Newspaper Page Text
TRADE MARK /(jjgjjpY
Clothes sr\
“<S(p/e without (Extravagance” \
problem of today
for wearers of good jj
Made from dependable cloths rjfff
in distinctive styles and right- ll'ft •> ** MOCr
rll • i ;mB i • t'j&o
fully priced at
S2O to S3O
Each garment i§ protected by the makers’“GOLD BOND’’
certificate of guarantee in the pocket.
See the line at
Copeland-Turner Merc. Co.
Take your scrap cotton to Olin
WANTED —Some beeswax. T.
S. Mays.
And great w r as the Womanless
Henry Superior Court convenes
next Monday week.
Postmaster Lum Fields was ov
er from Hampton Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S Austin of Rex
spent Sunday in McDonough.
Select Jong staple planting cot
ton seed for sale. J. C. Harris.
Let Speer fit you with a pair of
those elegant Fits U nose glasses.
Anyone desiring to buy a Ford
car, see me at once. Olin Kimball.
Bring us your corn. Will give
you SI.BO. Dailey’s Mill. Phone
Mr. Wilburn Gardner of PJllen
wood spent Sunday in McDon
Even the clocks had to be run
up an hour to keep pace with the
fast age.
Hole-Fix, the one best inner tube
repair—all Dealers carry it in
stock. 75c per.
Miss Dora Wolfe has returned
home after an extended visit to
South Georgia.
Hole-Fix, the one best inner
tube repair—all Dealers carry it
in stock. 75c per.
Barred Plymouth Rock Eggs
for sale, $1.50 for 15.
D. P. Shields, Stockbridge.
Miss Frances Neal left Friday
for a visit to Mrs. Wiliam Bellamy
at Wilmington N. C.
Screen doors and windows made
or your oid ones rescreened at T.
S. Mays’ Shoe Shop.
Hole-Fix, the one best inner
•tube repair—all Dealers carry it
in stock. 75c per.
All sections of Henry county
were well represented at the big
patriotic rally Saturday.
Mr. J. S. Sims has resumed his
place as book-keeper for the Ainis-
Daniel garage, Mr. Henley Daniel
returning to the management oi
the McDonough Drug Co.
Two good farm mules for
sale. Mrs. T. J. Upchurch. Lo
cust Grove. Ga.
1917 model Ford car for sale,
practically new. Troy Chafin, R.
F. D. 6, McDonough, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hooten of At
lanta were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. H. S. Elliott Sunday.
STRAYED One striped boar,
one brown sow. Return to John
nie Goodwin and get reward,
t •
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carmichael
and daughter, Mildred were*guests
of Miss. Mamie Alexander Sunday.
Miss Annie Mitchell, of Ellen
wood, spent several days last
week with her sister, Mrs. W. A.
Mr. Dalton McCullough of Stock
bridge was among the number of
attendants upon County Court
Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander,
Messis. Wade Pulhn and Roy
Alexander motored to Atlanta
The Womans Club will conduct
a rummage sale Saturday in the
store room formerly occupied by
Mr. Will Welch.
By calling and paying expenses
owner may have one black hog,
taken up about two weeks ago by
E J. Price near Fiippen.
Mrs. Annie Mae Bowen and little
John, Jr., and Mary Sloan, of At
lanta, spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs.J. L. Atkinson.
Miss Annie Ola Sloan, who is a
student at Agnes Scott College
spent the week-end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Sloan.
The Daughters of the Confed
eracy will have their regular meet
ing this month Thursday after
noon. the 18th, with Mrs. Gilmore.
Messrs. Sol Austin, J. F. Mitch
ell and several others from upper
Henry attended the flag raising at
the Methodist church Sunday
90 Days Speckled Veived Beans
for sale. See Carmichael Lumber
Co. These beans were grown in
South Georgia —are fully matured
and will germinate. $2.50 per
bushel. 2t.
An entettainment will be given
by the pupils of Pleasant Grove
school house Saturday night April
6, for the benefit of the school.
A good time promised and every
body inyited.
Mr. Glenn Bowden, who lias for
some time been filling the place
of special relief man for the West
ern Union, spent several days
with his mother, Mrs. Media Bow
den, the past week.
Mr. Ed Adams sold hisfinefarm
near Luella to Mr. W. H. Merritt
of Butts county last week, and will
move to McDonough, where he
has purchased the Tomlinson place
aiid will reside' next year.
After being closed some weeks
the library will be open again on
next Friday, the sth, at 4 o’clock.
Mrs. Fred Walker and Mrs. E. D.
Tolleson, librarians, request that
all books now out be returned.
The numerous friends of Mrs.
Charlie Hinton were pained by
announcement of her death, which
occurred at the home of her hus
band in Love’s district Wednesday
morning, after a long illness. Her
remains were laid to rest in Flip
pen cemetery.
The ladies of McDonough began
a campaign for Thrift and War
Saving Stamps Wednesday, se-j
curing the splendid sum of five or
six thpusand dollars as a result of!
their first day’s work. -This will
be largely increased, and full de
tails published later.
The Chas. T. Zaehry Chapter U.
D. C. wishes to thank the general
public for their liberal patronage.
| Also wish those who took part, or
lin any way helped to make the
I Womanless Wedding the the suc-
cess it was, the door receipts
amounting to one hundred twenty
eighl dollars and forty-five cents.
Mr. Ed Veach of Atlanta spent
Sunday in the city and was ac
companied home by Mrs. Veach
and little daughter, who were
guests of Mrs. J. T. Weems last
week. Mrs. Veach was honor
guest at many <Fbeiai affairs of the
week, among those entertaining
for her being Mrs. Weems, Mrs.
E. D Tolleson, Mrs. H. M. Turner,
Mrs. W. G. Copeland and Mrs. J.
M. Carmichael.
School Column*
As our letters came too late to
get into the paper last week, I
held them over for this week.
Since our last letter I have been
with lots of you. We had such a
t.ood time. I heard you recite lots
of lessons and I had the oleasure
to teach several. I’m so sorry
that mumps and measles have
been so bad as too keep quite a
lot ot you out of school, The at
tendance is poor. Make good use
of your time both as teachers and
as pupils.
We welcome several nice letters
and ask you all to read them.
Write soon.
Your friend,
South Avenue School
Dear Mr. Horton : As no other
has written from this part of the
county, I will write you a few
lines and tell you about our school.
Miss Minerya Cox is our teacher.
I think she is a good one too.
We are expecting a nice time
Easter, as our teacher is going to
give us an egg hunt. We enjoyed
your visit Thursday. I atn seven
years old and in the second grade.
Come again.
Your friend,
Hoke White.
Rock Springs School.
Dear Mr. Horton : This is our
first letter to the paper from our
school. We saw the rest of the
box s and girl* were writing, so
we thought we would write ours.
We are going to have an Easter
egg hunting this corning Friday,
would like for you to be with us.
There is only a few in our room,
To Relieve Sick Headache
—Remove {he Cause!
WHEN your head aches you will usual
ly find that you are constipated and
bilious. To correct constipation and clear
the system of the fermenting, congestion
of stomach waste, foul £yases and bile, use
( Ohe Perfect Laxative
Drug, Stores Everywhere 5O cts. SI.OO
but we study hard .ju-t the same.
Miss Eva Mae Woods is the as
sistant and Mr. U. S. White is the
principal teacher. We would be
glad to have you any time. But
tell us before you come, so we
can sweep our floor and have our
yards swept.
We hope this letter will escape
the waste basket. We will close,
for this time.
Your frierds,
Marie Woods,
Lillie Lunsford.
Dear Mr. Horton:
We have been contemplating
writing you since your pleasant
visit to our school. We enjoyed
your splendid talk and wish you
would come again.
We cordially invite ypu next
Friday afternoon to our Easter
egg hunt. We will have some
Easter exercises.
- We have money and material
for putting a hall in our school
room, also for painting our walls,
which was made by our school.
We have six new pupils added to
our school roll. We think our
teachers and our school the best
in the county and we are all trying
to make it so, not only for our
teachers’ sake, but for yours.
Let us know if you still con
template having the school exer
cises April the 19th, as vve would
like to do our bit also.
With best wishes to you and the
Editor. Sincerely yours,
Exie McKibben,
,\ae Childs,
Annie Sue Peek.
Our Easter display of Shoes and Slippers
is complete in every detail and comprises all
colors in Pumps and in French
and Military, heels.
We sell for cash at a smaller profit.
Shoes and Hosiery for the Family
Carelessness Re
sults in Failure.
That is why we say “Feed B A.
Thomas’ Hog Powder according
to directions.” PO NOT FEED
IT SLOPPY,* but mix it with
ground feed and moisten with just
enough water to make crumbly
mass. Then each hog gets a ben
eficial dose. See full directions
on package. Your money back it
you are not satisfied.
Heading Him Off.
“This law is a queer business.”
“How so?”
“They swear a man to tell the
truth.” '
“Wfiat then ?”
“And every time he shows signs
of doing it, some lawyer objects.”
—Louisville Courier-Journal.
He Can Rest Fine Now.
“I suffered greatly from blad
der and kidney trouble,” writes
F. B. Fairbank, 55 Grand River
Ave., W. Detroit, Mich. “Had to
get up six or seven times during
the night. Foley Kidney Pills
have worked wonders and 1 can
recommend them as the best med
icine I have ever taken.” This
sterling family remedy relieves
rheumatic pains, backache, stiff
joints, sore muscles, and other ills
attributed to kidney trouble. The
McDonough Drug Co.
Hole-Fix, the one best inner
tube repair—all Dealers carry it
in stock. 75c per.