The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 01, 1918, Image 4
PROGRESS NEWS NOTES. Forward march. Mind how you shoot. Beware ! Lest you be deceived. Truly the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Found —That no man can tell what the future has in store. Hurrah! for McDonough's weath er prophet. Pretty come off when you have to force a man to do his duty. You know your uncle has had the privilege of seeing several country papers, and take it from me, 1 have yet to see one that beats The Henry County Weekly, as it is familiarly called. Make the editor glad by subscribing early. (And The Weekly thanks .you very much Uncle Jere.) No, Observer, everyone has not yet Hooverized, had you said Bur leysonized you would have hit the spot. You know I have got to where 1 believe everything I hear these days. But my part is like the farmer’s molasses, the nonth part. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Adamson were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Brannan Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson of Atlanta came down and spent Sat urday and Sunday with homefolks here. Mr. J. M. Gilbert and family spent Saturday night and Sunday Mith Mr. and Mrs. \V. N. Strick land. Mr. T. R. Tidwell and family spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. J. H. Strickland and family. Mr. G. M. Adamson made a bus iness trip to Atlanta one day last week. Mr. Lovick Johnson made a trip way down the pike to Flippen, Ga. Sunday morning. Did you reao the editorial from the pen of Henry YVatterson in last week’s Weekly ? If you didn’t, hunt it up and read it, it was a dandy, and while you are reading it, make up your mind to Subscribe Advertise IT P A V S The Henry County Weekly TRY IT 0 0 * ' 3 ' * M N Advertise Subscribe DIXIE HIGHWAY ITEMS. January thaw. Warmer weather appreciated. Automobilihg almost at a stand still. Is the Red Cross grafting? Oh! no, guess not. Telegraph and Telephone wires badly torn down by the ice. Not much visiting on the High way at present. Miss Zennie Dorsey vished at Sunnyside recently. Miss Elzabeth Davis of Griffin visited lelatives in Hampton last week.* First Quarterly Conference of Hampton Circuit was held at Hampton last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. George Tarpley and little daughter, Ruth, were the guests of Mrs. Young Fellow Sunday. The many friends of Aunt BOsy Campbell of de regret to hear of her serious illness at that place. All hope for her an early recovery. Mrs. Sam Stanfield and son, Hatlie, celebrated their birthday last Sunday at the. home of the former. The Dixie Highway Telephone Co. has reorganized with several new members added, which make about twenty on the line. • •Mr. and Mrs. J G. Banks and Mr. and Mrs R. E. Wallace visited relatives at Riverdaie Sunday last. Ten days revival services will begin at Mount Carmel next Sun day, February 3. The pastor, Rev. W. O. McMullen, will be as sisted by Rev. Sam Haynes of At lanta. Be sure and attend. Good preaching and good singing. Come Young Fellow. take The Weekly and don’t miss the good reading matter that is flowing through its columns. (Thanks again Uncle Jere.) If Attila and his band of Huns should be known in ancient histo ry and the scourge of God, I should think the Kaiser and his brand of ruffians should be known in mod ern history as the scourge of hell. Uncle Jeremiah. Constant Service? Surplus Power ? Proportionate Strength ? * Appearance of which you are proud ? Lowest Cost of Maintenacce? Perfect Comfort ? Satisfaction ? The Monitor is the Messenger bearing these qualities Sold by W, G. COPE LAND, McDonough, Ga. With G. W. Cathy, Copeland Block. See it if you want a Car. FISK TIRES AND TUBES South Avenue. Guess everybody has got w'arm at last. Have you had any war bread yet ? Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Butler moved back to their home near Morrow last Monday. Guess they have decided there’s no place like home after all. Mrs. Lewis Whitley and little daughter, Mary Evelyn, of Atlanta spent the week-end with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark. Mrs. Lem Cook and daughter, Vera, were guests of her mother, Mrs. C. C. Martin, Friday. This part of this old world look ed like fairy land for nearly three days last week. There has been quite a lot of belated movers this year, owing to the very unusual weather. Mrs. M. F. Martin and daughter, Miss Leek, had as their guests to dinner last Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. South. Miss Leek Martin wrns the guest of Mrs. C. C. Martin Monday aft ernoon. Guess I will stop for lack of news. Hope to have more when t sie weatffer is better. Busy Bee. For Administration. GEORGIA—Henry County. To whom it may concern: Mrs Willie Owen having: made application to me in due form to be appointed permanent, ad ministrator upon the estate of Mrs. An nie Askew, late of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to ire held on the first Monday in February, 1918. Witness my hand and official signature This Bth day of Junuary, 1918. A. G. HARRIS. Ordinary. For Administration. GF.ORGIA—Henry County To whom it may concern: Edna E, Stroud having made application in duo form to be appointed permanent adminis trator upon the estate of J. M. >troud, late of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will Ire heard at. the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to W* held on the first Mon day in February, 1918. Witness my hand and official signature This 7th day of January. 1918. A G HARRIS, Ordinary.