Newspaper Page Text
Wealthiest Of All Nations
Is Our Own United States
The United States leads the world
In the production of
Com Coal Silver
Wheat Petroleum Aluminum
Oats Pig iron Zinc
Cotton Steel Cattle
Tobacco Copper
We have more than five times as
much railway mileage as the country
second in rank, Russia. Our exports
are 60 per cent greater than those of
any other country on earth. Our
wealth exceeds that even of the entire
British Empire.
When you buy United States bonds
you are buying the safest security ever
sold, a security backed up by more
wonderful natural resources than those
of any other nation under the sun.
What It Is And How It’s Bought—lnfor
mation For Purchasers of Liberty
Loan Bonds
A summary of the United States
Liberty Loan of 1917 follows:
AUTHORIZED, $5,000,000,000.
PRESENT ISSUE, $2,000,000,000.
DATED June 15, 1917. Due June 15,
REDEEMABLE at the government’s
option after June 15, 1932. Payable in
gold coin.
INTEREST 3% per cent, payable
June 15 and Dec. 15.
EXEMPT both as to principal and
interest from all taxation, except es
tate or inheritance taxes.
BONDS COME in two forms, coupon
or registered. Coupon bonds have
principal and interest payable to bear
er. Registered bonds have the owner’s
name registered with the government;
interest is payable by check mailed
direct from Washington. Form de
sired is optional with the purchaser.
, COUPON bonds are in denomina
tions of SSO, SIOO, SSPO, SI,OOO. Regis
tered bonds are in denominations of
SIOO, SSOO, SI,OOO, $5,000, SIO,OOO, $50,-
000 and SIOO,OOO.
bonds (not including short term ob
ligations) is issued by the United
States, bearing a higher interest rate
than 3(£ per cent, before the end of
the war, the holders of the present is
sue will have the privilege of convert
ing, par for par, into the new bonds.
TERMS of payment. Application
must be made on or before June 15,
1917, though the secretary of the
treasury can close the books before
the date at his discretion. Payment
for the bonds must be made as fol
lows: 2 per cent with application, the
balance in four installments on speci
fied dates, the last date Aug. 30. Other
terms of payment can be arranged for,
including down payment in full.
INTERIM certificates will be issued
with the second installment payment.
Delivery of the bonds themselves will
be made as soon as practicable after
June 28 to purchasers who have made
full payment.
The Star Spangled Ban
ner floats more proudly over
every home that buys a
United States Liberty Bond.
America is free. Her people are
free. You are free to buy or not to
buy United States Liberty Bonds. But
you aren’t free to wear a United
States Liberty Bond button unless you
own at least one United States Lib
erty Bond.
f One fellow in the county that
the siieriff has caught three times
running a still is now talking of
asking for an injunction to pre
vent the sheriff from interfering
with his business, as he alleges
that his skimmings spoiled while
he was out hunting bondsmen.
There .are some jurors in the box
by neglect or mistake who would
take pleasure in granting the re
Sheriffs Sale.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
Wil be sold belore the court house in
-mid county, on the first Tuesday in De
•ember, IVI7. Itetween the legal hours of
ale. to the highest bidder for cash, the
ollowing personal property, Cowit:
A stocx of general tnpichandlse con
ained in the brick store room of Ed Good
.vin on the East side of Main street in the
city of McDonough, Ga., Henry county,
-aid stock of goods consisting of dry
roods, notions, shoes, hardware, ready
made clothing, heavy and fancy groceries
ind such other goods as are usually cur
led in a general stock of merchandise.
Levied on as the property of Ed Good
win to satisfy a mortgage nfa issued from
the Superior Court of Henry county, (4a .
in favor of G. L. < 'rahb transferee against
Ed Goodwin. This Nov. 7th. 1017.
Sheriff Henry Co. Ga.
Sheriffs Sale.
GE O RGIA —H en ry County.
Will he sold tit. the court house door in
said county, on the First Tuesday in De
cember, 1917, within the legal hours of
sale, to ths highest bidder for cash, the
following real estate, towit:
1 lot in the city of McDonough, Georgia,
on which stand two store rooms, said lot
described as follows: Beginning in the
centre of the brick wall between the store
room of Ed Goodwin and W, B. J. In
gram’s store room on east side of Macon
street, running south along Macon street
to lot now owned by Rape Brothers and
Stansell, formerly a vacant lot owned by
11. M. Tolleson, thence ease one hundred
and six feet to a fourteen foot alley deed
ed to city of McDonough, thence north
fifty one feet to line of W. B. J. Ingram,
thence along the joint wall of W. B. J.
Ingram and Ed Goodwin through the
centre of said brick wall to the starting
point, one hundred and six feet Said
store rooms and the lot on which each is
situated levied on as the property of Ed
Goodwin to satisfy an execution and spe
cial lien on same, issued front the Superi
or Court of Henry county, Georgia, in fa
vor of the First National Bank of Mellon
(tugh, Georgia, against said Ed Goodwin.
Tenant in possession notified. This the
7th day of November, 1917,
Sheriff Henry Co., Ga.
Sheriff's Sale.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
Will he sold before the court house door
in the city of McDonough, Henry county,
Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on
the first Tuesday in December next, the
following real estate: .
Lying and being situated in the city of
McDonough, 7th land district of Henry
county, Georgia, situated on Sloan street
east of the alley east of Lemon’s garage,
commencing at the southeast corner of
said alley, running east fifty feet, thence
north one hundred amt five feet, thence
west fifty feet, thence south one bandied
and five feet, with brick stables fifty feet
by ninety feet on same
Also, house and lot on Bryan street
fronting one hundred and nine feet or.
said street, and running south three hun
dred feet, bounded on the north by Bryan
street, on the east by lot of E. M Smith,
on the south by lot of H. M. Amis, on the
west by lot of G. Q.. Weems. Levied as
the property of E. Goodwin to satisfy an
execution from Henry Superior < ’ourt in
favor of Carmichael Lumber Company,
against E. Goodwin.
Tenant in possession notified. This No
vember 7th, 1917.
W A. WARD, Sheriff.
Administrator's Sale.
GEORGIA—Henry Comity.
By virtue of an order from the Court of
Ordinary, will be sold before the Court
house door in McDonough. Ga.. within the
legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in
December, 1917,
One half (%) acre of land in 7th land
district of said county and State bounded
as follows:
On the North by lot of Will Kimbell, on
the South by lot of Josephine Speer, on
tiie East by Griffin and McDonough pub
lie road, on the West by lands of George
Sold as the estate of Curley Glenn Alex
ander, decotised, for distribution and for
payment of debts. Terms cash.
This 6’ day of Nov., 1917.
Women i
Here Is a message to
suffering women, from
Mrs. \V. T. Price, of
Public, Kv.: “1 suf
fered with painful...”,
she writes. “I got down
with a weakness In my
back and. limbs... I
felt helpless and dis
couraged ... I had about
given up hopes of ever
being w*ll again, when
a friend insisted I
The Woman’s Tonic
I began Cardui. In
a short while I saw a
marked difference...
I grew stronger right
along, and it cured me.
I am stouter than I
have been in years.”
If you suffer, you can
appreciate what it
means to be strong and
well. Thousands of wo
men give Cardui the
credit for their good
health. It should help
you. Try CarduL At all
druggists. E-73
Petition for Charter.
GEOlifJiA—ilouty • loutuy.
To the Superior Court of said
county: The petition of H. M.
Amia and R. H. Daniel of said
State arM county respectfully
shows :
1 That they desire for them
selves. their associates, successors
and assigns to be incorporated un
der the name and stvle of
2 They desire to be incorporat
ed for a period of twenty years
with the privilege of renewal at
the,expiration of that time.
3 The principal office and place
of business of said corporation will
be at McDonough, in said State amt
county, but they desire the right
to establish branch offices any
where in this State.
4 The capital stock of said cor
poration will be five thousand dol
lars. divided into shares of the par
value of one hundred dollars enefh.
They desire the right to increase
said amount of capital stock from
time to time to a maximum of fif
teen thousand dollars. All of said
capital stock has been actually paid
5 The object of said corporation
is pecuniary gain to itsi If and
(5 The i (articular business to be
canied on by said corporation is
that of a general automobile busi
ness, buying ami selling automo
biles, accessories, parts, gasoline,
oil.' and any and everything neces
sary and incidental to the automo
bile business. They desire to do a
general automobile repair business
and to run an automobile hack and
dray tine.
7 In the conduct of said busi
ness they desire the right to buy
and sell for cash or credit, to make
and take deeds, notes, bonds and
any and all other kinds of security,
to buy, hold, lease, sell, rent and
convey real estate and personal
property, to sue and be sued, to
have and use a common seal, to
make all necessary by laws, rules
and regulations for the successful
conduct of the business proposed
or that may be necessary for the
carrying on of said business.
8 They ask for the further right
to apply for and accept ammend
inents to the charter of said corpo-*
ration as provided by law, and for
the light and authority for said
corporation to wind up its affairs,
liquidate its business anil surren
der its charter whenever it may by
appropriate resolution, desire to do ]
Therefore, petitioners pray to he
incorporated under the name and
style aforesaid, with the powers,
privileges and immunities herein
-set foorth and allowed by the laws
of Georgia, and subject to the lia -|
bilities and restrictions placed up
on corporations by the laws of
Georgia. E. M. SMITH,
Petitioners Attorney.
Stain of Georgia—Henry County.
I, H. C. Hightower, Clerk of the
Superior Court in and for saul
county, do lieieby certify that the ,
foregoing is a correct copy of peti
tion tiled by H. M. Amis and R. H-
Daniel in this office, to be incor
porated as THE AMIS-PANIEh
COMPANY, as will appear from
the records in this office.
Given under my band, and seal,
this the 14th daa of November,
1917. H. C. HIGHTOWER.
C. S. C H. C., Ga.
For sale. 200 pecan tree , two
years old, extra large variety.
See me before placing your order.
Bailor Smith, McDonough, Ga.
First Class Passenger Service to All Points
12:01 a.m. for Greensboro, Lynchourg, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York.
6:20 a.m. for Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Chicago.
6-25 am. for Birmingham, Memphis, Kansas City, Denver and all points West.
6:30 a.m. for Greenville, Charlotte and intermediate points.
7:20 a.m. for Columbus, Ga., and Fort Valley, Ga.
730 a m for Macon and local points to Brunswick, Ga.
11:35 a.m. for Charlotte, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York.
12:20 noon for Macon, Ga.
1-10 pm. for Anniston, Birmingham, Ala.
2.00 p.m. for Charlotte, Richmond, Washington, New \ ork.
3:00 p.m. for Chattanooga, local stations.
4:45 for local stations to Toccoa, Ga.
4:55 p.m. for Rome, Dalton, Chattanooga, Cincinnati.
5:10 p.m. for Columbus, Ga.
5:20 p.m. for Fort Valley, Ga.
5:20 p.m. for Birmingham, Memphis.
5:30 p.m. for Macon, Ga.
10:05 p.m. for Macon, Brunswick, Jacksonville.
10:40 p.m. for Charlotte, Asheville, N. C.
11:20 p.m. for Macon, Jacksonville and Florida points..
11:30 p.m. for Birmingham, Meridian, New Orleans, Shreveport.
Through equipment and highest grade Dining Cars and Pullman service.
T. P. A., Macon, Ga. E. A., Atlanta, Ga.
rRYHOME. gjglsmH^B
Over 40,000 owners of farms, country homes
and stores, throughout the world, representatives
of over sixty different lines of business, are finding
DELCO-LIGHT to be a dependable and trust
worthy electric light and power plant.
Don't Experiment—Get Delco-Light
No Carbureter No Magneto
No Rheostat No Governor
No Pumps No Trouble
Simplicity Insures Constant Service
Complete in 2 sizes, SR,SO & $420 (f. o. b. Dayton, O.)
For Demonstration, wire, phone or write —
C. W. Howard, The Domestic Electric Co.
Dealer, 17 State St. W., Savannah, Ga. Distributors, Atlanta, Ga
Dooly Crisp Turner Irwin
Pulaski Dodge Wilcox Tift
We at all times have fine farms for sale.
Let us 'show what you want
see see see
R. P. Ketchum, E. E. Persons, D. C. Ketchum.
Ashburn, Ga. Eastman, Ga. Vienna, Ga-