Newspaper Page Text
Ilclio f Mr. Editor, guess you
glad to see this beautiful spring
weaHier. Ye correspondent sure
i* 4
M*s.s Carrie Mae Turpin went to
iiliu'fifa Friday.
Mrs. C. W. Gardner and little
. daughters were the spend the day
teaests of Mrs. W. A. Gardner
•Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ward and
children of McDonough were the
ifoests of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mar
tin Saturday.
Miss Mae Meadows spent the
week-end with friends at Lovejoy.
Mrs. Nelse Pair is very sick at
this writing. We hope for her a
hasty recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cook of near
Wbrtehouse dined with Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Mosley Sunday.
Mtss Lillian Keen has been con
fined to her bed with measles.
Mrs. T. G. Strahn and son, Mr.
Howard spent Tuesday and Wed
nesday in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Turpin and
Irttle son Clide spent Sunday with
the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. F. White.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Callaway
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Moore
*pent a while Sunday afternoon
with Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Austin.
Did you know next Sunday was
JSasier ?
We are glad to note Mrs. C. C.
White is improving at this writing.
The Northern Sunday School
Division will hold its meeting at
Bethel church next Sunday, April
4th. Everybody is cordially in
vFed to attend. Dinner on the
if round.
Best wishes to the Weekly and
'ts many readers.
One, Two, Three.
Everybody busy farming when
it isn’t raining.
Kev. I. G. Walker filled his re
gular apointment at Sardis Satur
siay and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. \V. D. Savage of
•Jackson spent Saturday night and
Sunday with Mr. Savage’s mother,
* M;x Jennie Carter.
Mrs. M ;ilie Nail and grandaugh
ter, Bessie have returned home
after an extended visit to relatives
sear Griffin.
Tne sining at Mr. L. J. Carter’s
Saturday night was enjoyed by all
is resent.
Seems that the wedding bells
tlo notfor get to ring every once
and a while.
The sitting given at New Hope
Sunday evening was fine and en
joyed by all who attended.
We extend Mr. and Mrs. Carlton
Hayes ourheartist congratulations
and wish them a long and happy
Gfe. Dark Eyes.
Sut Tnis 3ut--it Is Worth Money
tins slip, enclose with 5c and mail
i to Foley Co., 2835 Sheffield
Ave. Chicago, ID., writing your
:raa*e and address clearlv. You
ili receive in return a trial pack
age containing Foley’s Honey and
far Compound, for coughs, colds
and croup; Foley Kidney Pilis, for
pain in sides and back, rtieuma
tJsrn, backache, kidney and blad
der ailments; and Foley Cgthartic
Tablets, a wholesome and thor
oughly cleans! a cathartic, r con
stipat.on, biliousness, »V « ; 1.-che
. and sluggish boweis. MelX:.<>ngh
- Drug Co.
Having been asked so many times
in the past few years ray reason
for leaving Ozias church by indi
vidual*, also questioned by many
of my friends in regard to the mat
ter, and having heard, so many
things said about myself that was
not true and that was damaging to
my name, I have concluded to give
the facts to the public in a con
densed way, hoping at a later date
to give the details in pamphlet
form to those who might be
interested. And to make it as
brief as possible, will refer you to
a letter of explanation which I
wrote Concord church in Jasper
county and Lebanon church in
Henry county, J being pastor of
these churches at the time of my
withdrawal, they demanding of me
the explanation, and which I wish
to say whs accepted by both
churches unanimously.
Following is the letter to these
churches, which is self-explanato
ry, and the reason T gave them I
felt at the time was sufficient for
my Withdrawal, and I'still continue
to feel that way :
To the Primitive Church at
Dear Brothers and Sisters :
dn compliance with your request
that I give you my reason for with
drawing my membership from your
sister church at Ozias,. Henry Co.,
Ga., 1 beg to submit the following
reasons: On the 18th day of April,
1914, Brother J. F. Willingham, who
is a member of Ozias cl urcb, came
to me at the church house and said
that he wanted to make an ac
knowledgement to the church. I
asked what he had done that he
wanted to make acknowledgement
for. He said that he and his son,
Hen had a little difficulty a day be
fore. 1 told Bro. Willingham that
if it. whs just a little private diffi
culty between him and his son. I
did not think it necessary to tak
his private family troubles into the
church, but he could make his ac
knoweledgments for having done
wrong, and leave the matter with
the'church. He did and was for
given by the church Some days
later 1 learned that instead of Bro.
Willingham and bis son having a
little private difficulty, that Bro.
Willingham had shot his - son twice
with a shot gun, and that lie re
loaded his gun to shoot his smi
again. The matter being so dif
ferent from what I first supposed
that it was, I'went to sec Bro.Wil
lingham in regard to the report.
He said the report was true that
lie did shoot his son. i told him
that I as an, individual member oi
Ozias church, couid not fellowship
him with the offense as it stood,
and gave him my advice as his pas-i
tor and Bro. in the church, and
that in my opinion the best thing
for him ami for the church, would
be for him to go hack to the church
and make a lull, complete state
ment of all the faors in the case i
and make his acknowledgement in
full to, the church and leave the
matter with them. He said Thai
lie would accept my advice, and lie'
asked me t. ask the church at its
next con! ere nee in May, l;>14, to
please re.-eiml their acts of torgive
ne.-s to him. and that he would
come to the church as soon as he
confd and make a full ami complete
statement of the difficulty between
him ami his son. and would he wil
ling to abide the action of the
church. When the church met in
conference in mav, l!*i 4. 1 made a
statement to the church in Bro.
Willingham s behalf, suiting 1 be
lieved he Came to make a full stati -
mentof the matter, bul 1, believing
that it was only a private and small
matter, 1 told him lie need not do
so. The church accepted the state
ment m my behalf, and Bro. Wil
lingham. Then 1 asked the church
in behalf of Bro, Willingham s re
questxto rescind their act of for
giveness to him, and that lie would
come as soon as he could, and make
a full con!e-sh n to the church a. d
willingly ai id.* by tiff* cations ut
the church. Bro. A. C. Elliott ob
jected to the church rescinding
their act. am' moved that the ac
tion of the church stand, but grant
Bro. Willingham lea\e to come to
the church and make such ac
knowledgements as he saw fit. The
motion was.carried In the Dee
conference Bro. Willingham had
not come to the church. A Cun
mi t tee was aup 4r. ted to call on him
to asci Train why he had not come
to the ehmch At the .tan. confer
ence, HHe. Bro Willi-idem
present and rendered excuse tor
non-.i ttem a nee, arid excused but
did mo refer to the difficult! !
tween him and his son. At F •lu u.i
'•v conference, lt»l.">. B'o. Willing,
h.m being pre.-»-rif. ] moved Tim f
; he elpii' di vanr bro Willingham's
!”i a j.u«? -'■ i ■ ..'Uade !v n.ef, y
I him a! May contort:u-e. DM4. which
McDonough: Trading : Company
Remnants of Silks and Woolens
A great fine sale gets under way at once
Come to see them, let us price them to you
Fern Waist . , $1.00 45-0^
R. & G. Corsets sl-00 to $2-00
10 yds. Long Cloth SI-25 *
/ ""F f
New Line Dress Buttons Cft». U. S. Pd Off.)
In the “SEAL-PAC” Envelope
1 >
tyssst,? Beauty is the keynote of Shoe Styles for
[ spring. _
\sr Queen Quality Designs have always pro
\s] \ x?t duced exceptionally beautiful, stylish and
% * 1 comfortable shoes.- The results of then
spring designs are proudly shown by us.
Queen Quality Shoes are economically priced, considering the
unprecedented cost conditions. Buy them with the assurance that
you are getting the best shoes on earth for your money.
Let us make you a New Spring Suit, or sell you one from
stock. They represent the best the country affords. We also have
them for the boys and young men.
You are cordially invited to visit our store and inspect the new
McDonough Trading Co.
was to rescind their ac ion, he be
ing present to give him an oppoi
tunitv to make a full statement . f
the above offense. Tiie request
was denied and the 'motion lost, I
then feeling that the church fit
ozias had whollv igrnored and re
fused to execute all scriptural and
orthoTb x ]>i ineiples of discipli n, hv
refusing to investigate thc.-nughly i
the offense of Bro. Willingham, to
ascertain whether or not the scrip
tures would sustain him in his ac
tions toward his son, and also for
not resch ding her act* of f..rgiv».-
ness and allowing him to nia kc a
full statenmnr to the church, that
the chnr h might deal scripturally
and inTeliigentiy with him.
Respectfully, E. Oglesby.
Since my withdrawal trom C-zias
church some tveutv odd members
hare also withdrawn, an.l it lias
been told on me that I influenced
or uersTuuled them to withdraw.
Also tie r ! asked the church to j
dismiss Me Willingham, if not I
would quit the church. Also that
l went bef .re the grand jury and
asked them to indict Mr. Willing
ham for shooting his son. These
statements I wish to brand ns ma
licious falsehoods, as positive ones
as Satan told Eve in the Garden of
Eden.— Vdv. E Oglh&by.
q Farm Loans e%
If you expect to borrow
money, have arrange
ments made by which I
can obtain same for vou
McDonough, o*o* Georgia.
Taken up, stray pig. W. R.
Sit ele, phone 2c*.. County Farm.
For Dismission.
GEORGIA—Henry I’ouiitu
U hereas, A 0. Berhaai, Administra
tor cum testamen to an nexo of G. B Bar
ham. represent!* to the Court, in his per't
rion duly fil'd and enered on record, < hat
he has fully administered said estate:
This is therefore to cite all persons con
cerned, kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any , bey can, why said adminis
trator should not he di,- 1 -ed from his
administration, and received betters of
Mission • n the first Monday ir. Max. I<U7.
A G d.ARRIS, Ordinary.
For Dismsssian.
V. hereas, C. ,t. Dickson Administrator 1
■>l Q. A. Dickson, ree-esents to the court
in his pet ir ion, duly fi Io(l enci j r(*d .>rn
reeoru. that he has fully administered Q. i
i)iekson s estate: ,
lhis is, there!ore toscite all persons con- I
eerned. kindred and “redifocs. to -ho v
c.r.i-e. if anv they can. why said adminis
trator should not be discharged from his |
administration, and receive Letters of Ills
mission on the first Monday in May, 1917.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary
Sheriff’s Notice.
G EORGfA—Henry Co tin tv.
I have this day personally inspected the
! books of the Internal Revenue Collector
containing the names of persons, firms nr
corporations having license to deal in
whisky, beer, etc., and find the following
names thereon from Henry (jounr.v, these
names having been put oh the hooks
since my inspection last month: Hor
ton Drug Co., retail liquor dealers. Mc-
Donough Ga, April 3. !9la
3V . A WARD, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Sale.
Will be sold before the court house door
in the town of McDonough, Henry county
Ga . within the legal hours of sale on the
first Tuesday in Mav next to the highest
bidder for,cash, the following property
to wit,:
One bale of lint cotton n iiiilier PM?, in
Hampton Warehouse, said State and
county Levied as the property of K F.
Stanfield, to satisfy a distre-s warrant in
favor of Wallace heirs, John T. Wallace,
agent. April 3. Dl?.
M . A. W,- LTD, Sheriff.
Warning Notice.
All parties are hereby warned
’gainst employing Jim Mann or
ins wife Belle Mann, under penally
of the law* as both are under
contract with me for the year
-1917. M B. Htn’on.
Stcckbrkige Ga.,
' tk jj
| , "F -mb bu
W/V \ s §]
1 ' /
A complete line of dia
monds, jewelry, watches
l and wrist watches at very
moderate prices. Terms
if desired. Repair work
and diamond setting-.
Durham jewelry Co.
C CO Edge wood Ave.. Atlanta, Ga.
1 can arrange you a loan on
your farm anywhere, at a low
rate of Interest. 3 or 5 years.
W rite
W. O. Needham,
Elllenwood. Ga.
Warning Notice.
AD parties are hereby warned not
to employ, give shelter or harbor
in any way Cleo Jackson, under
penalty of the law, as he is under
contract with me for the#year
Route 2.