The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, October 26, 1917, Image 8
UXTST GRdVE LOCALS. (Last Week's.) Miss Margaret Mahone enter tained the Orchestra Monday evening. Mrs. James T. Lewis ofjWoolsey, who has been with the family of Rev. R. F. Smith the past week, is now with her sister,|Mrs.2James Wilson, in Jackson. A number from here attended the Home Coming at Berea church in Hampton, Sunday. Mrs. Luther Jinks visiting her daughter, Mrs. Raymod Bearden. Mrs. Lon Smith has returned from a visit to Atlanta. Miss Susan Dolvin is the guest of Miss Tryphena Walker. Miss Thelma Smith, of Atlanta, was the week-end guest of friends at the Dormitory. Mr. Griffin and Mr. Harold Pen dergrass were among the visitors to Hampton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown spent Sunday with relatives in McDon ough. Mrs. Marylu James is some time in Hamlet, N. C. Miss Camilla Weaver has re turned from a visit to friends in McDonough. Mrs. Trellis Castellaw and little son, H. B , have returned from a visit to relatives near Cabiness. The Minister’s Association had an interesting meeting at the In stitute Monday evening. Miss Allie Gardner is now with Davis, Paxon and Stokes in At lanta. Mr. Romy Clary of Waynesboro spent the past week here. TAX COLLECTOR’S NOTICE First Round , Hampton, ..Thursday, November 1 Stock bridge Friday “ 2 Locust Grove... Saturday “ 3 Tussahaw 9, Crutnbley’s Store Store 10, Kelley’s 11, Ellis town 12, Ola 2 o’clock Wednesday 7 Woodstown 9, Island Shoals 10, Adair & Dickerson’s Store 11, Snapping Shoals 12, B -ersh ba 1, Bryant’s Store 3 Thursday 8 Green’s Store 9, Kelleytovvn 10, Whitehouse 12, Wilson’s Store 2 Frid w 9 Morris’ Store 9, Simmons’ Store 10, Brushy Knob 11, Scarbrough’s Store 1, White’s Store 2 Monday 11 Shakerag 9, Blackmon’s Store 11, Bond’s Store 12, Stock bridge 2.. Tuesday 12 Flippen 9, Sixth 11, Conkle’s Mill 1, Lovejoy 2 .Wednesday 13 Greenwood 9, Luella 10 o’clock Thursday 14 J. H. WALLACE, T. C. H. C. ML..:. - Vuv- H A COMPIC' ■'*" r TRANKS i k ELECTRIC | I j-'-T,. i , r I LIGHT AND plate 3 ■ power PLANT i -1 "SRS? 1 I FOR VOUR L j \ ' ! 5 , "'x*& Il SEARINGS 3 P FARM OR NOBfLTS i SCOUNTRY HOME ‘ .. IBU3KS KEROSENE M irC ri t>< Over 40.000 owners of farms, country homes and stores, throughout the worid, representatives of over sixty different lines of business, are finding DELGO-LIGHT to be a dependable and trust worthy electric tight and power ptani- G. S. Rhodes, of Crawfordville, Ga,, writes this of Delco Light: “We have had a Delco-Lipht plant installed in our home. We are very much pleased with it and would not take anything lor it. We don’t see how we ever did without it. No country home is complete with out the Delco-Liuht system.” M 3 Complete in 2 sizes, $350 and $420 (f. o. b. Dayton, O.) See Delco-Light Exhibit at your fair—or write R, E. Henderson Domestic Electric Co. Salesman. HAMPTON, GA. Distributor*. ATL ANT A. G ft • Oakland. \tr Misses Oma Tarpley and Irma Alexander, who are attending school at Barnesville, spent the week-end with homefolks. Th° pound supper, at Mr, Smith Coker’s Saturday nignt was high ly enjoyed by a large crowd. Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Mitchell spent Sunday with Mr. D. Henderson and family. Misses Lee Wilkins and Elon Morris were guests of Misses Le one and Florence Moss Sunday. We are sorry to know that Mr. E. M. Barnett is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Patterson announce the birth or a daughter last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilkins were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bunn Sunday. A large crowd attended preach ing at Oakland Sunday. / Mr. J. H. Moss is courting in McDonough this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Martin and family spent Sunday with Mr. E. W. Barnett and family. Mr. J. O. Holcombe and family and Mrs. J. F. Moss of Poterdale were guests of Mr. J. H. Moss and family last Wednesday. Public Sale. Will be sold be sold before the court house door on the first Tuesday in November, if not dis posed of privately before, the Joe Chafin home known as the Manly place on Keys Ferry street. If interested call on The Weekly. Sandy Ridge News. -We are sorry to know that Mr. arid Mrs. Tom Smith’s baby is not any better —hope it will soon re cover. Mrs. Nannie Nail and daughter, Miss Flossie Nail, of Newton, and Mrs. Lillie Lily of Atlanta, have been visiting relatives in this sec tion. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Jenkins had I same price the nation over | I Back of the Stvleplus success is the Stylcplus Idea —style plus guaranteed ; quality at a known price. This policy enables the makers to concentrate a great volume and to lower their costs. r \ hat's why Stylcplus have remained at sl7 during the last three years. i Now the United States is at war and new conditions prevail in the fabric market. To meet I I them ai.d to insure offering y .u an ever wider range of fabrics and models the new s2l grade is offered. I Style plus all-wool fabrics plus perfect fit plus expert workmanship plus guaranteed wear Styleplus Clothes sl7 (black label) excel at their price. Styleplus Clothes s2l (green label) excel at their price. B. B. CARMICHAEL, SONS &C O. j I iMmnHIUHj 1 I» li 1 ISSiii lii lUiiil ■ i ii! BLANKE'I S are an absolute necessity in every household through the winter months. Our stock comprises of the most wonderful values in Blansets of all sizes and texture We Need No Introduction to the People of Henry County It has been our pleasure to serve vou for years in a way which we think has been entirely satisfactory to you. This Great Department Store has built itself up on Reputation for honest dealings in every way with r.ct only the people ot Atlan ta, but of the entire State. This means much to you. Of course vve cannot control prices but it has always been our policy to give you the most Dependable Merchai dise at the lowest possible margin of profit. Therefore, we assure you of the same excellent service in the future and extend tofyou good people of Henry County a hearty welcome to call on us when in Atlanta. CTTTTPC out °* best U A A fashion shops of New York—in fact, the very latest —you will find here m your favorite color and ma terial. They’re not “just like the rest” but what you might term “your heart’s de sire” —and all different. The prices are unusually low. And we wish for you a most successful HENRY COUNTY FAIR J. M. HIGH CO quite a host of company Sunday as follows: Mrs. Lula Jenkins, Mrs. Jennie Huron, Mr. Eddie Savage, Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Hardy, Miss Elborta Barham, Miss Eula Mae Hardy, little Miss Florence Garner, Mrs Dovie Willard and children and Jessie Lee Hardy. Mr. George Evans spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Bob Haron, near Snapping Shoals Coats and Dresses for the most exacting. A little touch of winter natuaraily suggests Coats and Dress es. As uaual we are prepared to take care of your wants. They are htre for your inspection in all sizes, styles and colors. They are marked within reach oft all. ATLANTA, GA. Miss Fannie Jane Toilerson was® the guest of her sister, Mrs. Kate# Wilkerson, Saturday night Sunday. Mrs. Carrie Hardy and daughter Mrs. Estell Jenkins spent the day with Mrs. Bell Hardy of Stark Monday. Everybody busy picking cotton and news is scarce. Lap Wing. COMFORTS of best material—the “comfy” kind that you can depend on for real service the coldest weather —are to be had here at exceed ingly low prices for a short time.