The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, January 25, 1918, Image 6
State Market Bureau. Many Georgia farmers are al ready making good use of the state bureau of markets in the matter of obtaining information aloiift various market .lines, and assistance in disposing of their products to the best advantage. The market bureau is anxious to have every farmer and busi ness man in the state know that the services of this department are at their command to the full extent that it is empowered by law to go; and to this end the bureau invites correspondence from any who are interested eith er in the matter of securing infor mation, or of finding the .most satisfactory market in which to dispose of any agricultural pro ducts. It is the purpose of Director L. B. Jackson to make the bureau a complete marketing service agen cy, insofar as ihe law will permit. The bureau has connections through which it is able to secure prompt and accurate information, and these sources of information are all ail the while being widened and extended. Tnose writing the bureau for information upon any subject coming within its sphere of action, may he sun; of getting promptly the best and most ac curate reply that the bureau is able to obtain. Revokes Dealers License. The United State's Food Admin istration lias revoked the license of Lester Brothers, wholesale food handlers of Newport News, Vir ginia, for refusing consignments of potatoes and allowing them to deteriorate in the freight yards. They were ordered to close their doors on December 31, and for hidden to deal in any commodi ties covered by the food control act. Moonshine and Su^ar. There is probably a lot of exag geration of amount of moonshine whisky being made m the State, and the sugar consumed for tiiis purpose, though it may be expect ed that the high prices that have been prevailing for wet goods will tempt many to give moon shining a trial. —Ex. Sticking to the Point. “Have you amused your baby brother, Willie, and kept him quiet while I was gone ?” “Yes, ma, and he hasn’t opened his mouth since you went away.” “What did you do to amuse him, Willie?” “I gave him the mucilage bottle to suck.” Little Pitchers. “Pa, was that a Christmas pres ent you brought home last night?” “I didn’t bring anything home last night, Tommy.” ‘ VVell, I heard Mr. Smith next door tell Mr. Jones as I was pass ing them on my way to school, that he saw vou go in last night with a large-sized package.” NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT IN STOCKBRIDGE. There has never been anything in Stoekbridge with the INSTANT action of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler i-ka. ONE SPOONFUL flushes the ENTIRE bowel tract so completely it relieves ANY CASE of sour stom ach, gas or constipation and pre vents appendicitis. The INSTANT, pleasant action of Adler-i-ka sur prises both doctors and patients. C. H. Pinson, druggist at Stock bridge. Serious Sue—Here is a cata log u 1 embracing all kinds of coats. Facetious Fan —Then, if it’s em bracing them they must be coats of-arms. Probably It Was. "Mars John,” excitedly exclaim claimed Aunt Tildy as she rushed panting into a fire-engine house, “please, suh, phonograph to de car cleaners’ semposiuin an’ notify Dart’t to cmergr-ate home diurg ently, kaze Jeems Henry sbo done been conjur’d! Doctor Cutter ione already distracted two bloQd j vultures from his ’pendercitis, an’ |I lef him now prez uninatin’ de chile’s antebellum for de germans of de neuro-plumoma, which ef lie’s disinfected wid, dey gutter ’noculate him wid de icecoldated quarantines but I b’leves it’s conjuration!”—Richmond Times. . ( ;•••■. : n,. ... •. Our JITNEY OFFER-This and 5c DON’T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with sc. and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave . Chicago, writing your name and address clearly, You will receive in return a trial package contain ing Foley’s Honey and Tar Com pound, for coughs, colds, croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain in sides and back; iheumatism, back ache, kidney and bladder ail t ments; and Foley Cathartic Tab lets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for Constipa tion biliousness, headache and sluggish bowels. The McDonough Drug Co. The Sexton—Do you wish cush ions in your new pew, sir? Mr. Short- Soot—Sure ! Any thing that will ease up the ser mons. —Judge, Croup at Midnight; Well in the Morning “A few nights ago one of my patrons had a small child taken with croup about inidnght,” writes M. T. Davis, Bearsville, W. Va.. “They came to mv,store and got a bottle of Foley’s Honey and Tar. Before morning the child was en tirely recovered. The father’s name is C. C. Craven.” Isn’t it unwise to experiment witn un known cough medicines when you can get the genuine Foley’s Hon ey and Tar? Besi for coughs, colds and lagrippe. The McDon ough Drug Co. Hatil Yoyr BLiveng Without Cast We are all at a danger point. On the use of good common sense in our 1!)1S farm and garden operations de pends prosperity or our “going broke.” Even at present high prices no one can riant all or nearly ail cotton, buy food and grain at present prices from supply merchant on credit and make money. Food and grain is higher in proportion than are present cotton prices. It’s a tin. above all cL'nern io play safe; to produce all possible food, grain and fora 5 sup alias on your own acres; to <. ■.'.own Cue hill. A good p! o rf garden ground, rightly planted, rightly tended and kept planted the yo.'.r round, can be made to pay nearly half your living. It will save you more money than you made on the best throe acres of cotton you ever grew! Hastings’ 3018 Seed Book tells a’l about the right kind of a money sav ing garden and the vegetables to put in it. It lelrs about the farm crops as well and shows you the clear road to real and regular farm prosperity. It’s Free. Send for it today to H. G. HASTINGS CO., Atlanta, Ga— Advt. vryptok 11 GLASSES 11 THE INVISIBLE BIFOCALS Our scientific examination removes all doubt as to the requirement of the eyes. If it is eye strain or any other trouble with the vision, our twenty five years experience is your guarantee of satisfac tion. Try our KRYPTOKS. J. J, BOOKOUT 53 Vest Mitchell St. Atlanta, Ga. f Bifocal Bifocal With the disfiguring se4m or hump^e With clear smootfv even surfaces Prevent Hog Cholera. The B A Thomas Hog Powder has a record ot cures of Hog Cholera. If you feed your hogs as directed you need never fear hog cholera nor any other hog disease. And the directions are Very sim ple, just about what you are doing plus a few cents worth of B. A. Thomas’ Hog Powder in the feed twice a week. Usually, though, cholera gets in before we know it. Then it re quires close attention to each hog —each hog must be dosed —and if you will dose them as directed, you will save better than 90 per cent. If you don’t, the B. A. Thom as medicine costs you nothing. We —not some distant manufac turer —pay your money back. 'lhe Henry County Supply Co. What to Do When Backache Comes on “Foley Kidney Fills have done mo more g-ood than $150.00 wortii of "other medicine,” writes Chaa. N. Fox of Him rod, N. Y. When backache comes on, and it seems as if you can’t stand the pain and pres sure in the small of your back and sides, do not feel that you must continue to suffer, but pet a bottle of Foley Kidney Pills and begin taking them. They usually help from the very first doses. It is worth a good deal to you to know that Foley Kidney Pills give you just what your system needs to repair the weak sick kidneys. It is their inability to do their work properly that causes your pain and misery. Foley Kidney Pills lend to middle-aged and elderly people the spryness and elasticity of youth. They take away the cause of backache, stiff and aching joints, rheu matic pains and annoying bladder and urinary troubles. Try them today. The McDonough Drug Co A FAMILY MEDICINE In Her Mother’s Home, Says This Georgia Lady, Regarding Black- Draught. Relief From Head ache, Malaria, Chills, Etc. Ringgold, Oa.— Mrs. Chas. Gaston, of this place, writes: “I am a user of Thedford’s Black-Draught; in fact, it was one of our family medicines. Also in my mother’s home, when I was a child. When any of us child ren complained of headache, usually caused by constipation, she gave us a dose of Black-Draught, which would rectify the trouble. Often in the Snring, we would have malaria and chills, or troubles of this kind, we would take Black-Draught pretty reg ular until the liver acted well, and we would soon be up and around again. We would not be without it, for it certainly has saved us lots of doctor bills. Just a dose of Black- Draught when not so well saves a lot of days in bed.” Thedford’s Black-Draught has been In use for many years In the treat ment of stomach, liver and bowel troubles, and the popularity which It cow enjoys is proof of Its merit If your liver Is not doing Its duty, you will suffer from such disagree able symptoms as headache, bilious ness, constipation, indigestion, etc., and unless something Is done, serious trouble may result. Thedford’s Black-Draught, has been found a valuable remedy for these troubles. It is purely vegetable, and acts in a prompt and natural way, regulating the liver to its proper functions and cleansing the bowels of impurities. Try it. Insist on Thed* ford’s, the original and genuine. E 79 SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM First Class Passenger Service to All Points TRAINS LEAVE ATLANTA: 12:01 a.m. for Greensboro, Lynchburg, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York. 6:20 a.m. for Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Chicago. 6:25|t.m. for Birmingham, Memphis, Kansas City, Denver and all points West. 6:30 a.m. for Greenville, Charlotte and intermediate points. 7:20 a.m. for Columbus, Ga., and Fort Valley, Ga. 7:30 a.m. for Macon and local points to Brunswick, Ga. 11:35 a.m. for Charlotte, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York. 12:20 noon for Macon, Ga. 1:10 p.m. for Anniston, Birmingham, Ala. 2.00|p.m. for Charlotte, Richmond, Washington, New York. 3:00 p.m. for Chattanooga, local stations. 4:45 p.m. for local stations to Toccoa, Ga. 4:55 p.m. for Rome, Dalton, Chattanooga, Cincinnati. 5:10 p.m. for Columbus, Ga. 5:20 p.m. for Fort Valley, Ga. 5:20 pm. for Birmingham, Memphis. 5:30 p.m. for Macon, Ga. 10:05 p.m. for Macon, Brunswick, Jacksonville. 10:40 p.m. for Charlotte, Asheville, N. C. 11:20 pm. for Macon, Jacksonville and Florida points. 11:30 p.m. for Birmingham, Meridian, New Orleans, Shreveport. Through equipment and highest grade Dining Cars and Pullman service. WHEN PLANNING A TRIP TO ANY POINT, ADDRESS J. S. BLOQDWORTH, * OR R. L. BAYLOR, T. P. A., Macon, Ga.. D . p. A., Atlanta. Ga. Electric LigKjhpc Pptygr w&ttFjSm j U ■Nrr H r~ fl —■? vST'-'t®* i A Child Can Run It Delco-Light has No Carburetor No Rheostat No Governor No Magneto No Pumps No Beits This simplicity insures constant service and absence of trouble Complete in 2 sizes—s39s and $465 (f. o. b Dayton, O.) F° r Actual Demonstration, write, phone or wire to ipLaP 0 Dmestic Electric Coompany Distributors. ATLANTA. Ga. R. E. Henderson, Salesman. HAMPTON. GA. —then come info yotsr Rome 1 j pULTH MEANS DISEASE and flies are born in filth, feed on filth bj l and carry filth with them wherever they alight. Flies hatching ' today in an outhouse, stableyard or in garbage, rncy bring distress to y your family later on in too cummer. They may bring typhoid fever, summer complaint, .consumption, mrla- 5 -., cr perhaps infantile paralysis, j The fly is almost the exclusive conveyor cf diarrhoea and dysentery jgj among children and babies. Eats Filth and Destroys the F.y Cjgs This wonderful Lye eats up filth and leaves absolutely nothing for flies I to feed on or breed in. Just sprinkle it once or twice s. week in the privy or outhouse. It does the work. Encourage your neighbor to clean his out-house also, because what’s good for yours is good for ht 3. ,1 RED DEVIL LYE is also simply wonderful for malting soap, con- 8 ditioning hogs, and for making compost for ferti.izcr. RED DEVIL LYE is sold by all grocers. Demand 10c. cans. One dime can contains more than two nickel cans. Cr.-rJ Postal Fat' S~ rea Bookie 1. WM. SCHiELD IV!FG. CO., 615 H. 2nd CL, CT. LOUIS, MO. SUBSCRIPTION f)TJE vyheii you want u where you wantf| DELCO-LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power plant for the farm, country home, store, church, or school house. Delco-Light lights house, barn and dairy. Pumps running water wherever it is needed. Operates churn, cream separator and any light machinery. Delco-Light runs on kerosene and is air-cooled. Over 40,G0G satisfied users endorse it. SSS^tel mM