Newspaper Page Text
Deatils of Holy
City’s Capture
Details of the capture and entry
into Jerusalem are told in a Reu
ter dispatch from British head
quarters in Palestine. It is said
that the final Turkish attack was
preceded by such a terrific shell
ing that it appeared the enemy
was confident the British would
be blown off the summit of Nebi
Samuel, northwest of the Holy
City, but all attacks were repulsed
A good supply of Turkish guns
dominated the crests over which
the British had to advance. On
the night of December 7, the Brit
ish moved up under cover of dark
ness, diyided into two sections,
one advancing eastward toward
Jerusalem. The other ascended
the Hebron ro id, threatening the
town from the south.
' The Turkish positions were
charged the afternoon of the Bth,
and the enemy was driven out at
the point of the bayonet, with
heavy losses.
Throughout the whole fighting
around Jerusalem the Turks show
ed a more desperate spirit and a
greater tenacity than in almost
any previous fighting.
On the morning of the 9th the
city’s officials came out with a flag
of truce and surrendered.
Big demonstrations of joy broke
out when the general advanced to
take the surrender of the citv.
Flowers were showered on the
troops and the populace applaud
ed to testify to the joy of deliver
ance from the hands of the op
In their clearing-up operations
the British took nearly a thousand
Turks prisoner, besides 700 in the
hospitals of Jerusalem.
The Riches of Poverty.
1 am Ibe son of a foreign man
and woman, and they came over
here so they could get to see each
other. And they saw each other
—that is sure. And by and by as
the woman and the man have seen
each other, and seeing each other
have loved each other, and loving
each other have married each oth
er, so my father and mother did.
You can fail in love in any lan
guage, thank the Lord! And you
can marry in any language, thank
the Lord! And this is the thing
that I have remebered about it,
never having known my mother,
waiting now and waiting yet, and
waiting for some dreamy, shadow
face to come —waiting for my
mother’s face —my father having
long since slipped into .the land of
morning to clasp my mother by
the hand and walk the shining
ways called the ways of the provi
dence of God. Yet this 1 khow,
that my mother and my fattier met
and married and were beautifully
poor; so that I T a Methodist preach
er, have never had to learn pov
erty, having known it from the
first. And my father, gone to
heaven years since, and my moth
er, who had gone before him from
the summits of the Rocky Moun
tains years and years ago, before
I knew her kiss, left no library to
me —no other books but only
these: “The Saints’ Everlasting
Rest” and the bible. # Ome! There
are ancestors of great repute for
some. As Tennyson has said,
there be those “sprung from the
midriff of an hundred kings,” but
1 would rather have been the son
of a woman and man who in pen
ury could not leave to the child
of their love, to the child of their
heart and dearth anything but a
bible, than to have been descend
ed from all the majesties of histo
ry. —Bishop Quayle.
The war price for coffee is 80
cents a pound in Italy.
Was Feeling Run Down
. Symptoms of on-coming kidney
trouble deserve prompt attention,
Tor neglect invites serious illness.
Louis Buckner, Somerset, Va,
writes: “I was feeling all run
down; tired, with pains in my
back. After taking Folty Kidney
Pills I felt like a new man.” Back
ache, rheumatic pains, stiff joints,
sore muscles, swollen ankles, puf
finess under eyes, and sleep-dis
turbing bladder ailments yield
quickly to this time-tried remedy.
A boon to middle-aged men and
women. The McDonough Drug
Co. N
Troubles Enougn.
Eduh —Ciioliy says if i refuse him
he’ll go off and join the German or the
French army.
Marie —Then for mercy sake accept
him! Those nations have troubles
enough already. Boston Evening
Our JITNEY OFFER-This and 5c
DON’T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with sc. and mail it to
Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave,
Chicago, writing your name and
address clearly, You will receive
in return a trial package contain
ing Foley’s Honey and Tar Com
pound, for coughs, colds, croup;
Foley Kidney Pills, for pain in
sides and back; rheumatism, back
ache, kidney and bladder ail
ments; and Foley Cathartic Tab
lets, a wholesome and thoroughly
cleansing cathartic, for constipa
tion biliousness, headache and
sluggish bowels. The McDonough
Drug Co.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
For Croup — Mothers—
Always Keep this Handy
T h« day of the Croup scare Is over
for those parents who wisely keep
Toley's Honey and Tar Compound in
the home ready for Instant use.
W. C. Allen, Boseley, Mo., writes: “I
have raised a family of four children,
nnd have used Foley’s Honey and Tar
Compound with all of them. I find it !
the best croup and cough medicine I i
have ever used and I have used it for j
eight or ten years, and can recommend
it for croup.
If toward nightfall the little ones \
prow hoarse or croupy. If their breath
ing becomes wheezy and stuffy, give
them Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
promptly and it Will ward off au attack
of croup.
If you are awakened by the hoarse
brassy cough that means croup, give
Foley s Honey and Tar Compound at
once. It will ease the little sufferers
quickly, cut the thick choking phlegm,
and soon they will have easy breathing
and peaceful quiet sleep.
it it if Every user is a mend.
The McDonough Drug Co.
For Dismission. -
GKOKG 1A lienrv llonntv
Whereas. W. i. Calloway, Administra
tor of W. W. Skelton, represents to the
in his petition, duly filed and en
tered on record, that he has fully admin
istered \V. \V. Skelton, estate:
This is, therefore, to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show
cause, i* any they can, why said Adminis
trator should not bq discharged from his
administration, and receive Letters of
Dismission on the first. Monday in Jan
uary, 1918. A G. HA KRIS,
, Ordinary.
For Dismission.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
Whereas, \V. A. D Nelson, Administra
tor of Lizzie Kimbell, represents to the
Court in his i>etition, duly filed and en
tered on record, that he has fully admin
istered Lizzie Kimhell’s estate:
This is, therefore, to cite till persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show
causq. if any they can, why said Adntinis
trat r should n *t Ite discharged from his
administration, and receive Letters of
Dismission on the first Monday in Janu
ary. 1918. A. G. HARRIS,
Administrator's Sale.
By virtue of the last will and testament
of S. C. Sherwood, will It** sold at the
court house door in McDonough, Ga.,
within the legal hours of sale on the first
Tuesday in January, 1918—
100 acres of land, more nr less, in the
seventh land district of Henry county Ga.
and bounded as follows: On the north by
lands of W. J. Turner, on the east by
Turner’s church, public road and lands of
Jess Copeland, on the south by Walnut
creek and lands of Jonce Far gas on esrate,
and on the west by branch and lands of
Thos. Clark. Sold as the estate of S. C.
Sher ,vood. deceased, for payment of debts.
U. S. Fire Equipment Worth $5,000,000.
The forest service now owns im
provements valued at more than
$5,300,000. Their construction* has
been pushed as rapidiy as available
funds would permit, and the rangers
have also done a great deal of im
provement work during spare time.
There are now 2,368 miles of road,
22,124 miles of trail, 20,030 miles of
telephone line and 1,090 miles of fire
break, nearly 2,000 field headquarters
and a quantity of range improvements
which facilitate the administration of
grazing business. —Washington Star.
Beginning to Appreciate Chestnut.
It is said that England is gradually
learning to appreciate the nutritious
value of the chestnut, where it is
chiefly used for stuffing and in the
prej aration of vegetarian dishes. In
a large quantity the chestnut does
not make a cheap vegetable, but in
flesh-forming ingredients they excel all
other vegetables. The Italians use
the chestnut to give the flavor and
strength to a variety of dishes.
Croup at Midnight; Well in the
“A few nights ago one of my
patrons had a small child taken
with croup about midnght,” writes
M. T. Davis, Bearsville, W. Va..
“They came to my store and got
a bottle of Foley’s Honey and Tar.
Before morning the child was en
tirely recovered. The father’s
name is C. C. Craven.” Isn’t it
unwise to experiment with un
known cough medicines when you
can get the genuine Foley’s Hon
ey and Tar? Besl for coughs,
colds and lagrippe. The McDon
ough Drug Co.
It Helps!
There can be no doubt
as to the merit of Cardui,
the woman’s tonic, in
the treatment of many
troubles peculiar to
women. The thousands
of women who have been
helped by Cardui in the
past 40 years, is conclu
sive proof that it is a
good medicine for women
who suffer. It should
help you, too.
The Woman’s Tonic
Mrs. N. E. Varner, of
Hixson, Tenn., writes:
“1 was passing through
the . . . My back and
sides were terrible, and
my suffering indescriba
ble. I can’t tell just how
and where I hurt, about
all over I think ..» I
began Cardui, and ray
pains grew less and less,
until Iwas cured. lam
remarkably strong for a
woman 64 years of age.
I do all my housework.”
Try Cardui, today. E-76
First Class Passenger Service to All Points
12:01 a.m. for Greensboro, Lynchburg, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York.
6:20 a.m. for Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Chicago.
6:25 a.m. for Birmingham, Memphis, Kansas City, Denver and all points West.
6:30 a.m. for Greenville, Charlotte and intermediate points.
7:20 a.m. for Columbus, Ga., and Fort Valley, Ga.
7:30 a.m. for Macon and local points to Brunswick, Ga.
11:35 a.m. for Charlotte, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York.
12:20 noon for Macon, Ga.
1:10 p.m. for Anniston, Birmingham, Ala.
2.00 p.m. for Charlotte, Richmond, Washington, New York.
3:00 p.m. for Chattanooga, local stations.
4:45 p.m. for local stations to Toccoa, Ga.
4:55 p.m. for Rome, Dalton, Chattanooga, Cincinnati.
5:10 p.m. for Columbus, Ga.
5:20 p.m. for Fort Valley, Ga.
5:20 p.m. for Birmingham, Memphis,
5:30 p.m. for Macon, Ga.
10:05 p.m. for Macon. Brunswick, Jacksonville.
10:40 p.m. for Charlotte, Asheville, N. C.
11:20 pm. for Macon, Jacksonville and Florida points.
11:30 p.m. for Birmingham, Meridian, New Orleans, Shreveport.
Through equipment and highest grade Dining Cars and Pullman service.
T. P. A., Mac°n, Ga. D. P. A., Atlanta, Ga.
AIR -COOLED 1 | i it [ II
BURKS KEROSENE , j j; ! ii 9 1
The Complete Electric Light and
Power Plant
Order NOW! Save $45
Efiective January 24, 1918, Delco-Light Prices
, will be Advanced:
From $350 to $395
From $420 to $465
You cau still buy your Delco-Light Plant
Complete in 2 sizes, $350 and $420 (f. o. b. Dayton, O.)
For actual demonstration, write, phone or wire to
R. E. Henderson, Dmestic Electric Co.
Salesman, HAMPTON. Ga. D stributors, ATLANTA, Ga.
|' —I H Flics Breed
—then come info your home
piLTH MEANS DISEASE and flies are born in filth, feed on filth
and carry filth with thorn wherever they Flies hatchings
today in an outhouse, stableyard or in garbage, may bring distress to
your family later on in the summer. They may bring typhoid fever,
summer complaint, consumption, malaria, or perhaps infant io paralysis.
The fly is almost the exclueivo conveyor of diarrhoea and dysentery
among children and batyps.
Eats Filth and Dosts*cyo the Fly Eyys
This wonderful Lye eats up filth and leaves absolutely nothing for files
to feed on or breed in. Just sprinklo it onco or twice a week In tha
privy or outhouse. It does the work. Encourage your neighbor to
clean his out-house also, because what’3 good for yours i 3 good for hii
RED DEVIL LYE Is also simply wonderful for making soap, con
ditioning hogs, and for making compoct far ferti.icer.
RED DEVIL LYE is sold by all grocers. Demand 10c. cans. One dime can
contains more than two nickel cans. fo--? fy*j<*~/ f~--* f~w--> Boefcfef.
WM. SCHIELD MFC. CO., 615 M. 2nd St., ST. LOUIS, MO.