Newspaper Page Text
!i!!S !S fiUf A “fOIKSt
ChStige V.'ar”
It will take Billions and Billions
to finance it.
Mer." than $'100,000,000 has been
appropriated for aeroplanes alone!
How much of this did you sub
Give Uncle Sam the mastery of
the air.
V ' -7
This 14 yea. old youngster of Perry,
Tavloi county, F'or'da, is pointing
the way to etln-*r b s, and men, too,
in rtiis national crisis when men and
money , :<■ need cl by the government in
the tig against Prussian autocracy.
He Invest <: _:V) o is ern n s from
'he a o l ews . w in hi., home
tov n n i ond oi ,ii ecu n Lib, rty
loan in ( accumn ate thi m uey
wiTiout help i’.ini lii la-he or anyone
I'lse. si ce th (ini' h has been
•avin • , n one ;nd expect. to sub
seribe t t,e Thir Lb r y Loan.
John i.- sj i roue of his bonds that he
has determined to keep on buying lust
«s long as he can earn money and
the Government has any bonds to of
For Croup Mothers—
*Always Keep this Handy
< -
The day of tho Croup Bears Is over
'or those parents wlio wisely keep
i'oley's Honey and Tar Compound la
the liojuj rtaay lor Instant use.
"W. C. Allen, Boseley, Mo., writes: "I
have raised a family of four children,
and have used l?Yley’s Honey and Tar
Compound with all of them. I find it
the b >t croup and cough medicine I
have ever used end T have used it for
eight or ten years, and can recommend
Jt for croup.’
If toward nirhtfa’l tho little ones
grow hoarse cr evaupy, if their breath-
Irtcr becomes wheezy and stuffy, give
th“m Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound
promptly and it Will ward off an attack
of croup.
If you are awakened by the hoarse
h assy cough that means croup, give
Foley’s Homy and Tar Compound at
•once. It will ease the little sufferers
quickly, cut the thick choking phlegm,
and soon they will have easy breathing
and peaceful quiet sleep.
★ •& * Every user is s friend*
! N 1 v »'l .1 IF' ■, m
■■■ P* ■■■
v.Ur f Lt
Our scientific examination
removes all as to the
requirement of the eyes. If
it is eye strain or any other
trouble with the vision, our
twenty five years experience
is your guarantee of satisfac
tion. Try our KRYPTOKS.
53 V fst Mitchell St. Atlanta, Ga.
Bifocal Bifocal
With the disfijjurirtf
, seam orhumfrft
With dear smooth
Locust Grove School.
(Last Week’s Letter.)
Dear Mr. Horton : I am a little
second grade girl of Locust Grove
school. My teacher is Miss Bettie
Reynolds and we all love her very
much. Last Wednesday she took
us down in Mr. Combs’ pasture
and we olayed that we were In
dians. The boys hunted in the
woods with their bows and ar
rows, and we girls got wood and
built a fire around a wash pot that
we had carried with us. We car
ried seme canned tomatoes and
some butter and crackers and a
loaf of bread and we made some
good soup —a whole pot full. The
hoys ate first just like Indian men
do and we girls ate what was left
as the Indian men do.
After we had finished our meal
we played games and had a story
from our teacher.
We had such a good time.
Wouldn’t you have enjoyed the
picnic, too?
Your little friend,
Ruth Bennett.
A war saver is a life saver. Buy
War Saving Stamps.
And Was Run-Down, Weak and
Nervous, Says Florida Lady.
Five Bottles of Cardui
Made Her Well.
Kathleen, Fla.—Mrs. Dallas Prine,
of this place, says: “After the birth
of my last child...l got very much
run-down and weakened, so much
that I could hardly do anything at
all. I was so awfully nervous that
I could scarcely endure the least
noise. Sly condition was getting
worse all the time...
I knew I must have some'relief or
I would soon be In the bed and in a
serious condition for I felt so badly
and was so nervous and weak I could
hardly live. My husband asked Dr.
about my taking Cardui. He
said, ‘lt’s a good medicine, and good
for that trouble’, so he got me 5 bot
tles... After about the second bottle I
felt greatly improved.. .before taking
it my limbs and hands and arms
would go to sleep. After taking it,
however, this poor circulation disap
peared. My strength came back to
me and I was soon on the road to
health. After the use of about 5 bot
tles, I could do all my house-work
and attend to my six' children be
You can feel safe in giving Cardui
a thorough trial for your troubles. It
contains no harmful or habit-forming
drugs, but is composed of mild, vege
table, medicinal Ingredients with no
bad after-effects. Thousands of women
have voluntarily written, telling of
the good Cardui has done them. It
should help you, too. Try it. E 74
mm i V;^w^;p"/
L Ld?!//
■«3 /~T~, /-za&yy 1
s^) j p^' 1 ji^ - ~~J~\ \^
| jjjjj
J' '"' .
Union Grove.
(Last Week's Letter.)
The nice showers were very
much appreciated Monday.
Gardens looking fine for the
Isn’t it strange and very serious
that people will drink, curse and
do all sorts of bad things and scoff
at religion until disease'overtakes
them, and they see that their days
are almost numbered. Then they
are ready to turn to the Lord and
beg for mercy. Oh, that people
would praise the Lord always.
Another strange thing is you
sometimes hear people say that
Mr. or Mrs. So and So love one
of thejr children better than they
do another. But the way we
should treat such remarks is just
consider the source from which it
comes, for no sane person will
speak thus, and sane people should
not converse with such. Answer
a fool according to his folly.
Messrs. W. S. and Troy Crumb
ley and Mrs. Ollie Elliott spent
Easter with relatives in Conyers.
Nearly everybody in Henry
county *was in McDonough Satur .
day. The music was indeed beau
tiful. but very sad. May the Lord
reach down His mighty arm and
guide, direct and protect us.
Mrs. Mary Ann Gilbert has been
quite feeble for several days but
is now some better.
Several from here here attend-,
ed the Home Coming at Turners
Sunday. ONE TWO.
The Southern Mortgage Co.
Established 1870, Gould Building—lo Decatur Street —91 Edgewood Avenue.
Negotiated throughout the State on Improved Farm Lands in sums
ot si,ooo to SIOO,OOO on Five Years’ time at reasonable Our sources
ot money are practically inexhaustible. We have a strong line ot customers
among individual investors and Savings Banks and Trust Companies in the North, •
East and Middle West, and we number among our customers the
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company
with assets ot more than a hundred million dollars.
J. T. Holleman, President* W. A. Thompson, Abstracts oLTitie
W. L. Kemp,'Vice-President J- G. Work, Abstracts of Title
J. W. Andrews, Secretary - A. Bouligbny, Auditor
r, xr n i. S. R. Cook, Stcre ai v s Clerk
L. V. Carter, Attorney T r. Dempse\, Abstract Clerk
A, d Antignac, Inspector C . VV. Felker. dr., Abstract Clerk.
W. A. Howell, Abstracts of Title Horace Holleman, Application Cle^k.
For information, call on orwrite to
Carelessness Re
sults in Failure.
That is why we say “Feed B. A.
Thomas’ Hog Powder according
to directions.” DO NOT FEED
IT SLOPPY, but mix it with
—lnyi amiQ and Com Pone
TT THEN you see your mammy, Honey,
vv bring in’ in the coffee and the pone, you
' can tell before you taste .it that the coffee’s
’ “-L-o Luzianne —sure-nuf—by the whifs a-strearmng,
steaming in the air.
ii„. It’s the coffee —Luzianne —you remember
en and you hanker after it until you get another
Pours, It cap.
s 'Luzianne Coffee (your yrncer has it) comes
put up in tins. Try it tomorrow morning for
breakfast. If it isn’t all you expect, you can
,<rf? get your money back.
(’. *, Luzianne for aroma, fragrance and snap.
Ask for
"In a bottle —through a strarO ’*
The cooling, refreshing, satisfying drink.
Chero-Cola is pure and
wholesome, with no bad
after effect.
Sold only in sealed, sanitary
bottles— at ail soda fountains
and refreshment stands.
ground feed and moisten with just
enough water to make crumbly
mass. Then each hog gets a ben
eticial dose. See lull directions
on package. Your money back if
you are not satisfied.