Newspaper Page Text
The Henry Count!*Weekly
Henry County Superior Court, October Term, 1917.
E. M. Smith and
H. D. Russell
E. M. Smith
E. J. Reagan
E. J. Reagan
E. M. Smith
E. L. Reagan
W. H. Connor
E. J. aad E. L.
E. M. Smith
J. W. and J. D.
E. J. Reagan
D. W. Blair
Chas. H. Griffin
E, J. Reagan
E. M. Smith
E. M. Smith
E. M. Smith
Reagan & Reagan
Reagan & Reagan
E. M. Smith
E. M. Smith
E. M. Smith
R. O. Jackson
E. M. Smith
E. J. Reagan
E. M. Smith
E. J. Reagan
M, V. Mooty
E. J. Reagan
E. J. Reagan
W. A. Brown
R. O. Jackson
W. H. Connor
E. L. Reagan
Reagan & Reagan
R. O. Jackson
Reagan & Reagan
R. O. Jackson
Paul Turner
Brown & Brown
GEORGIA—Henry County.
Office of Commissioner of Roads and
Revenues for said County—September
term of Court of Commissioner of Roads
and Revenues for said County. Septum
ber 3d. 1917.
Be it ordered, and it is hereby ordered
by the authority aforesaid, that the fol
lowing taxes are levied for th- County of
Henry, for County Purposes for the year
1917, on all the property in said County,
said levy having beer, recommended by
the Grand Jury for the April 1917 term of
Henry Superior Court, to wit:
1 to build or repair court houses or
jails, bridges or ferries or other public im
provements 6J4 mills or $5.50 on the
2 To pay sheriffs or jailers or other
cour.ty officers' fees, that they may be le
gally entitled to out of the county, 1-2
mill or 60c on the thousand.
3 To pay Coroner, all fees that may be
due him for holding inquests, 1-4 mill or
25c on the thousand.
4 To pay the expenses of the county
for Bailliffs at court, non witnesses in
criminal cases, fuel, servant hire, station
ery and like, % mill or 50c on the thous
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough andMfenry County.
R. W. Dickerson
1085 vs
Central Ga. Power Co.
Castellaw & Castellaw
1147 vs
S. A. Smith, Will Patrick
G. B. Hawkins
1151 vs
Chas. L. Moore
L. A. Edwards Ex. T. J. Edwards
1174 vs
Mrs. Martha J. Edwards.
Gene Arnold
1177 vs
Bob Moseley.
Lovejoy Banking Co.
1196 vs
G. C. Wise.
D. W. Blair
1202 vs
Chas. H. Chaffin.
Interstate Chemical Co.
1205 vs
Kelley & Crumbley.
B. F. Long
1213 vs
Jimmie Carter, Mrs. Hattie Bell
Powell, Mrs. Minnie Green,
Dave Powell.
Milt Walker
1215 vs
L. H. Ball
Will Stalls.
W. F. Hopkins Fransf.
1217 vs
Luke and Anna Burks.
B. F. Long
1218 vs.
Jennie Carter.
Ira D. Green
1222 vs
E J. McMichael.
J. W. Jarrett
1223 vs
Bill Walker and Mrs. L. J. Dor-
J. E. Tinley
1228 vs
. R. F. Smith.
S. W. Lovelady
1229 vs
J. J. Upchurch.
Mrs. M. F. Sowell Atlrx.
1230 vs
E. M. Foster.
Park A. Dallas Admr.
1233 vs
Mrs. Annie M. Nolan.
Park A, Dallas Admr.
1234 vs
Mrs. Annie M. Nolan.
G. V. Williams
1236 vs
George Combs.
George Whitley Et. Al.
1237 vs
M. L. Williams Et. Al.
J. L. Gardner
1242 vs
S. E. Copeland.
Castellaw & Castellaw
1243 vs
S. E. Copeland.
T. A. Sloan
1245 vs
Milt Walker.
5 To pay jurors per dim compensation.
1 mill or SI.OO on the thousand.
6 To pay expenses incurred in support
ing the poor of the county, 1 mill or SI.OO
on the thousand.
7 To pay other lawful charges against
the county, mill or 25c on the thousand.
8 To pay expenses of and work the
public roads of the county, 3 mills or $3.00
on the thousand.
Aggregate. 12 mills or $12.00 on the
thousand. The above levy is hereby made
on all property in said county of Henry,
both real and personal, and is ordered col
lected on the same.
Given under my hand and seal, this the
3d of September, 1917.
Commissioner of R. and R. Henry county.
We fail to find words to express
our thanks for the kindness of
friends during the illness and
death of our dear husband and
father. May God’s richest bless
ings rest upon all. Sincerely,
Mrs. M. Maddox and Family.
McDonough, Georgia. Friday. October's, 4917'
Garnishment Affi.
and Bond
Mtg. Foreclosure
Petition for In
Panl Turner
Brown & Brown
Reagan & Reagan
E. M. Smith
E M. Smith
Reagan & Reagan
Reagan & Reagan
E. M. Smith
E. M. Smith
• I
E. M. Smith
E. J. Reagan
E. M. Smith
E. J. Reagan
Reagan & Reagan
Reagan & Reagan
Reagan & Reagan
R. O. Jackson
Brown & Brown
R. W. Miller
E. M. Smith
Reagan & Reagan
E. M. Smith
E. M. Smith
Cleveland and
Ed Reagan
E. M. Smith
Anderson and Mil
Reagan & Reagan
Reagan & Reaga’
E. M. Smith
Reagan & Reagan
Paul Turner
C. L. Redmon
Reagan & Reagan
Reagan & Reagan
Paul Turner
Enjoys Visit. \
Locust Grove, Oct. 1, 1917.
Dear Friends and Schoolmates :
It has been a great pleasure for
me to visit old Georgia, and espe
cially Henry county.
Just about twenty years ago I
was a school boy. I have enjoy
ed meeting my schoolmates, but
some of them have scattered to
the four parts of the U. S. and
some have passed beyond the
great divide from whence no man
ever returns. So let us all live so
that those around us may be hap
pier by our sojourn on this earth.
And by so doing we will be hap
pier in this life and better prepar
ed to meet the great beyond.
I miss a great many faces that
are not to be seen on this earth,
and I trust we shall meet here on
this earth again before the final
7 A. Sloan
1246 vs
| Milt Walker.
I *, ' 9
J. W T enthrop Walcott
1249 yfc •
W. W. Ward, C. ‘M. Power and
Joseph Mann.
•t‘ C. K*elley
1250 * vs *
T. C. Kelley AJuir. Estate of 1
*. O P. Stroud.
Harrison Thrasher
1251 vs
Charles Brown.
Mrs. Minnie Starr
1253 * vs
Gns Owen.
First National Bank of McDon
ough, Ga.
* vs
Ed Goodwin.
Geo. Alexander
1259 vs
Daniel Milner. Robt. Chappell
H. H. Fields.
ban Henderson
1260 vs
O. C. Copeland.
Bert Lemon Admr. of Lucy
1263 vs
=* Charles Heard.
» Carmichael Lumber Co.
1264 ; vs
* Ed Goodwin.
John Brvans
1266 vs
Levy Towns.
Jud Usher, Frank Usher, Will
1267 vs
Odd Fellows Lodge No. 4707.
Ruby Tw'
Emmett Smith,
T J. Upchurch
1270 vs
Mrs. A. E. Moss
W. T. Upchurch
1271 vs
T. J. Upchurch.
Edna T. Lowe
1272 vs
J. H. Perry.
Nellie Davies Lester
1273 vs
Jonas Ernest Lester.
D. S. Miller '
1274 . vs
R. H. Crumbley.
J, Mtanlev Roberts
1276 vs
M. C. Illions & Sm.
Ben Good” urn Admr.
1277 vs
Chas. Barron.
Cawthon Jackson and Mattie
1278 vs
S. I. Selfridge;
J. R. Sams
1279 vs
Jno. S Brown.
Bert Lemon Admr.
1280 vs
Charles Heard.
roll call. It has just been fifteen
short years since I was visiting
Georgia, with just the cares of a
boy. But now I am like many
others I meet, I have the cares of
a husband and father.
Now the best of friends must
part. On the great plains of New
Mexico I have a wife and four
children watching for my return,
so good-bye, one and all.
Joseph A. Smith,
Texico, N. Mex.
Fine Sale.
Sale day brought out a good at
tendance last Tuesday and prop
erty sold well, most prominent of
which was the large Fears estate
near Hampton, reaching the hand
some figure of S4O per acre for
540 acres. It went to Messrs.
Grady and Whitsell Fears.
f %
Foreclosure Land
lord lein for su
Mtg. Foreclosure
and Illegality
Mtg. Foreclosure
Bail Troner
Petition for Ali
Mr. Madison Mauuox
Passes to Reward.
About three o’clock on Sunday
afternoon last Mr. Madison Mad
dox, one of Henry county’s oldest
and best citizens, breathed his last
at his home on Keys Ferry street
,in this city. He was stricken with
paralysis on Tuesday.
Mr. Maddox was 82 years old
on the 9th of last May. He was
born on the old Billie Maddox
place, now known as the Jess
Phillips place, near White House
in Love’s district, and with the
exception of about two years in
Atlanta, lived all his life within 15
miles of where he was born. He
was a true, good man and leaves
a host of friends to sympathize
with the bereaved ones. Mr. Mad
dox is survived by his aged wife,
seven sons and one daughter, as
follows: J. W., Byron and Carl
Mr.ddox, Atlanta; Lem Maddox,
Acworth; Matt Maddox, Vienna;
Has Maddox, Stone Mountain;
Gray and Miss Vesper Maddox,
Funeral services were conduct
ed from the Baptist church at
10:30 o’clock Tuesday morning by
Elder E. Oglesby, interment fol
lowing in McDonough cemetery.
Monday afternoon Mrs. C. M.
Mahone entertained quite a num
ber at a knitting party in honor of
her sisters, Mrs. Conner, and Mrs.
Mr. Hillard Kidwell spent the
week-end with friends here.
Miss Essie Rcsser is visiting
friends in Jackson.
Quite a number from here at
tended the Baptist association in
Master Wilbur Eubanks of Elko
is visiting his grand parents, Rev.
and Mrs. R. F. Smith.
Mr. Joe A. Smith left for his
home in New Mexico Monday.
Rev. Liddell of McDonough
preached to a large and appreci
ative audience at the Baptist
church last Sunday. He was ac
companied by his estimable wife
and daughter.
A number attended the singing
at the court house in McDonough
last Sunday.
Miss Delia Smith entertained
the elderlv friends of Mrs. Fannie
Gordon Hill at a spend-the-day
party last Thursday. Mrs. Hill
was born in McDonough, eighty
two years ago.
With a sad heart we chronicle
the death of Clifford Lucile daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Brown,
who passed away Aug. sth, 1917,
at her home in Henry county.
Death followed an illness of
several weeks and was not unex
pected. She was a member of
the Methodist church, and until
her health gave way several years
ago was an active worker.
God in His infinite wisdom
knows best; yet it was so hard
for the dear old parents to give
up their only daughter. How sor
rowful we feel for them and for
ourselves, when we realize she is
no lonher in our midst; yet how
our souls swell with joy because
we realize another jewel glitters
in the diadem of the redeemed.
God calls those whom He lov
eth, though in claiming this one a
fond father, mother and brother’s
hearts are crushed with grief.
It is not for us to offer sympa
thy—the Allwise Being who sent
this great affliction will give them
strength to bear it.
Clifford was my dear friend and
relative, and I loved her, and I
trust when the resurrection morn
shall come and earth shall dis
close all its frailties, I shall meet
her where parting is no more.
C. D. S.
$1.50 A YEAR