Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Enthusiastic Mass Meeting Held
At Court House Tuesday After
noon. County Fair Association
Organized And Officers Elected.
~ v
The Henry County Fair is now assured. Through the efforts of
our County Agent, Mr. Hancock, a mass meeting was called together
for the purpose of organizing a County Fair, to be held next fall.
The exact date has not been decided upon. The fair will 'probably
cover a period of three or more days. Details will be given out later.
The weather kept most of the farmers at work on the farms, but in
spite of this, there were several present.
Officers were elected as follows:-
Mr. A. G Combs of Locust Grove, President.
Mr. A. C. Norman of Ola, Ist Vice President.
Mr. J. D. Bowen of near Stockbridge, 2nd Vice President.
Mr. A. G. Harris of McDonough, 3rd Vice President.
Mr. Mat Harris of Hampton, 4th Vice President,
A. L. Fouche of McDonough, Secretary and Treasurer.
A committee was then appointed to report on expense items, prem-'
iums, attractions, etc. This committee is composed of Messrs. B. L.
Hancock, Chairman, J. I£. Hooten, D. T. Carmichael and J. T. Weems.
Another meeting will be called on Tuesday, April 17th.
Several good suggestions were made, which only emphasizes the
great interest and enthusiasm manifested.
Premiums will be announced at an early date. Watch for them.
As the U. S. Revenue law for
bids physicians aod druggists buy--
ing alcohol for any puroose unless
they have a revenue license, and
notice of same published in their
county paper, we give notice
that we have such license.
The Georgia prohibition law
provides that a licensed prescrip
tion clerk, working for a drug
store carrying a revenue license,
may fill prescriptions for alcohol,
written by reputable physicians,
provided the amount does not ex
ceed eight ounces, and that the
prescription is written while the
phtient is being treated by said
physician. Provided, further, that
said prescription shall be register
ed with the Ordinary of the coun
ty written ten da>s from date
A$ a matter of accommodation,
to the physicians and their pa
tients, we assume the responsibil-*
ity and meet the requirements.
Horton Drug Co.
Of the ownership, management,
etc., of the Henry County Weekly,
McDonough, Ga., as required by
act of-Congress Aug. 24, 1912.
Owner, Mrs. Annie M. Nolan,
Guardian, McDonough, Ga.
Editors and Publishers, J. A. &
A. L. Fouche, McDonough, Ga.
Bondholders, mtg’s, etc., none.
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonQugh and Henry County.
McDonough school news
— BY
The entire school enjoyed a
holiday Friday, on account of the
teacher's institute which met in
I McDonough that day. A very de-
I lightful dinner was served on the
1 school grounds to the visiting
! teachers.
The entire school is verv busy
with spring work, and we regrr t
to say some seem to be suffering
from spiing fever.
The Second grade is doing some
! very interesting work in their
i reading. They are studying Holy
I land, and have very interesting
table and blackborad illustra
tions in connection with this.
The Seventh grade have been
given lettuce and tomato plants
which were planted in the school
plots, foj home raising. They are
to raise and sell them, and keep a
careful estimte of their gains from
each plant. They are also at
work on their bird note books.
The Eleventh grade, especially,
is verv busy. They are putting
all their extra time on preflerations
for commencement.
The Animal Study note books
are very instructive as well as in
teresting. They all show careful
and painstaking work. Altogether
they are a set any class might be
proud of.
Two of our teachers were absent
a few days last week on account
jof sickness, and we are glad they
I are again with us.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday, aprjl 6, 1917
New Key Men
The home friends of Mr. Dozier
Fields will read with pleasure the i
following from the Athens Banner
this week, congratulating him up
on the pronounced distinction
won :
The following seniors of the Uni
versity or Gaorgiafwere Monday
evening selected, ror high rank in
scholarship, to membership in the
Phi Kappa socjeiy—the high
est honor of the kind college men
may attain in American colleges :
Eugene R. Black, Atlanta, Win.
Parks Brooks, Athens; Roland
Ellis, Jr., Macon; Dozier Nelson
Fields, McDonough; Andrew Ste
ward Harris, Atlanta; James A.
Lowry, Augusta, .Howard Henry
McCall, Jr., Atlanta; John Pendle
ton Stewart, Atlanta; and William
Osmonde White, Savannah.
Membership in *tije society of
the key is esteemfcjj in all the
American Universities as the high
est honor which ca,it «ome to a col
lege man and only num
•b-** from cLus jut
each i ear may be chosen to mem
bership —those who lead their
classes through their college
courses in scholarship.
Death of Mr. Spalding
After a lingering illness, Mr. C. L.
Spalding died at his home in Me
Donough at 12 o’clock on Sunday
night last, having suffered a stroke
of paralysis two or tnree years
ago, from which he had since been
confined to a rolling-chair.
Mr. Spalding first came to serve
as superintedent of the McDon
ough Creamery Co., and won con
fidence as a capable business
man and honest, upright citizen.
He had numerous friends in the
city and community who extended
sympathy in his unfortunate af
Furneral servies was conducted
from the Methodist church by Rev.
H. S. SnYfth at 3 o’clock Monday
afternoon, and the remains inter
red m McDonough cemetery. Mr.
Spalding is survived by his wife
and two daugthers, Mrs. J. J.
Fisher and Miss Nannie Spalding.
Death of Mrs. Mayson.
The many friends of Mrs. J. W.
Mayson, formerly Miss Clifford
Zachry of Henry county, were
pained to hear of her death, which
occurred at her home in Decatur
last week, after an illness of sev
eral months.
Mrs. Mayson was the daughter
,of the late Col. C. T. Zachry, and
as a young lady was widely and
popularly known in this county
until her marriage to Dr. Mayson,
when she moved to Decatur,
where she has since lived. She
was a sister of Mrs. Sidney Far
rar of this city, and to the aged
mother and other relatives much
sympathy is extended. The re
mains were laid to rest in Decatur
beside her husband, who preceded
j her last year. %
To S. S. Superintendents
of Henry County.
At a meeting of the officers of
the Henry county Sunday School
Associatioh on Monday afternoon,
it was decided to make special ef
forts to work systematically to
gether for this montn and on the
first Sunday in in May so that we
may report a Fr ont Line county
To obtain a Front Line c :>unty,
the general average of all the
schools on the 10 points must be
80/f. Does this seem impossible
to the superintendents of the dif
ferent Sunday schools? If the
town schools will average 100%
and the country schools only aver
age 75% that will ifiake it.
The plan of publicity was thought
to be best. Let each superinten
dent check up Sunday and see the
present standing of his school.
Then, add one point during the
next week. Report this to your
Division President, and he will
have same published ‘in paper.
| Do tins as a matter of encourage
■ metrUTo your school and then as a
| stimulus fo others. But best of
all do it for the Master’s sake. If
iwe would plan, hold director’s
meetings,-advertise and put our
selves into this great cause as we
do into our daily business, would
not God’s cause be carried forward
! speedily and His name honored?
The weather is now getting fa
vorable and we wish each Divis
ion would have a meeting as soon
as convenient. However, we
must report on the Front Line
Standard by first of May. We
trust that each school will get busy
and co operate with the officers
in every way possible.
Sincerely yours,
J. J. Walker, Co. Chairman,
MRS. MAHONE, Pres S. Div.
T. J. Horton, Pres. E. Div.
P. S. The Northern Division
holds its meeting at Bethany
church Sunday Bth instant. We
hope to have a great day. Come.
U. S. Naval Recruiting Station
514 P. 0. Building
Atlanta, Ga.
v V - .
The following telegram has just
been received from the Navy De
March 31, 1917.
‘Thirtv-eight thousand, five
hundred additional men
are needed immediately to fill
Navy’s emergency comolement.
A quota of twelve hundred has
been assigned to this station to
be supplied by April twentieth.”
We hope that Henry county will do
her part in helping to defend this
country. Enlist Now. Your
country needs you.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to exoress our sincere
thanks to our friends for the floral
offering and all the kindness
shown in any way during the sick
ness and death of our beloved
’son, Bert.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Powell.
The Woman’s Club
Was entertained in a very enjoya
ble manner Tuesday afternoon by
Mrs. Rolf Sims and Mrs Hugh
Turner. Plans for the district
meeting, to be held May Ist, were
dismissed and decided upon. This
meeting will have representatives
from some very flourishing Wo
man’s Clubs in Georgia, and a
number of very prominent ladies
will be present, so the whole town
should feel interested to make our
little city appear at its best at
this lane.
We must not forget that this
week is our Clean-Up time, and
the whole town is expected to
lake advantage of it.
The next meeting will be held
at Mrs. Will Peace’s home.
Answer roll call with Govern-
ors of Georgia.
Papers on the lives of three of
our greatest men.
Bishop Pierce Mrs. Horace
Sidney Lanier —Mrs. E. M. Smith
Reading —Mrs. Ralph Turner
Uucle Remus (Joel Cnmidler
Harris) —Mrs. Dec Tolleson
Reading—Mr . Adam Sloan
Parliamentary Drill —Mrs. Hank
( Dixie —Chorus
Great Game
A great baseball g : e will be
played in Locust Grove on the
coming Monday at 3:30 sharp
: You.come and see ! Rev. Frank
Fleming will be seen in action for
the first time on the local diamond.
You haven’t any idea what a fine
article of bail can out up by L»r.
R. F. Smith, Mr. Andy Combs, Mr.
Tom Williams, Mr. Jerry Walker,
r m
and Mr. John Brown—until you
come and see. And all for the
benefit of the new Baptist Church.
The aggregation which lias the
courage to lace this formidable
nine is the local Grammar School;*
and, led by Prof. Cates, these
young Americans will give battle
to the rising hosts, all brothers
in the same cause. All of the
sponsors are .to occupy special
seats, and their colors are the Red
White and Blue. Hurrah for the
Flag!* If you don’t believe our
fathers and grand-fathers the
true fightin’ spirit, if you doubt
these Rebels were true blue, then
be on hand Monday at 3:30 sharp
and witness the most wonderful
game of the season. You want to
know who wiil play on the ‘old
man’s’ team or the ‘bachelors,’ or
anything you want to call this
squad, there’s nothing in a name
(as Confucius said 500 B. C.) and
those who have offered their ser
vices to the cause are the follow
ing: R. F. Smith, Rev. I. G. Walk
er, J. L. Gardner, A. G. Combs, J.
F. Upchurch, Tom Williams, Jerry
Walker, Welcome Smalley, R. B.
Plymale, H. B. C ason, Otis Watson,
John Brown, Lon Pitts, Tom Har
kins, Dr. Crawford, Dr. A. J.
Combs, Sam Gardner, and Frank
Fleming. Charges, ten and fifteen
$1.50 A YEAR