The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 05, 1918, Image 8

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Henry County Superior Court, April Term, 1917.
E. M. Smith and R. W. Dickerson
H. 11. Rosst-ll 1085 vs Damage Suit
Central Georgia Power Co.
E J. Reagan B. H. Welch and W. H. Austin
'1206 vs Complaint
E. M. Smith J. T. Sowell.
Ira D. Green
3222 vs * Complaint
E. J. McMichael.
E. M. Smith Mrs. M. F. Sowell
1230 vs Complaint
Reagan Sc Reagan E. M. Foster.
M. U- Mooty Park A. Dallas Adinr.
1233 vs Complaint
E. J. Reagan Mrs. Annie M. Nolan.
M. U. Mooty Park A. Dallas Admr.
1234 vs Complaint
E. J. Reagan Mrs Annie M. Nolan.
W. A. Brown G. V. Williams
1236 vs Appeal
R. O. Jackson Geo. Combs.
W. H. Connor Geo. Whitley Et. Al.
1237 vs Injunction
E. L. Reagan M. L. Williams Et. Al.
Reagan & Reagan J. L. Gardner
1242 vs Garnishment
R. O. Jackson S. E. Copeland.
Reagan Sc Reagan Castellaw & Castellaw
1243 vs Garnishment
R. O. Jackson S. E. Copeland,
Green F. Johnson Bankers Trust Sc Audit Co.
1262 vs Complaint
A. K. Scott and E. J. McMichael.
Green F. Johnson Bankers Trust & Audit Co.
1265 vs Complaint
A. K. Scott and E J. McMichael.
R. W. Milner Huie Ivy
1269 vs Bail Trover
E. M. Smith Emmett Smith.
E. M. Smith T. J. Upchurch
1270 vs Appeal
Reagan & Reagan Mrs. A. E. Moss.
' i •
E. M. Smith VV. T. Upchurch
1271 vs
Reagan & Reagan T. J. Upchurch.
C 1 evela n d and Nellie Daveis Lester
Goodrich 1273 vs Petition for Ali-
E. M. Smith Jonas Ernest Lester, mony
E. L. Reagan D. S. Miller
1274 vs Appeal
E. M. Smith R. H. Crumblay.
E. M. Smith Bank of Hampton Et. Al.
1275 vs Complaint
A. Y. Martin Et, Al.
E. L. Reagan Ben Goodrum
1277 vs Appeal
E. M. Smith Chas. Barron.
Reagan & Reagan Cawthon Jackson and Mattie
1278 vs Appeal
Paul Turner S. I. Self ridge,
Reagan & Reagan Bert Lemon Admr.
|5280 vs Appeal
Paul Turner Chas. Heard.
Reuben Arnold Mrs. Myrtle Letson
1284 vs Complaint
Harris & Harris Southern Railway Co.
Reuben Arnold Paul Letson
1285 vs Complaint
Harris & Harris; Southern Railway Co.
and Wi tin an
Reuben Arnold Paul Letson Complaint
|128« vs
Harris & Harris Southern Railway Co.
and Witnmn
Reagan Sc Reagan Mt. Pleasant Fertilizer Co.
1288 vs Complaint
U. R. Hinton.
Reagan & Reagan Fitz Water Wheel Co.
1289 vs Complaint
E. M. Smith W E. Owen.
E M. Smith | R. W Exnm
1291 vs Appeal
-Rutus Berry.
W. B. J Ingram
1292 vs
Alonza Cowan.
Reagan & Reagan Mrs. Hannah H Rowan
9 vs
E. M. Smith J. B. Rowan.
L. B. Norton Jim Harper
1 vs Bail Trover
Dr. J, Frve.
Jasper county
Butts countv.
„ ;
Reagan Sc Reagan John W. Adams
1287 vs Complaint
L. Cleveland Central of Georgia Railway Co.
Save on Clothes
The Hart Schaffner & Marx
Style Book Tells You How
This Spring you want to make your clothes money
go farther than ever before. The Spring Style Book tells
you how. Be sure to read your copy carefully - then see
the new economy styles at this store; they’re ready for
Ii you don't get a copy of the Style Book, let us
know. We'll see that you do. ------
Our Spring Oxfords have been received in the newest shapes
and latest colors. Come in and select yours while our stock
is complete. - - -
Men's and Boys' Outfitters
109 S. Hill Street GRIFFIN, GA.
What Will You Do ?
The soldier must pay in suffer
ing and death tor liberty for you.
What will you pay ?
The soldier gives up all on earth
except honor to purchase liberty
for you and your country.
What will you give up?
Youi loved ones and country
and all on earth that is worth liv
ing for are at stake.
What are you willing to do to
save them ?
The murderer and the outrager
are striking down your neighbor’s
family and are starting for your
loved ones. The soldier rushes
in and oifers his life to save them
What are you willing to do to
save them.
On April 6 the nation will ask
for an expression of your patriot
ism. On that day it will want to
know what you are willing to do
to stand behind the soldier as he
goes “over the top.” It will ask
you on that, the first anniversary
of our entrance into the war. how
many Liberty bonds the best se
curity on earth, you will buy. Do
not wait for a long drawn-out
campaign, but be ready on the
opening day to stand in line, if
necessary to enter subscription. —
Manufacturers’ Record.
Don't Let it Linger.
A cou£h that follows lagrippe
or any other cough that “hangs
on” from winter to spring wears
down the sufferer, leaving him or
her in a weakened state unable
to ward off sickness. Jos. Gillard,
148 Fillmore St., Nashville, Tenn.,
writes!: “I was suffering with a
dry hacking cough and pain in my
chest, but since taking Foley’s
Honey and Tar I have been reliev
ed.” It soothes, heals and cures
coughs, colds and croup. Good
for whooping cough. The Mc-
Donough Drug Co.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Notice is hereby {riven to all persons in
debted to the estate of W. E. Owen, late
of said county, deceased, to call and settle
said indebtedness, and all persons holding
claims against said estate are requested to
present same to the undersigned in due
form of law This April 2, 1918.
Admr’s estate of W. E. Owen.
Advertisement by Administrator
For Sale of Land.
By virtue of an order from the, Court of
Ordinary of Henrj county, will be sold at
public outcry, on the first Tudsday in
May, 1918, at the court house door in said
county, between the legal hours of sale,
the entire interest of Lucy Brown, dec’d,
in a parcel of land situated, lying and be
ing in Blacksville, south of McDonough,
Henry county, Georgia, containing one
fourth of an acre, With four room house
thereon, bounded north by land formerly
belonging to Mrs. A. C. Nolan, east by
Charles Heard, south by road leading to
Griffin road to Hampton road, and west
by lands formerly belonging to Mrs. A.
C Nolan. Said land sold for the purpose
of distribution and payment of expenses
of administration BERT LEMON,
Administrator of Lucy Brown.
Tax Sale.
Will be sold before the court nouse door
ir the city of McDonough. Henry county,
Georgia, within the legail hours of sale,
on the first Tuesday in May, 1918, the fol
lowing property, to-wit:
50 acres of land, more or less, lying and
being in the 12th district of Henry county
Ga., known as the H.E Austinn land,
and hounded on the south by lands of
Mrs. J. T. Lewis, on the east by lands of
U. Askew, on the north by lands of T. J.
Hambrick, and on the west by lands of
U. Askew. Levied on to satisfy a tax Ufa
against said H. E. Austin Levy made by
L D. Hightower, lawful constable, and
turned over to me This April 2. 1818.
W. A WARD. Sheriff.
We are receiving by express almost
every day something new in spring
New Pumps and Oxfords in Grey,
Brown, White and Black. Vici Kid,
Patents and Brown Russian calf. .
French, Cuban and Military heels.
In fact, “Everything New Thats
Good” you can get at
The Shoe and Stocking Shop
For Administration.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
To whom it may concern: J M Tar
pley having made application to me in
due form to be appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate of W. H. Tar
pley, late of said county, notice is hereby
given that said application will be heard
at the regular term of the Court ot Ordi
nary for said county, to he held on first
Monday in May, 1918.
Witness my hand and official signature,
this 2d day of March, 1918.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Notice is her* by given to all persons in
debted to the estate of Miss M. L Phillips
late of said conndty, deceased, to call and
settle said indebtedness, and all persons
holding claims against said estate are re
quested to present same to the undersign
ed in due form of law. This April 2, 1918,
Ex’r estate of Miss M, L. Phillips.
For Year's Support.
GEORGIA— Ilenry County.
Mrs. J. M. Foster having made applica
tion for twelve months support out of the
estate of J. M. Foster, deceased, and the
appraisers having filed their returns, All
persons concerned are hereby required to
show cause before the Court of Ordinary
of said county on the first Monday in
May, 1918, why said application shouid
not be srranted. Thid April 2d, 1918.
A. .G HARRIS, Ordinary.