The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 28, 1917, Image 8

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    Headquarters For (»*). Christmas Gifts
Below we list you only a few of the many articles that you may select from. Bear this in mini, that we bought our
goods when they were cheap, and GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU NONEY.
Uiamoinls, Card Cases Beauty Pins Comb & Brush Sets Trays Perfume
La Valliers, • Dori ..Boxes Stick Pins Manicure Sets Picture Frames' Toilet Waters
w C - rw, ~ ;’° ry Sets knives and Chains Traveling Sets Cake Plates Candies Cigars
Wrist Watches, Rings Knives Stationery Genuine Hand Christmas Cards
Cameos Brooches Cu f Buttons Mirrors Painted China “ Seals
Cameo Rings, Pins, Bar Pins Collar Buttons Vases , Cut Glass « Boxes
Vanity Boxes, Bracelets . Military Sets Nut Bowls Belt Buckles Kodaks
5 Phone 49
Death Comes Suddenly to
Mr, W. P. Walker.
Tuesday’s Griffin News gives
tlie following account of the death
of Mr. W. P. Walker, which will
be read with regret by many
Henry county friends:
“Mr, W. P. Walker died sud
denly Monday, after an illness of
only a few hours. He was taken
ill about ten o’clock Monday mor
ning and passed away the same
evening at 6:30 o’clock at the
Griffin Hospital, to which he was
carried immediately after being
stricken. Heart failure is ascrib
ed as the cause.
Mr. Walker was one of the most
prominent and influential citizens
of Spalding county, and the news
of his sudden death was a shock
to his scores of friends and rela
Mr. Walker was born April 25,
1856, being in his 62d year. He
was a successful farmea and sub
stantial citizen, a devoted hus
band, loving father, friend and ex
cellent gentleman whose sterling
worth and exemplary character
were recognized by all who knew
Mr. Walker is survived by his
wife, one -on, Mr. J. B. Walker,
and daughter, Miss Amelia Walk
er. He also leaves four brothers,
A. W., J. J., J. H. and Rev. I. G.
Walker, and five sisters, Mrs.
Mollie Combs, Mrs. William Combs
Mrs. M. F., Wilson, Mrs. Caliie
Burks and Miss Hester Walker.
Gin Report.
The last report of Agent Ogles
shows 18,910 bales of cotton in
Henry county ginned to Decern
ber 1, 1917, This makes a gain
o: something over two thousand
bales compared with same date
last year, which was sixteen thou
sand odd. The next report will
doubtless run above 20,000 for
Henry county.
We wish to thank Hie people of
Stockbridge and Henry county for
their many good deeds shown us
during the sickness and death of
our dear father, J. J. Askew. May
God’s richest blessings rest and
abide on each and every one.
Mrs. J. 11. Owen.
Several cords good dry stove
wool wanted. Brown House. -
We wish to extend to you our sin
ce rest thanks for your liberal sup
port during the past year, and hope to
be of even greater service to you during
the year 1918.
May the Yuletide bring much joy and
happiness in your home, and that this
may be your best Xmas.
Will be closed Tuesday and Wednes
day, the 25th and 26th. Will be tak
ing stock Thursday and Friday, 27th
and 28th, and ready for business Sat
urday, 29th.
Copeland-Turner lYlrc. Co.
Sandy Ridge News.
Very little visiting has been go
ing on during the cold weather,
and we are glad to welcome better
on account of the colds we have.
School attendants are few on
account of Ihe sleet and snow.
Xmas will soon be here, but our
hearts are too sad for passing
amusements, for our dear broth
ers and friends with the colors
can’t enjoy it with us.
A preacher once said: “Will a
man profane the name of God ?”
He gave this for his reasons:
“God is the Christians’ Father,
Christ is Ins elder brother, and
will a man profane the name ot a
Christian’s Father?’’ A carpenter
in the audience said, “No. Next
day while he was working on a
house oyer in the barn yard, he
heard a man cursing, he walked
over and gave the man a lick oh
the head, he arked: “What do
you mean ?” The carpenter said,
“1 haven’t time to tell you. - ’ He
proceded to lick the profane man,
he knocked him down. The man
asked again, “What do you mean?”
“I’ll tell you later.” He proceed
ed to kick several times then said:
‘ i have reasoned never to listen
Unusually Interesting.
Threads of Humor —Pathos —
Tragedy —Love woven into a tan
gled web and unraveled, in a most
fascinating manner.
Presented by members of Hen
ry Grady and Shakespearean So
cieties for benefit of school.
School Auditorium Friday even
ing, Dec. 21.
Admission 25c. Res. seats 35c.
Reserved tickets on saie Horton
Drug. Co.
to a man curse.” The profane
man ran a livery stabLe near by,
but wasn’t able to work within a
week, not even to bridle a horse,
but he learned to bridle his tongue,
1 do not approve of the way he
cursed, but with kind w r ords and
gentle ways, one can reach the
Heart better. Profanity is one of
the greatest sins on earth.
Lap Wing.
Statement of the condition ol
I he Bank of Stockbridge
Located at Stockbridge, Ga., at the close of business Dec. 15 1917
Demand Loans - . $21,432.16
Time Loans - 77.061 99
Overdrafts, secured
Overdrafts, unsecured . - 219.27
Bonus and Stocks owned by
the Bank - - . - 9,200 00
Banking House ... 2,169 00
Furniture and Fixtures - - 2,094 23
Due from Banks and Bankers
in this State - - . 36,052.89
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States - - 8,230.26
Currency - - 5 006.00
Gold ... 55 oo
Silver, Nickels,- etc. - 46909
Cash Items - 2.601 43
Advances on Cotton 80,918 19 89,044.71
Revenue Stamps
S TATE OF GEORGIA. —County of Henry.
Before me came C M. Power, Cashier of Bank of Stockbridge. Ga., who being
H.YT’T sa,y ' s . lh ’\ t tl * e and foregoing statement is a true condition of said
Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 2oth day of December, 1917 '
Statement of the condition of
The Citizens Bank
Located at Locust Grove, Ga., at the close of business Dec. 15 1917.
* *
Demand Loans - ... #23,222 60
Time Loans - - -54,0 S 021
Overdrafts, secured - - 24 658.33
Overdrafts, unsecured, - 1,132.38
Bonds and Stocks owned by Bank
Banking House - - - 2,700.00
Furniture and Fixtures - - 1,625 00
Due from Banks and Bankers
in this State - - - 44,849.88
Due from Banks and Bankers
, in other States . - - 3.786.61
Currency - - $5,584 00
Gold - 62 50
Silver, Nickels, etc 426.56
Cash items* 2,819 01 8,892.07
Advances on cotton ...
Total .... $164,857.08
State of Georgia —Henry County.
Before me came J. C. McKnight, cashier of the Citizens Bank, Locust Grove
Ga., who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true
condition of said bank, as shown by the books of file in said bank.
J.c McKNIGHT, Cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed “before me, this 19th day of Dec., 1917.
C. B. PLEXICO. C. N. P., Henry County.
'• . ■ ■■ -
| You and. Your Friends—and i !
ill; You tried it because we toM fI
i &ou how good and delicious Lii
| - it was.
But 37 our friends began Ifj
YT < • / 7 a drinking it because you told them
IK tra* how good it was. This is the end
/-O'fe’ ,:jf jAJ*,], J • f "rrj less chain of enthusiasm that has
' ' Ml Itl 3§i\ >y made Coca-Cola the beverage of
j JP 7 \ \ the nation. pi j
S Wflnml the Coca-Cola Co..
W j 1 —-•
\ tXT -ij j If, Demand the genuine by full—
t*«i \ _j - J, j M -feiitft?' .Vi nicknames encourage substitution.
Capital Stock Paid in , - $24,000.00
Undivided Profits, it ss Current
Expenses, interest and
i axes Paid 19,088.03
individual Deposits Subject
to 4 9 h «$ - 170.928 81
I line Certificates - 32 821 u 6
Cashier’s Checks , - .
Bilis Parable, including Time Cer
tificates representing Borrowed
Money, ....
Total $247,504.51
Capital Stock paid in $17,880.00
Undivided less current
expenses, interest and
taxes paid - - - 10,336.76
Due unpaid dividends - - 96.00
Individual deposits subject to c’k 132,672.75
Time Certificates - 3,971.57
Bills payable, including Time
Certificates representing
borrowed money - - None
Total - - - $164,857.08