Newspaper Page Text
The Henry
County Weekly
Entered at the postoffice at McDon
ough, Ga., as second "lassmail matter.
Advertising Kates 15c per inch, posi
sition 6c additional—special contracts
Official Organ of Henry County.
McDonough, Gs., April 12, 1918.
y >l/- SIS- a'l'm VI-** y
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| By “Red” Fields |
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Let failures be your ladder to
How many War Saving Stamps
did you buy?
Howling won’t stop Germany,
so stop howling.
Seed is the best vaccination for
that war garden.
Don’t forget—l% lbs. flour per
person per week.
Don’t take things too easy, you
might get caught at it.
Bench warrants are being issued
for the rats of Atlanta.
Germany wants peace. Yes she
wants the whole piece.
Where there’s a will there’s
generally some other relative in
the w*ay.
When we refer to a German as
“Hun” it doesn’t signify that we’re
in love with him.
Let’s everybody run for senator.
Eyerybody else is running, so we
might as well have a chance as
When you feel like fighting go
out and fight it out in that war
garden and there’s no danger in
your getting hurt.
Premier Clemenceau says Czer
nin lied. Don’t let that worry you,
Premier, that crowd is noted for
that form of warfare.
Last week was
in Georgia. And we understand
the ladies of McDonough “cleaned
up” selling War Saving Stamps.
The man who dresses swell
never works and shows no signs
of ever having had a brain is gen
erally referred to as a “ladies
German newspapers are said to
be quoting LaFollette and Hard
wick in behalf of their war. How
can any man who votes for Hard
wick feel loyal to his country?
Why, aside from mere curiousi
ty’s sake, should you care why or
how the war started? Certainly,
you, as an American citizen, are
going to stand by your country,
“right or wrong.” Why, then, all
this rot about how the war start
ed? We are in it and in it to win
and your duty as an American cit
izen is to help in every possible
way to bring the war to a vic
torious close. If you can’t go,
send your dollars, with the guar
antee of every man in the United
States that they’ll come back, and
come* back well paid for their
Work, Make, Save,
Give and Send.
Get out of the way of wanting
somebody to work for you, and
go at it yourself. This war is go
ing to make ail have rough hands.
Take your hands out of your
pockets, and your finger out of
your brother’s eye and use them
for a greater and holier cause.
There is work for every one.
Look at the fields and see what
you will find to do.
This is no time to try to get
rich, but a time to save one of the
greatest countries on the globe.
Don’t get the thought of getting
rich on the war. The prices are
good, and you should make, sell,
give and lend. Extend to your
country a helping hand.
Do something here, if you are
not going where the cannon are
roaring and the shells are burst
ing, where millions of brave and
gallant soldiers are giving up their
lives in defense of freedom.
I say go to work and shoot your
gun here at the enemy by making
something to eat and sell. There
are all kinds of people —knockers,
slackers, deadbeats, humbugs,
knock downs and drag outs. Are
you or.e of these? These kinds
should be made to do right. Oth
ers have enough pride and care
for themselves to do right with
out being made.
Drag the idlers out of town and
put them to work. It makes no
difference what kind‘of work, just
DUt them to work. If there are
any who will not work now, they
should be made to work or go to
the gang.
It is no disgrace to work, but it
is a disgrace not to work during
the present crisis, when the free
dom of the world hangs in the
balance. Those who think it a
disgrace to work in the field, or
do any other kind of work that is
necessary to run the world, should
go off to themselves and cover
their faces in shame. I don’t say
this because I work myself. But
I do say that I am glad I belong to
the working class —the class that
runs the wars and keeps the world
together. I am more thankful
that I belong to the workers of
America, and have some thought
for tomorrow.
Save, help, give and lend. See
what your “hand findeth to do,
and then do it with all thy might.”
B. T. Patrick,
Ficklen, Ga., March 25, 1918.
The real question before con
gress at the present time is as to
whether Wilson and his colleagues
are to be given sufficient power
to carry the war to a successful
conclusion or whether by obsti
nacy and delay, this power is to be
left in the hands of the Kaiser. If
our legislators had anything like
the efficiency of the Red Cross
organization, United States sol
diers, in adequate number, would
be helping to chase the Huns
across the border of the “Father
land” today. —Monroe Advertiser.
Boschee's German Syrup.
will quiet your cough, soothe the
inflammation of a throat and lungs,
stop irritation in the bronchial
tubes, insuring a good night’s rest,
free from coughing and with easy,
expectoration in the morning.
Made and sold in America for fif
ty-two years. A wonderful pre
scription, assisting nature in build
ing uo your general health and
throwing off the disease. Especi
ally useful in lung trouble, asthma,
croup, bronchitis, etc. For sale
by McDonough Drug Co. 30 and
90 cent bottles.
Have you enlisted in the Army
of Savers? Buy War Saving
Don’t wait —do it now. Buy
War Saving Stamps.
The Speed Demois.
How many automobiles violate
the State speed limit of thirty
miles an hour? Frequent acci
dents indicate that many speed
demons haye no respect for the
law and it is a matter of regret
that so few of the criminals who
render unsafe traveling along the
public highways are arrested/
Occasionally one of these de
mented persons tries strength
with a locomotive at some cross
ing and the result is aLvays the
same —either deatli or serious in
The apparent recklessness and
abandon which some drivers dis
play is enough to cause grave con
cern, and the only adequate pun
ishment is to deprive the offend
ers of the privilege of driving
cars. Many of the accidents that
occur at railway crossings are
blessings in disguise. —Covington
He Can Rest Fine Now.
“I suffered greatly from blad
der and kidney trouble,” writes
F. B. Fairbank,»ss Grand River
Ave., W. Detroit, Mich. “Had to
get up six or seven times during
the night. Foley Kidney Pills
have worked wonders and 1 can
recommend them as the best med
icine I have ever taken.” This
sterling family remedy relieves
rheumatic pains, backache, stiff
joints, sore muscles, and other iils
attributed to kidney trouble. The
McDonough Drug Co.
Don’t be a spender —be a saver.
Buy War Saving Stamps.
War Saving Stamps are worth
WHAT the mark “Sterling" means on silver the
label “Society Brand" means on ready-to-wear
clothes* A guarantee of integrity* It is the pledge
of the makers*
No garment is a genuine Society Brand
model unless the inside pocket bears the
label. Go to “Style Headquarters”—
where Society Brand Clothes are sold.
Clad in Society Brand Clothes, Father WfW
An Annoymous Letter.
The Weekly received'the fol
lowing Liter April 2, which bore
no signature, other than the one
signed at the conclusion:
Washington, D. C.
March 31, 1918.
Editor Henry County Weekly,
Dear Sir:
By mere chance I happened up
on a copy of your paper dated
March 15th. In it was an article
entitled “Glorious Death.” I want
to thank J A. H. for that beauti
ful tribute to Captain Stewart W.
Hoover, of Blackfoot, Idaho. It is
such appreciation at that, from a
perfect stranger, that makes me
feel he did not his life in vain.
I thought, perhaps, it might inter
est the writer to know a few facts
about him: In Ihe War Depart
ment he ranked a first lieuienant
but under Pershing he had been
an acting captain since October.
Graduated from West Point April
20th, 1917, and sailed b' request
with the American Expeditionary
Forces June 13th. He was twen
It is Ihe noblest thing a man can
do to give his life for the preser
vation of his country and it was
Captain Hoover’s wish when death
came it might be in action. I wish
I could tell you how brave, how
fine he was —a man’s man in every
sense of the word.
It is only in novels hearts break.
Mortals are doomed to live on
doing the same things in the same
way. year after, but for me the
dearest tiling in life has gone —
nothing matters much now.
I am sorry if 1 hare taken up
yourt ime, but those paragraphs
touched me so deeply I felt I must
write and tell you.
I remain simoly,
The Girl.
Where #ortrtg Iranb GUotbra are sold
“I hated cooking because what
ever 1 ate gave me sonr stomach
and a bloated, feeling. I d™* k hot
water and olive oil bv the gallon.
Nothing helped until I tried simple
buckthorn hark, glvceriim, etc., as
mixed in Adler-i-ka. Because it
flashes the ENTIRE bowel tract
completely Adler-i ka AN Y
CASE soar stomach, gas or consti
pation and prevents appendicitis,
The INSTANT action is surprising.
C. H. Pinson, druggist at Stock
bridge. j_
War Saving Stamps for sale at
every bank and postoflice in Hen
ry county.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
March 18th, 1918.
Notice is hereby given to all persons in
debted to the estate of J. M. Stroud, late
of said counrv, deceased, to call and settle
slid indebtedness, and all persons having
claims against said estate are requested to
nresent same to the undersigned, in prop
er form MRS. EDNA S 1 ROUD.
Adm’x estate of J M. Stroud, Dee d.
Don’t let some fake Kink Remover fool
you. You really can’t straighten your hair
until it is nice and long. That’s what
does, removes Dandruff, feeds the Roots of
the hair, and makes it grow long, soft and
silky. After using a few times you can tell
the difference, and after a little while it,
will be so pretty and tbat you can fix
it up to suit you. If Exelento don’t do as
we claim, we will give your money back.
Price 25c by mail on receipt of stamps
or coin.
Write for particulars. •
Exelento Medicine Co.,
Atlanta. Ga.
Gentlemen: Before I used
your Exelento Quinine
Pomade my hair wag
short, coarse «-nd nappy,
but now it h*iP grown to 32
inches Jong, and is so soft
and silky tliut I can do it
up any way I wan* to.
am sending you my pic
ture to show you bow
Sretty has made