Newspaper Page Text
Report of the Condition of
The First National Bank, at Hampton,
In the State of Georgia,
At the close of business, November 20, 1917.
Loans and Discounts (except
thoseshown on band c)65,318 56
C Acceptances of this lmtik pur
chased or discounted
Total Loans - - 65.818.56
d Notes and bills re
discounted none 65,318.66
U. S. Bonds deposited to
secure circulation (par
value) - 130,000.00
Total U. S. Bonds - 20,000.00
Liberty Loan Bonds,
unpledged . . 3.000.00
Liberty Loan Bonds, pledged
to secure U. S. and other
deposits - - -' - - 3,000.00
Stock of Federal Reserve Bank
(60 per cent of subscription) 1,200.00
Value of hanking house
(if unencumbered) 4,000.00 4,000.00
Earn. and Fix. - 2,500.00
Lawful reserve with Fed
eral Reserve Bank . . 6,108.39
Cash in vault and net
amount due from na
tional banks . . . 18,657.92
Net amount Due from banks
and liankers, and trust com
panies other than inculded
in Items 18, 14, and 15
Checks on other hanks in
the same city or town as
reporting batik .... 963.92
Total of Items 14, 16, 16,
17. and 18 - - 19,611.84
Net amount Due from approv
ed Reserve Agts. in other
Reserve Cities
Net amount due from banks
and bankers (other than
included in 12 or 20) none
Other Checks on banks in the
same city or town as
reporting bank
Outside Checks and other Cash
Items - none
Fractional Currency Nickels
and cents
Notes of other National Banks
Federal Reserve notes none
Lawful reserve in vault and
e’ith Federal Reserve bank
Redemption fund with
U. S. Treasurer and due
from U. S. Treasurer 1,000.00
Total - $121,738.79
State of Georgia—Henry County.
I, E. R. Harris, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that thi
above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
E. R. Harris, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this Ist day of Dec., 1917.
GEO. S. D. MALAIER, Notary Public
W. M. Harris
R. M. Harris
W. W. Carmichael
No. 7969. Report of condition of
At McDonough, in the State of Georgia, at the close of business,
on November 20, 1917.
Loans and Discounts (except
those shown on b and 0)392,721.31
o Acceptances of this bank
purchased or dis
Total loans
d Notes and bills re
discounted 566.38
Foreign Bills of Exchange or
Drafts sold with indorse
ment of this bank, not shown
under Item d above (see
Item 56c > . . . 655.33 392,166.98
Overdrafts, Secured 2,760.42
Overdrafts, unsecured 1,219.66 3,980.08
U. S. Bonds deposited
to secure oircula
tion (par value) 70,000.00
Total U. S. bonds 70,000.00
Liberty Loan Bonds,
unpledged - - 8,343.00
Liberty Loan Bonds, pledged
to secure U. rt. and other
deposits . ~ - 8,343.00
Stock of Federal Reserve Bank
(50 per cent of subscription) 3,000.00
Value of Banking house.
flf unencumbered) 15,482.54
Equity in banking house 15,482 54
Furn. and Fix. - - - 3,500.00
Lawful Reserve w T ith Fed
eral Reserve Bank • 19,921.64
Cash in vault and net
amounts due from
national banks ... 17,757.96
Net amount due from banks
and bankers, and trust com
panies other than included
In Items 13, 14 and 15 . . 790.69
Other checks on banks in
the same city or town as
reporting bank 6,271.40
Total of Items 14, 15, 16,
17. and 18 . . 24,820.05
Checks on banks located out
side of city or town of report
ing bank and other cash
items ... . 3,687 40
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer and due from U. S. •
Treasurer 3,600.00
Total . $648,400.69
State of Georgia— Henry County.
I, Ralph L. Turner, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Ralph L. Turner, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of Nov , 1917.
J. It. Turner, Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
T. A. Sloan,
W. W. Turner,
H. M. Amis,
For sale, building lot, 78 feet
front, 84 back, 220 feet deep
through to two streets. R. A.
Several cords good dry stove
wood wanted. Brown House.
Capital stock paid In $30,000,00
Surplus fund - 10.000.00
Undivided Profits, 8,361.78
I-ioss Current Expenses
Interest and Taxes
paid - 1,146.03 7,216 75
Circulating notes outstanding $20,000.00
Individual deposits subiect to
check - 46,627.99
Certificates of deposit due in less
than 30 days
Cashiers’ checks outstand
ing ...... 599.06
Total demand deposits,
Items 33, 34, 36. 36, 37, 38,
39, and 40 47,127 04
Time deposits (Payable after
30days, or subjectto 30days
or more notice):
Certificates of deposit 7,396.00
Total of time deposits.
Items 41, 42,43 and 44 7,395.00
Bills payable, other than with
Federal Reserve Bank, Includ
ing all obligations represent
ing money borrowed, other
than rediscounts
Total - $121,738.79
Capital stock paid in - SBO. Of 0.00
Surplus fund - - 20,0(0.00
Undivided profits, 35,469.02
Less current expen-
ses, interest, and tax
es paid -2,761.45 J 37,697.57
Circulating Notes outstanding 70,000.00
Dividends unpaid
Individual deposits subject to
check 273,659 06
Certificates of deposit due
in less than 30 days 8,670.00
Cashier’s checks out
standing ... . 655.18
Total Demand deposits,
Items 33, 34, 36. 36, 37,
38. 39, and 40; 282.884.24
Time deposits' (payable after
30 days, or subject to 30 days
or more Notice):
Certificates of deposit 45,818.88
Total of time deposits,
items 41, 42, 43, and 44, 45,818.8.8
Bills payable, including
obligations represent
ing money borrowed
other than rediscounts 17,000.00
Total . . $548,400.69
Liabilities for rediscounts, in
cludintr those with Federal Re
serve Bank 565 33
Total contingent liabilities 555 33
For Twelve Months’ Support.
GEORGIA —Henry County..
Mrs. Lula Joyner having made applica
tion for twelve months’ support out of
the estate of I. O. Joyner, deceased All
persons concerned are hereby required to
show cause before the Court of Ordinary
of said county on the first Monday in Jan
uary, 1918, why said application should
not be granted. This 4th day of Dec. 1917.
A. G, HARRIS, Ordinary, i
An Engine That Digests
Low-Grade Gas and Makes
High Power Out of ft
The thing about the great Chalmers engine that
counts is the fact that it actually digests the gas fed to
it (and low-grade gas especially).
Everyone knows now that the grade of gasoline
is on the decline, and that probably high-grade gas, or
even the gas of a year ago, will never come back.
And like a man who has been on a high-grade diet and
is suddenly given a low-grade diet, many engines
in automobiles now have gasoline indigestion.
The Chalmers engine digests gas probably as no
engine ever before has done. It makes high power
out of low-grade gas.
It makes gasoline work harder than gasoline ever
worked before.
Anyone who knows anything about an engine
knows that the everlasting riddle has been to get the
gas in just exactly a 100 % condition of vapor in the
combustion chamber before ignition.
The great Chalmers engine has accomplished this,
so far as any engine probably ever will be able to do,
by means of two clever devices.
One is a “hot spot” feature which heats and “breaks
up” the gas after it leaves the carburetor and before it
gets to the intake manifold. The other is the “ram s
horn” manifold that, by means of its ‘ easy air
bends,” sends the gas to the combustion chamber
well-nigh perfect. > ,
Hence, more power out of less
On a cold day remarkably quick results in starting
are obtained.
No longer a 10-minute fight with your engine. And
as soon as the Chalmers engine starts it runs smoothly
and delivers power quickly.
Often cars take ten minutes of running to “warm
them up.”
But not so with the current Chalmers.
And if you weren’t a shrewd judge of an automo
bile, you might overlook some of the other notable
features of the current Chalmers, so great has become
the achievements of its engine.
Go down to our salesroom and let us show 7 you the
great Chalmers engine and the perfection of the current
» * '