Newspaper Page Text
(Last Week’s Letter.)
Mount Bethel’s Sunday school
class of intermediate boys and
girls are soliciting funds for a new
instrument of music to take the
place of the instrument of torture
now installed in the chutch. All
so far are responding cheerfully,
and we feel sure that the mem
bership and friends of the church
and Sunday school will be glad to
help us in our efforts in this re
spect. The question of whethc
we shall purchase a piano or or'
gan will be settled later, so if yo..
want a voice in the matter come
forward at once.
We must speak a word of ap
predation for our teachers at San
dy Ridge. Their patience, dili
gence and tender care of the
children during this dreadful
weather ha§ been indeed com
mendable. Our teachers are Mr.
Quinton Williams and Mrs. Kate
Amen to your last item last
week, Observer. I would love to
say a page or two of the same
sort, but if I should some one
would be saying “off with her
head,” so you just say on. What
you say is all right, all right.
F. B. and Loy Strahn ordered a
splendid wood saw last week and
hope soon to be able to serve the
public by sawing their wood.
May we suggest that the ardent
lover address his devoted charm
er as “my darling sorghum syrup”
for econemies sake ? Sounds
coarse and uncouth doesn’t it?
But my! you will become accus
tomed to lots of unpleasant things
if times and seasons don’t change.
Sandy Ridge News.
(Last Week’s Letter.)
More bad wheather.
Miss Nina Cook spent Friday
evening with Eula Hardy.
Listen, friends, what is the mat
ter with u>? Everyone cannot be
pleased, so don’t you think it
would be best for us to try to
'please our dear Saviour? His
love and tender care is far better
than any earthly love. Just think
what He has done for us since
these sad days began. He has
cared for us when all earthly
friends could not have helped. If
the. Christians of Henry county
were more loyal to our Saviour,
don’t you think Henry county
would be a happy place. He will
not forsake us it we will only trust
Mr. Tom Smith has moved to
his new home over near the school
house. W eicoine.
The box supper was enioved by
many, Friday night.
We were glad to welcome a few
pretty days.
Mr. Lumsden’s horse died Fri
day with blind staggers.
Smile, it doesn’t hurt much.
Lap Wing.
Our JITNEY OFFER— This and 5c
DON’T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with sc. and mail it to
Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave .
Chicago, writing your name and
address clearly, You will receive
in return a trial package contain
ing Foley’s Honey and Tar Com
pound, for coughs, colds, croup;
Foley Kidney Pills, for pain in
sides and back; rheumatism, back
ache, kidney and bladder ail
ments; and Foley Cathartic Tab
lets, a wholesome and thoroughly
cleansing cathartic, for constipa
tion biliousness, headache and
sluggish bowels. The McDonough
Drug Co.
Horse Shoeing a specialty at
Tnomposn’s Shop.
( L.isl \\ p Li*, iter.)
Since we last wrote to The
Weekly the “angel of death” has
visited our community three times.
On December 25, Mr. D. E. Clem
ents passed away at the home of
his son-in-law, Mr. W. S. Patrick.
Mr. Clements had been in bad
health for several years, but was
confined to his bed only 5 days
before his death. Mr. Clements
had won many friends here who
sympathize with the bereaved
January 6, Mr. Will Patrick
passed away after a week’s illness.
He leaves a wife and seven child
ren. Mr. Patrick had lived here
all his life and had friends and
relatives by the score who mourn
his departure. After a very im
pressive funeral service, his re
mains were laid to rest at Union
cemetery. Mr. Patrick is survived
by two brothers, T. S. and VV. H.
Patrick, and two sisters, Miss Ida
Patrick and Mrs. J. T. Welden,
besides his wife and six sons and
one daughter, Mrs. Paul Thaxton.
Friday night January 18, little
Homer Colbert Purifoy, the nine
.months old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wade Purifoy, passed away after
a short illness with measles and
pneumonia. He was an unusually
bright child, the light of the home
and joy of his grandparents. The
interment was at Union cemetery
Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Gordon Patrick has recov
ered from a recent attack of pleu
L. W. Pullin’s children have
whooping cough.
Many cases of measles here.
Little Eleanor Patrick is very sick
with them.
Miss Emma Kimball of New
Hope is the attractive guest of
Miss Josie Hammock this week.
Friends are glad that Mrs. Sallie
Henley is up again after a severe
We sincerely thank our friends
and neighbors for their kindness
shown us during the sickness and
death of our dear daughter and
sister, Annie Kate. May God’s
richest blessings be ever with
them is our prayer.
Mr. J. H. Carr and family.
Croup at Midnight: Well in the
“A few nights ago one of my
patrons had a small child taken
with croup about midnght,” writes
M. T. Davis, Bearsville, W. Va..
“They came to mv store andjjot
a bottle of Foiey’s Honey and Tar.
Before morning the child was en
tirely recovered. The father’s
name is C. C. Craven.” Isn’t it
unwise to experiment with un
known cough medicines when you
can get the genuine Foley’s Hon
ey and Tar? Best for coughs,
colds and lagrippe. The McDon
ough Drug Co.
A man named Stone and a man
named Wood met on the streets
of a nearby city last week to ex
change a few cheerful views, when
a woman in a particularly noticea
ble gown passed. Simultaneously
Wood turned to Stone, and Stone
turned to Wood —then both turn
ed to “rubber.”
How’s This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure has been taken
by catarrh sufferers for the past
thirty-five years, and has become
known as the most reliable remedy for
Catarrh. Hull’s Catarrh Cure acts thru
the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, ex
pelling the Poison from the Blood and
healing the diseased portions.
After you have taken Hall’s Catarrh
Cure for a short time you will see a
great improvement in your general
health. Start taking Hall’s Catarrh
Cure at once and get rid of catarrh.
Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO„ Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Union Grove.
(Last Week's Letter )
The friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Clinton Crumbley sympathize with
them in the death of their infant.
Its remains were laid to rest in
the Knighrburial ground, Sunday.
“Suffer little children to come
unto Me, and forbid them not, for
ot such is the kingdom of heaven.”
Misses Annie, Annie Lou and
Nell Crumble} visited relatives at
White. House Saturday and Sun
Mrs. Wesley Knight of McDon
ough is the guest of her daughter,
Mrs. Clinton Crumbley.
Little Lee Hugh Collions, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Collins, is
very ill with pneumonia. We
hope he may soon recover.
We will say to mount Bethel
that we have lived in several I
communities and all our neighbors 1
fegret to see us move, at least s
they always express themselves
•that way, and we are always ready
to catch at anything pertaining to!
friendship. So we are prone to 1
believe them, and we feel that j
“we renters” have a little advant-;
age of the land owners after all of
making more acquaintances with
people. (Enough )
Uncle Jeremiah told some plain |
facts last week about people that’s
for this war. But God pity the
people that liavn’t got enough re-1
ligion, or even feeling in their
heart to want our boys to go.
There’s a great day coming.
Providentially hindered, we did
not attend church at Timberridge
Sunday. Confidence teaches us
though that a good sermon was
delivered by the pastor. We
know behind the clouds the sun
is shining, and after awhile we
i hope to enjoy some of the beau
ties and joys of this old world
once mofe. ONE TWO.
Had the Grip Three Weeks.
With January comes lagrippe.
Lingering colds seem to settle in
the system, causing one to ache
all over, feel feeverish and chilly,
tired, heavy and drooping. Mrs.
Tyles, Henderson, Ky, writes: “My
daughter had lagrippe for three
weeks. I had the doctor and
bought medicine and none of it
did any good. I gave her Foley’s
Honey and Tar and now she is ail
right. I have told all my friends
about it.” Insist on the genuine
Foley’s Honey and Tar. The Mc-
Donough Drug Co.
The Aiianta Constitution, Daily
and Sunday, 1 year only $4.50.
W. G. Thompson, Agent.
She Southern mortgage Co.
Established 1870. Gould Buildim;— lo Decatur Street— 9l Edgewood Avenue.
Negotiated throughout the State on Improved Farm Lands in sums
ot si,ooo to Sioo,ooo on Five Years’ time at reasonable Our sources
ot ‘money are practically inexhaustible, We have a strong line ot customers
among individual investors and Savings Banks and Trust Companies in the North,
East and Middle West, and we number among our customers the
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company
with assets ot more than a hundred million dollars.
J. T. Holleman, President W. A. Thompson, Abstracts of Title
W. L. Kemp, Vice-President Work, Abstracts of Title
J. W. Andrews, Secretary s> R Cook Secretary’s Clerk
E. V. Carter, Attorney T R. Dempsey, Abstract Clerk
A, d’Antignac, Inspector C. W. Felker, Jr., Abstract Clerk.
W. A. Howell, Abstracts of Title Horace Holieman, Application Clerk.
For information, call on or write to
YOU’LL enjoy this real
Burley cigarette. It’s
full of flavor —just as good
as a pipe.
The Burley tobacco is
toasted; makes the taste
delicious. You know how
toasting improves the flavor
of bread. And it’s the
A same with tobacco exactly.
<g) n Guaranteed bv^— /
MONEY loans
We are in position to handle quickly, with a
minimum of red tape, applications for loans on
good improved farms, at current rates.
Green, Tilton <£ McKinney. Attorney.
1701-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 Hurt Bldg. Atlanta, Ga.