Newspaper Page Text
Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
Regular communications of Fra ter on
Lodge No 37 F & A M meet Ist and 8
Firday nights in eiteh month. All dul
qualified brethren fraternally and cord
allv iuvited to meet with us.
Asa A. Lkmon, W. M.
O. L. Adams, Sec.
Peavine hay wanted. A. R.
Plenty of solid ice Wedensday
Your hides wanted. Thomp
son’s shop.
Cotton nearing THIRTY CENTS.
W-H-O-O-P-P-E-E !
Wanted at once —1000 cords of
wood. Dr. J. G. Smith.
Mr. Joe Chafin was down from
Atlanta several days last week.
Food Conservation Campaign
naxt week —each home to be vis
Mrs. B. L. Hancock spent sev
eral days last week with relatives
.at Lovejoy.
Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Crawford of
Inman spent Sunday with Mrs.
Annie Nolan.
Dr. and Mrs. Lifsey, of Barnes
ville were guests Sunday of Mrs.
Jennie Haper.
The Harris Milling Co. of Hamp
ton has some blue stem seed
wheat for sale.
Miss Annie G. Thompson has
returned home from a visit to rela
tives in Atlanta.
SOME trade in McDonough last
Saturday— and then some more
every day since.
Miss Kathleen Walker arrived
Monday and is the guests of her
sister Mrs. Asa Lemon.
For sale—three Ford touring
cars, one suit oak furniture, two
tables. T. J. Patterson.
Mr. W. C. Hamilton went down
to Macon to spend Sunday with his
grandson at Camp Wheeler.
Mesdames Jennie, Harper and
Cora Knott are visiting Mrs. T. A
Lifsey in Barnesville this week.
The Weekly finds ’em even be
fore they are advertised. Call
and get that bunch of lost keys.
Misses Janie and Lillian Hen
drix arrived from Macon Saturday
and are guests of Mrs. E. M.
Expecting this week mullet,
trout and red snapper fish and
fresh oysters, Copeland-Turner
Mrc. Co.
Lost — gold watch and chain
about two weeks ago. Return
to Candler Dailey, McDonough,
for reward.
Mr. and Mrs. John Knight were
down from Allant to spend Sun
day with his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. Knight.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Brown and
little drughter Mildred spent sev
eral days last week with relatives
at Bullochville.
#Mr. Mr. Marvin Turner went up
to Kentucky last week and secur
dd a drove of fine mules, which
arrived Sunday.
Try our pickled pigs feets. fresh
bulk sausage, full cream cheese,
new sorghum syrup. Copeland-
Turner Mrc. Co.
Henry Superior Court adjourn
ed Tuesday evening, dis Dosing of
tire business in the shortest crim
inal session on record. The grand
jury adjourned Monday afternoon
and the general presentments are
published this week.
Mr. Ed Gcodwin has been con
fined at home by sickness several
days this week.
Will handle fresh meats each
Saturday until further notice, be
ginning Saturday, October 27th.
Copeland-Turner Mrc. Co.
For sale, 200 pecan tree*, two
years old, extra large variety.
See me before placing your order.
Bailor Smith, McDonough, Ga.
Mr. Smith Davis, who has been
spending several days at his old
home in Hampton, was a welcome
visitor to McDonough Monday.
Beginning Monday, 29th, each
home in Henry county will be vis
ited and asked to sign pledge
cards along the line of food econ
Chilli sauce, Tobasco sauce, pep
per sauce and tomato ketchup,
Sweet and sour Dickies, graDes t
pears, celery and fresh oysters.
Copeland-Turner Mrc. Co.
There are no dues or fees re
quired of anyone in the Food
Conservation —simply a voluntary
act on the part of each house
Fresh pickled pigs feet, Weiner
sausage, white and mackerel fish,
fancy bulk sausage, sliced break
fast bacon. Copeland - Turner
Mrc. Co.
Please settle your blacksmith
account. I need the money to
meet my obligations. Horse shoe
only 90cts. Come to see me.
Thompson’s Shop.
The Food Conservation Cam
paign is on next week in every
part of the United States and its
possessions. You are called upon
to help in this great move.
Mrs. Comer Woodward of Chi
cago will spend this fall with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Wood
ruff of this city, and her sister,
Mrs. Will Wright of Jackson.
First come, first served! We
have limited amount good home
raised seed wheat that we would
sell rather than grind into flour.
Harris Milling Co., Hampton, Ga.
Dr. Hess Stock Tonic and Poul
try Panacea, full stock. Try Hog
Tone. You run no risk. Cope
land-Turner Mrc. Co.
Privates Robert Turner and
Robert Bowden of Camp Wheeler
spent Sunday with the home folks,
and Homer Brannan came down
from Fort Oglethorpe Monday
night, remaining until Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rolfe Sims have
moved to Newnan, where they
will make their home. Mr. Sims
was book-keeper for the Ford
Agency, and they have made many
friends here who regret to see
them leave.
The Baptist Young People’s Un
ion has re-organized, and with
new officers begun worK for the
coming year. We are 'now study
ing a little book entitled, “Train
ing in Church Membership.” At
tendance is fine, and we hope to
accomplish much good.
Mr. Cliff Wise of the Sixth dis
trict purchased the pair of fine
Hampshire hogs, which took first
Fuiton county prize and second
State prize at the Southeastern
fair in Atlanta last week, and will
raise from them. They are per
fect beauties, five months old,
weighing 250 pounds each.
1000 acres of land for rent,
lease or sale, in two to six horse
farms. Will rent 50 acres of land
for 4 bales of cotton per year for 5
years and make a deed to the land
at end of the 5 vears.
C. D. McDonald.
Thursday Morning.. 28 %c
Long 4-A
hurry to McDonough \
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Lemon enter
tained the bridal party at an in
formal reception Tuesday evening
following the rehearsal of the
Lemon Daniel wedding. Quanti
of cut flowers were used in deco
ration in the reception hall and
dining room where a color scheme
of pink and white was carried out.
A salad course was served follow
ed with cream and cake.
Friends of Mr. Julian T. Weems,
of McDonough, will be glad to
know that he has taken high po
sition with his company, The
Southern States Life. He is one
of two men in the entire agency
force to attain the Third Degree
Keystone honors, the other being
Mr. G. J. McDowell, of South Caro
lina. Both men are presented in
the October issue of The Key
stone, company paper, as ideal
types of representative.
Our first seven weeks of school
have been completed with very
good results. There has been a
very good record for these past
weeks, although there some are
iinprovents to be made.
A new plan has been adopted
by Prof. Smith. He has promis
ed to present a banner to be kept
by the grade which nas the larg
est per cent of its number of pu
pils on the honor roll each month.
The banner is to be moved to the
room that wins it, where it will
remain during the ensuing month.
The second grade has it for Octo
The two literary societies con*'
tinuel their meetings each Mon
day with very good results and
interesting programs. One has
been named “Henry Grady Lit
erary Society.”
The pastors have filled their
regular appointments with us with
very interesting talks. One of
the most interesting we have had
was the one Rev. Liddell gave us
on “Pigs is Little Hogs.” Every
one enjoyed this very much, as it
contained so much humor. He
has given us a little poem of his
own composition, which is as fol
lows :
I once saw a little hog,
Somewhat strange was he;
I found him not in a bog,
But up an apple tree.
What! a hog up a tre?
Whoever heard such stuff ?
You'r only fooling me.
And trying hard to bluff. Huh!
I saw a pig at a table,
Eating soup with a spoon;
He ate it in such a way
The noise lilled the room.
Some pigs pretend to wear clothes,
Pants and waist, anti hat,
Shirt and cloak and shoes,
But never lit to look at.
Pigs sometimes go to school
Who tire driven there by force,
But do no good as a rule,
So the teacher considers the source.
I’m glad I’m not a hog—
Don't you feel the same?
For I don’t like the bog.
Neither do I like the name.
Rev. Gilmore also gave us a
very interesting talk on loyalty to
our teachers, home, town, state,
and lastly but not least, to our
nation. If we do not stand for
the things that will help to raise
the standard of these things, we
ought to move out and not let our
influence hinder them.
The Fourteenth Annual Meeting
)f the Woman’s Home Missionary
Society of the Atlanta Conference
M. E. Church will convene in Mc-
Donough Nov. Ist, at the A. M. E.
church. The white ladies or all
the Missionary Societies are cor
dially invited to attend these ser
vices. Every courtesy will be ex
tended them.
Mattie Brown, Pres.
McDonough Home Mis. Soc’ty.
Of McDonough
Capital 550.000.00
Surplus and Profits 550.000.00
Measured by every Standard, this
Bank is an Institution of
WE invite you to become a custo
mer. Check and deposit books
furnished free.
Small accounts given the same court
eous treatment as targe ones.
''ftor/on Cfirry
“That Little Christmas Gift” will be here for you
whether you do your shopping early or late. Come
to our store and let us help you select something ap
propriate. We can eliminate the worry.
Horton Drug Go.
Phone 49 McDonough, Ga.
No More 1
| MpP| Fire Building 1
1 w Night-Mares 1.
No more worry —simply turn over in bed
and leave it to the trusty Vortex Heater,
o Why build fires at sa. m? Why be a £’
slave to a heating plant that eats fuel like a
demon? Cut your fuel bill in half with a &
r vortex I
§ Tbe Double Down Draft Gives Double Fuel Saving J
| Copeland-Turner )
j Mercantile Company |