Newspaper Page Text
A Patriotic Christmas! r f
Where public sentiment in the
past has urged a “sane Christmas”
for the sake of order and proprie
ty, the Geoggia Fire Prevention
Committee of National Defense
presents the new and added rea
son that such a Christmas will
assist our government in its great
fight for the conservation of food
products and other commodities
by the prevention of fires.
Statistics show that not only are
death and injury due to the d
play of fireworks, but that hea y
destruction of property always i e
suits. At a time when our nation
is at war with the greatest single
military power the world has ever
known and is straining every nerve
to meet the inevitable demands, it
is above all ill-suited for the un
necessary imperilling of any of our
resources, whether man-power or
property, by the useless extrava
gance of funds or the endangering
of products for a demonstration
that at best can be classed only
poor patriotism.
The National government is us
ing every energy to utilize availa
ble forces to minimize the destruc
tion of commodities by fire.
America and our allies stand today
in imperative need of all munitions
this nation can produce. Marte
rials used in making fireworks can
be employed by the government
in the manufacture of munitions.
Acting under the direction of
the government for the safeguard
ing of all necessary products and
property, the Georgia Fire Pre
vention Committee of National
Defense is urging municipalities of
the State to enact and enforce or
dinances that will prevent the sale
and use of fireworks and save
property and life.
It is a time when loyal Georgi
ans can aid in the prevention of
destruction by fire and the use
less waste of materials and money.
H. G. Harding & Co.
Byron, Ga., April 11, 1917.
Old Kentucky Mfg. Co.,
Paducah, Ky.
Gentlemen :
I had choleora in my herd of
hogs recently and 1 egun feeding
the B A. Thomas’ Hog Cholera
Cure and stopped losing my hogs
at once. I was losing from four
to five each night until I began
the use of this preparation. I
raise about 200 head of hogs per
year and never expect to be with
out your remedy.
Yours very truly,
Sold by Henry County Suppy Co.
For sale, 200 pecan tree>, two
years old, extra large variety.
See me before placing your order.
Bailor Smith, McDonough, Ga.
. y/o/'/on Cj /'r/y
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Ij/im/m/74 . Joor/J
“That Little Christmas Gift” will be here for you
whether you do your shopping early or late. Come
to our store and let us help you select something ap
propriate. We can eliminate the worry.
Horton Drug Co.
Phone 49 McDonough, Ga.
Another Cotton
The evolution of the cottonseed
is one of the wonders of this gen
eration. Men but little past mid
dle age remember when the cot
tonseed were dumped in rivers;
or burned, or piled into iiu£e
heaps and a fence built around the
pile to keep the livestock from
eating and being poisoned.
Now cottonseed meal and cot
tonseed hulls are among the sta
ple foods for cattle, while cotton
seed oil and cottoleno are equally
staple in the kitche... But these
are not all. The latest by product
of the South’s marvelous plant is
cottonseed flour, and it bids fair
to become one of the most valua
ble. Cottonseed flour is made by
the Baumgarten process and is
known in Texas and elsewhere as
Allison flour. It tastes well—is
said to be more toothsome even
than wheat flour, corn bread or
graham bread. Its dietary value
is proclaimed by chemists and per
sons who know by experience to
be a revelation as a health asset.
It contains 64.43 per cent of
protein and fat —53.86 per cent of
protein and 7.17 per cent of fat.
Patent wheat flour contains only
10 68 per cent of protein and 1,85
per cent of fat; rye bread about
the same. As good as cottonseed
flour is for yeast bread and “beat
en biscuit,” it is said to be highly
esteemed for houswives for its
fine quality of battercakes, ginger
cakes and doughnuts.
If the by products of cotton con
tinue to develop into foodstuffs
the cotton grower will have a di
versified crop in spite of himself.
—Augusta Chronicle.
Man Troubled for Two Years.
Men and women should not suf
fer from backache, rheumatic
pains, stiff joints and swollen, sore
muscles when relief can easily be
had. James McCrery, Berrien
Center, Mich., says he was trou
bled with kidney and bladder
trouble for two years; would have
to get up several times during the
night ana had pains across his
kidneys. He used several kinds
of medicine without relief, but
Foley Kidney Pills cured him.
Many such letters, come every day
from all parts of the country. The
McDonough Drug Co.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot roach
the diseased portion of the ear There
is only one way to cure catarrhal deafness,
and that is by a constitutional remedy.
Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining- of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube in
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely
closed. Deafness is the result. Unless th<»
inflammation can be reduced and this tube
restored to its normal condition, hearing
will be destroyed forever. Many cases of
deafness are caused by catarrh, which is
an inflamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure acts thru the
blood on the mucous surfaces of the sys
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Circulars
free. All Druggists. 75c.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
Too Many Feuds and Law
It is this second great command
ment, love for one’s neighbors,
love for all mankind, that I wish
now especially to emphasize, and
to urge our preachers and religi
ous leaders to empshasize. We
have too many church members
professing a religion of love who
do not speak to some neighbor;
who instead of forgiving some an
cient injury lie awake nights plan
ning to get even; who instead of
putting a charitable construction
upon the words and deeds of
neighbors, live in a perpetual state
of suspicion and distrust, or who
belong to some “set” or faction in
the community which cherishes
nothing but hate or bitterness for
some other faction.
Especially, it seems to me, are
such conditions likely to prevail
in country communities. It is not
that country people are worse at
heart than city people, but simply
because the farmer, living to him
self, does not mingle with his fel
lows as much as the city man, and
it is always easy to mistrust the
man you don’t know. It was a
wise saying of a great man, “Know
one another and you will love one
another.” I remarked the other
day that in proportion to property
interests involved, 1 beiieve there
are ten times as many lawsuits
among farmers as among city bus
iness men.
No matter what our object may
be —whether it is to develop indi
viduals or nobie, generous charac
ter; or bring about greater busi
ness co-operation among rural
people; or bring about a more sat
isfying social and community life —
in any case, there is nothing more
important tor us than to get our
people to put life’s emphasis on
love rather than hate, on trust
rather than on suspicion.—Pro-
gressive Farmer.
For Croup — Mothers—
Always Keep this Handy
The day of the Croup scare is over
for those parents who wisely keep
Toley’s Honey and Tar Compound In
the home ready for instant use.
W. C. Allen, Boseley, Mo., writes: “I
have raised a family of four children,
and have used Foley’s Honey and Tar
Compound with all of them. I find it
the host croup ard cough medicine I
have ever used and I have used it for
eight or ten years, and can recommend
it for croup.
If toward nightfall the little ones
prow hoarse or croupy, if their breath
ing becomes wheezy and stuffy, give
them Foley’s Honey ard Tar Compound
promptly and it will ward off an attack
of croup.
If you are awakened by the hoarse
brassy cough that means croup, give
Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound at
once. It will ease the littie sufferers
quickly, cut the thick choking phlegm,
and soon they will have easy breathing
and peaceful quiet sleep.
it * * Every user is a friend.
The McDonough Drug Zo
The Southern Mortgage Co.
Established 1870. Gould Building—lo Decatur Street—9l Edgewood Avenue.
Negotiated throughout the State on Improved Farm Lands in sums
ot si,ooo to on Five Years’ time at reasonable Our sources
ot money are practicallv inexhaustible. We have a strong line ot customers
among individual investors and Savings Banks and Trust Companies in the North,
East and Middle West, and we number among our customers the
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company
with assets ot more than a hundred million dollars.
J T. Holleman, President
W. L. Kemp, Vice-President
J. VV. Andrews, Secretary
E, V. Carter, Attorney
A, d’Antignac, Inspector
W. A. Howell. Abstracts of Title
11 COFFEE ,-v, 4
f iVßcilv I
The Pe ; W-T " r tor Company* AfewOrleans
For information, call on or write to
If, after using the
contents of a can, you
are not satisfied in
every respect, your
grocer will refund
your money.
G ve r 4 OO 00
‘■ ~ " ... ■> . _____
. Over 40,000 owners of farms, country homes
and stores, throughout the world, representatives
of over sixty different lines of business, are finding
DELCO-LIGHT to be a dependable and trust
worthy electric light and power plant.
Don’t Experiment—Get Delco-Light
No Carbureter
No Rheostat
No Pumps
Simplicity Insures Constant Service
Complete in 2 sizes. $350 He SllfO (f. o. b. Dayton, O.)
For Demonstration, wire, phone or write —
C. W. Howard, The Domestic Electric Co.
Dealer, 17 State St. W., Savannah, Ga. Distributors, Atlanta, Ga.
R. E. HENDERSON, Salesman, Hampton, Ga.
It’s Got to
Make Good
with You
—or your grocer will make good to you,
to the last penny. We knew you expected
something unusually good in a coffee when
we first had Luzianne in mind. So we
made Luzianne so good that it will stand
on its own feet, without apologizing, with
out acknowledging any rivals. YOU buy
a can of Luzianne. If you can’t honestly
say that Luzianne tastes better and goes
farther than any other coffee at the price,
then you are entitled to your money back.
And your grocer will give it to you upon
request. Ask for profit-sharing catalog.
W. A. Thompson, Abstracts of Title
f G. Work, Abstracts of Title
s . R Cook| secretary’s Clerk
T B Dempsey, Abstract Clerk
C. W. Felker, Jr., Abstract Clerk.
Horace Holleman. Application Clerk.
No Magneto
No Governor
No Trouble