Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Local Happenings
Your hides wanted. Thomp
son’s shop.
Jersey cow and calf for sale.
A. R. Scott.
Wanted at once —1000 cords of
wood. Dr. J. G. Smith.
Hay wire, $1.60 Bunch. Hamp
ton Hardware & Furniture Co.
Mrs. T. A. Cathy is visiting Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Cathy for a few
Mrs. Eliza Crookshanks left
Tuesday for a visit to relatives in
Mrs. Asa Lemon and children
are vtsiting relatives in Griffin
this week.
Shipment Salvet arrived. Have
you tried Hog-Tone? Copeland-
Turner Mrc. Co.
LOST —One black and white
spotted Berkshire shoat, weight
40 or 50 lbs. Notify J. C. Harris.
We have all kinds of Farming
Implements at Bargain prices.
Hampton Hardware & Furniture
Mr. Dozier Fields of Clemson
college spent the week-end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. M.
Week of Prayer, every after
noon three o’clock Nov. s—ll5 —11 at
the Methodist Church. Every
body invited.
We have Pocket Knives for
everybody at the before-the-war
price. Hampton Hardware &
F'urniture Co.
Misses Hettie McCurdy, Amy
Cawthon, Bess Bowden and Mr.
William Preston motored to Stone
Mountain Sunday.
News comes that Robert Bow
dent has been promoted to the
place of Quartermaster at Camp
Wheeler in Macon.
For sale, 200 pecan trees, two
years old, extra large variety.
See me before placing your order.
Bailor Smith, McDonough, Ga.
The large new motor trucks oi
Mr. Clark Kimbell and Tolleson &
Turner are valuable additions to
McDonough’s transportation facii
The friends of Mr. H. L. Dunn
regret to know of his serious ill
ness with pneumonia since Mon
day night, but trust he may soon
The McDonough Baptist Sunday
school will observe the Internation
al Go -To - Sunday - School Day
next Sunday. A special invitation
is extended to everyone.
Misses Nellie and Melba E’Dal
go, Messrs. Jim Watkins*and Joe
Wright of Forsyth were the
guests of Misses Eva and Julia
Cathy, Sunday.
Fire broke out in Dr. Adams’
office about 3 o’clock Wednesday
morning, and but for timely work
again of the fire department and
private buckets the entire Nation
al bank block would have been
beyond control. It was caused by
a negro boy leaving ashes in a
wooden box on the floor, which
burned through. Only slight dam
age resulted, being principally
Capt. Speer’s office and the bar
ber shop from water.
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry County.
Henry County Fair Novem
ber 15-16. Get your exhibits
all ready. No entrance fees.
Full details next week. Last
entry day Nov. 14.
Hay wire, $1.60 Bunch. Hamp
ton Hardware & Furniture Co.
Fresh Beef, Fish, Oysters and
sliced Ham, Saturday. Copeland-
Turner Mrc. Co.
We are expecting to arrive soon
car of our famous “White Eagle”
flour. This bids fair to be the
best car we have ever handled.
Copeland-Turner Mrc. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mckibben
and little daughter, Carolyn of
Eatonton came over to attend the
Lemon-Daniel wedding last Wed
nesday evening.
We are making liberal prices on
steel beam turning plows, points
and other extras, on account of
larger quantites bought before the
recent advances. Copeland-Tur
ner Mrc. Co.
Hay wire, $1.60 Bunch. Hamp
ton Hardware & Furniture Co.
A number of Henry county Ma
sons attended the annual meeting
of the Grand Lodge in Macon this
week. It is doubtful if there was
an older or better one among
them than “Uncle Wes” Harper.
We sell the Princess Range, the
best on earth for the money.
Hampton Hardware & Furniture
Special prices on Cook Stoves,
Ranges, Heaters and Fire Grates.
Copeland-Turner Mrc. Co.
Mr. B. L. Hancock has resigned
as County Agent for Henry, effec
tive Nov. 1. During the effi
cient performance of his work
here Mr. Hancock has made hosts
of friends who regret to see him
leaVe. He goes to engage with
his father in extensive farm and
dairy business at Riverdale.
The Weekly is compelled to come
out with a distressingly small
amount of reading matter this
week, omitting our usual items
On account of the editor’s sick
ness and lack of help we were
unable to issue an extra sheet for
the large advertisements. Hope
to be ready for the big Henry
County Fair and do better next
Several dozen quart bottles, a
few five gallon cans for syrup.
Copeland-Turner Mrc. Co.
Tribute to Mrs. J. C. Walden.
The Gen. Joe Wheeler Chapter
U. D. C. mourns the loss of our
beloved member an ( d friend, Mrs.
Frances James Walden, who pass
awav Oct. 21, 1917.
She was a devoted wife and
mother and truly a home maker,
hospitable in nature. She was a
woman of marked individuality,
sirong sympathy and broad vjews
on all things; one who was in
tensely interested in everything
for the betterment of her town
and community.
She was active in all causes of
the U. D. C. and was the efficient
president of our chapter four
years. It was during her admin-
McDonough. Georgia. Friday. November 2, 1917,
Red Cross.
The Membership and Finance
Committees of the Red Cross can
vassed the city Monday afternoon
: and secured the following sub
! scriptions:
J. S. Rodgers 1.00
Cash 1.00
Mrs. Hand .50
The following agreed to pay
J. M. Gilmore $ 1 T A Sloan 1
J. T. Weems 1 J M Carmichael 1
C. W. Turner 1 H F Kelley 1
H. J. Turner Sr. 1 W E Russell 1
1). C. Turner 1 to W Walker 1
l). J. Green 1 .TT K Cook 60c
W. D. Tarplff lUP Cook l
W R Green 1 l'aid Turner 1
J D Dupree 1 sLcnwell 1
H B Carmichael 1 ■fiJff'Hightower 1
H M Amis 1 T|f Horton l
E M Copeland 1 I C Culpepper 50c
VV W Turner 1 K’L Reagan 1
J R Turner 1 J A Fouche 1
J H Wallace 1 J B Lowe 1
R L Turner 1 dal L Carmichael 1
W J Greer 1 mL Adams 50e
Chas Fargason 1 & Rape 1
H M Turner 1 Smith 60c
J G Smith 1 .T»e .T Smith l
B M Elliott 1 E D Tolieson 1
1) T Carmichael l O F Love 25c
J N Ray 25c
Any others who wish to do their
bit, we would to add your
names to this list.
Try the Red Cjpdar Shingles for
sale by
R. C. BFt^WN,
Grove, Ga.
One 2 horse figrm well located
to school and qj-sych, good four
room house and’-barn. Also my
house and lot in; for
sale. Can amunge payments if
you desire. D. J. Carmichael.
istration that was purchas
ed on which to erect a
Chapter Hall and U. D. C. Library.
In behalf of the chapter we ex
tend our sympathy to the bereav
ed husband, daughter and rela
“There is no death! What
seems so is transition, this life of
mortal breath is but a suburb of
of the life elysian, whose portal
we call death.”
Mrs. M. B. Hinton,
Mrs. a. h. Swann,
ilblii i \ i I*Mill
— NOVEMBER 15-16
We have now the largest and best bought Stock of
Merchandise ever brought to this section* This Stock is be
ing offered to our friends and customers in this and adjoining
counties on a reasonable basis.
We extend to you a special invitation to make our place
your headquarters when you are in town, visit us often. We
are ALWAYS glad to see you.*
Bring your family. Tell your friends and neighbors to come.
Most Mile* Most Mites
There are visions—near and then—in bod
ness and industry.
The Maxwell motor car is a wonderful
vision that has been made real.
The fixed purpose of the Msswul baSuort
was in the beginning, and is now, to produce a
ear which would be, in the highest seuse, effi
cient, durable, economical, comfortable sum!
standard in equipment.
Many years experience in production on a
vast scale has taught the Maxwell manufac
turers two things.
One ie that such a car am they have always
made their aim—a car in which efficiency,
durability, economy, comfort, beauty and stand
ard equipment are all present—cannot be built
for less than $745 with materials at their
present prices.
The other lesson is that, for more than
$745, they could not give you anything more
than the Maxwell now has— except greater size
or luxuries, pure and simple.
In other words they are convinced—and
they have convinced us—that they have found
the great MIDDLE LINE where you get dollar
for dollar in ABSOLUTE VALUE.
$1.50 A YEAR