The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 06, 1917, Image 5

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    Mount Bethel.
Since I have acquired a reputa
tion tussinness I suppose I
would better try to live up to io
it, and since I have been compar
atively quiet for some time I will
again speak out. This time it is
the growing popularity of the
Sunday singing and its withering
effects upon all the Sunday schools
who participate in them. We
know one or two who do not fol
low after them and it is noticeable
that they hold a constant good
record attendance and a good live
interest in the work. No indeed
I do not expect to abolish the Sun
day singing. It usually requires
a long time and a host of strong
minded men and women to abolish
most crying qvils. We have only
ode day in seven in which to gath
er young and old alike to the
study of the Word. We would
look queer indeed gathering to
gether regularly for this work on
any other day than Sunday, while
it would be perfectly all right to
announce a singing any time. It
is a great temptation to young and
old alike to attend these singings,
for they are grand and uplifting
occasions, but not to be compared
in importance to the Sunday
school. There are only very few
who will stand loyally by their
Sunday school, and it is refresh
ing to hear some member of your
church remark, “your Sunday
school is not interesting enough
to hold the young people.” Why,
-don’t you know that most people,
young and old, much prefer to sit
languidly by and allow themselves
to be entertained than to put forth
their energies in an honest effort
to build up a Sunday school, or to
•exert their minds to a deep study
of the Word, thinking we will do
that sometime, forgetting that the
time is now ? Most of us are
vastly ignorant of the Scriptures.
It is so very important that we
study and teach our children the
law of God. Show me a member
of any one of the Sunday schools
who attend those singings who
can even recite a half dozen
Psalms, or a chapter or two of
Holy Writ, or quote scr pture in
telligently, much less tell you
where to find any passage. Next
time you call your roll ask each
member to resoond with a verse
from the Bible unexpectedly.
When I was young it was my
priviliege to attend Presbyterian
Sunday schools, where I was
taught the Catechism, and it has
been of great benefit to me ail my
life. Ask the children about the
Catechism now and they will
probably ask you if it is something
good to eat. What sort of future
-can we anticiprte for children
thus ignorant r Now do please
let’s all work earnestly together
for the very best Sunday school
we have ever had, allowing sing
ings to take second place for a
Avis Hunt of Covington was a
visitor at our Sunday school Sun
Mr. Oliver Jones is rebuilding
:and enlarging his blacksmith shop.
The F. B. Strahans have a hand
some new piano, and Prof. W . W.
.Hooten called Saturday night and
gave them somd splendid music.
April fool jokes seem to have
about played out.
Joyful Easter season is drawing
Every one invited to attend ser
vices at Mount B thel Sunday,
whether you have yeur new
spring toggery or not. We don t
.judge you by the style you follow
.at this'place.
Horn?' Cured hams wanted.
Brown House.
Cross Roads.
Well, we hope the rain is over
for a while. Very glad tp see the
sunshine again.
Mr. and Mrs. T. o>Calaway and
son, Wiley spent Sunday after
noon with Mr. and Mrs. J. 11.
Rev. W. O. McMullan filled his
regular appointment at Mt.
Carmel Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Mae Beth West of Dutch
town is spending the week with
relatives and friends around here
Mr. Jessie Barnett of near Grif
fin was in our community Satur
day afternoon.
A few from around here attend
ed the singing at County Line
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. T. B. Massey has just re
turned home from a visit to her
son, Mr. Wardy Massey of Macon.
Miss Jessie Miller spent the
week-end with homefolks.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mays and
family were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Hill Sunday.
Mrs. Ben Morris spent Friday
afternoon with Mrs. J. M. Turner.
Mr. J. P. Turner made a busi
ness trip to Hampton Saturday
Messrs. Boyd Johnson and Tom
Medlock were passing through
here Sunday afternoon.
Always look at the bright side.
If we could see the Glory there is
in each showier of rain, I’m sure
we would not worry about the
wet weather, for God does all
things for the best.
Corn planting time. More rain,
war talk and hard times is the
topic of the day.
Plant and work a large garden
and feed the pigs real good and
see if you can’t raise most every
thing you need at home.
Woder why Young Fellow can’t
visit us moreregalarly? Come along
and don’t disappoint so many.
Guess you were busy watching
the joy riders all last week.
Not much longer till Easter. 1
Get busy, boys, or you won’t have
your share of the Eggs hid out.
Old Bro. “Booze” gone at last
Some glad and some sorry. lam
sorry for the fellow that thinks he
can’t do without his dram each
morning, for I don’t see where he
is going to get it now.
The farmers are badly behind
with their work. But it’s never
too late to do good. Smile and
do your very best and all will be
well at last.
Prepare for the hard times by
planting more corn, peas, potatoes
and all the things you nend at
home, instead of so much cotton.
Raise plenty of hogs and graze the
cow real well and see if that won’t
help things wonderfully.
As this is my first time to appear
before the public. I had better not
stay any longer. But let rue
say this : Pull for the County
Fair. I’m sure it will be a great
helD to all. SPRING BUD.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to expresss our heart
felt thanks to every friend and
neighbor who did so much to com
fort and help us irv our late be
They nave won a lasting place
in eur hearts, a..d we prav that
the Lord a ill richly reward each
one.! 'A. J. KIMBELL.
Mar wet price paid for fry j rsi
anu hens at the Brown House.
Union Grove
Several from here attended
church at Deltd last Sunday and
report quite interesting sermons
at both morning and evening
services by the pastor.
A nice little program is being
aravinged for Easter at Timber
Ridge. Eveaybody come, you
will recive a cordial welcome.
Fraser Blankenship visited Mr.
Foreman Howes at Loucst Grove
last Saturday and saw an interest
ing ball game.
The young peole enjoyed a sin
ing at Mr. W. J. Moss’s last Sat
urday night.
Miss Mae Crumbley of Wood
land was the week-end guest of
Ethel Knight.
Several have been absent from
school the past week with colds,
which may prove to be whooping
cough, through at present it is
thought to be only colds.
Mr. and Mrs. White of Conyers
spent last Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Knight.
More rain, andoh: how the far
mers are worring. When we take
the blues let ua sing. God will take
care of us, and see how much it
will help to drive them away.
One Two.
Rubber Back
Tube Repair
For Repairing Punctures
and Blow-outs in Inner Tubes
Guaranteed to give Satisfaction or
48 square inches,-s(¥ Postpaid
Give it a Trial and you zvill alzvuys
have a Carton in your tool box.
“It wont slip or come off.”
McDonough, Georgia.
Easter Preparedness
We are Prepared to Dress Your
Feet for Easter in all the Newest
and Latest Styles which are many
and varied this Season*
High lace boots'
in Brown, Ostend
White Cloth, White Buck,
White Kid, Grey Kid in
High, Medium and Low
Mail Orders Promptly Filled.
Qastile & ells Jhoe {Jo.
The Family Shoe and Hoisery Shop.
Griffin * Georgia.
Announces Their Preparedness For Your
Easter Wants In
T ocated just out of the HIGH RENT
■*—' District Enables Them to Sell For
Saving Between High and Low Rent
* Goes to His Customers.
Space Inadequate for Styles and Prices.
i See His Display Before Buying
Make MOON'S your rest room when in Atlanta
Big Shoe Stores With Little Prices
29 West Mitchell Street
Money Loaned
on Farms
We’ll loan you money on your farm at the lowest pos
sible rate of interest. Our business connections can pro
vide unlimited funds for this kind of investment.
We are ready to inspect your property, no matter
where it is, and give you a definite answer without delay.
No red tape here. If you have the security, we have the
money waiting for you.
Write us full details about your place
and we will forward necessary appli
cation blank. Correspondence confi
211 Candler Building Atlanta, Ga.
Loan Correspondent.
The Volunteer Stale Life Insurance Co.
Atlanta’s Largest
Retail Shoe Store
'TLIPPERS and Strap
Pumps, Dress Pumps,
Sport T ies, and Comfort
ties-ail Leathers and Fab
rics; in fact any of the new
things to be fqund that is
in good taste and new in
style. Widths “aaa to ce.”