The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 23, 1917, Image 5
Local Happenings Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M. Regular communications of Fraterm Lodge No. 37 F & A M 'meet Ist and 3 Firdav nights in each month. All dul qualified brethren fraternally and cord ally iuvited to meet with us. Asa a. Lemon, W. m. O. L. Adams, Sec. Subscription due. Your hides wanted. Thomp son’s shop. Most November weather a per fect delight. Mr. Floyd Stewart was a visitor to Atlanta Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carmichael spent Sunday in Atlanta. Mr. Elmer Bridges spent- the Week end with his mother. Come to W. B. J. Ingram’s and get 6 lbs. good coffee for SI.OO. We will be closed Thanksgiving day. McDonough Trading Co. Mr. George Manley and friend were up from Jackson Sunday. 2,500 yds. Ginghams worth 18c at 15c per yard. W. B. J. Ingram. Mr. John Harkins of Locust Grove was a visitor to McDonough Monday. Mrs. Will Reed of Bullochville is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Alex Brown. The public library will be open on Friday afternoon this week from 3 to 5. Large line of overcoats, suits and pants at old prices. W. B. J. Ingram. Hole-Fix, the one best inner tube repair—all Dealers carry it in stock. 75c per. Will be closed Thursday, Nov. 29, for Thanksgiving. Copeland- Turner Mrc. Co. Mr. Tom Woodruff of Palatka, Fla., was in the city Sunday on his way to Atlanta. Mr. Scott Rodgers came over from Athens and spent the week end with his parents. Place your order for Thanks*- giving and Chrismas cake with Mrs. Annie Whitehead. Mrs. Shoeinake has returned to her home after an extended visit to her aunt, Mrs. Greer. Hole-Fix, the one best inner tube repair—all Dealers carry it in stock. 75c per. Miss Bertha Bunn spent the week end in Atlanta with her sis ter, Mrs. J. H. Shields. Mr. John R. Smith and family had a delightful trip to Macon in his Twin Six last Sunday. Mrs. Fred Walker and little son, Fred, Jr , left Wednesday tor a visit to relatives at Dublin. Mr. Tom Bright will leave Sat urday for Birmingham on a visit to his son, Mr. Carl Bright. Col. and Mrs. E. M. Smith, Mis ses Amy Cauthen and Ellene Neal spent Saturday in Forsyth. Hole-Fix, the one best inner tube repair—all Dealers carry it ir; stock. 75c per. Mrs. W. A. Muling of Macon was the guest of McDonough rel atives and friends last week. Mrs. A. G. Harris has returned home from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Harris, Jr., in Augusta. Good two horse farm for rent for 4 bales cotton, two miles from McDonough. See Dr. lye. COTTON Thursday Morning.. 29%c Long 4 *4 HURRY TO McDONOUGH! • Mr. W. W. George of Rex spent Sunday night and Monday with his daughter, Mrs. Walter Welch. Thirty cent cotton appears to be a certainty of only a few days, haying already passed twenty-nine. Limited quantity of Georgia seed wheat for sale, $3 per bush el. Tahnon Pattillo, McDonough, Ga. Misses Rosalie Brown and Lillie Coan have returned after spend ing the week-end with friends at Rome. The next meeting of the U. D. C.’s will be with Mrs. S. W. Farrar on Friday afternoon Nov. 30, at 3 o’clock. Mrs. Rosser Ward of Stock bridge attended the fair Thursday and was the guest of Mrs. Julian Weems. Mrs. Mell Marchman has return ed to her home in Greensboro af ter a visit to her mother, Mrs. Lil lie Fargason. Next Thursday is Thanksgiving. The Weekly wishes each and eve ry one all the joys and happiness of the occasion.^ The numerous friends of Mrs. E. D. Tolleson will be pleased to know that she is convalescent aft er a week's illness. Solicitor Emmett Owen was up from Zebuion on business Eriday and incidentally to take in Henry county’s excellent fair. A number of McDonough Ma sons went out to assist in work for the Ola lodge Monday night, and report a fine time. % Mrs. Lewis Bowen and Miss Beuiali Atkinson of Atalanta spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Atkinson. Miss Annie Oia Sloan of Agnes Scott College at Decatur, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T A. Sloan. The friends of Miss Louise Brown are glad to hear that siie is now able to return to school at ter several days absence. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sloan moved Monday into their home recently purchased from Mr. A. A. Lemon, where they are at home to their friends. Mr. John Varner returned last week from Akron, Ohio, w here he has been several weeks, and will again engage in business at home —‘‘the dearest place of all.” Fresh Beef, Pork, S rnsage, Press Meat, Fish, Oysters, Sliced Ham and Bacon, Weiners, Pigs Feet and M ickerel Fish. Copeland- Turner Mrc. Co. Christian Endeavor will have charge pi ihe services at tne Pres byterian chuich next Sunday ev ening. Everybody invited and an interesting program promised. Capt. Dozier Russell was up from Mocon among the homefolks Sunday. He expects to leave that post soon and will possibly embark with his men for France before a gre ?t while. Celery, Cranberries, Lettuce, Grape Fruit, Apples, Oranges, Nuts, Grapes. Raisins, Graham Creams and Fresh Oysters for Thanksgiving. Copeland-Turner Mrc. Co. Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Scott spent several days in Memphis last week in attendance upon the annual meeting ot the Southern Medical Association. It was an immense gathering to which many distin guished courtesies were shown. STOCKBRIDGE LOCALS. Miss Artie Bellah has taken charge of her duties in the Wood lawn school. The principal of the public school gave a holiday Friday, so that the teachers and pupils could attend the county fair at McDonough. A number'have been attending the Billy Sunday meetings in At lanta. Prof. Mills, Misses Prater, Rawls, Moore and Cox attending last Sunday. • Miss Ward McWilliams of Wes leyan College spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McWilliams. Mrs. L. D. w-as operated on for appendicitis at the Davis- Fisher Sanitorium Saturday and is doing nicely now. Madeline Ward spent the week end with Mrs. B. C. Ward of At lanta and went to hear her piano teacher, Mr. I. M. Mayer, in con cert at Cable Hall Friday evening. Mrs E. R. Ward was the guest of Mrs. Julian Weems cf McDon ough, Thursday and was one of the judges at the fair. Mrs. Berry Hinton attended the National Convention at Chattanoo ga recently as a delegate from the Joe Wheeler Chapter. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carmichael leave Wednesday for Rome to the regret of their many friends here. He has been appointed pastor of the Trinity M. F. church of that city. Miss Myra Berry was the charm ing hostess to the U. D. C., Tues day. Mrs. C. M. Power is entertaining Miss Florence Power of Comer. * * Miss Kate Brannan of of Flippen is the attractive guest of Mrs. W. K. Brannan. Do Not Read This if You Are Not a True Amer ican Citizen. The U. S. is asked to give $35,- 000,000 for Y. M. C. A. work for the army and navy. There is no work, the Red Cross not excepted, that means more to the physical, moral and spiritual welfare of our boys who have &one to the de fense of the Flag. • McDonough and community are asked to do their part. A committee of 12 men and 8 wo men are calling on on the people to give. You, my dear reader, will be seen. Do not say no to this worthy cause. J. M. Gilmore, Chairnmn of Com. Program For the November meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy. Events of 1865. “ Truth crushed to earth shall rise again; The eternal years of God are hers.” Jefferson Davis, First and Only President of the Southern Con federacy —“The uncrowned hero of an invisible empire of loving and loyal hearts.” Mrs. F. M. Smith. Give names of generals in com mand of armies of the Confeder ate States ot America. Name prominent he roes from each State forming the Southern Confedera cy. Mrs. Pear) Turner. Song. Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Gil more, Miss Annie G. Thompson. Discussion of current events. Led by Mrs. Julian Weems. By reason of a change in the service by adding more di-dance to tne others, the route of “Cncie Bilim” Bryans has been disc >ntin ued, and he retires on the Ist of December. “Uncle Billie” has been one of Uncle Sam’s most faithful employes during Ins term ot iifteen years, and he is ju tly proud of the fact that in all tlut tune there has not been a single complaint lodged against him nor an investigated made. lie has made hosts of friends ail along tin line who regret his dep trture and extend him very best wishes. LAUGHTER - PROVOKING OPPORTUNITY An Entertainment that offers an Evening of Fun for Everybody WOMANS CLUB CARNIVAL g MINSTREL To Be Held at’the McDonough High School Building Friday Evening, November thirtieth at eight o'clock* ENTRANCE FEE, INCLUDING MINSTREL, sc. SIDE SHOWS, 5c Each. Among other amusing features are The Great Baby Show; Lit tle Petite, the Fattest Woman in the World; The Chamber of Horrors; The Snake Charmer; The Woman of a Hundred Pockets, etc. There will be a lunch counter with good things to eat. At nine fifteen the Minstrel will complete the evening’s fun. (Proceeds to be applied to piyment of Liberty Bonds.) BANKING ESSENTIALS. SAFETY comes first—absolute assur ance that your money is always secure. 'This bank gives its depositors every safe guard devised for the protection of their funds, and its affairs are in the hands of men of experience and integrity. Our facilities are ample, and the uniform cour tesy extended to all depositors—large and small alike —makes this the ideal bank with which to do business. Your ac count is invited and will be given every consideration. FIRST NATIONAL BANK - McDONOUGH, GA. Capital and Profits, $140,000.00 FARMS! FARM LANDS! CITY REAL ESTATE IN THE FOLLOWING COUNTIES Dooly Crisp Turner Irwin Pulaski Dodge Wilcox Tift THE ‘GARDEN SPOT” OF GEORGIA nil r CLIMATE gU Y PEOPLE 11L schools We at all times have fine farms for sale. Let us show just what you want ADDRESS, SDUIHLASTEAN MORTGAGE CO ASH3URN, GEORGIA. see R. P. Ketchum, Ashburn, Ga. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA— Henry County. Notice is ht-rebv given to all the credi tors of the estate of Ida Gresham, late o' said county, deceased to render an ac count of their demands to me within r ■ time presoritM-d by law. All persons in debt-ed to said d--<x-rt';d are requested '■ make immediate payment to the tindei signed. This Oct. 9, 1917. D.T. CAR MICH A El , Adm’r of Ida Gresham. FI me kSSt 1 lilL BANKS see E. E. Persons, Eastman, Ga. For Dismission. GEOKOIA —Henry County. \V. IS. M. Ihslson. Guardian of Odessa Br.i.i'»-rry, has applied to me for a dis charge from his Guardianship of Odessa Brad berry This is therefore to notify all persons concerned to file their <>!•;• otions. if any they have, on or before tT e fiirst Mondav in December next, <- : se he will be dis charged from his er''«rdia>'ship as applied tor. This 5 ;lay of November, 191?. A. U. HARRIS, Ordinary. see D. C. Ketehum* Vienna, Ga.