The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 21, 1917, Image 6
Commissioner Brown Urges Food Acreage. It is anticipated that the State Council on Food Production and Conservation appointed by Gov ernor Harris and continued by Dorsey, will be called into action again early in the coming year. There will be occasion and need for its service. Commenting upon the impor tunt work before this council, Commissioner J. J. Brown said : “We must urge now and con tinue to urge th »t in making pre parations tor the new crops, farm ers do not sacrifice food and feed acreage to cotton. There will be a great temptation to do it, but it will be the most serious mistake we can make. “We are experiencing now the distress of a sugar shortage, and short supplies in other lines. It will be the same tning with other food and feed products, unless we make what we need at home. We should do better in 1918 than we did in 1917. “Let me on)! upon the members of the State Council on Food Pro duction and Conservation now to exert every effort and influence they can throughout their respec tive communities, to induce the farmers to make all possible food crops, planting even a greater acreage than this year. They should be busy now, for we are going to need every pound of food we can raise, both for man beast. “If there were no food to be had, dollar cotton could not buy it. So let’s make the food and have our cotton as a surplus. It will then bring the price that we feel it ought to bring.” Deliverence of Jerusalem. Since the poem was first penned in the sixteenth century hundreds of thousands of Christian believ ers have sung the lines, ‘‘Jerusa lem, My Happy Home, When Shall I Come to Thee.” Wonderfuliy tender and inspir ational are the sentiments of the old hymn. Fate, destiny, providence, has flung back the dark curtain of Mohamedanism that has shrouded Jerusalem for a number of censu suries, and the hosts of Christen dom are now looking to the res toration of the sacred city with its holy places to the possession of Christian believers. . Not they alone, but those of the Mosaic dispensation likewise read with much thrill the taking of Jaffa by the Biitish. Jaffa being the port of Jerusalem. Ezekiel, in his vision, saw a man going forth with a measuring rod in his hand, and, upon inquiry, found that he had been sent to measure the bounds of the restored Jeru salem that should be as a city without walls for the multitude of inhabitants thereof. The shades of the Crusaders stanein line with the shades of the Zionists of the ages who have made the walls of the sacred city their wailing place while they cried out to the Lord of Sabaoth, “How long, how long!” Mighty pulsations of providence through the arteries of contempo rary events are causing the world war to do signal service to the spirit of reverence with which Jew and Gentile alike regard the H'dy Land, so long the spoil of the infidel Turk. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Signature of 240 Pound Pigs. With.corn above SCK' hogs eat their .heads off very quickly. The hog that takes two or three months to get on full feed never brings you a profit. When yoD are ready to put your sboats on feed, begin with the B. A. Thomas’ Hog Medicine. Use regularly and watch your shoats round out into fat hogs in nine months—hogs going over 200 pounds and as high as 240 pounds. Figure the average feeding and you will see why the B. A. Thomas medicine is a good investment. Try feeding out your hogs on this plan and if you are not more than pleased, we will refund the cost of the medicine. Henry Countv Supply Co. Keep Well poisons of undigested ■teL food to accumulate in Lgm Hnra your bowels, where they &s- if ■uR are absorbed into your Hgfl stipation, headache’ bad Mil BJm blood, and numerous other troubles are bound taking an occasional dose JgOT of the old, reliable, vee- Hay WjM etable, family liver medt- K^fej Black-Draught Ga., writes: gjj|§| ford’s Black-Draught as mother-in-law coyld not take calomel as it seemed too strong for her, so she H&|!gi| gaTTH used Black-Draught as a Bjf cH Bffr mild laxative and liver J/fB in the family and believe EkL VJM it bcsUnedicine for ■juj on > the genuine— For Dismission. GKOKGIA— Henry County. Whereas. W. L Galloway, Administra tor of VV. W. Skelton, represents to the Court in tiis petition, duly liled and en tered on record, that he has fully admin istered W. VV. Skelton, estate: This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Adminis trator should not he discharged from his administration, and receive Letters of Dismission on the first Monday in Jan uary, 1918. A G. HARRIS, Ordinary For Dismission. GEORGIA —Henry County. Whereas. W A. D Nelson, Administra tor of Lizzie Kimhell. represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and en tered on record, that he has fully admin istered Lizzie KimbeU s estate: This is, therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindrtd and creditors, to show cause, if any they can. why -aid Adminis trat r should not be discharged from his administration, and receive Letters of Dismission on the first Monday in Janu ary, H)l8. A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary. Administrator's Sale. By virtue of the last will and testament of S. C. Sherwood, will he sold at the Court house door in McDonough, Ga., within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in January, 1918— 100 acres of land, more or les-\ in the seventh land district of Henry county Ga. and bounded as follows: On the north In lands "f \V. J. Turner, on the east by Turner’s church, public road and lands.of Jess Cope[and, on the south by Walnut creek and lands of donee Fargas< n estate, and on the west h\ branch and lands of Thos. < lark Sold as the estate of S. C Sher .vootl, dece ,s< d. for pat ment of debts S E. SHERWOOD, A. \V. SHERWOOD, T. E SHERWOOD, Executors. Ask Your Grocer ' r“ ror i $ ,UI CHEEK-NEALS COFFEES - Best By Every Test ($- • -2 . ■. Petition for Charter. GEOliOl A—Henry < luuniy. To the Superior Court "of said county: The petition of H. M. Amis and Jf; it. Daniel of said State Mi.d county respectfully shows: 1 That they desire for them selves, their associates, successors and ttssigns to he inoorporutea un der the name and stvle of THE AMTB-DANIEL COMPANY. 2 They desire to bo incorporat ed for a period of twenty years with tile privilege of renewal at the expiration of that. time. 8 The principal office and place of business of said corporation will be at McDonough, in said State amt county, hut they desire the right to establish hianch offices any where in this State. 4 The capital stock of said cor poration will be five thousand dol lars, divided into shares of the par value of one hiWflied dollars each. They desire the right to increase said amount of capital stock from time to time to tf maximum of fif teen thousand dollars. All of said capital stock lias been actually paid in. a The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain to itself and stock! elders. (! The particular business to be carried on by said corporation is that of a general antomohilß busi ness, buying and selling automo biles, accessories, parts, gasoline, oil - and any and everything neces sary and incidental to the automo bile business. They desire to do a general automobile repair business and to run an automobile hack and dray Hue. 7 In the conduct of said busi ness they desire the rigpt to buv and sell for cash or credit, to make and take deeds, notes, bonds and any and all other kinds of security, to buy, hold, lease, sell, rent, and convey real estate and personal property, to sue and be sued, to have and use a common seal, to make all necessary bv laws, rules and regulations for the successful conduct of the business proposed or that may lie necessary for th.e carrying on of said business. 8 They ask for the further right to apply for and accept ammend ments to the charter of said corpo ration as provided by law, and for the right and authority for said corporation to wind up its affairs, liquidate its business and surren der its charter whenever it may bv appiopriate resolution, desire to do so. • Therefore, petitioners pray to be incorporated under the name and style aforesaid, with the powers, privileges and immunities herein set foortli and allowed by the laws of Georgia, and subject to the lia bilities and restrictions placed up on corporations bv the laws of Georgia. E. M. SMITH, Petitioners Attorney. State of Georgia—Henr> County. I, H. C. Hightower, Clerk of the Superior Court in and for said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of peti tion filed by H. M. Amis and R. H. Daniel in this office, to be incor porated as THE AMIS-DANIEL COMPANY, as will appear from the records in this office. Given under my hand and seal, this the 14th dav of November, 11)17. H. C. HIGHTOWER, C. S. C H. C., Ga. For sale, 200 pecan trees two years old, extra large variety. See me before placing your order. Bailor Smith, McDonough, Ga. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM First Class Passenger Service to All Points TRAINS LEAVE ATLANTA: 12:01 a.m. for Greensboro, Lynchburg, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York. 6:20 a.m. for Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Chicago. 6:25 a.m. for Birmingham, Memphis, Kansas City, Denver and all points West. 6:30 a.m. for Greenville, Charlotte and intermediate points. 7:20 a.m. for Columbus, Ga., and Fort Valley, Ga. 7:30 a.m. for Macon and local points to Brunswick, Ga. , 11:35 a.m. for Charlotte, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York. 12:20 noon for Macon, Ga. 1:10 p.m. for Anniston, Birmingham, Ala. 2.00 p.m. for Charlotte, Richmond, Washington, New York. 3:00 p.m. for Chattanooga, local stations. % 4:45 p.m. for local stations to Toccoa, Ga. 4:55 p.m. for Rome, Dalton, Chattanooga, Cincinnati. 5:10 p.m. for Coluirtbus, Ga. 5:20 p.m. for Fort Valley, Ga. 5:20 p.m. for Birmingham, Memphis. 5:30 p.m. for Macon, Ga. 10:05 p.m. for Macon, Brunswick, Jacksonville. 10:40 p.m. for Charlotte, Asheville, N. C. 11:20 p.m. for Macon, Jacksonville and Florida points. 11:30 p.m. for Birmingham, Meridian, New Orleans, Shreveport. « Tnrough equipment and highest grade Dining Cars and Pullman service. WHEN PLANNING A TRIP TO ANY POINT, ADDRESS J. S. BLOODWORTH, OR R. L. BAYLOR, T. P. A., Macon, Ga. D. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. DELOO-LIGHT . | * I IHtHfHli I SELF-CRANKING I i P IN £5 <0 SELF-STOPPING ! 1 fl I 1 BALL-BEARINGS f —i! II (I AIR-COOLED 1 | j 1! | _BURNS KEROSENE , 1:1 ii 1, ij DELCO-LSGHT The Complete Electric Light and Power Plant Order MOW! Save $45 Eiiective January 24, 1918, Delco-Light Prices will be Advanced: From $350 to $395 From $420 to $465 You cau still buy your De-lco-Light Plant Complete in 2 sizes, $350 and $420 (f. o. b. Dayton, O.) For actual demonstration, write, phone or wire to R. E. Henderson, Dmestic Electric Co. Salesman, HAMPTON. GA. D stributors, ATLANTA. Ga. FARMS! FARM LANDS! CITY REAL ESTATE IN THE FOLLOWING COUNTIES Dooly Crisp. Turner Irwin Pulaski Dodge Wilcox Tift THE ‘GARDEN SPOT’’ OF GEORGIA rilir CLIMATE ruir LANDS bimb PEOPLE Hitlr ROADS I IllL SCHOOLS I MIL BANKS We at all times have fine farms for sale. Let us show what you want ADDRESS, SOUTHEASTERN MORTGAGE CO ASH3URN, GEORGIA. see see see R. P. Ketchum, E. E. Persons, D. C. Ketchum. Ashburn, Ga. Eastman, Ga. Vienna, Ga. SUBSCRIPTION DUE