Newspaper Page Text
South Avenue.
After an absence of several
weeks, I will send a few dots
again. With the editor’s permis
sion, I will try to be a regular
contributor again.
The school children of this place
have been minus a teacher for
about five weeks Miss Minerva
Cox of Washington county, took
charge of the school last Thurs
day, she being the third teacher
vve have had, sure hope that noth
ing will prevent her from staying
the remainder of the term.
Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Howell find
little son, Ralph, spent the week
end with the latter’s mother, Mrs.
Ford, near White House.
Miss Snowdie Clark is spending
this week in East Atlanta, the
guest of Mrs. N. P. Hen terson.
We have had some cold weath
er and some of us nearly freeze,
and 1 expect some of us would
freeze if the mercury should drop
to 42 below zero, like it has been
in Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Clark spent
the week-end with relatives in
McDonough. Mrs. Z. K. Pattillo
returned to her home there with
them, alter a very pleasant stay of
about three weeks here with her
sister, Mrs. W. H. Clark.
Mrs. R. H. Martin and Miss Leek
Martin were the guests of Mrs. C.
W. South Monday afternoon.
No, we haven’t any coal, but
burning wood in a grate and do
ing nicely, thank you.
Mr. and Mrs. I). A. George were
the guests of Mr. W. H. White’s
family for the week-end.
Mr. A. C. Peterman and daught
er, Lucy, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. T. W. Peterman one
night last week.
It is right hard to keep Sunday
school evergreen, such a winter
as this in the country,
Mrs. T. W. Peterman and Mrs
C. W. South were the guests of
Mrs. Charlie Hale one afternoon
last week.
Are we Americans that are at
The Henry County Weekly
All nature seems to be in sym
pathy with this grief stricken and
sin cursed world. The clouds
shed frozen tears at the slightest
The box supper at Sandy Ridge
last Friday night was an enjoya
ble occasion, and the snug little
sum of twenty seven dollars was
Miss Mattie Lou Wilkerson is
visiting relatives here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Andrews and
little son Melvin of Oxford visited
their brother and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. F. B. Strahn, last week.
Sorry to note the illness of Mrs.
W. C. Woods. Hope she may
soon recover.
Miss Mattie McDonald of Mc-
Donough is visiting Mr. and Mis.
John McDonald. Mrs. McDonald
and little daughter Ethel Sue have
been on the sick list.
Those boxes we mentioned last
week are bringing in the rabbits.
We don’t especially enjoy wild
game, but meat is meat.
Mr. Robert Wynn and his ten
ants are getting up a fine supply
of stove wood.
You may safely classify Ford
automobiles with any calamity or
pestilence that ever struck our
The “pretty spell of weather in
January” this time, if it shows up
at all, must of necessity be very
Miss Nettie Hooten spent Satur
day night with Miss Wirsie Bledsoe
Mrs. Fannie Bledsoe visited her
brother, Mr. George Capps, Sun
day, Sorry to note the illness of
Mr. Capps.
home redly doing anything to
help win this war? The Germans
that are not fighting are said to
be living on one fourth of a crack
er a day. We must be more pa
triotie, and not object to the meat
less and wheatless days that have
been asked of us to help feed our
i.ilies. Busy Bee.
What do you want in your Motor Car ?
Constant Service?
Surplus Power?
Proportionate Strength?
Appearance of which you are proud ?
Lowest Cost of Maintenacce?
Perfect Comfort ?
The Monitor is the Messenger bearing these qualities
Sold by w. G. COPELAND, McDonough, Ga.
With G. W. Cathy, Copeland Block. See it if you want a Car.
Good house and lot in Locust
Grove, containing about one a:re.
mrs s. a. Smith,
Hamilton, Ga.
Seed Cotton Wanted
I pay highest market Drive for
remnants ot seed cotton.
Locust Grove, Ga.
There Is No Question
but. that indigestion and the distressed
feeling which always goes with it can
be promptly relieved by taking a
ffiertcdM> D £ P b 7ef
before and after each meal. 25c a box.
f •
§ Used 40 Ytans |
| The Woman’s Tonic f
<1 $
Sold Everywhere £
V r. a lj§S
For Administration.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
To whom it may concern : Mrs Willie
Owen having made application to me in
due form to be appointed permanent ad-
Ininistrator noon the estate of Mrs. An
nie Askew, late of said county, notice Is
hereby given that said application will
be heard at the regular term of the Court
of Ordinary for said county, to be held ou
the first Monday in February, 1918.
\\ it ness my hand and official signature,
This Bth day ot Junuary, 3918.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Administration.
GEORGIA —Henry County
To whom it may concern: Edna E,
Stroud having made application in due
form to heanpointed permanent ad min is
t rat or upon the estate of T. M. Stroud,
late of -slid county, notice is hereby given
that said application will be heard' at the
regular term of the < ’< urt of Ordinary for
said county, to lie held -m the first Mon
day in February, 191 s
Witness my hand and official signature.
This 7th day of January 1«18
A U HARRIS, Ordinary.