The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 07, 1917, Image 3

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(L'vsf Week's Letter )
The onlv person that ever prac
ticed what they preached—was
tongue tied.
People of this community are
feasting on backbones, spareribs
and sausage.
Farmers getting busy sowing
wheat and oats.
Prof. Heathley is teaching ;t
this place, his wife coming dow
Friday and taking her place i 1
the school room Monday morniii.,
as assistant teacher.
Mrs. Frank Craig of Atlanta
spent Sunday and Monday with
her sister, Mrs. Henry Joyner.
Didn’t the street carnival enjoy
the high price of cotton while in
McDonough ?
Some people have good heads,
but there is nothing in them. If
their brains were dynamite and
some one would touch it off it
wouldn’t even tilt the hat.
Howard Patterson had the mis
fortune to get about two and a
half bales of seed cotton, top and
cushions of his automobile burned
Sunday night. There were abou f
six bales ot cotton in the house,
but the fire was checked by water
and saved the car and remainder
of cotton. Didn’t learn cause of
the fire.
Rev. J. M. Gilmore will preach
at Sharon second Sunday after
noon in December. All invited to
Regular meeting days at Sha
ron will be 4th Sundays and Sat
urday before in each month.
Mr. W. J. Wright of near For
syth spent several days with his
sister, Mrs. W. N. Gilmore, last
week. He has sold his farm near
Forsyth. While up here he went
over near Covington looking for
a location.
Ye scribe had the pleasure of
attending the fair in McDonough
We know Henry county can have
a fair. One good lady in the
town made the remark on Mon
day after that she was glad when
it was over to get rid of the coun
try people. But she was just mis
taken, for the farmer feeds them
all. But glad to sav her home is
not in McDonough. Sim is just
hired by a firm for a season,
working for a salary like the rest
of us. Sleepy Eyes.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
the — -rt/
Signature of
Cj /'r/y
/j/ir/j/mrtJ , OoorA
“That Little Christmas Gift" will be here for you
whether you do your shopping early or late. Come
to our store and let us help you select something ap
propriate. We can eliminate the worry.
Horton Drug 00.
Phone 49 McDonough, Ga.
Bumper Crops,
Bumper world crops of corn,
o its, potatoes, rice, sugar, beets
and tobacco for this year are
shown by estimates compiled by
the International Institute ot Ag
riculture at Rome, made public by
the Department of Agriculture at
Washington. Wheat, rye, barley
and flax seed, however, have fall
en below the five-year average of
production from 1911 to 1915.
The production of wheat in sev
enteen countries, not including
the central powers, will be 1,868,-
000,000 bushels, 85.6 per cent of
the live-year average.
Corn raised will amount to 3,-
312,000 000 bushels which is 14.1
per cent greater than the average
production for the last five years
Other crops are estimated as fol
lows :
Rye, 147,000,000 bushels, 92.2
per cent.
Barley, 587,000,000 bushels, 96
per cent.
Oats, 2,682,000,000 bushels, 113.9
per cent.
Rice, 70,000,000 bushels, 115 5
ptl wilt.
Flax seed, 38,000,000 bushels,
69.8 per cent.
Potatoes, 719,000,000 bushels,
112.4 per cent.
Sugar beets, 10,000,000 short
tons, 106.6 per cent.
Tobacco, 1,186,000,000 pounds,
120.5 per cent.
Ready Now at Old Prices.
Fresh losts (just received) of
F'oley’s Honey and Tar are selling
at before the-war prices. This
puts a well-known cough medi
cine, ready to use, in homes at
less than it costs to buy and mix
the ingredients yourself, and saves
bother and muss. Mrs. Mary Kis
by, 3533 Princeton Ave., Spokane,
Wash., writes: “I was sick in bed
with lagrippe. 1 coughed very
badly. I took F'oley’s Honey and
Tar. It stopped my cough and 1
got better. So now I am around
the house.” The McDonough
Drug Co.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat ot tiio disease.
Catarrh is a Jo.-at disease, greatly in
fluenced by constitutional conditions,
and in order to euro it you must
take an internal remedy. Hall’s Ca
tarrh Cure is taken internally and
acts thru the blood on the m icons sur
faces of the system. Hill's Catarrh
Cure was prescribed bv. one of the best
physicians in this country for years. It
is composed of soma of the best tonics
known, combined with some of the
best blood purifiers. The perfect com
bination of the ingredients in Hall’s
Catarrh Cure is what produces such
wonderful results in catarrhal condi
tions. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
All Druggists, 75c.
Hall’s Family Pills for constipation.
For ■
One On Billy.
Billy Sunday has left the farm
ers alone since Lem B. Jackson
furnished him the facts concerning
the relative advances in cotton
and wheat. Mr. Sunday is the
famous evangelist now conducting
a revival here, while Mr. Jackson
is the director of the market bu
reau of the Georgia state depart
ment of agriculture
In a recent sermon Mr. Sunday
scored the farmers for holding
their cotton to get an exorbitant
price and charged them with
standing in the way of victory in
the war. The next day Mr. Jack
son replied with an open letter
published in the newspapers, and
apparently he silenced the evan
gelist’s guns so far as this partial
lar battery was concerned.
Mr. Jackson showed that the
average price of cotton for the
past ten years has been 11 cents,
and the average price of wheat
for the past ten years has be< n
86.8 cent.s. He showed that $2.20
wheat on this basis is the equiva
lent of 28 cent cotton. He called
Mr. Sunday’s particular attention
to the fact that the government
has fixer} the price of wheat at
$2.20, while the price of cotton
has been fixed by the natural law
of supply and demand.
Old Soldier Gives Recommenda
Gustav Wangelin, Commander
of G. A. R. Post, Pihckneyville. 111.,
writes: “1 highly recommend
Foley Kidney Pills, which I prefer
to all others I have used and con
sider- them ‘Johnny on the spot’.”
Foley Kidney Pills give quick relief
from backache, rheumatic pains,
stiff, swollen joints, languidness,
pains in groin and muscles, all
other symptoms of kidney trouble
and sleep disturbing bladder ail
ments. They assist nature in re
storing strength and vitality. The
McDonough Drug Co.
Make Your Kiddies Laugh
Children smile when they take
Foley’s Honey and Tar
Ist, It tastes good.
2nd, It makes them feel good.
It will turn a feverish, fretful, cough
ing child into a happily smiling one.
Because —It puts a healing, soothing
coating on a feverish, inflamed, tickling
throat. It helps snuffles and stuffy,
wheezy breathing. It stops coughs
quickly, and it wards off croup.
It contains no opiates, does not up
set a delicate stomach, and the last drop
in the bottle is just as good as the first.
Try it.
e McDonough Drug Co
The Southern Mortgage Co.
Established 1870. Gould Building—lo Decatur 'treet—9l Edgewood Avenue.
Negotiated throughout the State on Improved Farm Lands in sums
ot si,ooo to on Five Years’ time at reasonable Our sources
ot money are practically inexhaustible. We have a strong line ot customers
among individual investors and Savings Banks and Trust Companies in the North,
East and Middle West, and we number among our customers the
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company
with assets ol mdre than a hundred million dollars.
J. T. Holleman, President W. A. Thompson, Abstracts of Title
W. L. Kemp, Vice-President J- G. Abstracts of Title
• I W Andrews Secretary L. A. Bouhghnv, Auditor
J. w. Andrews, becretarj s> R Cook, Secretary’s Clerk
E. V. Carter, Attorney T. B. Dempsey, Abstract Clerk
A. d’Antignac, Inspector C. W. Felker, ,Jr., Abstract Clerk.
W. A. Howell, Abstracts of Title Horace Holleman, Application Clerk.
For intormation, call on or write to
G ive\our Percolator\/%}
aChance to Make Good
' «£-» The best percolator and the finest
I {yZIANNE recipe cannot produce a good pot of
\ *** coffee if the dry coffee isn’t exactly
right to start out with. If the same
percolator and the same recipe do not
tg-jTfc/rL. produce the same results every time,
you can bet your boots it’s the coffee
p iv COrFEfc
'ke Rcily-iiiylorM* that's off-ee! Luzianne is uniformly
good coffee. There is no guesswork
about it —ever. Give your percolator
The Luzianne Guarantee ! a obance to make good. Buy a can of
If, after using the contents Luzianne today. The guarantee is
of a can, you are not satisfied genuine—means just what it says.
in every respect, your gro- Air „ ,
cer will refund your money. Ask f ° r Profit-sharing Catalog.
The Reily-Tav!or Company, New Orleans
Realizing that this year, the next and the next maybe, the
American farmer will be called upon to feed the major por
tion of the peoples of The Earth, we have arranged for our
readers to also receive The Progressive Farmer. We rec
ognize it as the South’s leading exponent of the now vital
doctrines of crop diversification and farm products con
So important have these problems appeared to our Pres
ident that he has issued an appeal to the South to not only
feed itself but have something more for our sorely needing
friends across the Seas.
As your patriotic duty equip yourself by using the advice
and guidance of this standard farm weekly which sells for
one dollar a year and ma** be had with our paper for the
amount named below.
The Weekly and Progressive Farmer
Both One Year for 2-00