The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 23, 1917, Image 8

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By virtue of authority vested in me by the will of Chas* T* Zachry, will be sold on the first
Tuesday in December, 1917, before the Court House door in the City of McDonough, between the
usual hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Four Hundred and Nine and Fifty Two Hun
dredths (409*52) acres more or less in Henry, Rockdale and Newton counties, all in one body, and
being the home place of the late Chas* T. Zachry, and being the lands around the celebrated Peach
stone Shoals on the South River* This sale also includes the
Magnificent Water Power of Peachstone Shoals,
which goes to the purchaser of the land* This is a splendid location for any kind of development,
as there is ample power for Mill, Gin, SawmiH or any kind of machinery* Good Timber on the
property for any necessary buildings* Lands well adapted for farming, and esqecially suited for stock
raising* Come and inspect the property and buy a bargain*
Terms cash* *
Fine weather for gathering
Misses Ruby and Lillian E’Dalgo
and Alva McClendon spent Satur
day night with Mr. G. L. Cruinbley
and family.
Quite a number from here at
tended the singing at County Line
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. G. B. Childs and family had
as their hapuy guests Sunday, Mr.
George Bowden and family, Mr.
C. L. Bearden and family, Mrs.
Willie Digby, Miss Camilla Wea
ver and Miss Alice McKibben.
Those around here who have
purchased cars are Mr. W. F. Mc-
Kibben and Mr. V. L. Jinks.
Mr. Vaney Crumbley and Mr.
George Cleveland were guests of
Mr. Ernest Crumbley Sunday.
Mr. G. L. Crumbley and family
had as their guests Sunday, Mr.
and Mrs. T. N. Crumbley, Misses
Ruby and Lillian E’Dalgo, Alva
McClendon, Gladys Digby and
Rosa Crumbley.
Mr. and M>s. Frank Brisendine,
Misses Beulah Rosser and Georgia
McKibben were the Mr.
and Mrs. S. W. Tingle Sunday.
A number from here attended
the fair at McDonough last week
and reported it very good.
The candy puding given bv Mr.
G. L. Crumbley was enjoyed by
all present and the candy was just
Mrs. M. E. Knight was the guest
of Mr. B. F. Crumbley and family
Mr. J. T. Bearden and family
spent Sunday afternoon with Mr.
W. J. McKibben and family.
There will be a box supper and
oyster supper at Phillippi school
house Saturday night, Dec. 1.
Blue Eyes.
Hole-Fix, the one best inner
lube aepair —ail Dealers carry it
jn stock. 75c per.
Boosting and special effort are
great factors in the accomplish
ment of a purpose; the fair was a
grand success. The people of
Henry county have a right to glory
in their achievements.
Prof, and Mrs. W. W. Hooten
and little twin girlies, Laßue and
LaFaun, went up to Atlanta Fri
day to attend the Billy Sunday
meetiings. They will return Mon
There’s a new little girl at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther
O. Jones went to Atlanta Satur
Sorry to note the illness of little
Elinor Cecele Strahn.
Loy L. Strahn attended services
at Snapping Shoals Sunday night.
Rev. Spearman of the North Geor
gia Conference preached to an in
terested congregation.
Prof. Heithly, principal of the
school at Beersheba, was with us
at Sunday school at this place
Sunday. Glad to have him.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cawthon were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wynn
Miss Gladys Austin, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Austin, slipped
away from family and friends and
early Sunday morning was mar
ried to Mr. George Thompson, of
New Hope coumm unity. Mr.
Thompson visited the young lady’s
home several days before, and to
gether they arranged that he car
ry away a goodly portion of her
wardrobe and personal belong
ings. She spent Saturday night
with a relative near her home and
before sunrise Sunday morning
Mr. Thompson came for her in a
car and hurriedly partaking of a
cold wedding breakfast, s he mo
tored with him to the home of her
grandfather, Mr. William Austin,
of near New Hope, where they
were met by Mr. G. G. LeGuinn,
who performed the rites that made
them one. Their friends offer
First Class Passenger Service to All Points
12:01 a.m. for Greensboro, Lynchburg, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York.
6:20 a.m. for Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Chicago.
6:25 a.m. for Birmingham, Memphis, Kansas City, Denver and all points West.
6:30 a.m. for Greenville, Charlotte and intermediate points.
7:20 a.m. for Columbus, Ga., and Fort Valley, Ga.
7:30 a.m. for Macon and local points to Brunswick, Ga.
11:35 a.m. for Charlotte, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York.
12:20 noon for Macon, Ga.
1:10 p.m. for Anniston, Birmingham, Ala.
2.00 p.m. for Charlotte, Richmond, Washington, New York.
3:00 p.m. for Chattanooga, local stations.
4:45 p.m. for local stations to Toccoa, Ga.
4:55 p.m. for Rome, Dalton, Chattanooga, Cincinnati.
5:10 p.m. for Columbus, Ga.
5:20 p.m. for Fort* Valley, Ga.
5:20 p,m. for Birmingham, Memphis. '
5:30 p.m. for Macon, Ga.
10:05 p.m. for Macon, Brunswick, Jacksonville.
10:40 p.m. for Charlotte, Asheville, N. C.
11:20 p.m, for Macon, Jacksonville and Florida points.
11:30 p.m. for Birmingham, Meridian, New Orleans, Shreveport.
Through equipment and highest grade Dining Cars and Pullman service.
T. P. A., Macon, Ga. D. P. A., Atlanta, Ga.
Sheriff's Sale.
GEORGIA—H«nry County.
Wll tie sold before the court house in
said county, on the first Tuesday in De
cember, 1917, between the legal hours of
sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the
following personal property, towit:
A stoeof general merchandise con
tained in the brick store room of Ed Good
win on the East side of Main street in the
city of McDonough, Ga , Henry county,
said stock of goods consisting of dry
goods, notions, shoes, hardware, ready
nu de clothing, heavy and fancy groceries
and such other goods its are usually car
ried in a general stock of merchandise.
Levied on as the property of Ed Good
win to satisfy a mortgage iifa issued from
the Superior Court of Henry county, Ga.,
in favor of G. L. ('rabb transferee against
Ed Goodwin. This Nov. 7th. 1917,
Sheriff Henry Co. Ga.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears ~
Signature of
Your subscription, please.
I Now Carry a Full Line of Parts for Both Mc-
Price, Having Bought them Before the Advance in
Price, and can Save You Money.
Yes: I still Paint FORDS for sll‘so* do a good
job too. And I have a Dandy Vulcanizing Plant and
can Repair Blow-outs, Rim-cuts and Tread-cuts, in
any size Tire from 3 to 5 inches.
McDonough, Ga. Phone 20J.