The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 22, 1916, Image 5

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    Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
bU?g&!ar couununiratiuni. )f Fnm-rnal
Lodge No. 87 F & A M m ef Ist imii :ui
FTnfcr,' nights in each nunijLh. Ail i*nlj
• -fUiittned brethren fraternaJl.v ami tor
invited to meet with us,
J, E, Hootkn, W. M,
W, A. H al!P«e, .Sec,
Visit the Variety Store for your
Xmas goods.
Miss Annie Nolan spent Satur
day in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook spent
Monday in Atlanta.
3 Bananas for 5 cents sold at
the Variety Store.
Highest market price for hides
-at Thompson’s Shop.
Will pay 15 cents for cow
c.ldes at Thompson’s Shop.
A fresh supply of stick and fancy
Candies at the Variety Store.
Highest market price paid for
scrap cotton. John Rodgers.
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Brown were
shopping in Atlanta Saturday.
Mr. Parham Smith of Atlanta
visited relatives here; this week.
One lot nice lace curtains 75c
pair. McDonough Trading Co.
Wanted—loo head co'iards —
need them. G. W. Cavenaugh.
Misses Ellene Neal and Bess
Fouche spent Saturday in Atlanta.
Mrs. J. T. McGill and son. Ed,
of Dawson a r e visiting Mrs. J. A.
Speer examines your eyes free,
and furnishes you with the best
Mrs. Fred Walker entertained
at three tables of rook Friday af
Mr. H. M. Turner is in Kentucky
this week for another shipment
of stock.
Farm lands for sale, rent or
C. D. McDonald, McDon
ough, Ga.
Have just received a new supply
Dynamite, Fuse and Caps. W. B.
J. Ingram.
Mr. Byron Pendley of Macon
spent the week-end with relatives
hi the city.
Mrs. Laura Smith left last week
for a visit to her sister in Monti
eello, Fla.
Mr. Wejman Sloan of Atlanta
spent the week-end with the
s(>o yards 12 1-2 and 15c. Qual
ity Suitings 10c yd. McDonough
Trading Co.
For Sale —One small, good work
thorse, suitable for small farm. J.
M. Greer, route 5.
Prof. Benton Neal returned
fiome Sunday from Sparta to.
spend tire holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. B L. Hancock and
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Tolleson spent
Saturday in Atlanta.
Mrs. Stewart Ta\ior and little
■ciaugliter, Eudora Lemon. v sited
relatives here lasi week.
Mrs. Alex Brown entertained a
Few of her friends Saturday atter
tioon at a pretty rook party.
Mr. Boce Elliott, who is travel
ing for John Siivey Company, is
at home for a two week’s stay.
The many friends of little Julian
Weems are glad to know that he
fas recovered from a severe at
tack of diphtheria.
Miss Helen Harris arrived last
week from LuGrange to spend ta*»
holidays with her parents, Mr.
sind Mrs. J. C. Hams.
Highest market price paid ior
.-scrap cotton. John Rodgers.
Highest market pricv paid for
; scrap potton. John Rodgers.
3 Oranges, 3 Tangerines, 2, 3 and
6 Apples for 5 cents, sold at the
Vmiety Store.
Get nice pair lace curtains for
,75 cents while they last. McDon
| ough Trading Co.
Our people have learned that
Speer’s glasses are the best, and
he saves them money.
Only 10 cents yard for nice 12
1-2 and 15c Quality Suitings at
McDonough Trading Co.
Dr. and Mrs O. L. Adams left
today to spend Christmas with
relatives in Chunkie, Miss.
Mr. George Mosely of Love’s
goes still one better and reports
this week the largest hog yet kill
ed —521 pounds net.
Dr. II J. Guertner of Atlanta
was in the city Sunday and Mon
day, looking after the interests of
Oglethorpe University.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook and
son, Waiter, leave Saturday to
spend the week-end with Mr.
Cook’s parents in Cusseta.
Mrs. Verna Wright and chil
dten and Miss Lena White of
Jackson were guests of relatives
and friends in the city Sunday.
Miss Flora and Frances Neal,
Nellie Newman, and Lucile Bow
den came up from Wesleyan Col
lege at Macon yesterday for the
Miss Nina Wall arrived today
from Cochran, where she h is had
charge of the class in expression,
and will spend the holidays with
her mother, Mrs. J. F. Wall.
Miss Mae Martin, who has had
charge of Copeland Turner Merc
Co., Millinery Department as trim
mer the past season, returned to
her home in Bowden last week.
For Re it —One or two horse
farm, about one mile from New
Hope church in Sandy ridge dis
trict, on halves, for 1917. J. W.
Morgan, route 1, McDonough, Ga.
For sale or rent, (sale perfer
ed) house and 3 acre lot adjoining
G. L. Thrasher on Ferry
street, now occupied by Mrs. 0 P.
Stroud. Apply to Mrs. Jennie
per, McDonough, Ga.
The Variety Store is the home
of Santa Claus. Call and see the
many pretty things. Prof. Ilorton
wants to get acquainted with all
school children and sell them
Xmas presents at a reduced price.
Stolen —one bale of cotton
trom Svvorance Watson on my
place in Sandy Ridge Wednesday
night. Dec. 6. $25 reward for any
information to convinct.
B. F. Grant.
Messrs. Lawrence and Robert
Bowden visited their sister at
Wesleyan college in Macon one
day last week, the former return
ing to his home in Clover Hill,
Miss, after spending some time
with home folks here.
Beautii'u 1 in every detail was
the party at which Mesdames E
D. Tolleson and H M. Turner en
tertained Thursday afternoon,
complimentary to Mrs. B. L. Han
cock, a recent bride. After an
interesting game of rcok delight
ful rei:\ s .ments were served.
There were thirty five ladies
For Sale —Mode! 33 Hudson
automobile in good
sn.-oe, well worth the money. 5
good f; as, Jno. R. Smith, Mc-
Denciiy", Ga.
No Paper
There will be no regular issue
jof lhe Weekly next week, our
j force observing the customary
! holiday.
i o our readers a mod joyous,
I happy oecn on. May each and
.every one reahze tin fullest meas-
I lire of blessings and pleasure,
bringing to the new year all hope
and bright contentment.
\\ anted to b; y good milk cow
H. L. Carmichael.
Ordinary Harris made a business
trip to Atlan'a Wednesday.
The compulsory education bill
appears in lull in this issue of The
One more day to settle you ac
count at Bankston’s shop and get a
chance at that splendid wagon.
An error in last weeks gimiers
report 19,468 bales up to date,
when it should have been 16,468.
j Mr. C. W. Dupree spent Sunday
j night with his son, Mr. J. 1).
\ Dupree, on iiis leturn irom Jack
' son to I media.
Mr. Lee Wilson has bought the
barbershop ol Mr. Bill Mosley,
ana will continue it with Messrs.
Love and Ray.
Commissioner John Bryans lell
last week far Augusta, where he
will spend some tune with Dr.
Iverson Bryans.
A brand new special bargain sale
beginning today is advertised by
the Howard Carmichael Furniture
Co. on last d ige in this issue. Don’t
miss it.
Renewal season —Send me your
renewals to all magazines; will
appreciate them, and save you
money on clubs. L. M. Cave
We have a large stock of Men’s
Clothing ranging from $lO to sls,
which we wiii sell for the next 30
days: $15.00 Suits for $12.00;
sl2 50 for $10.00; .mu SIO.OU for
SB.OO. W. B. J Ingram.
The last ot t! e quarterly re
ports of Henry county’s eigtli ex- j
cellent banks (the two nationals
D c. 1) appear in this issue, tiieir,
fine condition showing more
money in this section perhaps than
ever before.
Money to Loan.
A few thousand dollars of local
money to loan on improved Hen
ry county fgrm lands at 8 per
cent interest; reasonable expense
and no delay if property o. un
doubted value. Paul Turner, at
torney at law, ( i'ficc in the court
house, McDonough, Ga.
It is an absolute fact that water will rot cotton*
An automobile tire is made of several plies of cotton fabric cut on the bias, and
cemented together, then the rubber tread, sides and heads T'e tden put on and vulcan
ized. When there is a cut or snag in the tread or side walls of a tire it allows water
and sand to enter, and the sand with its sharp cutting edges separates the fabric and
tread when water seeps in the fabric begins to decay.
I now have in my shop a complete Meam Vulcanizing Plant and can make any kind
of repairs on any size tires from 2 1-2 to 5 inches Don’t think because you have a
tire that is tread cut, rim cut, or has an ugly biowaut in it that it is ready for the junk
pile. Briny it to me and I will vulcanize it at a minimum cost. Also tubes that have
been blown out be.ond patching, I splice them by pulling in new pieces and make them
good as new. I use nothing in my repairs but toe best grade of rubber and fabric, and
every job i do is absolutely guaranteed to last as long as any otier part of the tire.
Give me a trial arid I will prcve to you that I ca.i save you money by repairing
your tires, and wait a while longer to buy new ones.
McDonough, Georgia
Strength, Safety, Service.
Capita! $80,000.00
Surplus and Profits - - - 47.000.C0
Member oT Federal Reserve
Bank of the United States
Deposit your money with us and get a deposit and
check book. They are free.
These Loans are made promptly with no cost to the 1 orrower
until Loan is closed.
W. H. SM I I'l I l’r. Udciit. Fourth National Hank IJhl . ATHWTA OA
It is with pleasure that we extend
to our friends and customers this
Christmas Greeting:
May your homes be filled with joy
and happiness, and the coming
year be a successful one for you.
Yours very truly,