Newspaper Page Text
By having such severe weather
Kitly has been staying at the fire
side for the past three weeks.
“But the old < at came back !”
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Strickbr d
spent Saturday night and Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Tid well.
Mr. .Julius Warren, who is at
home for the holidays, from Young
Hat ris College, was in our settle
ments awhile Monday afternoon.
Mr. W. N. Strickland and
daughter Burmah spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Stickland.
Everybody talking and planning
for a great time Christmas. Ihink
of so a ;ny poor people scattered
over this world of ours who will
not know Christmas from any
other time !
Mr. Kennedy and family spent
Sunday and Sunday night with
Mr. lb nry Kennedy and family.
Mr. Will Mitchell of East Point
spent Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mitchell.
Mr. A. A. Exum and family were
the guests of Mr. G. M. Adamson
and family Sunday.
Merry Christinas to all.
There is mire Catarrh in this section
of tiie errantry than rlj other diseases
put together, and f r year? it was sup
posed to be incur:-hie. Doctors pre
scribed local remedies, and by constant
ly failing to cure with local treatment,
pronounced it incurable. C turrh is a
local disease, greatly influenced by con
stitutional conditions and therefore re
quires constitutional treatment Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio is a consti
tutional remedy, is tah< n internally
and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous
Surfaces of the Pystem. One Hundred
Dollars reward is offered for any case
that HaH’s*Caiarrh Cure fails to cure.
Send lor circulars andttcstimonials.
F. J. CIIFNEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists. 75c.
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
To get The Weekly at the old
dollar rate.
Consent Sale.
Will be sold before the court
house door in McDonough within
the legal hours of sale, on the
First Tuesday in January next,
one house and lot in rear of the
colored Baptist church, known as
the Ike Owen place.
Sold by agreement for settle
ment of debt. J. A. Fouche.
L. Lee Sheppy, Bth floor, 243,
W. 17th street, New York City,
general sales manager of the larg
est concern of its kind in the
world, wants three or four men
in Henry county and several men
in adjoining counties, to work for
him spare fcinle or all tilt* time.
He oau use only those who have a
rig or auto. Work is very pleas
ant ami no previous selling expe
rience is necessary. Work con
sists of leaving a wonderful new
household necessity in the homes
on free trial. Tests at more than
30 of the leading universities and
the Government Bureau of Stand
ards show this new article to be
four times as efficient as any arti
cle now in general use in this sec
tion. Article is needed in every
rural home and benefits every
member of the household, bring
ing cheer, comfort, and happiness
into the home. Not necessary to
be a wav from home nights. Pav
,from $H to *l. r » per day according
to ability ami number of homes
visited. In writing Mr Sheppy,
mention whal townships will he
most convenient for von to work
in ; what vour regular occupation
is; your age; married or single,
how long yon have lived in the
community, wliat kind of a rig or
auto yon have, whether you wish
to work spare time or steady, how
much time von will have to devcte
to the work, when you can start,
and about how many homes are
within six miles of you in each di
rection. This is a splendid oppor
tunity for several men in Henry
county and counties adjoining to
make good monev. working steadv
or spare time. Some of the field
mpn earn S3OO per month ; one
farmer earned SI.OOO working spa re
time only. No investment or bond
To Get You Better Acquainted with This Store
We will Sell These 35 Piece Sets of
Guaranteed Quality Brand Aluminum Ware
Only One Set To Each
The only condition under which you can obtain one of these Aluminum Sets at this
UNHEARD OF PRICE is to buy it on these terms
Pay 99c cash when the set is delivered and 75c weekly for 8 weeks until the amount of $6 99 is paid
Why we Make This Sensational Low Price
and our Reason for not Accepting Cash
During the next several months we will have on sale VALUES in household goods THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU*
bargains which will make you a regular patron of this store. We willingly sacrifice the loss that we sustain on these sets o t
Aluminum Ware: the opportunity of having you call at our store each week for eight weeks, (required to make Aluminum
Set payments) is well worth all that we lose on the Aluminum \\ are.
This advertisement will of course, attract hundreds of people, who probably have not traded here before if it in
duces you to visit our store and know us better, we shall feel well repaid. This to the public, may seem like unusual ad
vertising— to sell 35 piece sets of Guaranteed Aluminum Ware at this unprecedented low price—and Hla UiXUSUAL.
ADVERTISING, but if it makes new friends for us. IT PAYS.
Each set consists of the following pieces of Quality Brand Aluminum Ware, (each piece guaranteed to wear for twen
ty years one six quart preserving kettle, two bread pans, two pie plates, one jelly cake pan (2 pieces), one three quart
covered Berlin sauce pan (2 pieces), one one quart lipped sauce pan, one two quart lipped sauce pan. one castor set, con
sisting of a salt shaker, pepper shaker, tooth pick holder, and castor (four pieces), one coffee or tea strainer one cake turner,
one measuring cup, one sugar shaker, one combination funnel ( six pieces), one ten piece com jination out t, L iS se * you
will notice illustrated above in the center picture.) It consists often pieces, which combined permits of its use as a steamer,
(see illustration), a self-basting roaster (see illustration), or as a double boiler, cereal cooker pot roaster egg poacher, cus
tard cups, pudding pan, dairy pan, round cake pan. bean baker, etc.— this really is a wonderful utensil and is included in
I this 35 piece set.
We Will Sell only One Set to Each Customer
Sale Begins Friday, Dec. 22, 9A. M. Only 25 Sets at This Price
Statement of the condition
The Bank of Hampton
Located at Hampton, Ga., at the close of business Dec. 12. 1916.
Demand Doans $ 400.00
Time Loans - - - - 04.227.50
Overdrafts. Unsecured - - 1 . 120.84
Bonds and Stock owned by
the Bank - - >2.(00 00
Furniture and Fixtures - 1,200.00
Due from Banks and Bankers
in this State - - 21,200.03
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States - 10,401.25
Currency - $4.2.i0 00
Gold - - - >95 00
Silver. Nickels, etc. - 120.15 4.;><4.1?
Total - $135,219.77
State of Georgia—HenryCounty.
Before me came .1. O. Rutherford. Cashier of the Bank of Hampton, who being
duly sworn, snys that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of stud
Bans, ns shown by the boons of file in said Bang RUTHERFORD
Sworn to and subscribed before me, thislSthdag x p &Ex off . j. p.
For Sale.
Will be sold at Stockbridge, Ga.,
Saturday, December 23, at 10
o’clock a. m., to the highest bid
der. the old school building and
lot upon which it is located.
Terms: one half cash, balance 12
Capital Stock Paid in - - 25,000.00
SuplusFund - - - - 30,000.00
Undivided Profits, less current
Expenses, Interest and Tax
es Paid fi.Bs4.fd
Individual Deposits Subject
to check - - - 50,246.56
Time certificates - - 23,113.80
Cashier’s checks 4.75
Bills Payable, Including Time
certificates representing
Borrowed Money - None
Total I ~ $1352219.77
months, with 8 per cent interest.
This is a valuable piece of prop
erty, and some one will miss a
bargain if not present at the sale.
Any information by W. W. Ward,
president board of trustees, or C.
M. Power ai Bank of Stockbridge.
You Can Not
Pay Cash!!!
Statement of the condition of
The Bank of Henry County
Located at McDonough, Ga., at the close of business Dec. 12, 1916.
Demand Loans (secured) $ 8.765.87
Time Loans - - - 128.159 50
Overdrafts, secured (cotton) 77.064 82
Overdrafts, unsecured - - 1.874.12
Bonds and Stocks owned by
Bank - - - *O.OO
Banking House, - - 3,914 04
Furniture an£_ Fixtures. - 3,537.04
Due from Banks and Bankers
in this state - - 20,006.09
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States - 24.683.60
Currency - - $2,622.00
Silver, Nickles. etc., 227 29
Cash Items. - 4,038 54
Advances on Cotton 2,“59.81 ■. >47.04
Revenue Stamps
Total - - $23 : 5’ 7.94
Before mecime .T. B. Dickson, Cashier of The Bank of Henry County, wbo>
Mnx dulv sworn, says that the above and foregoing state .neat is a true condition of
said Bank as shown by the books of file in said Bank. J B Du ‘ k ' on > Casfeier„
Swowi to and subscribed before me, this 19th day of Dee., lain.
J AS. K. EOVv'DEN, C. \. P„
No Telephone or Mail Orders
For These Sets Will Be Filled
' Capital Stock Paid in - -
Surplus Fund, - - 30,W®.©**
Undivided profits, less Current
Expenses, interest and
Taxes Paid. 7,594.24
Individual Deposits Subject to
Cheek. ... - 105,7t>&7b
, Time Certificates, . . 361440®
1 Cashier's Checks. . 28C.28
Bills Payable, including Time
Certificates representing
borrowed money, - - 5,30&90
Insurance account 86. t ; 7
Total , • • - $233, Si