The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 28, 1917, Image 5
-: Local Happenings Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M. Regular communications of Fratern; Lodge No. 37 F & A M meet Ist and H Firday nights in each month. All dui qualified brethren fraternally and coni ally iuvited to meet with us. Asa A. Lemon. W. M. O. L. Adams, Sec. See Austin’s Dolls. Good-bye till 1918. See Austin for Toys. Christmas Day next Tuesday. Austin has the Holiday Goods. Ever see as cold a December ? Lookout for Austin’s lO* Store Austin will sell you goods cheap er. * Hope the worst of winter is now over, Austin’s lO" Store saves you money. SI.OO Book at Austin’s 10*' Store for 25?. Austin’s 10? Store is the place for Toys. Mrs. Helen Cook spent Saturday in Atlanta. Waiting and watching for that subscription. Dr. D. A. Brown went up to At lanta Tuesday. Bibles and Testaments at a Bar gain at Austin’s. See Horton Drug Co’s, line of Christmas Goods. The place to buy Christmas Goods is Austin’s. Mrs. A. C. Sowell was shopping in Atlanta Monday. Scrap cotton wanted. J. S. Rodgers. Mrs. J. T. Weems visited Atlan ta Monday and Tuesday. Horton Drug Co. is the place to buy that Christmas Gift. Mr. Arthur Stewart was down from East Point Tuesday. J. S. Rodgers will buy your scrap cotton at best market pi ice. For rent, 4 or 5 horse farm. w ith barns. C. D. McDonald. « For Sale, one horse or mule. T. E. Sherwood, R.F.D. 4. Several cords good dry stove wood wanted; Brown House. J. S. Rodgers will buy your scrap cotton at best market price. List your property with Talinon Pattillo, Real Estate, McDonough, Ga. Mrs. E. D. Tolleson spent the week-end with relatives in Jack son. Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Scott and Mrs. A. R. Scott spent Monday in Atlant. Seed Wheat for sale, $3.00 per bushel. J. L._ Gardner, Locust Grove, Ga. Hole-Fix, the one best inner tube repair—ail Dealers carry it in stock. 75c per. Lost folder with three fraternal emblems may be had by calliflg at Weekly office. Hole-Fix, the one best inner tube repair—all Dealers carry it in stock. 75c per. Three rooms of my residence for rent, with Dart of garden. Mrs. Anna Weaver. Fresh Nuts and Oysters, Satur day. Get your substantial Xmas gifts from us. Copeland-Turner Mrc. Co. COTTON Thursday Morning.. Long *4-5 “The Winning of Latane’’ school mditorium tonight. Hole Fix, the one best inner lube aepair—all Dealers carry it in stock. 75c per. Mrs. L. A. Turner, Mrs. E. M. Smith and Miss Ellene Neal spent Fuesdav in Atlanta. % Mr. Ed Brown and family have moved in and are welcome new citizens of McDonough. Our Phillippi correspondent is in with a highly interesting hog item this week. Read it. President Homer Turner, of the Farmers and Merchants Bank, spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Mr." and Mrs. Parks Cook, Mrs. Hiram Cook and Mrs. H. L. Car michael spent Monday in Atlanta. Limited quantity of Georgia seed wheat for sale, $3 per bush el. Talmon Pattillo, McDonough, Ga. That subscription will make a mighty nice Christinas gift for The Weekly to close out the old year. Huh ? The Baptist Young Peoples’ Un ion will render a program at the church next Sunday night, Dec. 23. Subject —“China.” Judge and Mrs. Paul Turner and daughter, Josephine, spent the week-end in Jackson, guests ot Mrs. Lamar Etheridge. Mr. T. D. Weems of Luella has moved to Atlanta, where recently accepted a lucrative railroad posi tion with the Joint Terminals. All kind Fruit, Nuts, Raisins, Celery, Lettuce, Grape Fruit, Or anges, Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel. Copeland-Turner Mrc. Co. Prof. T. J. Horton has purchas ed the Bond home just beyond the railroad, through Rea! Estate Putiilo, and will move to it next year. Mr. T. O. McDonald of Snapping Shoals this week to Broil wood, Terrell county, and will op erate an extensive farm near that place next year. Next Sunday morning at the Methodist church a Christmas ser mon for the children will be preached by pastor. Old and young welcome. Here’s back at our good friend Observer, and The Weekly joins correspondents in returning for him good w'ishes for the best of everything always. Seed cotton, lint cotton either in bale, samples or sacks, all kinds of junk. Highest market price paid for all iliese things. S. W. J^arrar. Misses Eunice and Ida Lou Tar pley, Lillie Coan, Rosa Lee Brown, Bertha and Blake Bunn, Lucile Tolleson and Bess Fouche were shopping in Atlanta Monday. Fresh Cranberries, 15c quart. Why not buy old time Yates Ap j pits by the box. Expecting more ! Fruit Cakes and Indian Riyer Or- , anges. Pop Corn in the ear.! Copeland-Turner Mrc. Co. Mr. Bailor Smith lias accepted the place made vacant at the Southern depot by the departure of Mr. Timon Bowden, and Mr. Buck Rape is filling night mar shal's place until the new election of officers. Merry Christmas • There being no issue of the paper next week The Weekly wishes for each and every one a most happy occasion, and may all enter 1819 with new determination and better resolutions. Mr. J. N. Woodruff. Dies Monday Night. At his home in McDonough, at 10:30 o’clock last Monday night, Mr. J. N. Woodruff breathed his last. As had been perviously announc ed, he suffered an attack of pneu monia about two weeks ago, the serious nature of which caused grave apprehensions of family and friends from the beginning, and \yhen the end came it carried a pall of sadness to his large circle of friends. Mr. Woodruff was a remarka ble man in many respects. His last spell of sickness was his first, having never been confined in bed from illness a day in his life. He was always cheerful, genial, liberal, ever ready to accommodae, and possibly no man ever extend ed more and freer favors than dtd “Uncle Pomp” Woodruff. Conse quently he was a general favorite and one of the characters greatly missed and mourned by a com munity in his departure. Mr. Woodruff came from Cov ington to McDonough twenty five or thirty years ago, making scores of friends here from the begin ning. He is survived by his widow, four sons, Messrs. Jim, Tom, Otis and Idus Woodruff, and two daughters, Mrs. Comer Wood ward of Chicago, and Mrs. Verna Wright of Jackson, all of whom were present at his bedside. Funeral services were conduct ed by Rev. H. S. Smith from the Methodist church at 11 o’clock Wednesday morning, with inter ment in McDonough cemetery. Horace Sims On His Way to France Mr. Dolph Sims has received a letter from his son. Horace, who went to Detroit two years ago, stating that he has voluteered his services to t!.e government with a bunch of Ford repair men, and is now in Washington City, from whence he will land in France within 30 days. In com mendation of his patriotism, Hor ace’s McDonough friends extend all good wishes in his course, with the hope for his safe return. His services will be in the army auto repairing department. Mr. Jerome Cook Dies. As The Weekly goes to press, we regret to make the painful an nouncement of the death of Mr. Jerome Cook, which occurred at the home of his brother-in-law, Dr. B, E. Horton, about 8 o’clock Wednesday night. His protract illness was a source of much anx iety to family and friends, who had hoped for ucovery, and were deeply saddened at the end. Interment wiJ be in College Park at 2 o’clock Friday after noon. Statement of the condition of The Bank of Locust drove Located at Locust Grove, Ga., at the close of business Dec. 15, 1917. RESOURCES: Demand Loans j! ->4,149.45 Time Loans - - 56,363.68 Overdrafts, soon rod. - - 04,483.'.9 Overdrafts, unsecured, - - 4.000.36 Banking House - - - 4,819.33 Furniture, and fixture - 1,8*14.40 other real estaie - - - 1,120.19 Due from Banks and B inkers in this State - - - 85,144.33 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States - - 307 45 Currency - 4,097.00 Gold .... none Silver, Nickels, etc.. 507 12 Cash items - - 1.287.31 5,891.68 Total .... 197,208.46 State of Georgia-Henry County. Plexioo, Cashier of above Bank, who being duly sworn that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as sshown by the books of file in said Bank. <\ B. PLF.XICO, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 18th day of Deeeniber, 1917. .i c Mcknight, c. n p , of n Co., Ga. Statement of the condition of The Farmers & Merchant Bank Located at McDonough, Ga , at the of business, Dec. 15, 1917. RES' KIR KS Demand Loans, . . $ 6.479.66 Time Loans, .... 78 382 85 Overdrafts secured none Overdrafts, unsecured . 8,405.53 Bonds and St<x;ks owned by the Bank . . 1,000.00 Banking House, . . 8,800.00 Furniture and Fixtures . 3,399 00 Due from Banks and Bankers in. this State, 69,8*19.30 Due from Banks *uul Bankers in other States . 43,698 44 Currency . , $>.938.00 Silver, Nickels, etc. 543 00 Cash Items . 1.415.88 67,690 66 Advances on Cotton and Seed . 53,694 83 Total . $365,534.98 STATE OF" GEORGIA —County of Henry. Before me came J. B. Turner, cashier of The Farmers and Merchants Bank, who, being duly sworn, -ivs that the above and foregoing statement is a true condi tion of said Bank as shown by the books of file in said Batik. .1, B. Turner, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 19th day of December, 1917. .1 K TURNER. 0. N P. of Henry Co., Ga. Statement of the condition The Bank of Hampton Located al Hampton, Ga., at the close of business Dec. 15, 1917 UKSOU RCEri: Demand Loans * 400.00 Time Loans ... - 98,573.65 Overdrafts, Unsecured - - 680.40 Bonds and Stock owned by the Bank - 7,000 00 Furniture and Fixtures - 1,300.00 Due from Banks and Bankers in this State - . - 73,883 03 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States • - 37,680 61 Ourrencv - *5,350.00 Gold - - - IW.OO Gold Certificates Silver, Nickels, etc. - 352.12 Cash items - 3,146.31 8,948 33 Total ... - $318,364.03 State of Georgia—Henry County. Before me came .J <) Rutherford, Cashier of the Bank of Hampton, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement Is a true condition of said BanK, <is shown by the booKs of file in said BanK •L O. RUTHERFORD. Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 18th day of December, 1 <417 GEO S. I) MA LAI KR, N. P. &Ex off. J. P. Statement of the condition of The Bank of Henry County Located at McDonough, Ga., fit the close of business Dec. 15, 1917. RESOURCES. Demand Loans * 8,3459)8 'rime Loans - - - 138,447 36 Overdrafts, secured - - 9,729 39 Overdrafts, unsecured - - 1,740.47 Ronds and Stocks owned by Bai.k - - - 1-05.0.00 Baulking House, - - 3,914 04 Furniture and Fixtures, - 3,564 71 Due from Banks and Bankers in this state - - 60,743.45 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States - 54,490.68 Currency - - *4,238.00 Gold - Silver, Nickles, etc., 2 >4 06 Cash Items, - 5 51*8 94 Advances on <’otton 60.363 98 76.494.9 b Ins. and Revenue Stamps 27.54 Total - *358 517 79 STATE OF GEORGIA, HENRY COUNTY. , „ ~ , Before me erne.l B Dickson. Cashier of The Bank of Henry County, woo !>eing dulv sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank as shown by the hooks of file in said Bank. .1 B. Dickson, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me. this i.*th day of December, 191*. .JAS H BOWDEN, O. N P., of H. Co., Ga. G!N NOTICE Will gin only Three Days per Week until notified. Monday, Long Staple. Tuesday and. Friday, Short Staple. A. N. BROWN & SON. KELLEY & CROWELL. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid in - *25,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses, Interest ami Taxes Paid - - 14,905.91 Due to Banks and Bankers in this State .... none Individual Deposits Subject to Check ... - 145,711.98 Time Certificates - - - 11,338.77 Cashier’s Cheeks - - 361.80 Total .... ' 197,208.4 a LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In $30,000.90 Undivided profits, less Current Expenses, interest and Taxes paid .... 13,496 54 individual Deposits subject to cheek 178,094 03 rime Certificates . . . 43,398 87 Cashier’s Checks 536 50 Bills payable, including Time Certificat -s representing borrowed money none Total . . *265,524.98 LIABILITIES: Capital Stook Paid In - -25,000. M Suplus Fund - 30,000 00 Undivided Profits, less current Expenses, Interest and Tax es Paid 5,431.93 Due Unpaid Dividends 1 ndividual Deposits Subject to check - - - 114,948 49 Time certificates - - 36,007.05 Cashier’s ohecks 1,991.56 Bills Payable, Including Time certificates representing Bon owed Money - None Total .... *213,364.02 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid in - - $50,000 00 Surplus Fund, - • - 30,000.00 Undivided profits, less Current Expenses, interest and Taxes Paid, . . 8,575 80 Due to Banks and Bankers in this State - - - 85 37 I ndividual Deposits Subject to Check, ... - 218.938.44 Time Certificates, . . 40.884.96 Cashier s Checks, . • . 38.40 Bills Payable, including Time Certificates representing borrowed money, - - 10,000.00 Safety box rent .... 'Total - - *358,517.70