The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, January 25, 1918, Image 2

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    The Henry
County Weekly
Entered ut tin* postoffice tit McDon
ough, Ga , as second ''lass mail matter.
Advertising Rates 15c per h»eh, posi
sition 5c additional—special contracts
Official Organ of Henry County.
McDonough, Ga., Jan. 25, 1918.
Here's to the Blue of the wind-swept
When they meet on the fields of France.
May the spirit Of Grant lie over them till
When the sons of the North advance.
Here’s to t he Gray of the sun-kissed South
When they meet on the fields of France.
May the spirit of Lee lie over them all
When the sons of the South advance.
And here’s to the Blue and the Gray as one
When they meet on the fields of France.
May the Spirit of God he over them all
When the sons of the Hag advance.
If you have a sweet-tooth, just
pull it.
Write, telephone or tell the
news to The Weekly.
Verily has this winter been just
one hard freeze after another.
One single bushel of meal uster
wouldn’t get The Weekly a whole
year—but it will now.
If there’s any spoiled meat in
this section, surely it cant be from
a lack of cold weather.
Potato and onion—what a salad
for Saturday night when you are
not expecting company.
A Minnesota woman is said to
have put acid in her son’s eyes to
keep him out of the army. Moth
er love verily passeth the under
The food administration advises
you to try a rye bread cottage
cheese and tomato catsup sand
wich, which is said to give the
palate a thrill you’ll probably re
Gradually war conditions are
brought to forcible realization.
Before it is nv°r many people will
doubtless find they can get along
on much less than they had ever
Through the courtesy of Sena
tor Hoke Smith, The Weekly re
received a sack of garden seed for
free distributi m. A few pack
ages left may be had by any one
caling for them.
Shortage of wheat in France is
daily becoming more alarming.
Pastry is now classed as a luxury
and its manufacture or consump
tion suppressed except on Sun
days and holidays.
The U. S. Food Administration
wishes to place the Irish pota
to every day in the year on eyerv
table in America. They say this
potato furnishes bulk, nourish
ment, mineral salts and a correc
tive alklinity in the diet. They
arc classed as plentiful this year
and reasonably cheap.
Only Christian Relig
ion Can Save World.
The following editorial from the
pen of Henry Watterson, written
upon the occasion of the fiftieth
ann '.ii-ary of th*‘ Louisville
| Courier Journal, is timely. It is
worth careful reading and serious
consideration :
And now after all these years,
lire Courier Journal faces the
greatest cataclysm, the most dire
ful tragedy, of all these ages,
i The world is torn up by the roots.
It is literally up-side down. If,
when we get “over there” in the
coming spring, we are not able to
end the war —if, tor any reason,
the campaign dwadles as it has
been doing—‘each side just able to
bold its own, neither side able to
attain decisive advantage-through
the summer and autumn and into
the winter 1918-19 —something
will break loose in this country,
and maybe, in other allied coun
tries as well.
Heaven help the world if the
war issue gets into the tangled
web of American politics; though
even worse might come to pass.
The Courier-Journal is not a pes
simist. It has been always an op
timist. Yet seeing that the uni
verse has gone in collapse at least
twice according to its recorded
story, why not once again?
It is not a stretch of fancy to
conceive, even from surface indi
cations, an irrepressible conflict
between capital and labor, i. e.,
the rich and the poor, to be possi
ble. That may be hut a question
of time in the Anglo-Saxon part
of it. How shall it be settled; as
our sectional irrepressible conflict
was settled ?
Human nature and character do
not. seem to have changed, either
for better or worse, with the de
velopment of human ingenuities.
Men and women appear much the
same as they appeared two thou
sand —five thousand —years ago.
With the manhood of this genera
tion depleted by war and havoc,
its womanhood unsexed and de
generated by feminism, who in
the final test shall come to the
rescue of civilization ?
These are ugly questions. And
they rise like lions across the
highway. Shall it be written that
the nations, having reached the
apex of the acclivity —having ar
rived where Greece was —where
Rome was —wealth and luxury
able to go no farther —deliberate-
ly set themselves to annihilate one
another and to destroy the accre
tions of the centuries? As mat
ters are who can say they may
not be for the third time on the
down grade, headed for another
C} cle of what we call the “Dark
Ages ?”
Surely the future looks black
enough, yet it holds a hope, a sin
gle hope. One, and one power
only, can arrest the descent and
save us. That is the Christian re
Democracy is but a side issue.
The paramount issue, underlying
j the issue of democracy, is the re
ligion of Christ, and Him crucified;
the bedrock of civilization; the
source and resource of all that is
worth having in the world that is,
that gives promise in the world to
come; not as an abstraction; not
as a huddle of sects and factions;
but as as a mighty force and prin
ciple of being. The Word of God,
delivered by the gentle Nazarene
upon the hillsides of Judea, sanc
tioned by the Cross of Calvary,
has survived everv assault. It is
now arrayed upon land and sea
to meet the deadliest of all as
saults, satan turned loose for one
last final struggle.
The Kaiser boldly threw down
the gauge of battle—infidel Ger
j many against the believing world
—“Kultur” against Christianity—
the Gospel of Hate against the
Gospel Love. Thus he is in satan
personified—“ Myself and God”
merely his way of proclaiming it —
for his “God” is belzebub, the
Agent of Destruction, his creed
tiie devil’s own, his aim and end a
hell on earth. Never did Crusad
er lift batde-axe in holier war
against the Saracen than is waged
by our soldiers of the Cross against
the Germans. The issues are in
deed identical.
If the world is to be saved from
destruction —physical no less than
spiritual destruction —it will be
saved alone by the Christian re
ligion. That eliminated leaves
the earth to eternal war. For fif
ty years Germany has been or
ganizing and laboring to supplant
it with “Kultur,” the genius of in
fidelity, Her college professors
have been obsessed with it. In
acclaiming “Myself and God,” the
Kaiser has put the imperial seal
upon it. When our armies have
run it to its lair —when they have
crushed —naught will have been
gained unless the glorious banner
of the cross is hoisted —even as
Moses lifted up the serpent in the
wilderness—and the misled mass
es of Germany are bade to gather
about and beneath it as sadly they
collect the debris of their ruin for
the reconstruction of the Father
The first and worst of all frauds
is to cheat one’s self. All sin is
easy after that. —P. J. Bailey.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears -
Signature of
Over $300.00 in Cash Prizes and
Scholarships to be Civen Away by
. ZZ/tM/teM (jo/Zeye.
You can win a prize if you start right
away. This is your opportunity to win a
Scholarship in Georgia s Leading Training
Special Reduced Christmas Rates
You can save from SIO.OO to $20.00 on a Life Scholarship if vou
will take advantage of our Special Reduced Christmas R ites ofTtuT
tion. You can buy now and enter any time it suits you. But we need
you in our school now to prepare for a good position in the business
world. We cannot supply the demand for our graduates.
Learn Shorthand in Three Months.
You can master our simplified system of shorthand in three
months —hundreds have learned it in two months, and we know no
reason why you should not do as well. If you will investigate you
will be convinced that thisfis the college for you. We help our stu
dents, not only while they are here in school, but any time after they
Bagwell Business College,
34% Luckie St., Department H. C. W. M.,
Atlanta, Ga.
Gentiemen : Please send me particulars of your contest, also
give me your Christmas rates. I am interested in the following
courses: Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Typewriting.
(Please underscore the courses in which you are interested)
Cattle relish the sweet odor of
wet Buckeye Hulls
BUCKEYE HULLS, after being wetted down for ten
or twelve hours, acquire a taste or odor similar to
the succulent ensilage odor that cattle like so well.
Simply feed
properly and your stock will like them better than any
other roughage. Once they are accustomed to them,
they will not be satisfied with anything else.
There is every reason why your cattle should relish
Buckeye Hulls. They are all roughage; no lint that is
worthless as forage; no dirt, trash or dust.
Other Advantages
Buckeye Hulls cost much less per They take less space in the barn.
ton than old style hulls. They are sacked —easy to han-
Buckeye Hulls allow better as- die.
similation of other food. They mix well, when wet, with
Every pound goes farther. other forage.
Mr. L. R. Farmer, Louisville, Ga., say a:
that he has used no other hulls but Buckeye for the past
year and gets good results. Cows have not been both
ered with cough since using Buckeye Hulls.
To secure the best results and to develop the ensilage odor, wet the hulls
thoroughly twelve hours before feeding. It is easy to do this by
wetting them down night and morning for the next feeding. If at any time
this cannot be done, wet down at least thirty minutes. If you prefer to
feed the hulls dry, use only half as much by bulk as of old style hulls.
Book of Mixed Feeds Free
Gives the right formula for every combination of feeds used in the
South. Tells how much to feed for maintenance, for milk, for fat
tening, for work. Describes Buckeye Hulls and gives directions for
using them properly. Send for your copy to the nearest mill.
Dept, k The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. Dept, k
Atlanta Birmingham Greenwood Little Rock Memphis
Augusta Charlotte Jackson Macon Selma