683.74 Currency 850'0 Silver, Nickels, etc. 352 85 Gold In 09 Cash items - - 3 659 17 4,902.02 Total .... $100,282.62 State of Georgia—Henry County. Before me' ame C. B. Plexieo, Cashierof abovßank, who being duly swan, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the hooks of file in said Bank. < B. plexico/ Sworn to and subscribed before me tMs 18th day of Dee iy]6. J. C. MeKNIGHT, C X. P., H. Co., Ua i *if?® I jjjjfcr y: ’ ■-' LIABILITIES: Capital Stock Paid in - $26,000 00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses. Interest and Taxes Paid - - f 1,651.83 Due to Banks and Bankers in this State - None Individual Deposits Subject to Check - - 56,300 48 Time Certificates ... 7;250.27 Cashier's Checks - - ' 80.03/ 1 Total . . . 100,282.£