The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 23, 1917, Image 4

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Everybody glad to see the rain
Rev. H. V. Adamson dined with
Mr. and Mrs. Odelle Crawford
Mr. Earnest MeGarity spent the
week-end with hornefolks.
Mrs. Lyndon Rosser is visiting
her mother, Mrs. Bowden.
Mrs. C. R. Swint and son Hend
rick SDent Thursday in Jackson
with her brother and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Hendrick.
Mr. Isam Gunter spent Saturday
and Sunday with hornefolks.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. MeGarity
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Lon MeGarity.
Mr. and Mrs. William Thomp
son’s little son, Rufus is very ill at
this writing. His friends wish
him a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Tink Berry and
children spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Green Upchurch.
Mr. Will Hopkins and son, Van
nie passed through this section
Monday afternoon.
Messers. Herman Whitaker and
Cloma Moss were up from Camp
Wheeler Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Hendrick Swint spent Sun
night with his uncle Mr. Dan
Swint of Worthville.
Pink and White Rose.
AH Day Service.
At Liberty tomorrow, Saturday
24th, will be an all day service
and dinner on the grounds, uon
isisting of song and preaching.
At 11 o’clock Bro. Summons of
Griffin will preach, then dinner,
after which we will have Profs.
C R. Muhins, Morris, C, H. Bot
toms, Griffin, and R. W. Barnett
to sing for us Everybody come.
Liberty Hill Church.
Administrator's Sale of Personal
B.v virtue of mi order granted b\
the Ordinary of Henry county, will
lie sold at the late residence of Jno.
R. Pair, deceased, on the 30th day
of Nov. 1917, between the legal
hours of sal**, to the highest bidder
for cash, all the perishable pers n
*l property ot the late John R.
Pair, consisting of two mules, on<
cow, one hog, two buggies and all
household and kitchen furniture.
.Said sale will continue from day
to day until completed.
Sold as the property of the
John R. Pair deceased, for
the purpose of distribution among
the heirs. This Nov. 19. 1917.
Administrator of estate of John R.
Pair, deceased.
> THE <•
Having accepted the OVERLAND agency for
Henry County, it is my pleasure to show and demon
strate to you one of the very heSt Proved cars on the
market from every angle. Come, investigate thor
oughly and see for yourself its superior merit before
you buy. Yours for service,
TROY SMITH, = McDonough, Ga.
South Avenue.
Yes, we all went to the fair and
it was a success just as we expect
ed. There were many interesting
things on exhibition, besides the
splendid agricultural, live stock
and poultry exhibits. Some heir
looms one hundred years old, and
beautiful butter one year old. The
canned fruit and vegetables, pre
serves and jellies deserve especial
mention. They were good to look
at, and an honor to the ones who
put them up. A large room of
fancy work of many different
kinds was fascinating to the ladies
and admired by a goodly number
of men also. The fiddlers’ con
vention was an interesting feature
of both days, some splendid music
was rendered, and 1 am proud to
say that it was South Avenueities
that won both prizes on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Peterman
went to Atlanta Sunday to hear
Billy Sunday.
Mrs. W. G. Callaway entertained
at dinner on Sunday, November
11, in hono" of the recent bride
rmd groom, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C.
Callaway. Just the family and a
few friends were present. An
unusually good dinner was served
and tbe guests enjoyed the day
immensely. Mrs. Callaway is a
charming hostess and possesses a
gracefulness that’s rare.
Busy Bee went to hear Billy,
Sunday last Sunday morning, but
did not hear so much as I saw.
That choir was a sight to see, be
sides tbe great audience of people
that filled the tabernacle to over
flowing. 1 shall go earlier next
time. 1 rode on a street cir from
East Point to Five Points with one
hundred and sixty-seven other
passengers —one could hardly stir,
but it was a jolly crowd and all
going to hear 1 Billy Sunday. A
crowd of children from the Hape
ville Home was aboard, and or
phan children never tail to interest
me and bring tears to my eyes.
One little girl 'was particularly
sweet and attractive. Sire was so
wonderfully unselfish, giving her
seat several times to others. I
talked to her a good deal and fell
so in love with her, I just had to
put my arm around her and tell
tier so when we parted. Orphan
homes in m> opinion, ire the
grandest and nobles'! institutions
we have. BUSY BEE..
Sewing Machines. If you are at
all interested in buying a new
Sewing Machine, get our prices.
Copeland-Turner Mrc. Co.
Will gin only Three Days per Week until notified.
Monday, Long Staple.
Tuesday and Friday, Short Staple.
Tax Collector’s Notice
Shakerag 9, Blackmon’s Store 11, Bond’s Store 12, Stock
bridge 2 Friday Nov. 23
Flippen 9, Sixth 11, Conkle’s Mill 1, Lovejoy 2 ...Monday “ 26
Greenwood 9, Luelia 10 Tuesday “ 27
Hampton, Wednesday “ 28
Stock bridge-. Thursday “ 29
Locust Grove Friday “ 30
Books close Dec. 20 Heretofore it has been discretionary with
Tax Collectors in issuing fifas, but under the new luv passed by the
last legislature the arey compelled to issue them after Dec. 20 against
all unpaid taxes.
NOV. 20. 101-7
The annual meeting of the HENRY
willl be held at
Locust Grove, Ga.,
Thursday, Nov* 29 1 7 pi m*, in the school
All Fiddlers of Henry County are eligible
to contest* Valuable prices offered* Every
contestant will receive a prize*
Those expecting to enter the contest
should send their names to J. L. Dickson,
Locust Grove, Ga., by Nov* 27*
-'ll ——— ———■■ II III! V- ————
ADMISSION FEE 15c and 25c
Ask Your Grocer
& .■ 4;
• or a
Best By Every Test
Sheriffs Sale.
GEORGIA—Henry- County.
Will he sold at the court, house door in
said county, on the First Tuesday lh De
cember, 1917, within the legal hours of
sale to ths highest bidder for cash, the
following real estate, towit:
1 lot in the city of McDonough, Georgia,
on which stand two store rooms, said lot
described as follows: Beginning in the
centre of the brick wall between the store
room of Ed Goodwin and VV. B. J. In
gram’s store room on east side of Macon
street, running south along Macon street
to lot n ivv owrnd by Rape Brothers and
Stansell. formerly n vacant lot owned by
11. M. Tolleson, thence ease one hundred
and six feet to a fourteen foot alley deed
ed to city of McDonough, thence north
fifty one feet bo line of \V. B J. Ingram,
thence along the joint wall of W. B J.
Ingram and Ed Goodwin through :he
centre of said brick wall to the stalling
point, one hundred and six feet Said
store rooms and the lot on which each is
situated levied on as the property o' Ed
Goodwin to satisfy an ex> cution And spe
cial lien on same, issued from the Superi
or Court of Henry county, Georgia, in fa
j vor of the First National Bank of McDon
ough, Georgia, against said Ed Goodwin.
Tenant in possession notified. Tin-the
7bh day of November. 1917.
Sheriff Henry Co., Ga.
Sheriffs Sale.
GEORGIA—Hi nry County.
Will he sold before the cojirt house door
in the city of McDonough, Henry county,
Georgia, within the legal hours if sale on
the iirst Tuesday in December next, the
following real estate:
j Lxingand beihg situated in the city of
| McDonough, 7th land district of Henry
j county, Georgia, situated on Sloe n street
I east ot the alley east of Lemon’s garage,
commencing at the southeast corner of
said alley, running east fifty feet, thence
north one hundred and five feet, thence
west fifty fed, thence south one -hundred
and five feel, with brick stables fi'ty feet
by ninety feet on same.
Also, house and lot on Bryan street
fronting one hundred and nine feet on
saul street, and running south three hun
dred feet, hounded on the north by Bryan
street, on tbe east by lot of E. M Smith,
on the south by lot of H M. Amis, on the
west by lot of G. G. Weems. Levied as
the property of E. Goodwin to satisfy an
execution*lrdm Henry Superior < ourt in
favor of Carmichael Lumber Company,
against E. Goodwin
Tenant in possession notified. This No
vember 7th. 1917.
W A. WARD. Sheriff
Administrator's Sale.
GEORGIA—Henry Comity.
By virtue oi an order from the Court of
Ordinary, will be sold before the court
house door In McDonough. Ga.. within the
legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday ia
December, 1917,
One half ( l /2 ) acre of land in 7ih land
district of said county and State bounded
as follows:
On the Norlh by lot of Will Kimbell, on
the South by lor of Josephine Speer, on
the East by Griffin and McDonough pub
lic road, on the West by lands of G - :ge
Sold as the estate of Curlev Glenn Alex
ander, deceased, for distribution and for
payment of debts Terms cash*
This 5’ day of Nov . LilT.
LOS1 —One black and white
spotted Berkshire shoat, weight
40 or 50 lbs. Notify J. C. Harris.