The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, October 05, 1917, Image 3
Red Cross. Secretary, Red Cross Cnapter, Dear Madam: There has recently been organ ized as a part ot' the 31st Division of the U. S. Army, composed of the National Guard units of Geor gia, Florida and Alabama, a sani tary train, known as the 196th Sanitary Train. This train is com- 1 posed of the following organiza tions: Alabama Field Hospital, Florida Field Hospital and Geor gia Field Hospitals Numbers 2 an 1 3. (Field Hospitals Nambers 2 and 3 were formerly known as “Georgia Field Hospital No. 1”) and four ambulance companies. The purpose of these units is the rendering of first aid to the injured on the battlefield and the emergency treatment of these pa tients in the field hospitals until they can be sent back to the base hospitals. This train, oarticularly the Geor gia Field Hospitals, is in great need of about one hundred re cruits at once. These recruits will enlist for the 10th Sanitary train and then be assigned to one of the different units composing the same. In writing this letter I am en deavoring to secure the aid of the local Red Cross chapters over the state in helping us fill up these vacancies, particularly in the Geor gia units, with high grade young men, from the state at large of good moral character and good appearance, who are interested in the work of the Medical Depart ment. \ The personnel of the Georgia Field Hospitals is of the highest type of young manhood the coun try affords and it is not desired to lower the standard. These units, in all probability will see early service in France and it is my desire that you bring this matter to the attention of the members of your chapter and ask them to aid me in getting a suf ficient number of desirable men for these vacancies within the next ten days. This wiii probably be the last opportunity for men to “come in out of the draft” and serve under two flags, the Star Spangled Banner and the Red Cross. Won’t you kindly do all that you can to help us fill these vacancies at once ? Please have this letter published in your local papers and instruct any men interested to write, wire or call in person to see me within the next ten days at the General Recruiting Office, 508 Post Office Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Thanking you in advance for your kindnes, I am yours very truly, C. F. Holton, Major, Medical Corps, U. S. N.G. Worth Their Weight In Gold. No man can do his best when suffering from backache, rheu matic pains, swollen joints, sore muscles or other symptoms af kid ney trouble. B. H. Stone, 840 N. 2d St., Reading, Pa., writes: “I contracted a most severe case of kidney trouble. I gradually grew worse and for months was unable ty attend to business. I began to use Foley Kidney Pills and soon found the pains were gone and I have had no aches since. They have been worth their weight in gpld to me.” The McDonough Drug Co. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Your hides wanted. Thomp son’s shop. I I Awl I 111 mn i I f m AHHiSr B B X VIRGINIA is the birth- H V place of cigarettes. The JV charm and sunshine of the J m South is in golden Virginia N | Ob v tobacco. And Virginia to- A Of bacco is “all the go * —it has Bl that “dash” and “sparkle” jLJpf jOO to its taste that makes a flBnpHV cigarette a cigarette . • iMBBr '£/ zj3 Cx^arfitte NOTE: 300 million pounds! That** 5c and 10c how much Virginia tobacco was made into cigarettes last year —over 4 times as ” go /IQTP much as any other tobacco. And Piedmont S j ' u the biggest-selling Virginia agarttti im the world. Ssw Rats&Mi£<e For rale by Locust Grove Drug Co.. Locust Grove, Ga W. A. Mays, Stockbridge, Ga. And All Good Dealers For Rent. Nice store room in city of Hamp ton for rent for year 1918. Apnly to Mrs. Tommie Fears. FARM LOANS I can arrange you a loan on your farm anywhere, at a low rate of interest, 3 or 5 years. Write W. O. Needham, Elienwood, Ga. TALMON PATTI ILLO SURVEYOR HENRY COUNTY - , His only occupation, and this AI.L the time, which spells “sccc'” Plain field surveying and plat work a specialty. Office Court House McDonough, - Georgia ALFALFA GROWN just as profitably in Georgia, the Carolinas and Alabama, as in the West if you lime your land with LADCO GROUND LIMESTONE. Costs a trifle. Insures good stand and vigorous growth of alfalfa, vetch, clovers and grain. Write for delivered price, valuable booklet and reports. Attractive proposition to merchants arul farmer agents. LADD UME A STONE COMPANY, i *** Hour wot-Pine. iitimta. a a Ask Your Grocer * For ■ > j$,■ 1 fi. CHEEK-NEAei COFFEES : Best By Every Test , 1000 acres of land for rent, leas** or sale, in two to six horse farms. C. D. McDonald.