Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the I attests of McDonough and Henry County.
Mr. J. M. Stroud’s Death
Causes Deep Sorrow.
No death has caused a deeper
or more genuine regret to hosts
of friends than of Mr. Jim Stroud,
which occurred at his home in
McDonough at 1:30 o’clock on
Saturday morning last. He was
stricken with pleuro-pneumonia
and took his bed at 11 o’clock on
Thanksgiving day. lingering not
quite ten days to the end.
Mr. Stroud was one of McDon
ough’s active business men, in the
vigor of life, his clever friendliness
making him a favorite with all,
and the sorrow of the stricken
family is shared by a wide circle.
He is survived by the wife and
two little sons, one near four years
and the other about 18 months
old, besides two brothers, Mr. Will
Stroud of Henry and Mr. Walter
Stroud of Butts.
In a very impressive sermon,
funeral services were conducted
at the Baptist church at 11 o’clock
Sunday morning, by his former
pastor at Sardis, Rev. I. G. Walker,
in presence of numbers of friends,
and the remains were laid to rest
in McDonough cemetery.
Mr. Olin Kimbell Badly
Hurt in Auto Accident.
An auto accident in which Mr.
Olin Kimbell was seriously injured
Monday morning caused much
anxiety among his numerous
Mr. Kimbell was returning from
the Atlanta train with a laoy nurse,
when his car was overturned on
the icy road near the residence of
Tax Collector Wallace, badly in
juring his breast, from which he
was unconscious until Tuesday.
At first but little hope was enter
tained for his life, but at last ac
counts he was doing well, and
friends now trust for his early re
The lady escaped with a few
slight bruises.
2,500 yds. Ginghams worth 18c
at 15c per yard. W. B. J. Ingram.
Headquarters ius
We have complete line of Holiday Goods ever shown in Henry County. We will have something for Father, Mother, Brother, Sister,
Sweetheart and the Little Ones. Our Personal Guarantee goes with every purchase. Be sure you see our line before you buy.
Below we list*you only a few of the many articles that you may select from. Bear this in mind, that we bought our
goods when they were cheap, and GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU NONEY.
La Valliers,
Wrist Watches,
Cameo Rings,
Vanity Boxes,
Mr. A. J. Henderson
Dies in Hampton.
At his residence in Hampton on
last Saturday morning, Dec. 8, the
death of Mr. A. J. Henderson oc
curred, after declining health of
some time.
Mr. Henderson was 71 years of
age, and widely known as one of
Henry county’s foremost and most
enterprising business men, num
bering his friends by the hundred.
For twenty odd years he was
president of the Hampton Manu
facturing Co., besides promoting
and being interested in numerous
other business enterprises. Than
“Art Henderson,” as he was fa
voritely known, there could be no
better and tnore useful citizen,
and none could be more lamented
by his entire town and community.
He is survived by his widow,
Mrs. Irene Henderson, six sons —
P. A., of Miama, Fla., W. Z., A. D.,
A. M., Glenn and J. L., and one
daughter, Mrs. W. A. Wilson, all
of Hampton.
Funeral services, attended by a
concourse of friends, were con
ducted from the home Sunday aft
School Dismissed for
Inasmuch as school is disorgan
ized on account of the weather, it
has been decided wise to suspend
now for the Christmas holidays.
A vacation of two weeks will be
given, the regular schedule of du
ties being resumed Monday, Dec.
31. M. W. Smith, Supt.
Box Supper
At Riverdale School House Friday
night, Dec. 21. Everybody come
out and see the fun.
Mrs. W. T. Howard,
Miss Sarah Hopkins.
Wanted at highest market price.
Locust Grove, Gar
Card Cases
Dorin Boxes
Ivory Sets
Pins, Bar Pins
Beauty Pins
Stick Pins
Knives and Chains
Cuff Buttons
Collar Buttons
Military Sets
Unusually ■ Mteresting.
Threads of Hwrfior —Pathos —
Tragedy —Love woven into a tan
gled web and unrayeled in a most
fascinating manner.
Presented by ngmibers of Hen
ry Grady and Shakespearean So
cieties for benefit|)f school.
School Auditormm Friday even
ing, Dec. 21.
Admission seats 35c.
Reserved tickets on sale Horton
Drug. Co. I,
Porter in 4 Fra nee.
The Brown Hc|pe has received
the following selfpxplanatory let
ter from a formeifporter:
On Active Service with the Amer
ican Expeditionary Forces in
France —Noy, 14, 1917.
Dear Mrs. Carrie: Just a few
lines to let you hear from me.
Safely in France and getting along
well. Hope to get hack home
some day and if I do I will sure
come for that dinner you promis
ed me. Tell Mr. Fouche lam o.k.
and stilla Christian. Yours truly
William Durand,
301 Stevedore Regt.,
A- E. F. France.
Via New York.
I desire to returungrateful thanks
to friends for tevrfkinu assistance
and tender ympithy during the
illness and death of my departed
! husband; also for the profusion of
beautiful flowers at the funeral.
.All shall be tenderly treasured.
Mrs. Edna E. Str iud.
✓ ....
Wanted at highest market price.
Locust Grove, Ga.
Hole Fix, the one best inner
tube aepair—ail Dealers carry it
in stock. 75c per.
. ug’fc. '-*
of %,
s 101/ s
Comb & Brush Sets
Manicure Sets
Traveling Sets *
Nut Bowls
Shop early.
Pay your tax.
Hog killin’ time.
Behold the “bill collector.”
Use long shortening for sugar.
Everybody are getting them —
autos and “jitneys.”
Mr. J. F. Bowaen lost a fine
cow last week.
It was regular hog killing time
in McDonongh Monday.
Regular meeting days at Betha
ny are changed to the 4th Sunday.
Old Santa Claus has sent word
for alt the children to be ready, as
he is coming again Christmas.
The B. Y. P. U. of McDonough
is one of the most live and enter
taining gathering we ever attend
In the death of Mr. Jim Stroud,
McDonough has lost one of its
best citizens.
People have been coming to
McDonough from Atlanta, Con
yers, Jackson and other places to
buy sugar. #
The new feed mill in McDon
ough is attracting considerable at
tention and is meeting with suc
“Billy” Sunday is still on tin* job
in Atlanta, and has entered into
his sixth week there.
A man who resides in McDon
ough recently made a visit to the
Baptist Orphans’ Home in Hape
ville and presented that noble in
stilution with a check for one
hundred dollars. Next.
A delegation from the McDon
ough Masonic Lodge went by in
vitation to Ola last Wednesday
night and conferred the master’s
degree on three candidates, J. E.
Hooten acting as Worshipful Mas
ter. The Ola Lodge is i i a pros
perous condition as they now have
about fifteen candidates on the
iiiiiisimas bins
Pidture Frames
Cake Plates
Genuine Hand
Painted China
Cut Glass
Belt Buckles
The negro ministrel play at the
school auditorium in McDonough
last week, which was all composed
of local talent, was a complete
success. We wish we had the
space to give personable mention
of each one taking taking part in
it, but space forbids, but indeed it
was a success.
From a clipping that recently
appeared in The Weekly from the
Jackson Progress, it seems that
our thriving and live neighbor city
of Locust Grove is making a puli
for the Butts County Fair next
year. We hope she will succeed
in landing it, and it she does that
will give Henry two county fairs
next year. Can any neighbor
county beat that ?
Some folks say it’s bad luck to
begin any kind of work on Friday
and it scares them nearly to death
for a rabbit to cross the road
ahead ot them and if a screech
owl hollers they will turn their
pockets wrong side out and if they
start anywhere and forget some
thing they will make a cross mark
and spit in it and if a bat happens
to get in the house it’s a sign of
death and if a cat turns his back
to the fire it’s a sign of cold weath
er. Our cat turned his back to
the fire last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Bright de
sire to thank their many friends
and for their kindness
shown them during the death of
our beloved mother. May God’s
richest blessings rest upon each
and every one of you.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Bright.
This December is the coldest
recorded in 40 years. With snow
on the solid sleet it is eyidently in
for a seige.
Several regular news letters are
left over this week tp appear in
next issue.
Coupons torn from the bonds
of matrimony —domestic quarrels.
* * *
M m h Ga
$1.50 A YEAR
Toilet Waters
Candies, Cigars
Christmas Cards
“ Seals
“ Boxes