The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, January 25, 1918, Image 8

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Winter time still here.
Cut wood and make fires the
order of the day.
Oh, for a few days of spring
Too much mud on the Highway
for pleasure seekers.
Mr. Hatlie Stanfield, who holds
a responsible position with the
block system on the railroad,
spent Sunday with the home
The young people enjoyed a
pound supper at Mr. and Mrs
Crayton Turner’s last Saturday
Mr. R. H. Chinn killed two pigs
lost week seven months old, but
almost tipped the three hundred
Mr. C. R. Nix and family of
Hampton mortored up the High
way Sunday.
Mrs. J. A. Darsey and son of
Sunny Side visited Mr. J. T. Dar
sey one day last week.
Watch your wheat fields. Don’t
let some German kill it with his
poisonous poullan which thev are
The Great Majestic Range
r~ — ——mu "'l'umpim- -
( «" \ f
MAJEStM® |; I C2Ml§¥fl© j|
- |
r ixl^rL . copper wire
As a special inducement During This Week Only, we have arranged
with the factory to present each purchaser of a Majestic Range with a
handsome and useful set of cooking ware as illustrated. This is your
opportunity to get something really worth while for nothing. Ranges
will be sold at the regular prices.
Children’s -
Souvenir Day, Jan. 30.
1. What is the name of yonr mother's range,’ and how long
——has it been in use?
2. Givejnames of persons you know needing a new range.
3. Why does the MAJESTIC bake better last longer, heat
water and use less fuel than any other range?
4. What is your age? When is your birthday ?
J. L. GARDNER, - Locust Grove, Ga.
sending from Germany.
Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Barnett from
Oakland spent Saturday night and
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
Barnett on the Highway.
Now let’s all ? pay our subscrip
scription to The Weekly, for it
has grown to be one of the best
country papers 1 ever read. Let’s
make the editor smile and grow
fat on the crumbs of nineteen and
eighteen. YOUNG FELLOW.
(Thanks very much, good Young
Fellow. Such boquets always
rtelp to smoothe out the wrinkled
brow. —Ed.)
Perilous times.
Please don’t rock the boat.
Mighty good times to keep cool.
My country! ’tis of thee.
Truly we are living in a day of
sensations. Stop, Look, Listen.
Don’t let your subscription ex
pire now.
If a whole lot more of our peo
ple would spend more of their
time following the lowly Naza
rene, and not hoofing it around
Boys and Girls, this is something worth while, with only a little effort on your part!
NOW LISTEN -.—MAJESTIC HIGH FLIERS FREE to the boys and girls who hand in written
answers to the following questions during the Two Hours, 3 to 5 p. m., Tuesday of Demonstration
talking about folks quite so much,
we would have a much better
world to live in, I am quite sure.
Don’t suppose there will be any
ground hog this year. Prof Sny
der has put him out of business.
If a rich man did it he exagger
ated —if a poor man did it he lied.
Master William Johnson of At
lanta is spending a few days with
his grandmother, Mrs. J. F. John
Glad to note that Miss Annie
Adamson has about recovered
from her recent illness.
If it keeps on raining, freezing,
sleeting and snowing, the roads
will be so awfully bad that the
only wav to get over them will be
to get a Ford automobile or a fly
ing machine.
Uncle Jeremiah.
For Administration.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
To whom it may concern: Mrs. Willie
Owen haying made application to me in
due form to be appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate of J. J. As
kew, late of said county, notice is heroby
given that said application will be heard
at the regular term of the Court of Ordi
nary for said county, to be held on the
first Monday in February, 1918.
Witness my hand and official signature,
This January 7th, 1918.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
and Sale
* ♦
f- >
At Our Store, One Week Only
SEE the GREAT MAJESTIC —The Range with a Reputation—in its New Dress.
Let the factory representative show you why the MAJESTIC Bakes Better —Looks
Better—Lasts Longer—Heats More Water Quicker and Hotter and Uses Less Fuel than
any other range. We want to Prove these facts to you—want you to know WHY the
MAJESTIC is so highly recommended by your neighbor—WHY it is the standard by
which all ranges are judged—WHY it is known in every county in every state as
$l.OO Article Free !
The boy or girl giving the neatest and best answer to the third question may select any $l.OO article
from our stock in addition to the souvenir. In case of a tie, those tying will receive the same prize.
• THEBE WILL BE A PRIZE FOR ALL OF YOU. Remember the time, 3tosP. M. TUESDAY.
All children are invited.
Mrs. Lee Patterson absent from
Sunday School Sunday evening.
Cause —German measles.
Mrs. Sarah Hutchings spent the
week end with Miss Miss Nell
Mr. Carl Crowell finished a bill
of sawing for Mr. W. N. Gilmore.
Will saw a bill for« Mr. Lee Patter
terson when the soil gets in con
dition to remove engine.
Regular meeting days at Sharon
next Saturday and Sunday, Janu
ary 26- and 27, Rev. C. C. Heard,
Prof, and Mrs. Keathly are teach
ing a flourishing school at this
place during the recent bad
weather, both teachers and pupils
being v* ry faithful.
Our faithful R. F. D. Carrier,
Mr. Loyd Stravvn, *was delayed
two hours Saturday. His auto
wouldn’t go. It being his first
trip in car, made it a little discour
aging for him. SLEEPY EYES.
“Does Marie like her new den
tist ?”
“Well, he certainly made an im
pression on her.”
We sincerely wish to thank
each and every one who so kindly
rendered their assistance during
the sickness and death of our
darling baby, and also thank Dr.
Smith for his faithful attention.
May God’s richest blessings ever,
rest upon each and every on'e is
the prayer of
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Stewart.
People Say To Us
“I cannot eat this or that food, it doe*
not agree with me.” Our advice to
all of them is to take a
Steffi “W
before and after each meal. 25c a box.
Mrs. Jennie Lester vs. W. Jeff Lester.
Libel for Divorce.
In Superior Court of Henry County, Oot.
Term, 1916.
Verdict for total divorce granted the IS
day of October, 1916.
Notice is hereby given that on the 23rd
day of January, 1918, I filed with the Clerk
of the Superior Court of said county my
petition addressed to said Court, returna
ble to the next term thereof, ti> be held
on the third Monday ’in April, 1918, for
the removal of my disabilities resting up
on me under the verdict of the above stat
ed case by reason of my marriage with
the said Mrs Jennie Lester; -which appli
cation will be heard at the April Term of
said Court, which will commence on the
3rd Monday in April, 1918
Atty’s for Applicant.