The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 21, 1917, Image 7
Better Farming in the South ] J • v * kCV £Ss&J*k THE FARMER—ONE OF UNCLE SAM’S DEFENDANTS By D. B. Osborne, Chairman Soil Improvement Committee, Atlanta, u a. Hil r. -M. * \j\ Upon you is \* - - '<4; : -v placed the grave responsibility of ~ producing abund- D. B. OSBORNE ant crops with which to feed and clothe our army and navy; the armies and navies of our Allies —our own people at home and the peoples of our Allies in Eu rope. Failure would bring disaster to our army and an untimely and unneces sary death to many of our boys who have gone forth to battle in defense of our liberty. But, Mr. Farmer, we know that un der the great responsibility placed on you by our Government, that there is no such word as “fail” in your vo cabulary and that nothing short of in eurmountable providential causes could prevent your answering fully to this responsibility. However, maximum crops can only be had by the judicious and intensive use of fertilizers, good seed, thorough cultivation, and labor-saving machin ery. Cut This Out-lt is Worth Money. DON’T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111,, writing your name clearly. You will receive in return a trhl package containing Foley’s Honey and Car Compound, for coughs, colds, and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain in sides and back, rheumatism, backache, kid nev and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole some and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for constipation, bilious ness, headache and sluggish bow els. The McDonough Drug Co. CHRISTMAS And the GIFT TIME of the Year is on Us Attain Al// y The past twelve months have brought many changes. But none in. the price of JEWELRY at our store. We will hi- glad to welcome our friends and customers from good old Henry county, and if we can save you in the selection or suggestion of GIFTS, it will be our plearure to do so. Our line is larger and more complete than e. <*r. Our terms and system of fairness are the same. Make YOUR Christmas Jewelry pur chases at our store. Durham Jewelry Company 20 Edgewood Avenue ATLANTA, GEORGIA One of your most pressing prob lems and one to be acted upon without delay, is the matter of obtaining your fertilizer. In spite of the best efforts of the manufacturers and the Government, materials for making fertilizers are scarce and high in price. Therefore, it is all the more necessary that what fertilizers are to be distributed, should be used upon soil that has received the very best preparations the farmer is capable of giving. The mobilization of our army, re quiring a maximum movement of troop trains and supply trains, has ov er-taxed the capacity of our railroads as never before, and in order for fer tilizers to be distributed this season, the movement must of necessity, be gin early and the unloading of cars at destination be done with utmost despatch. Every car must be loaded to canacity. Today fertilizers are cheaper than farm crops or farm labor. A bale of cotton, a bushel of corn, oats or wheat, will buy more pounds of fertil izers now than ever before, hence to assure the performance of a patriotic duty, with great profit to yourself, or der your fertilizers promptly so that you may be sure to get them. And when you get them, use them with the greatest degree of intelligence. Satisfactory results are bound to fol low —both to you and to the Govern ment. FARM LOANS I can arrange you a loan on your farm anywhere, at a low rate of interest, 3 or 5 years. Write W. O. Needham, Eilenwood, Ga. TALMON PATTI I LLO SURVEYOR HENRY COUNTY His only occupation, and this all the time, which spells “SUCCESS.” Plain field surveying and plat work a specialty/ Office Court House McDonough, - Georgia §Exe lento Medicine Co., Gentlemen: Before I used n your Evelenfo Quinine 8 Pomade my hair v??.s 9 short. Coarse and nappy, 9 but now it has grown to 32 9 inches long, and is so soft 9 and silky that I can do it 9 lure to show you low 9 rretty Exelf hai made 9 it. &ALLIE BEED. 9 Don’t let jome fake Kink Pwemover fool you. Ycu really can’t straighten your hair until it i 3 nice and long. That’s what EXELENT& omadl f does, removes Dandruff, feeds the Roots of the hair, and makes it gxow long, soft and silky. After using a fewtimes you can tell the difference, and after a little while it will be so pretty and long that you can fix js it up to suit you. If Exelent© don_ tdo as u claim, we will give your money back. | Price 25c by mail on receipt of stamps m or coin. I AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. \vrite for particulars. ■ EXELEKTO IWFOiCINE CO., Atlanta, Ca. There Is No Question but that indigestion and the distressed feeling which always goes with it can be promptly relieved by taking a Steffi "BBS* before and after each meal. 25c a box. »C7i Net Contents 15 Fluid T?~nnh^-^ |d Jg|S; W\ fl> ftPT "' ■ v 7 "alcohol-3 peh gent. ■ gjiifi | AVe6e table Prc parationforAs j *;3 similatingtheFoodb> Regtda | tin§ the Stomachs and BcwrfscrJ "iTw js>.;X piky.4b| 1 )" n* ,1 - 1 " sc-£$5 c -£$ Thereby Promoting Digestion ‘ - * £| Cherrfu loess and Rest Contains. neither Opium. Morphine nor ~i- 7 Mineral. No r Narcotic- 1 j Pumpkin Sent \ »kr* MxSnu hi , OK* PechUe Salt* MisrSted d 535 £3 %ZZL** / »5> S C i Worm Sxd ? p /*fr.U Clarified Sugar y&ritrjrrrnFkW' { j A helpful Remedy for | jfei-o? Constipation and Diarrhoea. i and Feverishness and , *Ku» LOSS OF SLEEP I*; I resulting Ihwrfrom-mhnahQ *5rS« i Fac simile Signature Of Ks|? | &SOZ&M | XunCEyw imGoMP f aC ' \ Exact Copy of Wrapper. HOME MADE BREAD CHEAPER, BETTER BREAD. It costs less to bake Home Made Bread with Ballard's flour. Ballard's “Obelisk,” “Table Talk," "Pioneer" and "Ballard's Self Rising" are mad e from the choicest winter wheat, and are superior for bread and rolls as well as cake and pastry. LOUISVILLE. KY OUR BEST FLOUR WITH SODA,PHOSPHATE AND SALT ADDED. MIX WITH WATER i AND LARD SELF RfSINCi [ Your Telephone Operator The BELL Telephone operator has a mission in life, and her mission is to serve you. Quickness, accuracy and courtesy are her essential qualifi cations. Frequently, she is called upon to act quickly in emergencies when cour age and presence of mind are required. No more loyal and conscientious group of workers can be found than the young women at the switchboard. Their service can be greatly extended by your co-operation. When you Telephone—Smile SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY \L®§|J/ r $ fVTw*r ? lilt \ t Nilifl •4$ Ilk# a wfie at 3 Tox Infants and Children, Mothers Know TM Genuine Castcria Always / . Bears the /§(s' a T r M^ \\ Jr * ll nr SG \j For Over Thirty Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NfWVOfIHCITY. VALUABLE PRESENTS FREE. Save the PROFIT - SHARING TICKETS in each sack. We will g've you 2 I 2c in cash for the tickt t in each sack of the flour named above. In each 48 pound sack you will find 4 tickets, which at the above rate is lOc saved on a barrel of flour. If you pre er premiums ask us for a book. ORDER TODAY MCDONOUGH TRADING CO. Mrs. Parham Was Deiigiited Last January Mrs. Fannie L. Par, ham.' of Odessadale, Ga., had some dental work done by the One Price Den tal Otlicc, 104*4 Whitehall st., Atlanta. And it cost her $lB. Sho afterward found out that the same job if [it had boon done by a dentist near her home would have cost her at -t. twice as much. Furthermore she is positively delighted with the quality of the work givdn her by the. C e Price Dental Office. Mrs. Parham is one of a large army of persons in Georgia who have found that it pays to gv. from their home towns to’the One" Price Dental Office when their teeth need attention. Best gold crowns, $3; bridge work, $3 per tooth; finest set of teeth money can buy, $5. -All work guaranteed ten years. Prices shways the same. Write to the One Price Dental Office and make an appointment or ask for any further in formation you wish. K. J. REAGAN EDWARD L. REAGAN REAGAN & REAGAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW McDonough, Go. Practice in all the Courts O. L_. ADAMS d:e: n t i st MoDonouhh, Ga. Office Hours : 7 :30 to 5: 00 FIRST NATIONAL RANK BUILDING D. A. BROWN. mCNTIST Office Hours : 7.80 to 12 A. M. 1 io 5 F. M TERMS: STRICTLY CASH. McDonough, Ga. MONEY to LOAN I am p'cpared to make quick loons on town property and farm lands. Local money and you can get it ■ without delay. {Rates reasonable.' Ei ther write, ’phone or come to see me and let me know what you want : : : R, O. JACKSON fc.-;-- (MASONIC BUILDING) DID YOU Ever Stop to Think of the constant service .tour watch per forins—the balance wheel traveling 3558 3-4 miles, the little second hand covering 18 miles, thus regulating the audible tick ing (iff of 81,586,000 seconds of time in the course of a year? When Was your Watch Last Cleaned and Oiled? Isn’t It Abound in.e? T. H. WYNNE The Jeweler, GRIFFIN, GFORGIA. 6% Farm Loans q% If you expect to borrow money, have arrange ments made by which I can obtain same for you J G. ALEXANDER. McDonough, A A Georgia, Our scientific examination removes all doubt as to the requirement of the eyes. If it is eye strain or any other trouble with the vision, our » twenty five years experience is your guarantee of satisfac tion. Try our KRYPTOKS. J. J. BOOKOUT 53 West Mitchell St. Atlanta, Ga. ■ OB . 4 ' J j&. rTTTiTTjM