The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 05, 1918, Image 2

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    The Henry
County Weekly
Entered at the post-office at McDon
ough, Ga., as second ''lass mail matter.
Advertising Kates 15c per inch, posi
sition f>c additional —special contracts
Official Oman of Henry County.
McDonough, Ga., Aprii 5, 1918.
| By "Red" Fields |
A jtfr •*» <K« ’IK* ‘IK* ’X’ ■»» ■*»•*»*
How’s that garden ?
A cheese magnate is not neces
sarily “cheesy.”
We haven’t quite gotten over
the patriotic rally yet.
Now that April Ist has passed
let’s have a “foolless day.”
Buy a Liberty Bond and you
have purchased that amount of
Amman’s financial standing is re
garded by the amount of Liberty
Bonds he owns.
Opportunity knocks at every
man’s door, but she does not use
a sledge hammer.
Hindenburg didn’t visit Paris on
April Ist as he had promised the
folks back home.
So far as known', no Jews have
been accused of violating “pork
less Saturday’’ in their homes.
Some people shoulder things
well bet we can’t understand
how they stomach some thin; s.
If Kaiser Bill had our opinion of
himself he would throw up that
little job of his and go to Russia
and die. %
Russia claims that the war has
cost her over $26,000,000,000.
Wonder if this includes the $160,-
000,000 we donated.
“There is only one ship that is
non-sinkable, and that is court
ship,’’ says the Greensboro Herald
Journal. And, yet, many a poor
man has ‘gone down’ on this ship.
The patriotic rally was a grand
success, being attended by some
3,000 people. Several excellent
speeches were made, including an
American Army officer, Captain
Lawler, and Major Ostend, of the
French army. The urgent need
for the American people to
wake up and realize the crilical
position which we now face was
forcibly brought out by these
gentlemen. Also they made us
feel it our patriotic duly to bu\'
all the Liberty Bonds we can. A
30 piece band from Camp Gordon
furnished the music.
War Saving Stamps are worth
Don’t wait —do it now. Buy
War Saving Stamps.
Liberty Loan Slogans.
Following are some of the lib
erty loan slogans issued to the
press by the Sixth district Publici
ty Bureau:
“Go the limit” in this fight
against the pirates who are de
termined to destroy your com
merce. LIBERTY BONDS will
I help keep the European Market
I open for your business. INVEST
What sacrifice have you made
to protect yoiu home from PRUS
LIBERTY BONDS ’til it “pinches”
your pocket book.
your dollars work. In the THIRD
Talk about LIBRTY BONDS be
ing safe —Conservative estimates
place the wealth of the Unit
ed States at $250,000,000,000. In
come $50,000,000,000. All this
and more too, backs LIBERTY
BONDS. Some backing Buy
one now.
President Wilson looks to the
toil, intelligence, energy, foresight
anu patriotism of the American
farmer to win this war. Buy LIB
Industry, saving and lending to
the government are national deeds
and national duties.
The test is on—does German
autocracy breed better men than
Americau democracy ?
Are our hearts with our sol
diers? The response the to Third
Liberty Loan will be the answer.
The sooner the irresistible might
of this great Republic is organized
and put into full action the sooner
the war will end. Every dollar
invested in Government securities
works to shorten the war, to save
the lives of American soldiers and
Good business as well as patri
otism urges support of the Gov
ernment in its financial needs, and
no class of Americans more than
the farmers of the nation whose
own welfare is indissolubly bound
up with that of the United States
Every Bond is a blow at Ger
many. You hit them one lick.
You’d jump at the chance to
pay 50 per cent for fire protection
if your warehouse was burning.
Today your home, wealth and life
are threatened by German oppres
sion. LIBERTY BONDS are like
insurance policies. Invest Now.
St. Elmo Massengale,
Director of Publicity.
Have you enlisted in the Army
of Savers? Buy War Saving
Green's August Flower
has been a household remedy all
over the civilized world for more
than half a centurv for constipa
tion, intestinal troubles, torpid liv
er and the generally depressed
feeling that accompanies such dis
orders. It is a most valuable rem
edy for indigestion or nervous
dyspepsia and liver trouble, bring
ing on headache, coming up of
food, palpitation of the heart, and
many other symptoms. A few
doses of August Flower will re
lieve you. It is a gentle laxative.
Sold by McDonough Drug Co. 30
and 90 cent bottles.
War Saving Stamps for sale at
every bank and postoffice in Hen
ry county.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
March 18ih. 1918.
Notice is hereby given to all persons in
debted to the estate of J. M. Stroud, late
of said county, deceased, to call and settle
said indebtedness, and all persons having
claims against said estate are requested to
present same to the undersigned, in prop
er form. MRS. EDNA STROUD,
Adm’i estate of J M. Stroud, Dee d.
Return oi King Hominy.
In these days food substitution,
hominy is again taking its place
as a household staple. Its food
value almost equals that of the
whole corn and in the pioneer
period it was eaten much as we
eat potatoes today.
Many people of the South, more
over, still serve hominv morning,
noon and night, and not merely
as a breakfast cereal with milk is
largely responsible for its present
low estate in the food category.
For many people consider that
hominy, to be really palatable,
needs the flavor of meat or egg.
So before letting it be wholly
condemned by a prejudiced fami
ly, prepare it as a vegetable to be
eaten with gravy or combined
with meat in a cassrole dish, or
with cheese. Served with duck,
hominy has been a favorite of the
epicure ever since the*days of the
Remember, that when hominy
is used as a vegetable no bread
will be required, therefore one
way of saving your share of the
present heavy wheat needs is to
serve hominy at least once or
twice a week. —Griffin News.
Stockbridge people can prevent
appendicitis? with simple buckthorn
bark, glvcerine, etc., as mixed in
Adler-i-kn, flushes the ENTIRE
bowel tract so completely appendi
citis is prevented. ONE SPOON
FUL Adler i-ka relieves ANY CASE
sonr stomach, gas or constipation
because it removes ALL foul mat
whieh clogged and poisoned yoni
system. The INSTANT action snr
prises both doctors and patients
C H. Pinson druggist at Stock
WHAT the mark **Sterling ft means on silver the
label “Society Brand” means on ready-to-wear
clothes. A guarantee of integrity. It is the pledge
of the makers.
No garment is a genuine Society Brand
model unless the inside pocket bears the
label. Go to “Style Headquarters”—
where Society Brand Clothes are sold.
Clad in Society Brand Clothes, Father f
and Son appear like brothers,. They r »-*- JbJj
level men s ages.
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Brand (Elutljes
Where 00r!rty Sfnrnft are sold
Every pound goes much
old style
being eaten,
. the old style
hulls swell to twice the weight, or \f4 pounds. A
pound of
also doubles after being eaten but as they are 100 per
cent roughage, the original pound becomes 2 pounds—
not \ l /2 pounds.
Therefore, a pound of Buckeye Hulls goes a third again
as far as a pound of old style hulls. In other words,
you only have to feed 2 4 pound of Buckeye Hulls to
give the same food value as a full pound of old style
Other Advantages
Buckeye Hulls cost much less per No trash or dust.
ton than old style hulls. Sacked —easy to handle.
Buckeye Hulls allow better as- They mix well with other forage,
similation of other food. They take less space in the barn.
Mr. Ben Faulk, Dothan, Ala.,
prefers Buckeye Hulls to old style hulls because cows
like them as well, they are cheaper, they agree with the
cows, and they go farther, one sack lasting as long as
two sacks of the old style.
To secure the best results and to develop the ensilage odor, wet the hulls
thoroughly twelve hours before feeding. It is easy to do this by
wetting them down night and morning (or the next feeding, if at any time
this cannot be done, wet down at least thirty minutes. If you prefer to
feed the hulls dry, use only half as much by bulk as of old style hulls.
Book of Mixed Feeds Free
Gives the right formula for every combination of feeds used in the
South. Tells how much to feed for maintenance, for milk, for fat
tening, for work. Describes Buckeye Hulls and gives directions for
using them properly. Send for your copy to the nearest mill.
Dept, k The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. Dept, k
Atlanta Birmingham Greenwood Little Rock Memphis
Augusta Charlotte Jackson Macon Selma