The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 21, 1917, Image 4

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    Union Grove.
School was suspended at this
place the latter part of last week
on account of the bad weather.
The condition was not much bet
ter Monday morning, but the
school was taken up again.
Twelve nice hogs ranging from
hundred and seventy-five
pounds to three hundred were
killed on this street last Monday
little Nannie. Lou Stewart con
tinues in a serious condition.
Mr. Leon Blankenship, who is
working with the C. C. Boggs Au
to Co., Atlanta, spent the week
end at home. He is well pleased
wtth his work and invites his Hen
ry county friends when in the city
to call on him at 95 South Pryor
Mrs. Jeff McCullough has been
very ill for several days, with no
cnange at this writing.
Seryices were called in at Tim
berridge last Sunday on account
of the ice.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Joe El
liott sympathize with them in the
loss of their infant lasf Monday.
Well, the Lord will provide, so
on Dec. 4, we were permitted to
aflend the Sunday meeting. Go
ing by automobile, we had the
pleasure of seeing some of the
sights in the city before going out
to the tabernacle, which was about
as big a sight as vva even- beheld-
We will not undertake to say any
thing except, it is truly wonderful,
and offer our thanks to Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Elliott for carrying us,
and thank the Lord for bringing
as safely through without one ac
Homer Elliott of Atlanta was at
home last week end.
Christmas is nearly here. With
many, it will be the saddest of
their life, as so many of our set
tlement boys are being summoned
to Camp Gordon.
One Two.
South Avenue.
Snow and ice plentiful.
Christmas greetings, one and all.
Coleman and South Lee White,
Theron and Irene South haye the
Germ in measles.
Some of the grown-ups are ex
pecting to be measled in for
Christmas. It surely is bad enough
Jo have them once, hope ye all will
Mrs. M. 1). pord and daughters,
Misses H. E. and Nena, moved in
the house with Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Thurman two weeks ago. Mr.
Charlie Hales has moved his fam
i?v in their residence. We'wel
come them in our midst.
Mr. T. W. Peterman went to the
Gate City, Friday.
Billy Sunday will soon be gone
and many will not have heeded
the warning.
Mr. and Mrs. George Walden
announce the birth of a daughter
oil last Wednesday.
Mr. Emmett Mitchell of Rex, ex
pects to move his family to South
Georgia this week.
No visiting this week. Every
body has been at home trying to
keep warm. BUSY BEE.
Riverdale School.
Dear Mr. Horton : Our teacher
fold us that we were going to have
a box supper at our school Friday
night, December 21, and I want a
big crowd to come. So tell the
folks through the school column.
Come to see us when you can.
I am just beginning the fourth
grade. Deila Berry. * I
Mrs. G. G. Patrick and Miss Mat
tie Joe Pullin spent Saturday in
Griffin, shopping.
ML and Mrs. Jess Heiflin an
nounce the birth of a daughter on
Nov. 30.
Mrs. B. F. Collins and two little
daughters Jimcoma and Christine
have returned to their home near
Dailey’s mill, after spending a
week with the former’s sister,
Mrs. W. S. Patrick.
Schools near here were closed
during the recent bad weather.
Union Missionary Society held
its monthly meeting Dec. 3, at the
home of Mrs. T. H. Rhodes. A
miscellaneous shower was given
in honor of the Hapeviiie Orphans’
Home and quite a nice donation
was realized.
Mr. Hunt Clements of Decatur
was a recent visitor here.
There will be a Xmas tree at
Union church on the evening of
Dec. 24. Everybody is invited.
Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Patrick have"
sold their Ford and purchased a
handsome new Reo.
Friends regret to hear that Mr.
Tom Benton has pneumonia and
hope for him a speedy recovery.
Little Eleanor Patrick has re
covered from her recent sickness.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith mo
tored here from McDonough re
cently. Mr. Smith’s car is large
and handsome and its pleasures
are always shared with his num
erous friends.
Drlvo and domonetral© the Bush Cur. 1 'ay for 11 ou tof 1
your commission* on MdO« My agents are making money. Ship*
. mcntsara prompt.
irviar- 8
li* ir iiusi£ dr> i'ri
Delco Ignition—Elect. Sts. & Ltg. z I
BOBU UOXOU UMU-ASI, Uufa Xtmglt, CUcajp, «■■■--■-
f M
Ordinary Common Sense— f
Sensible Thrift—and -
Maxwell Motor Cars
Common sense says to you, “Buy a
Maxwell Car and use it.”
The American people are going forward
—not backward.
That is the purpose of the great war in
which we are now engaged.
The success of the Nation depends on [j
healthy business activity over the country
—and sensible thrift.
Healthy business depends on the utiliza
tion of every possible labor-saving, time-sav
ing, money-saving device known. , ’
The light-weight, economical Maxwell—
in passenger service—taking you where you
have to go on business, helping you relieve
delivery congestion—is one of the greatest ’
known labor-saving, time-saving, money*
saving devices.
Touring Car $745; Roadster $745; Coupe $1095 •
Berlsne $1095; Sedan $1095. F. 0.8. Detroit
We are having some lusty
There was no meeting at this
place on account of bad weather
Mr. H. A. Crumbley went to
Jackson Monday.
Mrs. V. L. Jinks is very sick at
this writing. Hope she will soon
be well again.
Miss Georgia McKibben has been
visiting relatives at McDonough.
Mrs. J. L. Jinks was the guest
of her daughter, Mrs. S. R. Bear
den, last week.
Rev. W. A. Sharpe and Mr. H
Crumbley were the dinner guests
of Mr. G. B. Childs and family Sat
Mr. W. J. McKibben had the op
portunity of killing one of the oldest
or the oldest hog in Henry county
on Dec. 10, She was 12 years old,
raised 14 pigs for 11 years. They
will average 300 pounds. He sold
Mr. C. H. Castellaw 2 pigs, they
•were killed at 18 months old,
weighing 100 pounds. She has
been worth $65 00 every year for
11 years. She weighed 300 lbs.
when killed, which she will amount
to $45.00. Was too old to eat
corn, had to feed on ground food,
has been a great hog. It’s worth
while to raise your own hogs.
Blue Eyes.
Horton Drug Co. has got the
Christmas Goods.
For Twelve Months' Support.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
Mrs. Lula Joyner having made applica
tion for twelve months’ support out of
the estate of I O. Joy per, deceased. All
persons concerned are hereby required to
show cause before the Court of Ordinary
of said county on the first Monday in Jan
uary, 1918, why said application should
not be granti d. This 4th day of Dec. 1917.
A G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
FOR fc-
DOLLS by the Thousand!
Toys and all kinds SANTA CLAUS in
endless profusion too tedious to enumerate.
Come to HEADQUARTERS, see for
yourself and save trouble of going further.
Realizing that this year, the next and the next maybe, the
American farmer will be called upon to feed the major por
tion of the peoples of The Earth, we have arranged for our
readers to also receive The Progressive Farmer. We rec
ognize it as the South’s leading exponent of the now vital
doctrines of crop diversification and farm products con
So important have these problems appeared to our Pres
ident that he has issued an appeal to the South to not only
feed itself but have something more for our sorely needing
friends across the Seas.
As your patriotic duty equip yourself by using the advice
and guidance of this standard farm weekly which sells for
one dollar a year and ma** be had with our paper for the
amount named below.
1 he Weekly and Progressive Farmer
Both One Year for *£.oo
I Now Carry a Full Line of Parts for Both Mc-
Price, Having Bought them Before the Advance in
Price, and can Save You Money.
Yes: I still Paint FORDS for Sll-Sot do a good
job too. And I have a Dandy Vulcanizing Plant and
can Repair Blow-outs, Rim-cuts and Tread-cuts, in
any size Tire from 3 to 5 inches.
McDonough. Ga. Phone 20J.
For Dismission. „
GEORGIA—Henry Conuty.
Whereas, A. 0. Sowell Administrator
of M. V. Sowell’s estate, represents to the
Court in his petition, duly tiled and en
tered on record, that he has fuliy admin
istered M. V. Sowell’s estate:
This is. therefore, to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can why said Adminis
trator should ,-not be discharged from his
administration, ai d receive Letters of
’Msmission on the first Monday in Janu
ary, 1«1S. A G. HARRIS,
For Dismission.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
Whereae, Dan Henderson. Executor of
” • A. Copeland’s will, represents to the
Court in his petition, duly filed and en
tered on recoid, that he has fully executed
said will:
This is, therefore, to cite all persons
concerned, kind-ed and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can. why said Executor
should pot be dischrtrjrpd from his adn in
ist ration. and receive Letters of Dismis
sion on tiie first Monday in January, 1918.
A G. HARRIS. Ordinary.