The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 07, 1917, Image 7
LUKE McLUKE SAYS. A man doesn’t mind getting up at 4a.m. to go hunting. But he couldn’t possibly get up at that hour to go to work. During the honeymoon the ther mometer in the front hall registers about 100 above when she greets him when he gets home at night. But a few years later the same thermometer registers around zero when she greets him when he gets home at night. It is hard to get the idea out of a girl’s head that music consists of making a noise. A princess imagines that taking time for reflection means posing in front of a mirror for an hour. A single wrinkle will worry a woman more than an entire bald head will worry a man. The old-fashioned woman who used to pin a switch onto her hair now has a daughter who pins her hair onto a switch. Keep your plans to yourself. You never heard a successful man telling what he is going to do, did you? Every man should express a knowledge of palmistry. It gives him an excuse to hold a girl’s hand for a while. When friend wife and friend husband have a scrap and friend wife says: “Well, if you don’t like it you know what you can do !” friend wife means that friend husband can go straight to the bad place for all she cares. A woman can’t always get a gown to match her complexion. But she can always get a complex ion to match her gown. After a man has been married long enough he can tell you that a woman will worry over the fact that she has nothing to worry about. Kept Lent. Mr. Tucker had unexpectedly come face to face with Mr. Cut ting from whom he had frequent ly borrowed money. . “Er —aw —what was the denom ination of the bill you loaned me?” he asked nervously. “Episcopalian, I guess,” said Mr. Cutting. “At any rate it keeps Lent very well.” They were having an argument as to whether it was correct to say of a hen she is “setting” or “sitting,” and not being able to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion they decided to submit the prob lem to farmer Giles. “My friends,” he said, “that don’t interest me at all. What I wants to know when I hear a hen cackle is whether she be laying or lying. 240 Pound Pigs. With corn above 50* hogs eat their heads off very quickly. The hog that takes two or three months to get on full feed never brings you a profit. When you are ready to put your shoats on feed, begin with the B. A. Thomas’ Hog Medicine. Use regularly and watch your shoats round out into fat hogs in nine months—hogs going over 200 pounds and as high as 240 pounds. Figure the average feeding and you will see why the B. A. Thomas medicine is a good investment. Try feeding out your hogs on this plan and if you are not more than pleased, we will refund the cost of the medicine. Henry Countv Supply Co. It is now our war, and the country must get together on this basis. A Mean Man. The teiephoue bell rang with anxious persistence. The doctor answered the call. “Oh, doctor,” said a worried voice, something seems to have happened to my wife. Her mouth seems set and she can’t say a word.” “Why, she may have lock-jaw,” said the medical man. “Do you think so? Well, if you are up this way some time next week I wish you would step in and see what you can do for her.” “Has Crimson Gulch quit drink ing yet ?” “Yes,” replied Bronco Bob. “And playing faro bank?” “Quit entirely.” “What do you do for amuse ment, then?” “Go to the movies and laugh at the reckless way they think us Wild West fellers behave. “Has your wife started house cleaning ?” “1 guess so. The hired girl quit yesterday. Cut This Out—lt is Worth Money. DON’T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111,, writing your name clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds, and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain in sides and back, rheumatism, backache, kid ney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole some and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for constipation, bilious ness, headache and sluggish bow els. The McDonough Drug Co. FARM LOANS ! can arrange you a loan on your Farm anywhere, at a low rate of interest, 3 or 5 years. j • Write W. O. Needham, Elienwood, Ga. TALMON PATTI LLO SURVEYOR HENRY COUNTY His only occupation, and this ALL the time, which spells Plainfield surveying and plat work a specialty. Office Court House McDonough, - Georgia For Dismission. GEORGIA—Henry County. W E. M. Dodson, Guardian of Odessa Brauiteiry, has applied to me for a dis charge from his Guardianship of Odessa Btadberry. This is therefore to notify all persons concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the fiirst Monday in December next, else he will be dis charged from his guardianship as applied tor. This 5 day of November, 1917. A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary. KINKY .HAIR £ sV-'b/*' Rxeients KodicineCo., MB -i ' ZsMSE* Atlanta. G*. Gentlemen: your tExetento Quinine / v - h. (Pcmade my hair wa» V SaR ’ short, c- -arse and nappy, \ JHwjr i>;it now it hag grown to 32 raflSgNp long, and is so soft yfiifcrr iffilrrMT ai;<l *Hky tant I eon do it °‘ > ac ? * w&n * to. i yftWp ' 'ASVffI am sending you my pic- W tore *° you bow y rretty Eselento ha* made it. SALUL HELD. Dr-n’t let jorae fake Kink Remover fool you. You really can’t straighten your hair until it is nice and long. That’s what EXELENTO omad! does, removes Dandruff, feeds the Roots of the hair, and m2hes it grow long, soft and silky. After using a few times you can tell the difference, ar.d after a little while it will be so pretty and lon* that you can fix it up to suit you. If Exelento don’t do as we claim, we will give your money back. Price 25c by mail on receipt of stamps or coin. * AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. Write for particulars. EXELENTO MEDICINE CO.. Atlanta. Qa. ■ .A v >t Contents 15Ph:id Drachn^ asm h ALCOHOL" 3 PER CENT, fi t $ || AVc^etablc FreparationforAs 8 by Rrgula sixCtS : ting the Stomachs andßowctsof te-um | M,nrrjftl*TTW Is!.* 1451 wa im 1 Thereby Promoting Diction i - Cheerfulness and Rest.Contams neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcoti Ho i Pumpkin Seed V V e&5 ) fflj! 1 , > piCarinate SoJ* / I b'nrm I * >lO Chirt fad Sugar 1 ftSifrrynrn/hinr / "OO * 1! A helpful Remedy for . o 7 Constipation and Diarrhoea. j! and Feverishness and . Ip c tt Loss OF Slel Jyi Jc I resulti.^tb£rcfronHnMa n( y ; -- r 1 lac Simile Si^naturcof isii ]] wvBiBESBSSm Exact Copy of Wrapper. ME HE BREAD CHEAPER, BETTER BREAD. It costs less to bake Home Made Bread with Ballard's flour. Ballard’s “Obelisk,” “Table Talk,” “Pioneer” and “Ballard’s Self Rising” are mad e from the choicest winter wheat, and are superior for bread and rolls as well as cake and pastry. VALUABLE PRESENTS FREE. MADE UNDER CLEANLY AND SANITARY CONDITIONS. WARRANTED ABSOLUTELY PURE t<s*«** new tG 4it Your Telephone Operator N The BELL Telephone operator has a mission in life, and her mission is to serve you. Quickness, accuracy and courtesy are her essential qualifi cations. Frequently, she is called upon to act quickly in emergencies when cour age and presence of mind are required. No more loyal and conscientious group of workers can be found than the young women at the switchboard. Their service can be greatly extended by your co-operation. When you Telephone—Smile * SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Forjhifentsand^fciUronj Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always / . Bears the rv JjV In }\Jb Use W For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITT. Save the PROFIT - SHARING TICKETS in each sack. We will give you 2 I -2c in cash for the ticket in each sack of the flour named above. In each 48 pound sack you will find ■4 tickets, which at the above rate is 10c saved on a barrel of flour. If you prefer premiums ask us for a book. ORDER TODAY MCDONOUGH TRADING CO. Saved $54 on Her Dentist Bill Last September Mrs. Willie M. Lane, of Tallapoosa, Ga., went to Atlanta and consulted the One Price Dental Office, 104 H Whitehall st., Atlanta, about some dental work. The price quoted was satisfactory and the work was done. After she paid the bill and counted up what the trip had cost she found tliat the total outlay was $56. SB. “After»l came home,” she says in a recent letter, “I went to see one of our dentists and asked him .vhathe thought of the work I had had done in Atlanta and he said I had a fine job. i asked him what he would have charged and he said SIOO Should I ever need any more work done I certainly will come to Atlanta and have the work done. I can’t praise your work too highly.” The One Price Dental Office never changes its prices, which are as fol lows: Best gold crowns, |s3; bridge work, $3 per tooth; finest set of teeth money can buy, $5. E. J. REAGAN EDWARD L. RKAGAJT REAGAN & REAGAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW McDonough, Ga. Practice in all the Courts O. L_. ADAMS DENTIST McDonough, Ga. Ollice Honrs : 7 :30 to 5 : 00 FIRST NATIONAL RANK BUILDING D. A. BROWN. DENTIST Office Hours : 7.30 to 12 A. M. 1 to 6 P. M. TERMS: STRICTLY CASH.: McDonough, Ga. MONEY to LOAN I am prepared to make quick loans on town property and farm lands. Local money and you can get it, without delay. Rates reasonable. Ei ther write, 'phone or ccme to see me land letjj me know what you want : : [; R. O. JACKSON (MASONIC BUILDING) DID YCU Ever Stop to Think of the constant service your watch per forms—the balance wheel traveling 3558 3 4 miles, the lift )e second hand covering 13 miles, thus regulating the audible tick ing off of 31.580,000 seconds outline in the course of a year? When Was your Watch Last Cleaned and Oiled? Isn’t It About l ime? T. H. WYNNE The Jeweler, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. 6% Farm Loans 6% If yuurexpect to borrow money, have arrange ments inaoc‘by which I ' can obtain samejfor you PROMPTLY. | J G. ALEXANDER. ' McDonough, A* Georgia. KRXfSPK THE INVISIBLE BIFOCALS Our scientific examination removes ali doubt as to the requirement of the eyes. If it is eye strain or any other trouble"with the vision, our twenty five years experience is your guarantee of satisfac tion. Try our KRYPTOKS. J. J, BOOKOUT 53 West Mitchell St.. Atlanta 'The old Bifocal ( With the disfiguring seam.or hump $ Bifocal With clear smooth even surfaces