Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry County.
General Presentments*
We the Grand Jury selected,
chosen and sworn for the county
of Henry, October term 1917, beg
leave to submit the following:
We have diligently and faithful
ly inquired into all matters brought
to our attention and submitted to
our body during the present term,
and have endeavored to make
such recommendations and find
ings in the various matters as the
evidence before us seemed to jus
We have through our various
committees examed all the offices
and official records of our county.
We have examined the records
and books of the Ordinary, Sheriff,
Clerk, Treasurer, Tax Receiver,
Tax Collector, County School Com
missioner and the Commissioner
of Roads and Revenues and find
the books and records of all neat
ly and correctly kept, with all
vouchers and papers properly fil
ed and indexed. (See Supple
ment of Treasurer and Commis
sioner of Roads and Revenues at
tached herewith.)
We have examined the books
and records of the Judge of the
County Court and find them neat
ly and correctly kept, with all
vouchers and papers properly fil
ed. (See report attached.)
We have examined the pension
lists of the county and find them
correct. We find the dockets of
the various J. P. and N. P. books
of our county neatly and correct
ly kept as required by law.
We find that upon investigation
of Commissioner of Roads and
Revenue’s report that youcher No.
528, amount $3,288.93, should have
been entered on the report at the
close of the year 1916, which
would have shown the indebted
ness of the county that much more
at the close of the year 1917. We
recommend that the Clerk of
Court be allowed to make this
We find the county farm in good
condition, and find four inmates
all well cared for and receiving
the proper attention they need.
We find the farm in good condi
tion and find that a crop, consist
ing of corn, potatoes, etc., has
been cultivated on it this year.
We have examined and inspect
ed the chain gang and convicts
and find them in good condition
in every respect. We t.nd one
white convict and thirty-four col
ored convicts, all well cared for
and able to work. We find thirty
one mules with the ch no gang ah
in good condition and working
shape. •
We recommend that R. F. Ford
be appointed N. P. ex-oftico J. P.
of the 491 District G. M. and that
E. F. Adams be appointed N. P.
ex-offico J. P. of the 641 District
G. M. and that C. M. DeLong be
appointed N. P. ex offico J. P. of
the 775 District G. M.
We recommend that the Jurors
be paid $2.00 per day, Court Bailiff
$2.00 per day, Riding Bailiff $3.00
per day.
We recommond that Miss Caro
line Wyatt be paid SI.OO per quar
ter, Rachel Fargason SIO.OO per
quarter, Lindy Walker $5.00 per
quarter, and Miss Mollie Nail be
increased to SIO.OO per quarter,
and Martha Ricks and Mary Ricks
fee increased to $15.00 per quar
We recommend that the fence
around the county jail be repair
ed and rebuilt where it has fallen
down and we also recommend
that the jail be kept in a more
sanitary condition.
We find the court house in very
good condition except a few re
pairs that is needed and we recom
mend that the leak over the Clerk’s
office and such other necessary
repairs that are needed be repair
ed by the proper authorities.
We recommend that the County
Commissioner have worked and
made public a road commencing
at Ralph Culpepper’s in Tussahaw
District and running to top of hill
beyond branch, a distance of about
one fouth of a mile, said road run
ning through the land of what is
known as the Joe Culpepper place,
now owned by Ralph Culpepper
and L. H. Boatner.
We / recommend a public road
be opened beginning near the old
school house, running through the
lands of R. W. Dickerson and O.
Moss, intersecting with the Island
Shoals and Worthville road. This
being the second order from the
grand jury to open up this road.
We recommend that a public
road be opened beginning at or
near the residence of Noel Jinks
and running through the lands of
Noel Jinks and I. JrCardell thence
along the land line between I. J.
Cardell and L. J. Castellaw lead
out to the public road near L. A.
We recommend that Ann Cook
be paid $5 00 per quarter.
We disire to express our thanks
to his honor, Judge W. E. H.
Searcy, Jr., for the cou tesy and
consideration extended by him to
this body, especially for his able
and exhaustive charge, cohering
our duties and responsibilities, and
we feel justified in saying that the
interest of the people of Henry
county are ir: the hands of a .fudge
able and willing to take care of
them, and that this administration
will be a credit to the county and
to the entire Flint Circuit.
And in concluding our duties we
especially desire also to extend to
our efficient Solicitor General
Hon. E. M Owen, our thanks for
his uniform kindness and courte
sies, and commend him for his dil
igence in the prosecution of mat
ters coming before this body, and
to the fairness of all parties con
We also desire to express our
thanks to our foreman W. M. Har
ris for his kindness shown us, and
for the efficient and faithful ser
vices he has rendered this body.
We aFo desire to thank our clerk
W. G. Thompson for his services,
and to our bailiff “Uncle Wes”
Harper for the faithful discharge
of his duties.
We recommend that these pre
sentments be published in The
Henry County Weekly and that
the publisher be paid SIO.OO tor
Respectfully submitted:
H. T. Moore E R Moore
L. B. McCullough W. A. Craig
T. J. Stanoard D. C Turner
S. P. Hnoten C. J. Turner
G. B Childs S. P. Love
J. C. Harris A. R. Laney
Joe Nix J. B Rowan
Robert Walker J. W. Rape
W. O. Welch W. J. Turner
C. W. Cowen J. R. Turner
Lee Patterson
W. M. Harris, Foreman,
W. G. Thompson, Clerk.
One 2 horse farm well located
to school and chuch, good four
room house and barn. Also my
house and lot in McDonough for
sale. Can arrange payments if
you desire. D. T. Carmichael.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday. October 26, 1917,
Beautiful Church Wed
ding of Two of McDon
ough’s Popular Young
People Wednesday.
A wedding of broad social in
terest was that of Miss Annie
Lemon to Mr. Robert Hendley
Daniel, which occurred Wednes
day evening at 8:30 o’clock at the
the Methodist church, Rev, H. S.
Smith performing the ceremony.
The church was artistic in its
decorations of pink and green.
The alter banked in ferns and
palms, with white wicker baskets
holding pink cosmos, about which
burned wax tapers in brass sticks,
formed a beautiful brack-ground
for the wedding party. Preceding
the ceremony a lovely musical
program was rendered by Miss
Annie Nolan, who sang, “1 Love
You Truly.
Mrs. Asa A. Lemon was matron
of honor, wearing white georgette
crepe and carrying pink roses.
Little Olive Lemon and Elosie
Amis, dainty in white dresses with
pink ribbons, scattered pink roses
in the bride’s path, and the ring
was carried by little Dorothy Lem
on who wore white organdie and
The bride entered with her maid
of honor, Miss Marie Dupree, and
was met at the altar by the groom
and his man, Mr. John High
tower, tne groomsmen being
Messrs. George Alexander, Hugh
Kelley, Blake Tui ner and Timon
Bowden. The maid of honor was
gowned in pink satin and tulle and
carried pink roses.
The bride was never lovlier
than in her wedding gown of
white satin, geergette crepe and
silver lace. Her veil was caught
with orange blossoms and she
carried a bouquet of bride’s roses
showered with valley lillies.
Mrs. Daniel is one of this city’s
most popular young ladies, who
has a charming personality that
has won for her countless friends.
Mr. Daniel is one ui our leading
business men ami the congratula
tions and best wishes of many
friends fora life of prosperity and
happiness are extended ooth Mr.
and Mrs. Daniel.
Immediately after the ceremony
they left for a bridal trip to New
York and other eastern cities.
Among the out-of-town guests
were Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Blake,
Mr. and Mrs J. P. Nichols, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Gossett, Mr. and
Mrs. K. C. Jones, and Misses Kath
leen Walker and Kathryn Nichols
of Griffin, Mrs. F. S. Thorpe of
Macon, Mrs. Verna Wright of
Jackson and Mrs. Comer Wood
ward of Chicago.
We desire to sincerly thank the
good people of Hampton for their
kind ministrations during the ill
ness and death of Mrs. Sebia
Strickland. They can never be
forgotten, and may heaven’s rich
est blessings rest with them.
Mrs. J. S. Lovern and Children.
Try' the Red Cedar Shingles for
sale by
Locust Grove. Ga.
Red Cross.
The Red Cross meeting of
Thursday of last week resulted in
the addition of the following new
Mr. Geo. Alexander
Murray Copeland
Mr. C. J. Dickson
Miss Mamie Alexander
Mr. H. M. Amis
Mrs. H. M. Aims
Miss Carolyn Amis
William Amis
J. E. Hooten
Mr. B. B. Barmichael
H. J. Copeland, Jr.
Mrs. Julia McDonald
Mrs. J. B. Russell
Mr. J. M. Stroud
Mr. H. H. Forbes
Mrs. H. H. Forbes
Mr. P. W. Pull in
Mrs. P. W. Pullin
Mr. John Pullin
Mr. W. M. Pullin
Miss Elon Norman
Mr. F. D. Patterson •
Mr. H. B. Patterson
Mr. W. J. Turner
Mr. A. C. Norman
Mrs. A. (J. Norman
Mr. H. B. Carmichael
Mr. G. E. Sims
Mrs. G. E. Sims
M~s. W. G. Copeland
Mr. J. D. Dupree
Mr. W. B. J. Ingram
Mrs. W. B J. Ingram
Mr. Joe J. Smith
Mr. W. B. Kelley
Mr. O. F. Alexander
Mr. J. B. Russell
Committees were appointed as
Executive committee: R<*v. M.
C. Liddell, Dr. A. R. Scott, Mrs. E.
M. Smith, Mrs. Fred Walker, Mrs.
E. M. ( oppeland.
Membership committee: Mrs.
Whit Turner, Mrs. W. H. Peace,
Mr. Bob Sloan, Rev. J. M. Gilmore
! and Miss Eunice Tarpley.
Finance committee : Mr. H J.
Turner, Mr. W. D. Tarpley, Dr. J.
G. Smith.
Publicity committee: Mrs. R.
ii. Hankinson, Mrs. J. A. F'ouche,
Mr. H. B. Neal.
Woman’s sewing committee:
Mrs. J. M. Gilmore, Mrs. E. J. Rea
gan, Mrs. H. S. Smith, Mrs. M. C.
Liddell and Mrs. Carmichael.
Co-operation and Extension
committee: Prof. M. W. Smith,
l<ev. L. G. Bowden, Dr. B. E. Hor
ton, Mr. HanKinson.
Civil Relief committee: Mr.
George Alexander, Miss Bess Fou
ciie and Mrs. John Fisher.
Arrangements were made for a
Red Cross mass meeting to be
held on Tuesday evening imme
diately following the Liberty Loan
Bon-Fire, at the high school audi
it is the desire of the promoters
of the movement that the mem
bership may be raised on that
evening to the necessary two hun
Mrs. R. H. Hankinson.
On Thursday afternoon at the
home of Miss Marie Dupree, Mes
dames £dd Goodwin, L. K. Purks
and Miss Marie Dupree were hos
tesses at a miscellaneous shower
in honor of Miss Annie Lemon, a
bride-elect of this month. After
each guest had written a toast to
the bride, little Ida Belle Dupree
entered, drawing a wagon laden
with gifts for the honor guest.
The house was beautifully deco
rated, a color scheme of yellow
and white being carried out in
every derail. A delightful salad
course was served, followed with
block cream and cake.
‘‘Liberty Bond Fire.”
At 7 o’clock Tuesday evening
many McDonough citizens gather
ed in front of the public school
building to witness the “Liberty
Bond Fire,” which was a decided
success. {
After w hich they entered the
school auditorium, where a very
interesting program was rendered
consisting of patriotic songs and
All sang America. Then Miss
Helen Harris rendered in her own
matchless way, Columbia. After
this a chorus of girls made the
welkin ring.
Rev. H. S. Smith delivered an
excellent and most appropriate
address, urging every true Ameri
can to do his “bit” in aiding his
country in this great war for hu
m in rights.
At the close of Mr. Smith’s ad
dress the Red Cross had a meet
ing, the result of which ten new
members were added to the list.
“God bless our native land,
Firm may she ever stand
Through storm and night!
Mrs. J. C Walden.
Tne numerous friends of Mrs.
J. C. Walden were much pained
to hear of her death, which oc
curred at the home of her hus-,
baud in Stockbridge at 8 o’clock
list Sunda/ night, following an
illness of several weeks.
Mrs. Walden was a most excel
lent woman, and one of the inosj
I most promi net ladies of Stock
bridge, whose wide circle of
friends there and elsewhere deep
ly sympathize with the family in
their bereavement.
Mrs. Walden is survived by her
husband and one daughter, Mrs.
Rosa Lee Elllison, besides a num
ber of relatives.
Funeral services were conduct
ed by Rev. Walter Carmichae
Monday afternoon and the re
mains laid to rest in Burks ceme
tery at Stockbridge.
At Presbyterian Clmrcii
Next Sunday Night.
Come and hear her speak. She
will tell us something about the
mountain people of Kentucky. No
charge. All free.
in connection with the lecture
the Christian endeavor will render
a musical program, singing many
old songs and giving a short his
tory of them.
The public is cordially invited.
COME. You can’t miss this rare
Our Soldier Boys.
While we are passing through
the most prosperous period in
the history of the south, our sol
dier boys are less fortunate, as
they not only cannot share this
prosperity, but are called on to
face hardships and dangers, and
we should deem it a privilege that
we can, through the Red Cross,
do much to make their paths
If you haven’t alreadyd one so,
send in your subscription at once
to either,
H. J. TURNER, *)
W. D. Tarpley, Finance Com.
Dr. J. G. Smith, )
$1.50 A YEAR