Newspaper Page Text
(Last Week’s Letter.)
Messrs. Herman Whitaker and
Cloma Moss left Wednesday for
' Camp Gordon near Atlanta, where
fhey enter into training.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rosser and
little son, James, spent Saturday
night with Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon
Rosser of McDonough.
Mr. and Mrs. Lon McGarity
spent Saturday night with Mr. and
Mrs. Archie McGarity.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Berry spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tink
Berry near Sharon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McGarity
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Green Upchurch and family.
Miss Vera Nail spent Saturday
night and Sunday with Miss Nena
Mae Rape.
Mr. arid Mrs. Marbut Coan spent
the week end with relatives here.
Mrs. Jim Berry and Mrs. Green
Upchurch spent Saturday after
noon with Mrs. Babe Culpepper.
Mr. Ernest McGarity of Porter
dale spent Saturday night and
Sunday with homefolks.
Miss Nell McGarity spent Satur
day night with Miss Bettie Lou
Mr. John McGarity carried a
crowd from around here to Snap
ping Shoals and Porterdale, Sun
day. Pink and White Rose.
Neighborly Society.
“Oh, mother,” cried Mabel, who
had never visited in the country,
“I have just had a letter from my
schoolmate inviting me to spend
two weeks on her father’s farm.”
Mabel’s mother looked up lan
“Yes, dear,” she remarked,
“and what does she say about the
society in the neighborhood ?
Does she she mention anyone?”
“No,” answered Mabel thought
fully, “but I’ve heard her mention
tiie Holsteins and Guernseys.”
“Oh, well,” said her mother, “I
presume they are pleasant people.
—Rehoboth Herald.
Til be down in a minute,” call
Mrs. Dubwaite from her dress
ing room.
"Just a moment, dear,” answer
ed Mr. Dubwaite.
“Do you mean the minute that
is now being ticked off by the
clocks and watches, or a minute
that will begin about three-quar
ters of an hour from now?”
Meeker —This paper says a man
should tell his wife daily that he
loves her. What do you think of
that ?
Enpeck—Huh ! I don’t think a
newspaper ought fo encourage ly
Yes, there are lots of things to
be done after the war —but win
ning the war is the thing to con
sider now. Stand together and
■win. —W. J. Bryan.
The more earnestly one desires
peace the more loyally he should
support the government as the
best way to hasten peace !—W. J.
Shortage in European cotton
crops has revived there the culti
vation of the stinging nettle for
textile purposes. This weed, us
ually regarded as somewhat of a
nuisance, is also used as food for
man and beast.
“Oh, Cecil, the cook has given
notice; she says you swore at her
on the phone ”
“Good heavens! I thought it
was vou, pet.” v
When God Probes.
God loves us too much to let
what would hurt us stay with us.
So, because of this love, he him
self is willing to hurt us in order
to save from the greater hurt.
Probing is done in order to get rid
of something that would injure.
And so, as Prebendary Webster
has said: “Do not be afraid of
God’s probing. He never wounds
except to heal. He never humbles
except to exalt. Do let Gotl deal
with you; do not be afraid of his
probing.” Most of us have been
afraid of it; we may be dreading
it just now. We shall not fear it
if we remember what kind of love
is back of it: that all-sacrificing
love that died for us on the cross.
So we can safeiy, gladly let our
selves go utterly into his hands
and ask those nail-pierced hands
to do with us what they will.
Then he can begin to show us his
his love as we may never yet have
known the meaning of love.—Sun
day School Times.
' ' 4 \ ,
When the dust is on the counter
and the cobweb’s on the shelf and
there’s no one in the store but
your own disheartened self, and
your stock is getting shelfworn,
and everything looks stale, and
bills enough are coming in to
make a banker pale. Oh! then’s
the time a fellow is a feelin’ kind
o’ blue, and is puzzled with the
thought of the proper thing to do.
In such a situation but one reme
dy applies. If you want to get
the customers you’ve got to ad
This world is willing to tolerate
a lazy man who has money.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There
Is only one way to cure catarrhal deafness,
and that is by a constitutional remedy.
Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is
Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely
closed. Deafness is the result. Unless the
inflammation can be reduced and this tube
restored to its normal condition, hearing
will be destroyed forever. Many cases of
deafness are caused by catarrh, which is
an inflamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure acts thru the
blood on the mucous surfaces of the sys
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Circulars
free. All Druggists. 76c.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
For Sale or Rent.
115 acres of land for sale or
rent with fine improvements,
about 1% miles Southeast ot Lo
cust Grove on public road.
Sept. 1, 1917. 2t.
Here i 3 a message to
suffering women, from
Mrs. W. T. Price, of
Public, Ky.: “I suf
fered with painful...’',
she writes. “I got down
with a weakness in my
back and limbs...! §
felt helpless and dis- I
couraged... I had about I
given up hopes of ever I
being w*ll again, when I
a friend insisted £ r
Take "
Hie Woman’s Tonic
I began Cardui. In
a short while I saw a
marked difference...
I grew stronger right
along, and it cured me.
I am stouter than I
have been in years.”
If you suffer, you can
appreciate what it
means to be strong and
well. Thousands of wo
men give Cardui the
credit for their good
health. It should help
you. Try Cardui. At all
druggists. E-73
Inactive Kidneys *
Cause Disease
"I (ball not soon forget the benefits I derived
from the ose of Foley Kidney Pills."— AL A.
Godfrey, Forest Grove, Oregon.
Too much work and too little work
seem to have abbut the same effect
on persons past middle age. Proper
action of the kidneys is necessary to
good health. They act as a filter
and remove from the blood poisonous
waste matter which if permitted to
remain in tho system leads to many
Many nervous, tired, run-down men
and women suffer from pains in tfae
hack and sides, dizzy spells, bladder
weakness, sore muscles and stiff
joints and fail to realize that rheuma
tism, diabetes or even Bright’s dis
ease may result. *
If you have cause to believe that
your kidneys are weak, disordered or
inactive you should act immediately.
Foley Kidney Pills have been used
by young, middle aged and old with
complete satisfaction. They act quick
ly and surely and have given relief
In cases of ten years' standing.
The McDonough Drug Co.
We have a limited number of
30x3% Non-skid auto tires for
sale at $ll.OO each.
Henry County Supply Co.
drink f f " X
Chero-Cola * W
“In a bottle—Through a straw
t)CfP£ SH/NG
Health is more precious than all the gold of
Croesus. Do not jeopardize it. Be refreshed —
f* drink pure, unadulterated CHERO-COLA from
the original sanitized bottle, through a straw.
The Southern Mortgage Co.
Established 1870. Gould Building—lo Decatur Street—9l Edgewood Avenue.
Negotiated throughout the State on Improved Farm Lands in sums
ot si,ooo to SIOO,OOO on Five Years’ time at reasonable rates. Our sources
ot money are practicallv inexhaustible. We have a strong line ot customers
among individual investors and Savings Banks and Trust Companies in the North,
East and Middle West, and we number among our customers the
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company
with assets ot more than a hundred million dollars.
J. T. Holleman, President W. A. Thompson, Abstracts of Title
W. L. Kemp, Vice-President J- G. Work, Abstracts of Title
I W Andrews Secretarv L. A. Boulighny, Auditor
J. W. Andrews, secretary S . R. Cook, Secretary’s Clerk
E. \. Carter, Attorney T. B. Dempsey, Abstract Clerk
A, d’Antignac, Inspector C. W. Felker, Jr., Abstract Clerk.
W. A. Howell, Abstracts of Title Horace Holleman, Application Clerk.
For intormation, call on or write to
I Now Carry a Full Line of Parts for Both Mc-
Price, Having Bought them Before the Advance in
Price, and can Save You Money.
Yes: I still Paint FORDS for sll >SO? do a good
job too. And I have a Dandy Vulcanizing Plant and
can Repair Blow-outs, Rim-cuts and Tread-cuts, in
any size Tire from 3 to 5 inches.
McDonough, Ga. Phone 20 J.