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66 Years Success
The Wonderful Record of Dr.
Thacher’s Liver and
Blood Syrup.
Those medicines which live for even
a quarter of a century are exceptional,
and continuous use for over two-thirds
of a century is indisputable evidence of
wonderful merit.
Dr. Thacher’s Liver and Blood Syrup
came into existence in 1852, and from
that time to the present it has grown
in the confidence and estimation of its
yearly increasing number of users.
Through all these years it has steadily
grown in popular favor.
Its wonderful building up power is
shown in the experience of Mrs. C. E.
Chadwick, Seale. Ala. “I was all run
down in health,” she says. “Weighed
only 104* pounds and‘getting worse
every day. I began the use of Dr.
Thacher’s Liver and Blood Syrup and
today, lam thankful to say ,‘l am in
perfect health and weigh 155 pounds.
3 attribute my good health to the use
of that most wonderful medicine. I
firmly belie\ v e there are numerous suf
fering people that could be sound and
well by the use of Df. Thacher’s Liver
and Blood Syrup.”
If you need a tonic, or a blood puri
fier; if your liver is out of order, your
stomach troubles you, or you are con
stipated, liav» indigestion or dyspepsia,
try Dr. Thacher’s Liver arid Blood
Syrup. It is purely vegetable and
connot possibly injure any one. It has
been of wonderful benefit to others,
therefore should command your atten
tion. All dealers in medicines sell it
and will recommend it.
For sale by Horton Drug Co.
Office Houtts:
7.80 to 12 A. M. 1 do § p. m.
McDonough, Ga.
McDonough, Ga.
Office Honrs : 7 : 30 to 5 : 00
By the addition of
Some New Stem of Jewelry
Its possession will not only
give you a feeling of genuine
satisfaction, but will lend a fin
ishing touch to your attire in
the eyes of admirers and critical
Bargain Newspaper Agency.
Atlanta Constitution Dailv and
Sunday on R.F.D. 12 mo. only $4.50
Tri-Weekly Constitution 3 times
a week only 2 cents per week.
Tri-Weekly Constitution and th<
Thrice-a-Week New Yoik World, (i
papers a week, only 3% cents per
Semi-Weekly Journal, 2 times a
week, only 2 cents tier week.
Agent for the Atlanta Georgian
Atlanta Journal, Atlanta Constitu
tion. and if yon are pa\ ing laCts a
week it will pay ton to see me
The New York World, the Tri
Weekly Constitution and The Hen
ry County Weekly 7 papers a week
onlo A cents per week.
See me for Special Bargain rates
The Newspaper Airent.
Mrs. Jennie Lester vs. W. Jeff Lester.
Libel for Divorce.
In Superior Court of .Jerry County, Oct.
Term, 1916.
Verdict for total divorce granted thejlb
day of October, 1916.
Notice is hereby eiven that on the 23rd
day of January, 1918. 1 filed with the Clerk
of the Superior Court of said county my
petition addressed to said Court, returna
ble to the next term thereof. t'> he held
on the third Monday in April, 1918, for
the removal of my disabilities resting up
on me under the verdict of the above stat
ed case by reason of my marriage with
the said Mrs. Jennie Lester; which appli
cation will be heard at the April Term of
said Court, which will commerice on the
3rd Monday in April, 1918
Ally’s for Applicant
The Lonliness of Age.
As 1 sit alone in my little room
at my daughter’s home, I view the
bu«y throng as it passes by in
haste, some in their autos and
others going and coming, busy
with their daily work. I realize
how lonely the hours of old age
are to those who once were hab
ituated to a busy life. All alone,
amid the busy throng, they feel
their isolation,
I see the busy hen with her
brood of little chicks. I hear the
chirping sparrows as they build
their nest'over my head. I listen
to the warbling red breast, the
twittering of the wren and the
shrill whistle of bob white in the
nearby meadow, all busy with
their cheerful songs. The sweet
music is broken by the shrill
whistle of the locomotive as it
passes by with its long train of
passengers, hastening to the busy
call of the day.
How lonely I feel. Although I
sit here alone, I lift my eyes to
the scenes of nature around me.
Seated in an easy chair I see the
bushing roses nod their lovely
buds to the gentle breeze. I
watch them as they unfold their
blossoms in every varied color in
greeting to the bright sunbeams
of the day.
No, lam not alolie. This is the
compensation of old age. With
God for my companion, 1 have
had my days of busy life. 1 enyy
not the busy strife of today. lam
only enjoying the richest of God’s
blessings as he is showering them
so bountitully around me while I
am waiting for the call up yonder.
I am blessed, not only with food,
raiment, loving children and
friends, hut also by the songs of
nature, with a foretaste of a new
and brighter world that awaits
the righteous. There the breeze
of God’s spirit shall fan my soul
and the flowers of eternal life shall
never fade away. The busy scenes
of eternal felicity will be a reality.
No, I am not alone as I gaze up
on these crowded throngs. I do
not feel that all their charms are
wholly gone. True voices which
once were dear have ceased and
faces 1 loved so dearly have been
laid away, out of sight. It’s the lot
of all. But to see the bright faces
go away and leave us alone; where,
oh, where are the sunny brows,
the long known voices? Thus 1
ask, but in vain; the silence is my
only answer. I am not alone.
Oh, what is the worth of magic
fancy, if all His heart cannot call
forth out bliss like those we felt
in the days passed and gone? Lips
now mute, eyes now closed.
When Jesus was found alone
on the mount of transfiguration
and Peter, James and John had
become heavy with sleep there
came a voice out of the cioud
which they understood but they
could not express what they had
seen. So, you.see, lam not alpne
for Jesus is with me all the time.
MRS. R. J. C.
Don't Let it Linger.
A cough that follows lagrippe
or any other cough that “hangs
on” from winter to spring wears
down the sufferer, leaving him ot
her in a weakened state unable
to ward off sickness. Jos. Gillard,
148 Fillmore St., Nashville, Tenn.,
vvrites|: “I was suffering with a
dry hacking cough and pain in my
chest, but since taking Foley’s
Honey and Tar I have been reliev
ed.” It soothes, heals and cures
coughs, colds and croup. Good
for whooping cough. The Mc-
Donough Drug Co.
State of Ohio. City of Toledo,
Lycas County, ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing 1 business in the
City of Toledo, County and State afore
said, and that said firm will pay the
each and every case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by the use of HALL’S
Sworn to before me and subscribed
In my presence, this 6th day of Decem
ber, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON,
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken intern
ally and acts through the Blood on the
Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send
for testimonials, free.
F J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. v
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Reply to Kate Brannan.
Acts, 17th chapter, 16th verse.
Now while Paul waited for them
at Athens, his spirit was stirred in
him when he saw the city wholly
given to idolatry.
Now, if 1 know my own heart,
my spirit is stirred within me to
day. And not only today, but al
most all the time. The morning,
March 29, how my heart cried to
God to comfort the dear mothers
and fathers that have to see the
dear boys go from home.
And now the dear old Weekly
has come, and I have read what
Kate Brannan has said, and the
part of the bible she has refered
us to. My spirit is stirred so deep
I want to say to everybody and
her, too, that she has written the
sentiments of my heart. Yes,
Kate, I know deep down in my
heart that that is what our
United States need, and I do wish
all would do as you have in writ
ing, have God in it. My heart is
made sad so often, when I read,
plant big crops and raise food
stuff, and never say a word about
praying the Lord of heaven and
earth to send us rain to make
them grow. Oh. we are so help
less without God’s help in all
Paul’s spirit was stirred within
him when he saw the city wholly
given to idolatry. Now you all
may think me crazy, but mine is
stirred within me, because I think
our United States are partly given
to idolatry. Now you may ask
why. Because we are not read
ing the bible and obeying it. The
bible tells us there is but two
ways; one is right and the other
is wrong. So when we are not,
serving God, we certainly are
serving the wicked one.
We have these words in Ist
Chronicles, 16th chapter and 15th
verse: Be ye mindful always of
His covenant; the word which He
commanded to a thousand gener
ations. Now we are dne of those
generations. And what the bible
says is all to us now.
Oil, the cry of my heart is for
all to turn and trust our God for
help, and not so much in man and
Now, I want to say another
word to our-dear soldier boys:
Please get your mamma’s bible
while you have a chance and study
it, read the 17th chapter of Samuel
anyway, and the 7th chapter of
Judges. And if you go, go as
David and Gideon did.
Now, to everybody: Help me
pray to God daily to send rain on
His lands and help us to use all
for His glory, for we are com
manded to do that, even the fruit
of our lips. •
Just a word now to Brother
r*: i , t i nnu~
\jriiinuie. i reau m me vv cci\iy
what you had to say about the
prayer meetings. It filled me with
joy, and I want you to know this,
I am still not able to be with you
all in body, but try hard, with
God’s help, to be with you all in
spirit. Jesus prayed and told all
to pray. Read the 26th chapter
of Matthew.
Mrs. Shirley Kelley.
Women Braver Than Men.
Women often do their tasks in
home, office or factory while suf
fering pain and misery that would
put a man in bed. However,
much of women’s suffering can be
alleviated. Backache, sore mus
cles, stiff joints, • rheumatic pains,
dizziness are caused by disorder
ed kidneys and bladder. Mrs.
Thos. Davis, Montgomery, Ind.,
writes: “I doctored several
months without relief, when I
commenced using Foley, Kidney
Pills, and got relief. Eight bottles
■cured me.” Safe, harmless; quick
1 results.. The McDonough Drug
l Co.
Children Cry for Fletcher's
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of
— and has been made under his per
son~ su P ervision since infancy.
Allow no on 6 to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment.
. What is CASTOR IA
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea —The Mother’s Friend.
In Use For Over 30 Years
- The Kind You Have Always Bought
If*you want money, let me know, and I
will bring it right to your door. 3or 5 years
on your farm, 6 and 7ct interest, overjslooo,
6dt. s ' .
Our Easter display of Shoes and Slippers
is complete in every detail and comprises all
La 1.0. .*-%r. -rr £/-\v*/4 I T </io <
CUIUi a ill 1 luupa ana vaiui a ± iwo m a iwuwi
and Military heels.
We sell for cash at a smaller profit.
Shoes and Hosiery for the Family
General Mdse. Paint 9 Oils
with L & M ‘SEMI-PASTE PAINT and
Tbrr are almplr addin* LJnaecd
OntoL&M Semi-Pwt* Pain*
I n*».
your own Linseed Oil.
You obtain greatest durability and cover
ing power. The L & IVI PAINT is so
positively good that it is known as the
“Master Paint.”
Whereas the best of other high grade
paints cost you $3.70 a gallon, our L & IVI
PAINT —made ready-for -use—will cost
you only $2.70 a gallon.