Newspaper Page Text
-*• Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
Regular communications of Fraterna
Lodge Xo 37 F & AM meet' Ist and 3
Finlay nights in each month. All dul
qualified brethren fraternally and cord
ally iuvited to meet with us.
Bailor Smith, W. M.
O. L. Adams, Sec.
Happy New Year.
Watch the days grow longer.
Never a better time to buy
property than now.
Mr. Fred Walker went up to
Atlanta Wednesday.
Miss Flora Neal is the guest of
relatives in Hartwell.
Scrap cotton wanted.
J. S. Rodgers.
Miss Lucile Tolleson is visiting
friends in Georgiana, Ala.
Mr. Timon Bowden was down
from Camp Gordon, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Alexander
spent Wednesday in Atlanta.
For rent, 4 or 5 horse farm,
with barns. C. D. McDonald.
Mr. Julian Turner spent last
week with Mr. H*M. Tolleson.
McDonough merchants had a
fine holliday trade, thank you.
Several cords good dry stove
wood wanted. Brown House.
Mr. Gordon Dickson was down
from Atlanta for the hollidays.
*; ,: • 4-~ ; . • • • ij
For rent, Ben Bankston resi
dence. Apply to Joel Bankston.
Take your county paper for
1818 and start the new year right.
J. S. Rodgers will buy your
scrap cotton at best market price.
Mr. G.* W. Cathey made a busi
ness trip_ to Atlanta last Thurs
Mr. Wade Turnipseed of Macon
was a visitor to the city Wednes
Mrs. W. A. Ward and children
spent Christmas with relatives at
Mrs. Julian Weems and children
visited relatives in Greensbro this
Quite a sprinkling of after-
Cimstrnas cotton still going *n to
the gins.
Miss Lillian Thrasher of Atlanta
is the guest of Miss Vessie
All victims not yet fully recov
ered from icy accidents of recent
big freeze.
Mrs. Cora Knott left last week
for a visit to Mrs. Marvin Harper
in Atlanta.
Mrs. J. G. Smith and children
spent the holidays with relatives
in Atlanta.
The winter’s supply of good
weather seems also to be about
Miss Head of Macon spent sev
eral days last week with Miss
Carrie Dupree.
Mr. and Mrs. Purks and iittle
daughter Elizabeth spent Christ
mas in Madison.
Hole-Fix, the one best inner tube
repair—all Dealers carry it in
stock. 75c per.
The Sherwood place was the
only property offered at public
sale last Tuesday. It contained
100 acres, and was sold to Prof.
T. J. Horton for $2900.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Welch of
Atlanta visited relatives here dur
ing the holidays.
Messrs. Jonce Elliott and Cloud
Russell left last week for a trip
through Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Oglesby spent
he holidays with relatives of the
latter in Madison.
Mr. Clifton Farrar of Akron, O ,
is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. W. Farrar.
Hole-Fix, the one best inner
tube repair—all Dealers carry it
in stock. 75c per.
Income tax returns for 1917
must be made between January 1
and March 1, 1918.
Miss Mary L. Turnipseed of East
Point spent the week end with
Miss Norrine Elliott.
Miss Ruth Upshaw has return
ed home after a week’s visit with
iriends in Villa Rica.
Tne friends of Mr. Joe J. Smith
are glad to see him out again af
ler his recent illness.
Miss Newman has been the
guest of relatives in Jonesboro
several days recently.
Miss Kate Reagan of Atlanta is
the guest of her parents, Judge
and Mrs. E. J. Reagan.
Mr. and Mrs Ab Harris and son
Clarence of Augusta spent Christ
mas with relatives here.
Mrs. W. E. Ham spent last week
in Locust Grove with her daugh
ter, Mrs Stewart Combs.
Mr. Henry Bankston of Cullo
ueii was a recent visitor to his
brother, Mr. Joel Bankston.
Hole-Fix, the one best inner
lube aepair—all Dealers carry it
in stock. 75c per.
CaDtain Dozier Russell was up
from. Camp Wheeler with rela
tives a portion of the holidays.
School reopened promptly last
Monday and is holding short ses
sions until tlie weather settles.
Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Lifsey and
son Truman of Barnesville spent
the holidays with relatives here.
Mr. Rozelle Stallworth, a former
McDonough boy, was up from Ma
con to spend Xmas with relatives.
Mrs. R. A. Sloan ieft Thursday
for Buliochviile on a visit to her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Dunn.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brown and
little daughter Mildred spent the
holidays with reiatiyes at Bulloch
Mrs. John Noel and daughter ot
Atlanta speet last week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bor
Messrs. Carl ancPWeyman Sloan
of Atlanta spent Christmas with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A.'
Mrs. J. H. Shields and children
ot Atlanta spent the holidays with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
Miss Willie Mae Elkins of Lo
cust Grove was the guest of Miss
Nina Wall several days during
Misses Nina Wall and Irene
Gunter ieti Monday to resume
their duties in the public school
at Cochran.
Mr. ana Mrs. Frank Turner ar
rived from Philadelphia during
the holidays and are guests of
Mrs. H. B. rseai.
Mr. and Mrs. Q R. Nolan and
little daughter ot LaGrange spent
Christmas with their mother, Mrs.
Annie M. Nolan.
Several cords good dry stove
wood wanted. Brown House.
Mrs. J. W. Welch, Miss Marie
and Luther Welch spent several
days of last week with Mr. W. W.
George near Rex.
Hole-Fix, the one best inner
tube repair—all Dealers carry it
in stock. 75c per.
Mr. Ben Bankston, who holds a
good position with the Superior
Motor Truck Co. of Atlanta, was
down for the holidays.
The last report of Agent Ogles
by shows 20,222 bales of cotton
ginned in Henry, against 19,600
to same date last year.
Mr. Marvin Payne and Miss Oma
Tarpley of near Oakland were the
spend-'the-day guests of Miss Ber
tha Jackson last Friday.
Editor Frank Reagan of the
Covington News was the guest of
his parents, Judge and Mrs E. J.
Reagan, during Christmas.
Miss Abi Russell, who is teach
ing in Eatonton, was the guest of
tier sister, Mrs. Whit Turner, dur
ing the Christmas holidays.
Conductor Jim Green returned
to Bessemer, Ala., Wednesday af
ter the annual holiday visit to his
father’s family in McMullens.
That old poor mule will fatten
if you will have his corn, cob and
shuck all ground together. Try
it. Brown-Carmichuel Feed Co.
For Sale, 8 inch feed grinder
for grinding corn on the cob, Vel
vet beans in the hull. Price S3O
if taken at once. H. B. Carmich
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Beard and
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Oglesby went
down to spend Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Levi Bledsoe at .Brox
; y ( j l . *
Messrs. Paul Sowell of Bain
bridge and Harold Sowell of Ak
ron, Ohio, spent the holidays with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Trust our correspondents will
be in good working order for next
issue. Most all of them seem to
have been frozen out or got too
much Christmas.
Mr. Homer Harris of the U. S.
N. Training Camp, San Francisco,
came home to spend the holidays
with his parents, Ordinary and
Mrs. A. G. Harris.
Resolve to support your home
paper for the new year and pay
your subscription when due. It
needs your help and your sympa
thy, and is always your best
The Presbyterian Sunday school
was nicely entertained with a
Christinas tree at the'Church on
Christmas eve pight, while quite
a number were also enjoyed at'
private homes.
Mr. and Mrs. il. B. Neal receiv
ed Christmas greetings from their
son, Mr. Benton Neai, dated from
‘Somewhere in France,” where
he had safely landed with Uncle
Sam’s aviation corps.
The friends of Mrs. Fogg and
Miss Gnggs regret that they have
resigned their positions in the Mc-
Donough Public School. Their
places will be filled by Miss Wil
iiains and Miss Clark.
The adult Missionary Society
will meet at the Methodist church
on Monday afternoon, January
7th, at 2 o’clock. A full attend
ance is desired, as we wish to
plan work for the new year.
Mr. Ike Whitaker has received
notice of the death of his brother,
James Whitaker, which occurred
at Seney, Ga., on the 14th of De
cember. He was 87 years old,
and is well remembered in Henry
1 county.
Mr. Dozier Fields was recently
tendered the chair of latih in the
A. and M. School at Milledgevule,
but declined. He arrived at home
Wednesday evening to spend a
short while with his parents.
Grind one load dry herbage for
your horses and cattle. If you
don’t like it well enough to come
back ii\ one year’s time, we will
give you your money back.
Brown-Carmichaei Feed Co.
The Weekly extends many
thanks for the liberal number of
Christmas gilt suoscriptions—but
there’re plenty left to come in and
make the new year bright and
cheerful. Let all come forward
at once.
The Exemption Board continued
hard at work throughout the hoi
idays, mailing out questionaires
and arranging papers preparatory
to classifying Henry county’s quo
ta of drafted men, but have not
finished yet.
Misses Edith Eili lalon of Thom
son, Amy Cawthon of Forsyth,
Laura Smith amt Mr. William
Preston of Flovilla, have return
ed to their duties in the school
room after soendn i the holidays
at their respective homes.
Statements published for the
last quarter of 1917 show depoits
of $1,502,903.60 now in Henry's
excellent array of banking estab
lishments. If we could only g( t
it all together in some good en
tenterprise—woutdnT we have a
dandy ?
For the splendid business you
have given us duriug the past
year, and trust that we may
continue to share your pat*-
- We wish for earh and every
one a bright, happy Year
. MRC. GO.
#■ •
% -
I Now Carry a Full Line of Parts for Both Mc-
Price, Having Bought them Before the Advance in
Price, and can Save You Money.
Yes: I still Paint FORDS for $11.50’ do a good
job too. And I have a Dandy Vulcanizing Plant and
can Repair Blow-outs, Rim-cuts and Tread-cuts, in
any size Tire from 3 to 5 inches.
McDonough, Ga. Phone 20J.
Keep your hammer off your
community feed mill. Grind si
load of corn stalks, hay, velvet
beans or other feeds for your
horses and cows, and then you
will use the hammer on your own
head for not grinding it sooner.
Brown-Carmichaei Feed Co.
A New Years Message at the
Methodist church next Sunday
morning at 1.1 o’clock. Rev. W,
L. Pierce, Presiding Eider, will
preach at night. The first quar
terly conference wiil be held Mon
day morning at 10 o’clock at the
First National Bank, in the direc
tors’ room.
The annual stockholder’s meet
ings of McDonough’s three excel
lent banks were all held for the
new year this week and the usual
fine showings made. All of the
efficient former officials were re
tained, and of course McDon
ough’s banking facilities will con
tinue to be A 1.
A squad of Southern Bell Tele
phone men have been engaged
for the past two weeks making
repairs on this section of the line.
They are in charge of IVJr. E. H.
McLain, a fine business man and
splendid gentleman, and nothing
has been left undone to put ev
erything in good shape.
Driver Agents Wanted I
.ny» P«»»..3«.7 H. P./- f »I.«S Ur««
IChi* *■-
SGBU HOTUK MiWAII. Uut> Itafi*, lUUwU.