The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 06, 1917, Image 7

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    Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
Regular communications of Fraternal
Lodge No. :17 F & A M meet Ist and 8d
Firday nights in each month. All duly
qualified brethren fraternally and cordi
ally iuvited to meet with us.
Asa A. Lkmon, W. M.
O. L. Adams, Sec.
Henry Superior Cour next Mon
day week.
Miss Edith Ellington spent Sat
urday in Atlanta.
Mrs. Walter Cook was shopping
in Atlanta Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hightower
spent Friday in Atlanta/
Miss Heard of Coyington, is the
guest of Mrs. Ralph Turner.
Miss Blanche Wentzell spent
Sunday with friends in Atlanta.
Mrs. H. B. Neal and daughter,
Elleene, were shopping in Atlanta
Miss Annie Lemon is spending
the week with Mrs. Byron Kistner
in Atlanta. ,
6% money to loan. See adver
t sement of Mortgage Security Co.
in this issue.
Mr. and Mrs. Talmon Pattillo
spent the week-end with relatives
near Decatur.
Mrs. Annie Ruth Thompson
•spent the week-end with relatives
at Kelleytown.
A big singing is announced at
Salem for the sth Sunday in May.
Particulars -fetter.
See advertisement of Mortgage
Security Co. in this issue and bor
row money at 6'/<?.
Mr. J. P. Nichols of Griffin vis
ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
C. Daniel, last week.
v Mrs. E. D. Totyeson was the
guest of Mrs. Paul Baker in Atlan
ta Monday and Tuesday,
Can use Corn, Corn Meal, 6oun
try Cured Hams and Shoulders.
Copeland Turner Mix*. Co.
Mr. Paul Sowell of Thomasviile,
spent Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sowell.
Mrs. Cora Hill of Warm Springs
visited her daughter, Mrs. Alec
Brawn, Monday and I’uesday.
Miss Mary Peace ot Douglasviile,
was the attractive guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Will Peace this week.
Mrs. Verna Wi ight and children
of Jackson, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. N. Woodruif, Sunday.
Can use Peas, H uns, Shoulders,
Chickens, Turkeys, Guineas and
Eggs. Copeland- turner Mrc. Co.
Mrs. Aldine Combs of Barnes
vihe, spent the week end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H, J. Cope
Few select long staple cotton
seed for sale, S2.OJ and $2.50 per
bushel. V. L. CrumDley, Kelley-,
Miss Mamie Alexander left Sat
urday for an extended visit to
friehds and relatives in South
Mrs. Lamar Etheridge of Jack
son, spent Monday and iuesduy
with her parents, Judge and Mrs.
Paul Turner.
Mr. Harrell Sowell ieit last week
for Akron, Ohio, where he accept
ed a position with the Goud-Yeai
Tire Company.
Gantt Planters and Distributors,
a lew more to go at $4.50, fun
line of extra parts, Copeiand-
Turner Mrc. Co.
The Weekly’s live correspond
ents furnish more items tnan we
can handle again this week, and
several go over to next issue.
Let me e'ean and reshape your
old hat for spring all for 35 cents.
Otis Love.
Go to Otis Love for all kinds of
hats cleaned and reshaped wool,
felts, straws and panamas.
Miss Bateman and Miss Ethel
Coan of Flippen, were the guests
of Miss Ruth Rape during the
teachers institute.
The many friends of Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Powell of Rex, wish to
express their sympathy for them
in the death of their son.
Watson, KleckJev’s Sweet, Jones
Improved and Augusta Georgia
Rattlesnake Water Melon Seed.
Copeland-Turner Mrc. Co.
Mrs. Chas. T. Zachry and Mrs.
S. W. Farrar returned Sunday
from Atlanta, where they had
been with Mrs. J. W. M i\son.
A nifty Hat wiil add charm to
| your Easter costume. Our Mil
■ linery Dept, will be glad to serve
you. Copeland-Turner Mrc. Co.
*Mesdames Fred Walker and E
D. Tollesou, spent Wednesday in
Barnesville, and attended a meet
ing of the Woman’s Missionary
Ordinary Harris displayed a
iarge U. 6. fiag over the court
house door last week, proudly up
holding the county’s patiiotic
i pride.
The Mortgage Security Co. ot.
Atlanta has plenty of money to
I lend at G /o. See advertisement
jin this issue and communicate
! with them before paying more.
i -
Mr. John R. Gardner of the
Mills Printing Co. of Griffin, spent
1 last week with his parents at Lo
cust Grove, and gave The Weekl>
i a pleasant call whiie in the city
■ Saturday.
N< west things in Hats are to be
found in Copeland-Turner Merc,
jC a. Millinery Dept. New ship
ments being received weekly.
The court calendar appears in
this issure of The Weekly, and
while it embraces only two days,
Clerk Hightower stales tiie pros
pect is that nearly the entire week
will be consumed
Mr. J. M. Hays, who has been
in the emply of a large machinery
company since January, puttk g
in a plant at Portend ale, was in
the city ’ast Saturday and had The
Weekly forwarded to his address.
Early Red Bliss and Early Cob
bier Seed Irish Potatoes, Spanish
Peanuts and Chufas, Early Amb> r
and Orange Cane Seed, German
Millet Seed, Velvet Beans and On
ion Sets. Copeiand-Turner Mrc.Co.
Mrs. Townsend returned to her
home in Greensboro, Saturday
after a visit to her daughter, Mrs.
J T. Weems Mr. and Mrs.
Weems and children accompanied
her home and remained over Sun
Those who feel interested in the
entertainment of Bro. Simmons
during the meeting at Baptist
church please see the coommittee.
G. W. Caveuaugh.
Wade Puilin,
H. J. Copeland, Jr.
Perry Sowell and Robert Tur
ner, two McDonough soldier buys
who have recently returned from
the border, were heartily greeted
by home friends Saturday and
Sunday. They returned to their
respective posts in Atlanta and
Macon Monday.
Home cured hams wanted.
Brown House.
At Stricklana-Crouch Co’s. Store
_ Let us help you solve the Dress Problem and high cost of living
Never have you seen more beautiful Styles for your EASTER
OUTFIT. Here you will find a wide range of New Styles in—
Suits Skirts Millinery Shoes White Goods
Coats Waists Dry Goods Oxfords Wash Goods
Dresses Blouses Silks Pumps Fancy Novelties
PRICES are much below their real value, lower than you will expect to find
and lower than other good houses are asking—due to our buying skill and
knowledge of Goods Merchandise.
If you consult your own interest, you cannot afford to stay for our
prices oil Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear," Millinery and Dry Goods are no higher
than last season.
OTHERS find it greatly to their interest to come here to shop.
for Stocks are at the VERY BEST
and your best SHOPPING CENTER■ Ladies tell us they
can do better here than in Atlanta, and our sale » are e
We cordially Welcome the people of McDonough and Henry County
Stock bridge.
The Needle Craft Club held its
regular semi monthly meeting on
last Friday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. C. M. Power.
The reception hall and dinding
room where the guests assembled
were beautifully decorated with
potted plants and cut flowers.
The centerpiece of the dinning
table was a minature lake sur-
rounded by a bank of violets. The
color scheme, purple and goid,
was beautifully carried out both
iin decorations and refreshments.
A contest in the art of moulding
was highly enjoyed by all. After
which a' very interesting debate
by four members of the club was
The invited guest present were,
Miss Scrags, Miss Gard u r ami
Miss Hunter from Cox College,
Mrs. Parks Eee, M r s. Waiter Lee,
Mis. W. F. Grant and Mrs. W. On'.
The next regular meeting will
be with Mrs. Reese Ramey, and
the suojecl for discussion wit] be
famous Geoigia Statesman.
The Stockbridge Ladies Aid
Society of the Presbyterian church
will present Mrs. Percy Cox and
Miss Genevive Voorhees in a
Violin and Piano Recital next Fri
day evening, April tile sixth, at
the new Public School Auditorium
at eigSit o'clock. The public is
urged to come. Admission is on- j
ly twenty-five cents.
Miss Voorhees is a veritable
artist and she and her violin form
a delightful part of the musical
life fo Atlanta. She was heard in j
Recital at the Governor’s Mansion
two weeks ago.
Mrs. Cox is a pianist whose j
charm and technics of playing is!
conceded by every one that is for- j
tunate enough to near her.
Mrs. W. W Ward will entertain
the U D. C. Friday afternoon in
honor of Mrs. Grady Moseley, a
recent bride, and her house guests,
Mrs. Cox and Miss Voorhees of
Oakland binging:
We had the pleasure of attend
ing one of tin* i mu!ar old time
Henry county si gi: gs at Oakland
church last Sunday afternoon.
The pe. pie g .tim ed there from
all parts of the c u dy. The Oak
land people wen- right there to
greet us with a happy smile and
hthirty welcome.
Mr Earne-t B urnett was master
of cert mom’ -. arp intiug Mks*T.
O. CaPaway, .1 I. Greer and C. J.
| Dickson as committee ft arrange
the time for the different leaders.
: While the committ (it? WMS getting
; ready to report Prof. T. J. Horton
| led a few soul stirring songs. The
1 committee made its renort, then
we got down to buMtms with some
-sure enough singing.
Tne following leaders led les
sons of about fitkeen minutes each: j
Messrs. T. 0. Cailow ty, S on Bus- ]
ser, W. G. Thompson, S. E. Coker, I
J. S Burnett, A J U church, W. i
J P.mdley, A. C. M u'l ian, T. J.
Upchurch and W u/unn Barnett, I
with the following 'ft Ihe organ:
Misses Qmer Tarpley, Ethel
Fields, Eddie Mays, Efhleene Up
church, Messrs. Sn:n Rosser and
Way man Barnett, with Rev. M. C.
Liddell at the cornet.
Now let me toil you, this was real
singing. ll has been i lons time
since we enjoyed such singing,
but when sued a team as this gets
lined up something is bound to
to happen.
1 must not fail to mention the
good quartets that iieloed to bring
thrili to the occasion, Messrs. G.
VV. Cavenaugh, Ed Coker, M. C.
Liddell and Murray C peland sang
“My Son Give Me Thy Heart.”
Messrs. G. W Cavenaugh, Ed
Coker, W. G. Thumps m and E. M.
Copeland sang “Be A Man,” and
Messrs. G. *W. Cavenaugh, Ed
Coker, M. C. Liddeii and VV. J.
Penuley sang “In the Riches of
Prof. T. J. Horton and Rev. M.
C Liddell were called on and both
responded witu spu d-fihed talkj
which brought joy to the occasion.
Surely the Lord was with us and
we pray that He shall follow us
all the days of our lives.
Bro. J. S. Barnett made some
very timely remarks on “Be A
Man.” Til n Bro. Earnest Than’ -
ed the good folks for coming and
bringing so much inspiration.
Then to cap the climax, that vet-
i erai: leader, Charlie Dickson, step
ped forth and led the closing song,
“When The Roll is Called up Yon
der,” after which Prof. Horton
closed with prayer.
Come again, Oakland, we “love
i he house of thine abode.”