Newspaper Page Text
A large crowd attended Sunday
school at Bethany Sunday after
noon. *
Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott and
children spent Sunday with Mrs.
Elmira Rodgers.
Mrs. J. S. McGarity of McDon
ough spent the week-end with
Messrs. Cloma Harrison and
Delbert Crawford spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Harrison of Lu
Mr. Earnest Whitaker has pur
chased a new Ford.
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Whitaker
of McDonough spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Green Upchurch
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Marion Moss.
Messrs. Vanie Hopkins and Wal
ter Barham of McDonough spent
Thanksgiving hunting and report
ed a nice time.
Mr. Herman Whitaker carried a
crowd to the big dam Sunday aft
The singing given by Misses
Lucile and Helen Swint Sunday
night was enjoyed by all present.
Pink and White Rose.
We are having some pretty
Mr. G. L. Crumbley and family
had as their guests Sunday. Mr.
and Mrs. Bob ;Rieh from Louisi
ana, Mr. Alvin Davis and family,
Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Jinks, Mrs. J.
L. Jinks, C. J. Dickson and family
and Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Tingle.
Mr. Gordon Tingle and family
spent Sunday with Mr. E. L. Tin
gle and family.
Mrs. B. F. Crumbley, Worthy
Crumbley,, Mrs. M. E. Knight, Miss
Ai ice McKibben went up to see
Miss Nannie Lou Stallworth, who
is sick, Sunday afternoon.
Mr. G. G. LeGuinn and family
motored up to Atlanta Sunday to
hear Billy Sunday preach,
Mr. J. J. Crumbley is visiting
relatives at Porterdale.
Blue Eyes.
There Is No Question
but that indigestion and the distressed
feeling which always goes with it can
be promptly relieved by taking a
JVS22sS Tablet
before and after each meal. 25c a box.
> THE «
Having accepted the OVERLAND agency for
Henry County, it is my pleasure to show and demon
strate to you one of the very beSt Proved cars on the
market from every angle. Come, investigate thor=
oughly and see for yourself its superior merit before
you buy.
One 1917 Model Ford, perfect shape. One 1916 Model Ford, new tires all round.
One 5 Passenger Overland, all new tires.
TROY SMITH, = McDonough, Qa.
How Nations of Earth
Rank in Productions
Here is a list of 25 of the world’s
most useful and valuable commodities,
shdwing what country leads and what
country ranks second in producing
Leading Second
Commodity Country Country
W heat . . . U. S. A. Russia
<orn • . . . U. S. A. Argentina
Oats . . . . U. S. A. Russia
Ry® • • . . Russia Germany
h‘ ce .... China British India
Tobacco . . U. S. A. British India
Cattle . . . U. S. A. Russia
Sugar .... Cuba Russia
ea China British India
Coffee .... Brazil Venezuela
Cocoa . Gold Coast Brazil
Cotton ... U. S. A. British India
Wool. . . Australia Argentina
Silk China Japan
Ooal . . . U. S. A. United Kingdom
Petroleum . U. S. A. Russia
Pig iron . . U. S. A. Germany
Steel . . . .U. S. A. Germany
Copper. . . U. S. A. Japan
Aluminum . U. S. A- Prance
nc U. S. A. Germany
Tin . Malay Slates Bolivia
Rubber. . . .Brazil Congo
Gold. . . Transvaal U. S. A.
Silver . . . U. S. A. Mexico
This summary shows the number of
products in which each county leads:
United Stales .14 Cuba 1
China .... 3 Gold Coast . . 1
Brazil .... 2 Malay States. . 1
Russia .... 1 Transvaal . . . . 1
Australia ... 1 All others . . . 0
When you buy United Slates Lib
erty Bonds remember that you are
buying the bonds of the richest nation
on earth, the one most abundantly
blessed by nature and by man, the
producer in the greatest quantity of 14
commodities that the world demands.
Remember, also, that no other coun
try in the world leads in more than
three, and that Germany. Austria-Hun
gary, Turkey and Bulgaria lead in
Nobody is entitled to any special
credit for believing in the country that
is so tremendously richer than aoy
other nation. The man who doesn’t
believe in the nature-blessed U. S. A.
is to be pitied.
If you have not yet bought your
United States Liberty Bonds, see your
banker or broker today.
Don’t let your boy go to school with
out a United States Liberty Bond but
ton on his breast. Let him be proud
of his country—and of his father.
Eggs and butter wanted in anv
quantities. Address A. E. Rags
dale, P. O. Box 755, Atlanta, Ga.
And the GIFT TIME of the
Year is on Us Again
The past twelve months have brought
many changes. But none in the price of
at our store. We will be glad to welcome
our friends and customers from good old
Henry county, and if we can save you in
the selection or suggestion of GIFTS, it
will be our plearure to do so. Our line is
larger and more complete than ever. Our
terms and system of fairness are the
Make YOUR Christmas Jewelry pur
chases at our store.
Durham Jewelry Company
20 Edgewood Avenue
For Dismission.
GEORGIA —Henry Cm:. «
Whereas. W. t. Calloway, Administra
tor of W. \\ Skelton, represents to the
court in his petition, dulv filed and en
tered on record, that he has fully admin
istered W W. Skelton, estate:
1 his i->. therefore, to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show
cause, it any they can, why said Adminis
trutor should not be discharged from his
administration, and receive Letters of
Dismission on the first Monday in Jan
nary, I ills'. A G. H.' KRIS,
For Dismission.
GEORGIA—Henry i loutity.
\\ hereas, VV. A. D. Nelson, Administra
tor of Lizzie Kimbell, represents to the
Court in his petition, duly tiled and en
tered on record, that he has fully admin
istered Lizzie Kimbell’s estate:
This is, therefore, to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can. why said Adminis
trat' r should not be discharged from his
administration, and receive Letters of
Dismission on the first Monday in Janu
ary. 1918. A. G. HARRIS,
• Ordinary.
Administrator’s Sale.
By virtue of the last will and testament
of S C. Sherwood, will be sold at the <
court house 1 door in McDonough. Ga.,
within the legal hours of sale on the first
Tuesday in January, 1918 —
100 acres of land, more or les-, in the
seventh land district of Henry county Ga.
and bounded as follows: On the north b>
lends of W. J. Turner, on the*® by
Turner’s church, public road and lands of
Jess Copeland, on the south by Walnut
creek and lands of Jnnce Fargascn estate,
and on the west by branch and lands of
Thos. Clark Sold as the estate of S. C
Sher wood, deceased, for payment of debts.
Good two horse farm tor rent
for 4 bales cotton, two miles from
McDonough. See Dr. Tye.
Please pay your subscription.
selfstopping , : | W
The Complete Electric Light and
Power Plant *S
OHer NOW! Save $45
Liicctive January 24, 1918, Delco-Light Prices
will oe Advanced:
From $350 to $395
From $420 to $465
You cau still buy your Delco-Light Plant
Complete in 2 sizes, $350 and $420 (f. o. b. Dayton, O.)
For actual demonstration, write, phone or wire to
R. E. Henderson, Dmestic Electric Co.
Salesman. HAMPTON. GA. Distributors. ATLANTA. Ga.
Mfiwrn parr
I Now Carry a Full Line of Parts for Both Mc-
Price, Having Bought them Before the Advance in
Price, and can Save You Money.
Yes: I still Paint FORDS for sll-50, do a good
job too. And I have a Dandy Vulcanizing Plant and
can Repair Blow-outs, Rim-cuts and Tread-cuts, in
any size Tire from 3 to 5 inches.
McDonough, Ga. Phone 20.1.
For Dismission.
GEORGIA —Henry Conuty.
Whereas. A. C. Sowell, Administrator
of M. V. Sowell’s estate, represents to the
Cou'-t in his petition, duly filed and en
tered on record, that he has fullv admin
istered M. V. Sowell’s estate:
This is, therefore, to cite al) persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can. why said Adminis
trator should not be discharged from his
administration, and receive Letters of
Dismission on the first Monday in Janu
ary, 1918. A. G. HARRIS.
For Dismission.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
Whereae, Dan Henderson. Executor of
W. A Copeland’s will, represents to the
Court in his petition, duly filed and en
tered on record, that he has fully executed
said will:
This is, therefore, to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can. whv said Executor
should not l>e discharged from his ;idmin
istration. and receive Letters of Dismis
sion on the first Monday in January. 1918.
A G. HARRIS. Ordinary.