Newspaper Page Text
Keep to the right.
It will never hurt us to be good.
Unbelief never destroys facts.
Faith without works is dead.
So consideration without action is
dead also.
The devil never has to advertise
in the lost and found column to
keep tab on the Kaiser.
Friends made atfthe expense of
virtue are never worth half the
price paid.
Choose ye this day whom ye
will serve, God or Satan —Ameri-
ca or Germany.
No, sir, times ain’t like they use
to be. It use to be a gentleman
wouldn’t smoke in the presence
ot a lady. Now he will puff it
right in her face.
Religion is the same thing it was
a hundred, yea a thousand years
ago. The trouble lies in the fact
that so few of us have it this day
and time.
Let us take a glance at nature
and see what we find there. We
never find the squirrel and the
rat in the same den, nor can we
find the fox and coon in the same
hole. We never find the dove
and the pigeon in the same nest,
the rattler and boa constricor un
der the same stone. The animals
of nature, the fowls of the air
never tolerate mixing. Not so
with man. He will tolerate any
thing. Oh, God, what is man that
thou art mindful of him?
I am not one of these here folks
that believe in always knocking
people, but if you would put a set
of strings on a baseball bat I could
tune it up on old Kaiser’s head
eveay morning before breakfast.
Mr. Garie Strickland and family
spent Saturday night with his pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs W. N. Strick
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson of
Atlanta spent Saturday and Sun
day with homefolks here.
Mr. Turner Terry and family of
Ola, also Mr, Mr. W. M. Rosser,
visited Mr. Lovick Johnson and
family Sunday.
Mr. John Johnson of. Camp
Wheeler visited homefolks here
Sunday, possibly his last time be
fore leaving for France. May the
good Lord go with John when he
Mr. Jeff Hand is smiling a smile
from ear to ear, and walking as
proud as a dog in a meat house.
A new chewy? Oh, no, a bright
little lady.
It may be that God is letting
this terrible war wage on in order
to chastize the Allies and the Unit
ed States. Why? Because we
have permitted terrible national
wrongs to go on wiihout stopping
these black sins that have cursed
us for years and years. One of
the most heinous of these crimes
has been the traffic in whiskey, a
traffic that the governments of
our foremost nations have encour
aged and permitted to go on.
President Wilson should ask Con
gress at once to cut out this
shameful evil that is taking food
to brew into beer. lam a patriot.
1 do love my country and the oth
ers who are struggling for free
dom and democracy, but 1 want a
democracy that will “hold water.”
—C. W. Johnson, in Home and
Make your State and County
Tax returns. Books close in a
few days.
I will be in Locust Grove April
20th and in Hampton April 27th.
H. W. Carmichael,
R. T. R. Henry County.
On the night of the 16th the
Union Song Book Co., of Atlanta,
will give a quartet concert at the
School Auditorium at Hampton
commencing at 8 o’clock.
Cut This Out-lt Is Worth Money.
this slip, enclose with and mail
it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield
Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your
name and addess clearly. You
will receive in return a trial pack
age containing Foley’s Honey and
Tar Compound, for coughs, colds
and croup; Foley Kidney Fills for
pain in sides and back ; rheuma
tism, backache, kidney and. blad
der ailments; and Foley Cathartic
Tablets, a wholesome and thor
oughly cleansing cathartic, for
constipation, biliousness, headache
and sluggish bowels. The Mc-
Donough Drug Co.
GF. your information first
hand. Upon request we
will tell you their belief and po
sition, their practices and obli-'
gations, their rights and duties,
as they bear on civic and social
relations, public questions and
good citizenship.
For information address,
The Catholic Laymen's
Association of Georgia
107 9th St., Augusta, Ga.
Dissolution Notice.
State of Georgia—Henry County—
To Whom It May Concern: Notice is
hereby (riven to the public, and whomso
ever it may corcern, tlyit the firm of
Dickerson and Adair, a partnership com
posed of R. W. Dickerson and J. F. Adair,
has been this day dissolved
R W. Dickerson has retired from the
firm and J. F. Adair continues the busi
ness individually, and will be responsible
for and assume all the debts of the firm
and all the obligations due the firm are
payable to him. This April sth. 1918.
For Year's Support.
GEORGIA Henry County.
Mrs Lula F. Smith having- made appli
cation fOf twelve months’ supnort out of
the estate of Geo F. Smith, deceased, and
the appraisers having filed their report.
All persons concerned are hereby required
to show cause before the Court of Ordina
ry of said county on the first Monday in
May 1918, why said application should not
be granted. This 8 day of April, 1918
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
You can't afford to take the risk
to yourself, your family or your
friends of driving your car when
it is not right*
We Do It Right
That is, any and all kinds of repairing
or adjustment upon any make of car*
Largest and best equipped garage in
this section outside a city*
Regular FORD Service Station carry
ing full assortment of FORD parts*
McDonough, Georgia.
For Boys in Sizes up to 18 Years
In our Boys’ Department you will find a complete
line of Spring Suits and Furnishings—they are the new
est and will appeal to the boys as well as the mothers.
Woolen Suits —Spring
weights in fancy mixtures
and dressy plain colors —
Ages 6 to 18 years —$5
to $12.50.
Wash Suits for the
small boys the smart
new models for Spring—
Ages 2 to 8 years —$1.00
Men's and Boys’ Outfitters
109 S. Hill Street GRIFFIN, GA.
Velvet Beans, the 90 day varie
ty. The only bean that will ma
ture in this section.
$3.00 bu. f. o. b. Jackson, Ga.
Wire or write me at once.
3 22 1m Jackson, Ga.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Notice is hereby given to all persons in
debted to the estate of W. E Owen, late
ol said county, deceased, to call and settle
said indebtedness, and all persons holding
claims against said estate are requested to
present same to the undersigned in due
form of law This April 2. 1918
Admr’s estate of W. E. Owen.
Blouse Waists and
Mannish Shirts—Madras
and soft finish percals with
double cuffs—7sc to $2.00
Also a complete line of
shoes, oxfords, hats, caps,
neckwear, belts, under
wear and hosiery.
Visit our Exclusive Boys' and
Childrens' Dedartment—Third
Floor—whether you buy or not
Advertisement by Administrator
For Sale of Land.
By virtue of an order from the Court of
Ordinary of Henry county, will be sold at
public outcry, on the first Tudsday in
May, 1918, at the court house door in said
county, between the legal hours of sale,
the entire interest, of Lucy Brown, dec’d,
in a parcel of land situated, lying and be
ing in Blacksville, south of McDonough.
Henry county, Georgia, containing one
fourth of an acre, with four room house
thereon, bounded north by land formerly
belonging to Mrs. A. C. Nolan, east by
Charles Heard, south by road leading to
Griffin road to Hampton road, and west
by lands formerly belonging to Mrs. A.
C Nolan. Said land sold for the purpose
of distribution and payment of expenses
of administration BERT LEMON, —-
Administrator oi Lucy Brown.
Tax Sale.
Will be sold before the court house door
in the city of McDonouph. Henry county,
Georgia, within the legail hours of sale,
on the first Tuesday in May, 1918, the fol
lowing property, to-wit:
50 acres of land, more or less, lying and
being in the 12th district of Henry county
Ga., known as the H.E Austinn land,
and bounded on the south by lands of
Mrs. J. T. Lewis, on the east by lands of
U. Askew, on the north by lands of T. J.
Hambriek, and on the west by lands of
U. Askew. Levied on to satisiy a tax fifa
against said H.E. Austin. Levy made by
L. D. Hightower, lawful constable, and
turned over to me. This April 2, 1818.
W. A WARD. Sheriff.
We are receiving by express almost*
every day something new in spring
New Pumps and Oxfords in Grey,
Brown, White and Black. Vici Kid,
Patents and Brown Russian calf. .
French, Cuban and Military heels.
In fact, “Everything New Thats
Good” you can get at
The Shoe and Stocking Shop
For Administration.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
To whom it may concern: J. M, Tar
pley having made application to me in
due form to be appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate of W. H. Tar
pley, late of said county, notice is hereby
given that said application will be heard,
at the regular term of the Court ot Ordi
nary for said county, to he held on first
Monday in May, 1918.
Witness my hand and official signature,
this 2d day of March, 1918.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Notice is hert by given to all persons in
debted to the estate of Miss M. L. Phillips
late of said oonndty, deceased, to call and
settle said indebtedness, and all persons
holding claims against said estate are re
quested to present same to the undersign
ed in due form of law. This April 2,1918.
Ex’r estate of Miss M. L. Phillips.
For Year’s Support.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
Mrs. J. M. Foster having made applica
tion for twelve months support out of the
estate of J. M. Foster, deceased, and the
appraisers having filed their returns, All
persons concerned are hereby required to
show cause before the Court of Ordinary
of 6aid county on the first Monday in
May, 1918, why said application shouid
not be arranted. Thid April 2d, 1918.
A .G HARRIS, Ordinary.